Releases: adsabs/solr-service
Releases · adsabs/solr-service
Default values for logging parameter to facilitate regex
v1.0.33 Default values for logging parameter to facilitate regex
Improved logging and removed internal params from response
Keep auth tokens for logging purposes + filter it out from response - Changed X-Amzn-Trace-Id to use capital letters for consistency with the rest of the system
Keep trace id in headers
v1.0.31 Keep trace id in headers when issuing requests to solr
Updated cleanup for bigquery data requests without fq/content-type
- Certain requests to bigqueries can be made without the fq parameter or the content-type to kept backward compatibility, but this use is discouraged
Maintenance release for docs() operator
Docs operator fixes (#40) * Fixed the content stream for files * Updated mechanism for delivering data streams to SOLR * Send docs() to bigquery endpoint even for normal GET rquests * Update to harvest all bibcodes from a private library * Updated code to work properly with data returned from vault * Updated parsing of values saved in vault, again
Added docs() operator
Makes it possible to use docs() operator with or without data stream; it can load the data from the store or private library.
Disabled HTTP connection pool
Disable HTTP connection pool (#38) Do not use HTTP connection pool to avoid re-using connections which make solr ingress nginx not set cookies with the affinity hash sroute.
Updated requirements
v1.0.23 Update requirements.txt
Maintenance release
v1.0.22 Updated requirements (#36)
Maintenance release
v1.0.21 Updated to flask-discoverer v0.0.5 (#35)