If openssl not install on your system, please follow the guide to install it first.
git clone https://github.com/akasamq/akasa.git && cd akasa
cargo build --release
You can show all the subcommands from akasa cli.
./target/release/akasa --help
# Commands:
# start Start the server
# default-config Generate default config to stdout
# insert-password Insert a password to the password file
# remove-password Remove a password from the password file
# help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
We need create a config file first, so it can be used to start the server:
./target/release/akasa default-config > akasa.yaml
If you want to enable file based authentication, you need to create a password file and insert a username/password pair to it:
./target/release/akasa insert-password --create --path ./password.txt --username user1
# Password:
# Repeat Password:
# add/update user=user1 to "./password.txt"
Insert more username/password pairs:
./target/release/akasa insert-password --path ./password.txt --username user2
# Password:
# Repeat Password:
# add/update user=user2 to "./password.txt"
Then you need to update the config auth
section to enable it:
enable: true
password_file: ./password.txt
The final step is to start the server:
./target/release/akasa start --config ./akasa.yaml
#[2023-00-00T00:00:00Z INFO akasa] Listen on Listeners {
# mqtt: Some(
# Listener {
# addr:,
# proxy_mode: None,
# },
# ),
# mqtts: None,
# ws: None,
# wss: None,
# }
#[2023-00-00T00:00:00Z INFO akasa_core::server::rt] Listen [email protected]:1883 success!