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272 lines (200 loc) · 17.6 KB

File metadata and controls

272 lines (200 loc) · 17.6 KB


2.2.2 - 2/23/25

  • Bugfix where it was impossible to use a signal as an ok_code #699

2.2.1 - 1/9/25

  • Bugfix where async and return_cmd does not raise exceptions #746

2.2.0 - 1/9/25

  • return_cmd with await now works correctly #743
  • Formal support for Python 3.12

2.1.0 - 10/8/24

  • Add contrib command sh.contrib.bash #736

2.0.7 - 5/31/24

  • Fix sh.glob arguments #708
  • Misc modernizations

2.0.6 - 8/9/23

  • Add back appropriate sdist files comment

2.0.5 - 8/7/23

  • Allow nested with contexts #690
  • Call correct asyncio function for getting event loop #683

2.0.4 - 5/13/22

  • Allow ok_code to be used with fg #665
  • Make sure new_group never creates a new session #675

2.0.2 / 2.0.3 (misversioned) - 2/13/22

  • Performance regression when using a generator with _in #650
  • Adding test support for python 3.11

2.0.0 - 2/9/22

  • Executed commands now return a unicode string by default
  • Removed magical module-like execution contexts #636
  • Added basic asyncio support via _async
  • Dropped support for Python < 3.8
  • Bumped default tty size to more standard (24, 80)
  • First argument being a RunningCommand no longer automatically passes it as stdin
  • RunningCommand.__eq__ no longer has the side effect of executing the command #518
  • _tee now supports both "err" and "out" #215
  • Removed the builtin override cd link
  • Altered process launching model to behave more expectedly #495
  • Bugfix where _no_out isn't allowed with _iter="err" #638
  • Allow keyword arguments to have a list of values #529

1.14.3 - 7/17/22

  • Bugfix where Command was not aware of default call args when wrapping the module #559

1.14.1 - 10/24/20

  • bugfix where setting _ok_code to not include 0, but 0 was the exit code #545

1.14.0 - 8/28/20

  • _env now more lenient in accepting dictionary-like objects #527
  • None and False arguments now do not pass through to underlying command #525
  • Implemented find_spec on the fancy importer, which fixes some Python3.4+ issues #536

1.13.1 - 4/28/20

  • regression fix if _fg=False #520

1.13.0 - 4/27/20

  • minor Travis CI fixes #492
  • bugfix for boolean long options not respecting _long_prefix #488
  • fix deprecation warning on Python 3.6 regexes #482
  • _pass_fds and _close_fds special kwargs for controlling file descriptor inheritance in child.
  • more efficiently closing inherited fds #406
  • bugfix where passing invalid dictionary to _env will cause a mysterious child 255 exit code. #497
  • bugfix where _in using 0 or sys.stdin wasn't behaving like a TTY, if it was in fact a TTY. #514
  • bugfix where help(sh) raised an exception #455
  • bugfix fixing broken interactive ssh tutorial from docs
  • change to automatic tty merging into a single pty if _tty_in=True and _tty_out=True
  • introducing _unify_ttys, default False, which allows explicit tty merging into single pty
  • contrib command for ssh connections requiring passwords
  • performance fix for polling output too fast when using _iter #462
  • execution contexts can now be used in python shell #466
  • bugfix ErrorReturnCode instances can now be pickled
  • bugfix passing empty string or None for _in hanged #427
  • bugfix where passing a filename or file-like object to _out wasn't using os.dup2 #449
  • regression make _fg work with _cwd again #330
  • an invalid _cwd now raises a ForkException not an OSError.
  • AIX support #477
  • added a timeout=None param to RunningCommand.wait() #515

1.12.14 - 6/6/17

  • bugfix for poor sleep performance #378
  • allow passing raw integer file descriptors for _out and _err handlers
  • bugfix for when _tee and _out are used, and the _out is a tty or pipe #384
  • bugfix where python 3.3+ detected different arg counts for bound method output callbacks #380

1.12.12, 1.12.13 - 3/30/17

  • pypi readme doc bugfix PR#377

1.12.11 - 3/13/17

  • bugfix for relative paths to sh.Command not expanding to absolute paths #372
  • updated for python 3.6
  • bugfix for SIGPIPE not being handled correctly on pipelined processes #373

1.12.10 - 3/02/17

  • bugfix for file descriptors over 1024 #356
  • bugfix when _err_to_out is True and _out is pipe or tty #365

1.12.9 - 1/04/17

  • added _bg_exc for silencing exceptions in background threads #350

1.12.8 - 12/16/16

  • bugfix for patched glob.glob on python3.5 #341

1.12.7 - 12/07/16

  • added _out and _out_bufsize validator #346
  • bugfix for internal stdout thread running when it shouldn't #346

1.12.6 - 12/02/16

  • regression bugfix on timeout #344
  • regression bugfix on _ok_code=None

1.12.5 - 12/01/16

  • further improvements on cpu usage

1.12.4 - 11/30/16

  • regression in cpu usage #339

1.12.3 - 11/29/16

  • fd leak regression and fix for flawed fd leak detection test #337

1.12.2 - 11/28/16

  • support for io.StringIO in python2

1.12.1 - 11/28/16

  • added support for using raw file descriptors for _in, _out, and _err
  • removed .close()ing _out handler if FIFO detected

