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CUB Testing Overview


CUB is in the progress of migrating to [Catch2]( framework.

CUB tests rely on CPM to fetch Catch2 that's used as our main testing framework.

Currently, legacy tests coexist with Catch2 ones. This guide is focused on new tests.


Instead of including <catch2/catch.hpp> directly, use catch2_test_helper.h.

#include <cub/block/block_scan.cuh>
#include <c2h/vector.h>
#include <c2h/catch2_test_helper.h>

Directory and File Naming

Our tests can be found in the test directory. Legacy tests have the following naming scheme: For instance, here are the reduce tests:


Catch2-based tests have a different naming scheme:

The prefix is essential since that's how CMake finds tests and distinguishes new tests from legacy ones.

Test Structure

Base case

Let's start with a simple example. Say there's no need to cover many types with your test.

// 0) Define test name and tags
  using type = std::int32_t;
  constexpr int threads_per_block = 256;
  constexpr int num_items = threads_per_block;

  // 1) Allocate device input
  c2h::device_vector<type> d_input(num_items);

  // 2) Generate 3 random input arrays using Catch2 helper
  c2h::gen(C2H_SEED(3), d_input);

  // 3) Allocate output array
  c2h::device_vector<type> d_output(d_input.size());

  // 4) Copy device input to host
  c2h::host_vector<key_t> h_reference = d_input;

  // 5) Compute reference output
      thrust::raw_pointer_cast( + h_reference.size());

  // 6) Compute CUB output

  // 7) Compare device and host results
  REQUIRE( d_input == d_output );

We introduce test cases with the C2H_TEST macro in (0). This macro always takes two string arguments - a free-form test name and one or more tags. Then, in (1), we allocate device memory using c2h::device_vector. c2h::device_vector and c2h::host_vector behave similarly to their Thrust counterparts, but are modified to provide more stable behavior in some testing edge cases.


Always use c2h::host_vector<T>/c2h::device_vector<T> instead of thrust::host_vector<T>/thrust::device_vector<T>, unless the test code is being used for documentation examples.

Similarly, any thrust algorithms that executed on the device must be invoked with the c2h::device_policy execution policy (not shown here) to support the same edge cases. The memory is filled with random data in (2).

Generator c2h::gen takes at least two parameters. The first one is a random generator seed. Instead of providing a single value, we use the C2H_SEED macro. The macro expects a number of seeds that has to be generated. In the example above, we require three random seeds to be generated. This leads to the whole test being executed three times with different seed values.

Later, in (3), we allocate device output and host reference. In (4), we allocate and populate the host input data. Then, we perform the reference computation on the host in (5).


Standard library algorithms (std::) have to be used where possible when computing reference solutions.

Afterwards, we launch the corresponding CUB algorithm in (6). At this point, we have a reference solution on the CPU and a CUB solution on the GPU. The two can be compared using Catch2's REQUIRE macro, which stops execution upon failure (preferred). Catch2 also offers the CHECK macro, which continues test execution if the check fails.

If your test has to cover floating point types, it's sufficient to replace REQUIRE( a == b ) with REQUIRE_APPROX_EQ(a, b).


Using c2h::gen for producing input data is strongly advised.

Do not use assert in tests, which is usually only enabled in Debug mode, and we run CUB tests in Release mode.

If a custom (non-fundamental) type has to be tested, the following helper class template should be used:

using type = c2h::custom_type_t<c2h::accumulateable_t,

Here we enumerate all the type properties that we are interested in. The produced type ends up having operator== (from equal_comparable_t) and operator+ (from accumulateable_t). More properties are available. If a property is missing, please add it to the existing set in c2h instead of writing a custom type from scratch.


We often need to test CUB algorithms against different inputs or problem sizes. If these are runtime values, we can use the Catch2 GENERATE macro:

  int num_items = GENERATE(1, 100, 1'000'000); // 0) Init. a variable with a generator
  // ...

This will lead to the test being executed three times, once for each argument to GENERATE(...). Multiple generators in a test inside the same scope will form the cartesian product of all combinations. Please consult the Catch2 documentation for more details.

C2H_SEED(3) uses a generator expression internally.

Type Lists

Since CUB is a generic library, it's often required to test CUB algorithms against many types. To do so, it's sufficient to define a type list and provide it to the C2H_TEST macro. This is useful for compile-time parameterization of tests.

// 0) Define type list
using types = c2h::type_list<std::uint8_t, std::int32_t>;

        types) // 1) Provide it to the test case
  // 2) Access current type with `c2h::get`
  using type = typename c2h::get<0, TestType>;
  // ...

