- AEMHeadless
This class provides methods to call AEM GraphQL APIs. Before calling any method initialize the instance with GraphQL endpoint, GraphQL serviceURL and auth if needed
- Model :
GraphQL Model type
- ModelResult :
- ModelResults :
- ModelEdge :
- PageInfo :
- ModelConnection :
- ModelByPathArgs :
- ModelListArgs :
- ModelPaginatedArgs :
- ModelArgs :
- QueryBuilderResult :
- ModelConfig :
This class provides methods to call AEM GraphQL APIs. Before calling any method initialize the instance with GraphQL endpoint, GraphQL serviceURL and auth if needed
Kind: global class
- AEMHeadless
- new AEMHeadless(config)
- .runQuery(body, [options], [retryOptions]) ⇒
- .persistQuery(query, path, [options], [retryOptions]) ⇒
- .listPersistedQueries([options], [retryOptions]) ⇒
- .runPersistedQuery(path, [variables], [options], [retryOptions]) ⇒
- .runPaginatedQuery(model, fields, [config], [args], [options], [retryOptions])
- .runModelQuery(model, fields, [config], [args], [options], [retryOptions]) ⇒
- .buildQuery(model, fields, [config], [args]) ⇒
If param is a string, it's treated as AEM server URL, default GraphQL endpoint is used. For granular params, use config object
Param | Type | Description |
config | string | object | Configuration object, or AEM server URL string |
[config.serviceURL] | string | AEM server URL |
[config.endpoint] | string | GraphQL endpoint |
[config.auth] | string | Array | Bearer token string or [user,pass] pair array |
[config.headers] | object | header { name: value, name: value, ... } |
[config.fetch] | object | custom Fetch instance |
Returns a Promise that resolves with a POST request JSON data.
Kind: instance method of AEMHeadless
Returns: Promise.<any>
- - the response body wrapped inside a Promise
Param | Type | Default | Description |
body | string | object | the query string or an object with query (and optionally variables) as a property |
[options] | object | {} | additional POST request options |
[retryOptions] | object | {} | retry options for @adobe/aio-lib-core-networking |
Returns a Promise that resolves with a PUT request JSON data.
Kind: instance method of AEMHeadless
Returns: Promise.<any>
- - the response body wrapped inside a Promise
Param | Type | Default | Description |
query | string | the query string |
path | string | AEM path to save query, format: configuration_name/endpoint_name |
[options] | object | {} | additional PUT request options |
[retryOptions] | object | {} | retry options for @adobe/aio-lib-core-networking |
Returns a Promise that resolves with a GET request JSON data.
Kind: instance method of AEMHeadless
Returns: Promise.<any>
- - the response body wrapped inside a Promise
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[options] | object | {} | additional GET request options |
[retryOptions] | object | {} | retry options for @adobe/aio-lib-core-networking |
Returns a Promise that resolves with a GET request JSON data.
Kind: instance method of AEMHeadless
Returns: Promise.<any>
- - the response body wrapped inside a Promise
Param | Type | Default | Description |
path | string | AEM path for persisted query, format: configuration_name/endpoint_name |
[variables] | object | {} | query variables |
[options] | object | {} | additional GET request options |
[retryOptions] | object | {} | retry options for @adobe/aio-lib-core-networking |
Returns a Generator Function.
Kind: instance method of AEMHeadless
Param | Type | Default | Description |
model | string | contentFragment model name |
fields | string | The query string for item fields |
[config] | ModelConfig | {} | Pagination config |
[args] | ModelArgs | {} | Query arguments |
[options] | object | {} | additional POST request options |
[retryOptions] | object | {} | retry options for @adobe/aio-lib-core-networking |
aemHeadless.runModelQuery(model, fields, [config], [args], [options], [retryOptions]) ⇒ Promise.<any>
Returns a Promise that resolves with a filtered POST request JSON data.
Kind: instance method of AEMHeadless
Returns: Promise.<any>
- - the response data wrapped inside a Promise
Param | Type | Default | Description |
model | string | contentFragment model name |
fields | string | The query string for item fields |
[config] | ModelConfig | {} | Pagination config |
[args] | ModelArgs | {} | Query arguments |
[options] | object | {} | additional POST request options |
[retryOptions] | object | {} | retry options for @adobe/aio-lib-core-networking |
aemHeadless.buildQuery(model, fields, [config], [args]) ⇒ QueryBuilderResult
Builds a GraphQL query string for the given parameters.
Kind: instance method of AEMHeadless
Returns: QueryBuilderResult
- - object with The GraphQL query string and type
Param | Type | Default | Description |
model | string | contentFragment Model Name |
fields | string | The query string for item fields |
[config] | ModelConfig | {} | Pagination config |
[args] | ModelArgs | {} | Query arguments |
GraphQL Model type
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
* | any | model properties |
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
item | Model | response item |
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
items | Array.<Model> | response items |
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
cursor | string | item cursor |
node | Model | item node |
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
endCursor | string | endCursor |
hasNextPage | boolean | hasNextPage |
hasPreviousPage | boolean | hasPreviousPage |
startCursor | string | startCursor |
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
edges | Array.<ModelEdge> | edges |
pageInfo | PageInfo | pageInfo |
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
_path | string | contentFragment path |
variation | string | contentFragment variation |
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
[_locale] | string | contentFragment locale |
[variation] | string | contentFragment variation |
[filter] | object | list filter options |
[sort] | string | list sort options |
[offset] | number | list offset |
[limit] | number | list limit |
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
[_locale] | string | contentFragment locale |
[variation] | string | contentFragment variation |
[filter] | object | list filter options |
[sort] | string | list sort options |
[first] | number | number of list items |
[after] | string | list starting cursor |
ModelArgs : ModelByPathArgs
| ModelListArgs
| ModelPaginatedArgs
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
* | any | placeholder property |
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | Query type |
query | QueryString | Query string |
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Default | Description |
[pageSize] | number | 10 | page size |
[after] | string | number | starting cursor or offset |
[useLimitOffset] | boolean | false | use offset pagination |