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File metadata and controls

91 lines (65 loc) · 5.87 KB

Development Notes


  • Implementing TS SDK for fun
  • TODO: Add logrus, also I need the debug level for some stuff (e.g. FLEP protocol errors)


  • I really need to improve some config passing around, so I'll add the store setting and pass it down to the topic level to set persistence and enable testing
  • I'll also implement the above topic restore as it's not possible to read before writing when fqueue is used otherwise


  • I've decided not to implement any cache for now in the fqueue store. Thinking about it, I have the broker that is already providing all subscribers with the current written message. For most use cases, previously written messages are not needed as frequently or at least not in the immediate future once written, so it doesn't make sense to keep them in memory. I would change my mind if needed later.
  • DONE: (fqueue persistence) I've partially fixed the re-open issue, but it only works if at least someone pushes before subscribing/picking as the broker isn't initialized yet in the topic (this happens only implicitly at the first write (New() call)), so the broker must start at startup or at each read I have to check if the topic exists, otherwise create it.


  • DONE: Fix EOF error when using fqueue store on subscribe (it gets returned as last element of subscribe topic), troubleshoot why it happens
  • TODO: When using fqueue store, I need to restore the existing topics, otherwise weird stuff happens when pushing to a topic name that was already used


  • DONE: Handle connection termination (e.g. client disconnects) during subscription handler (timeout is disabled in this case)


  • I need to refactor some stuff to create proper interfaces and allow tests and better decoupling


  • Just for fun opening the possibility to have a non-blocking broker as well, this will imply other issues anyway
    • TODO: Test non-blocking broker
    • TODO: Address non-blocking issues (also, there could be a best-effort mode of the topic, where you just stream the messages and don't care if there are lost messages)
      • Buffered channels on the client side could be a way to go, but what's the size?
  • I'm going to centralize the response creation itself in the flep module, it doesn't send it, just compose it.
    • TODO: For big responses (if any), should I think about streaming the response instead? How to deal with this?


  • Being dumb I didn't remember that unblocking channel send drops the message, so broker sends were broken for the current tests (only noticeable with more messages coming)
    • I could either enforce a buffered channel or accept the best-effort/use a config to specify the behavior depending on the case
    • I'll start with blocking send for now
  • TODO: In many places I'm going with io.ReadAll instead of io.Copy, consider switching to that in the future if necessary
  • Was using a reader in the topic writer multiple times, having the store not saving data anymore, using tee instead


  • Adding a subscribe command to the protocol:
    • it should leave the connection open
    • no timeout for the connection
    • client specifies the topic and the offset to start from (included, i.e. 0 from the beginning)
  • For now I'm going to add a stupid sleep/retry loop that polls the queue for new messages and sends them as they come
  • Hiding the store type behind topic interface, I may change my mind later, but for now I don't need to expose it
  • I'd like to have some sort of broadcast/fan-out mechanism to distribute messages coming to a topic
    • e.g. Each topic once created (or at startup) has a goroutine that keeps track of each subscriber (a channel?) and sends the message to each of them as they come
  • Creating a simple broker to be used internally, so that every topic can be subscribed and implements a publish over it at each write (let's see, I want to experiment this way)


  • I'd maybe like to keep the connection open until timeout or explicit termination (EXIT command)
  • I need to:
    • Write back to the client the response instead of just logging
    • Implement the FLEP stuff for response (Look at RESP for inspiration on data type handling, I could really just steal what I need when I need it)
  • I need to create a queue store for each topic (implicit topic creation btw for now, will be customizable in the future)
  • Topic creation: for now is implicit, I'm going to do the above point for now and improve later


  • Writing a simple FLEP (flemq protocol) parser with a basic command
  • Adding stupid push command and simple memory storage (cache + mutex)
    • No persistence, no real queue (offset based on internal counter in memory), no store per topic, nothing, just testing stuff
  • Adding as stupid as the push command, a pick command to retrieve from a specific offset


  • I'll start creating some structs to handle server/connection stuff
  • Refactoring a bit the config stuff as it started to get messy
  • I'm considering adopting a simplified version of redis RESP protocol for the communication, it's simple and already implemented in many languages
    • I don't think I need the full resp for now, but it seems a good approach to start with something simple like that


  • I want to use a simple text-based protocol over TCP, the idea is to start with some sort of message queue, but I don't want to limit to that
  • Creating simple example that sends plain text to test during dev
  • Creating simple TCP server accepting connection on 22123 port
    • Handling sigterm termination
    • Tests with netcat suffer from a stuck issue (>= 1024 chars blocks the write and needs connection to be closed), not happening using example
    • Handling different types of buffering on the server, it doesn't seem to affect the nc issue though, learning something anyway
  • Implementing TLS on the server based on constant