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The YARPRobotLoggerDevice is a YARP device based on YarpSensorBridge and robometry that allows logging data from robot sensors and actuators in a mat file.

Configuration Parameters

The logger is currently supported only for the robots listed in the application folder. Each robot folder contains:

  • launch-yarp-robot-logger.xml: Configuration parameters for the yarprobotinterface to launch the logger device and associated devices.
  • yarp-robot-logger.xml: Configuration parameters for the logger device.
  • blf-yarp-robot-logger-interfaces: Folder containing all interfaces used by the logger device to log data.

How to Use the Logger

To use the logger, launch the yarprobotinterface with the launch-yarp-robot-logger.xml configuration file:

yarprobotinterface --config launch-yarp-robot-logger.xml

When you close the yarprobotinterface, the logger will save the logged data in a mat file. Additionally, a md file will contain information about the software version in the robot setup. If video recording is enabled, a mp4 file with the video recording will also be generated. All these files will be saved in the working directory in which yarprobotinterface has been launched.

How to log exogenous data

The YarpRobotLoggerDevice can also log exogenous data, i.e., data not directly provided by the robot sensors and actuators. To do this:

  1. modify the yarp-robot-logger.xml file to specify the exogenous data to log
  2. modify the application that streams the exogenous data

Modification yarp-robot-logger.xml configuration file

Modify the ExogenousSignalGroup in the yarp-robot-logger.xml file to log the data streamed by an application that allows the robot to balance:

<group name="ExogenousSignals">
  <!-- List containing the names of exogenous signals. Each name should be associated to a sub-group -->
  <param name="vectors_collection_exogenous_inputs">("balancing")</param>
  <param name="vectors_exogenous_inputs">()</param>

   <!-- Sub-group containing the information about the exogenous signal "balancing" -->
  <group name="balancing">
     <!-- Name of the port opened by the logger used to retrieve the exogenous signal data -->
     <param name="local">"/yarp-robot-logger/exogenous_signals/balancing"</param>

     <!-- Name of the port opened by the application used to stream the exogenous signal data -->
     <param name="remote">"/balancing-controller/logger"</param>

     <!-- Name of the exogenous signal (this will be the name of the matlab struct containing all the data associated to the exogenous signal) -->
     <param name="signal_name">"balancing"</param>

     <!-- Carrier used in the port connection -->
     <param name="carrier">"udp"</param>

Stream exogenous data

You need to modify the application that streams the exogenous data to open a port with the name specified in the remote parameter of the balancing sub-group. For example, if you want to stream the data from the your balancing application you need to use BipedalLocomotion::YarpUtilities::VectorsCollectionServer class as follows


If your application is written in C++ you can use the BipedalLocomotion::YarpUtilities::VectorsCollectionServer class as follows

#include <BipedalLocomotion/YarpUtilities/VectorsCollectionServer.h>

class Module
    BipedalLocomotion::YarpUtilities::VectorsCollectionServer m_vectorsCollectionServer; /**< Logger server. */
    // all the other functions you need

The m_vectorsCollectionServer helps you to handle the data you want to send and to populate the metadata. To use this functionality, call BipedalLocomotion::YarpUtilities::VectorsCollectionServer::populateMetadata during the configuration phase. Once you have finished populating the metadata you should call BipedalLocomotion::YarpUtilities::VectorsCollectionServer::finalizeMetadata

//This code should go into the configuration phase
auto loggerOption = std::make_shared<BipedalLocomotion::ParametersHandler::YarpImplementation>(rf);
if (!m_vectorsCollectionServer.initialize(loggerOption->getGroup("LOGGER")))
    log()->error("[BalancingController::configure] Unable to configure the server.");
    return false;

m_vectorsCollectionServer.populateMetadata("dcm::position::measured", {"x", "y"});
m_vectorsCollectionServer.populateMetadata("dcm::position::desired", {"x", "y"});

m_vectorsCollectionServer.finalizeMetadata(); // this should be called only once

In the main loop, add the following code to prepare and populate the data:

m_vectorsCollectionServer.prepareData(); // required to prepare the data to be sent
m_vectorsCollectionServer.clearData(); // optional see the documentation

// DCM
m_vectorsCollectionServer.populateData("dcm::position::measured", <signal>);
m_vectorsCollectionServer.populateData("dcm::position::desired", <signal>);


Note: Replace <signal> with the actual data you want to log.


If your application is written in Python you can use the BipedalLocomotion.yarp_utilities.VectorsCollectionServer class as follows

import bipedal_locomotion_framework as blf

class Module:
    def __init__(self):
        self.vectors_collection_server = blf.yarp_utilities.VectorsCollectionServer() # Logger server.
        # all the other functions you need

The vectors_collection_server helps you to handle the data you want to send and to populate the metadata. To use this functionality, call BipedalLocomotion.yarp_utilities.VectorsCollectionServer.populate_metadata during the configuration phase. Once you have finished populating the metadata you should call BipedalLocomotion.yarp_utilities.VectorsCollectionServer.finalize_metadata

#This code should go into the configuration phase
logger_option = blf.parameters_handler.StdParametersHandler()
logger_option.set_parameter_string("remote", "/test/log")
if not self.vectors_collection_server.initialize(logger_option):
    blf.log().error("[BalancingController::configure] Unable to configure the server.")
    raise RuntimeError("Unable to configure the server.")

# populate the metadata
self.vectors_collection_server.populate_metadata("dcm::position::measured", ["x", "y"])
self.vectors_collection_server.populate_metadata("dcm::position::desired", ["x", "y"])

self.vectors_collection_server.finalize_metadata() # this should be called only once when the metadata are ready

In the main loop, add the following code to prepare and populate the data:

self.vectors_collection_server.prepare_data() # required to prepare the data to be sent
self.vectors_collection_server.clear_data() # optional see the documentation
self.vectors_collection_server.populate_data("dcm::position::measured", <signal>)
self.vectors_collection_server.populate_data("dcm::position::desired", <signal>)

Note: Replace <signal> with the actual data you want to log.

How to visualize the logged data

To visualize the logged data you can use robot-log-visualizer. To use the robot-log-visualizer you can follow the instructions in the README file.

Once you have installed the robot-log-visualizer you can open it from the command line with the following command:


Then, you can open the mat file generated by the logger and explore the logged data as in the following video:
