# Laravel Docker Images

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This repository complements the tutorial, which shows how to get started with your own Laravel Docker Images. Click [here](https://akki.ca/tutorial/laravel-docker) to learn more.

| Tag    | PHP version | Status |
| v5.5   | 5.5         | End of Life |
| v7.1   | 7.1         | End of Life |
| v7.2   | 7.2         | End of Life |
| v7.3   | 7.3         | End of Life |
| v7.4   | 7.4         | End of Life |
| v8.0rc | 8.0-rc      | End of Life |
| v8.0   | 8.0         | All fixes |
| v8.1   | 8.1         | All fixes |
| v8.2   | 8.2         | All fixes |
| v8.3.0alpha2  | 8.3.0alpha2 | Experimental |
| v8.3 | 8.3           | All fixes |
| v8.4 | 8.4           | All fixes |
| stable | 8.4         | All fixes |
| latest | 8.4         | All fixes |

Visit [https://akki.ca/tutorial/laravel-docker/](https://akki.ca/tutorial/laravel-docker/) to learn more.