This will lead to the test being compiled (instantiated) and run twice. The first run will cause type to be std::uint8_t. The second one will cause type to be std::uint32_t.


It's important to use types from the <cstdint> header instead of built-in types like char and int.

Multidimensional Configuration Spaces

In most cases, the input data type is not the only compile-time parameter we want to vary. For instance, you might need to test a block algorithm for different data types and different thread block sizes. To do so, you can add another type list as follows:

using block_sizes = c2h::enum_type_list<int, 128, 256>;
using types = c2h::type_list<std::uint8_t, std::int32_t>;

         types, block_sizes)
  using type = typename c2h::get<0, TestType>;
  constexpr int threads_per_block = c2h::get<1, TestType>::value;
  // ...

The code above leads to the following combinations being compiled:

  • type = std::uint8_t, threads_per_block = 128
  • type = std::uint8_t, threads_per_block = 256
  • type = std::int32_t, threads_per_block = 128
  • type = std::int32_t, threads_per_block = 256

As an example, the following test case includes both multidimensional configuration spaces and multiple random sequence generations.

using block_sizes = c2h::enum_type_list<int, 128, 256>;
using types = c2h::type_list<std::uint8_t, std::int32_t>;

         types, block_sizes)
  using type = typename c2h::get<0, TestType>;
  constexpr int threads_per_block = c2h::get<1, TestType>::value;
  // ...
  c2h::device_vector<type> d_input(5);
  c2h::gen(C2H_SEED(2), d_input);

The code above leads to the following combinations being compiled:

  • type = std::uint8_t, threads_per_block = 128, 1st random generated input sequence
  • type = std::uint8_t, threads_per_block = 256, 1st random generated input sequence
  • type = std::int32_t, threads_per_block = 128, 1st random generated input sequence
  • type = std::int32_t, threads_per_block = 256, 1st random generated input sequence
  • type = std::uint8_t, threads_per_block = 128, 2nd random generated input sequence
  • type = std::uint8_t, threads_per_block = 256, 2nd random generated input sequence
  • type = std::int32_t, threads_per_block = 128, 2nd random generated input sequence
  • type = std::int32_t, threads_per_block = 256, 2nd random generated input sequence

Each new generator multiplies the number of execution times by its number of seeds. That means that if there were further more sequence generators (c2h::gen(C2H_SEED(X), ...)) on the example above the test would execute X more times and so on.

Speedup Compilation Time

Since type lists in the C2H_TEST form a Cartesian product, compilation time grows quickly with every new dimension. To keep the compilation process parallelized, it's possible to rely on our %PARAM% machinery:

// %PARAM% BLOCK_SIZE bs 128:256
using block_sizes = c2h::enum_type_list<int, BLOCK_SIZE>;
using types = c2h::type_list<std::uint8_t, std::int32_t>;

         types, block_sizes)
  using type = typename c2h::get<0, TestType>;
  constexpr int threads_per_block = c2h::get<1, TestType>::value;
  // ...

The comment with %PARAM% is recognized by our CMake scripts. It leads to multiple executables being produced from a single test source.


Multiple %PARAM% comments can be specified forming another Cartesian product.

Final Test

Let's consider the final test that illustrates all of the tools we discussed above:

// %PARAM% BLOCK_SIZE bs 128:256
using block_sizes = c2h::enum_type_list<int, BLOCK_SIZE>;
using types = c2h::type_list<std::uint8_t, std::int32_t>;

         types, block_sizes)
  using type = typename c2h::get<0, TestType>;
  constexpr int threads_per_block = c2h::get<1, TestType>::value;
  constexpr int max_num_items = threads_per_block;

  c2h::device_vector<type> d_input(
    GENERATE_COPY(take(2, random(0, max_num_items))));
  c2h::gen(C2H_SEED(3), d_input);

  c2h::device_vector<type> d_output(d_input.size());


  REQUIRE( d_input == d_output );

  const type expected_sum = 4;
  const type sum = thrust::reduce(c2h::device_policy, d_output.cbegin(), d_output.cend());
  REQUIRE( sum == expected_sum);

Apart from discussed tools, here we also rely on Catch2 to generate random input sizes in the range [0, max_num_items] for our input vector d_input. Overall, the test will produce two executables. Each of these executables is going to generate 2 input problem sizes. For each problem size, 3 random vectors are generated. As a result, we have 12 different tests. The code also demonstrates the syntax and usage of c2h::device_policy with a Thrust algorithm.