HeadsUp will inform you about new notifications by showing a little popup window in top of the screen.
HeadsUp is a fork of AcDisplay mainly focused on displaying notifications while your device is on. It will inform you about new notifications, while you're browsing/gaming/watching movies, by showing a minimal, beautiful popup, allowing you to open them directly or perform an action.
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Clone the project and come in:
$ git clone git://github.com/AChep/HeadsUp.git
$ cd HeadsUp/project/
To build debug version: (only English and Russian locales included)
$ ./gradlew assembleDebug
# Builds all the things. Grab compiled application from ./app/build/outputs/apk/
To build release version: (public test key)
$ ./gradlew assembleRelease
# You will need to answer 'yes' later.
# Grab compiled application from ./app/build/outputs/apk/
To build release version:
# First you need to set the path to your keystore and the alias.
# You may want to put those to your ~/.bashrc file to save them
# for future bash sessions.
$ export HEADSUP_SIGN_STORE_FILE=path_to_your_keystore
$ export HEADSUP_SIGN_KEY_ALIAS=key_alias
$ ./gradlew assembleRelease
# You will be asked for passwords in proccess.
# Grab compiled application from ./app/build/outputs/apk/
You may also use the Android Studio graphic interface to build.
- Make sure JDK-7 or later is installed.
- Make sure latest Android Studio is installed.
- Launch Android Studio.
- Select: File -> Import project; and choose ./HeadsUp/project directory.
- Wait until it done.