# ali-sms [](https://travis-ci.org/tsq/ali-sms) Nodejs SDK for [Aliyun SMS service](https://help.aliyun.com/product/44282.html) ## Install ``` npm install ali-sms --save ``` ## Usage ```javascript const sms = require("ali-sms"); const accessKeyID = process.env.ALI_SMS_ACCESSKEYID; const accessKeySecret = process.env.ALI_SMS_ACCESSKEYSECRET; const config = { accessKeyID : accessKeyID, accessKeySecret : accessKeySecret, paramString : {code: '123456'}, recNum : ['1891234567'], signName : 'alibaba', templateCode : 'SMS_28100008', }; sms(config, (err, body) => { console.log(err, body); }); ``` ## Config param|type|description ----|----|-------------- accessKeyID | string | access key id, get from aliyun accessKeySecret | string | access key secret, get from aliyun paramString | object | ali sms param which you have defined on aliyun sms dashboard recNum | array | phone numbers of users signName | string | ali sms param, get from aliyun sms dashboard templateCode | string | ali sms param, get from aliyun sms dashboard ## Note It's often you'll get some errors if the params are not valid. So please double check `accessKeyID`, `accessKeySecret`, `paramString`, `signName`, `templateCode` on Aliyun dashboard. ## Official document for error solution https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/52856.html