1.12.0 - 11/21/16

  • composed commands no longer propagate _bg
  • better support for using sys.stdin and sys.stdout for _in and _out
  • bugfix where which() would not stop searching at the first valid executable found in PATH
  • added _long_prefix for programs whose long arguments start with something other than -- #278
  • added _log_msg for advanced configuration of log message #311
  • added sh.contrib.sudo
  • added _arg_preprocess for advanced command wrapping
  • alter callable _in arguments to signify completion with falsy chunk
  • bugfix where pipes passed into _out or _err were not flushed on process end #252
  • deprecated with sh.args(**kwargs) in favor of sh2 = sh(**kwargs)
  • made sh.pushd thread safe
  • added .kill_group() and .signal_group() methods for better process control #237
  • added new_session special keyword argument for controlling spawned process session #266
  • bugfix better handling for EINTR on system calls #292
  • bugfix where with-contexts were not threadsafe #247
  • _uid new special keyword param for specifying the user id of the process #133
  • bugfix where exceptions were swallowed by processes that weren't waited on #309
  • bugfix where processes that dupd their stdout/stderr to a long running child process would cause sh to hang #310
  • improved logging output #323
  • bugfix for python3+ where binary data was passed into a process's stdin #325
  • Introduced execution contexts which allow baking of common special keyword arguments into all commands #269
  • Command and which now can take an optional paths parameter which specifies the search paths #226
  • _preexec_fn option for executing a function after the child process forks but before it execs #260
  • _fg reintroduced, with limited functionality. hurrah! #92
  • bugfix where a command would block if passed a fd for stdin that wasn't yet ready to read #253
  • _long_sep can now take None which splits the long form arguments into individual arguments #258
  • making _piped perform "direct" piping by default (linking fds together). this fixes memory problems #270
  • bugfix where calling next() on an iterable process that has raised StopIteration, hangs #273
  • called with no arguments no changes into the user's home directory, like native cd #275
  • sh.glob removed entirely. the rationale is correctness over hand-holding. #279
  • added _truncate_exc, defaulting to True, which tells our exceptions to truncate output.
  • bugfix for exceptions whose messages contained unicode
  • _done callback no longer assumes you want your command put in the background.
  • _done callback is now called asynchronously in a separate thread.
  • _done callback is called regardless of exception, which is necessary in order to release held resources, for example a process pool

1.10 - 12/30/14

  • partially applied functions with functools.partial have been fixed for _out and _err callbacks #160
  • _out or _err being callables no longer puts the running command in the background. to achieve the previous behavior, pass _bg=True to your command.
  • deprecated _with contexts #195
  • _timeout_signal allows you to specify your own signal to kill a timed-out process with. use a constant from the signal stdlib module. #171
  • signal exceptions can now be caught by number or name. SignalException_9 == SignalException_SIGKILL
  • child processes that timeout via _timeout raise sh.TimeoutException instead of sh.SignalExeception_9 #172
  • fixed help(sh) from the python shell and pydoc sh from the command line. #173
  • program names can no longer be shadowed by names that defines internally. removed the requirement of trailing underscores for programs that could have their names shadowed, like id.
  • memory optimization when a child process's stdin is a newline-delimted string and our bufsize is newlines
  • feature, _done special keyword argument that accepts a callback to be called when the command completes successfully #185
  • bugfix for being unable to print a baked command in python3+ #176
  • bugfix for cwd not existing and causing the child process to continue running parent process code #202
  • child process is now guaranteed to exit on exception between fork and exec.
  • fix python2 deprecation warning when running with -3 PR #165
  • bugfix where was attempting to execute directories #196, PR #189
  • only backgrounded processes will ignore SIGHUP
  • allowed ok_code to take a range object. #PR 210
  • added sh.args with context which allows overriding of all command defaults for the duration of that context.
  • added sh.pushd with context which takes a directory name and changes to that directory for the duration of that with context. PR #206
  • tests now include python 3.4 if available. tests also stop on the first python that suite that fails.
  • SIGABRT, SIGBUS, SIGFPE, SIGILL, SIGPIPE, SIGSYS have been added to the list of signals that throw an exception PR #201
  • "callable" builtin has been faked for python3.1, which lacks it.
  • "direct" option added to _piped special keyword argument, which allows sh to hand off a process's stdout fd directly to another process, instead of buffering its stdout internally, then handing it off. #119

1.09 - 9/08/13

  • Fixed encoding errors related to a system encoding "ascii". #123
  • Added exit_code attribute to SignalException and ErrorReturnCode exception classes. #127
  • Making the default behavior of spawned processes to not be explicitly killed when the parent python process ends. Also making the spawned process ignore SIGHUP. #139
  • Made OSX sleep hack to apply to PY2 as well as PY3.

1.08 - 1/29/12

  • Added SignalException class and made all commands that end terminate by a signal defined in SIGNALS_THAT_SHOULD_THROW_EXCEPTION raise it. #91
  • Bugfix where CommandNotFound was not being raised if Command was created by instantiation. #113
  • Bugfix for Commands that are wrapped with functools.wraps() [#121](]
  • Bugfix where input arguments were being assumed as ascii or unicode, but never as a string in a different encoding.
  • _long_sep keyword argument added joining together a dictionary of arguments passed in to a command
  • Commands can now be passed a dictionary of args, and the keys will be interpretted "raw", with no underscore-to-hyphen conversion
  • Reserved Python keywords can now be used as subcommands by appending an underscore _ to them

1.07 - 11/21/12

  • Bugfix for PyDev when locale.getpreferredencoding() is empty.
  • Fixes for IPython3 that involve sh.<tab> and sh?
  • Added _tee special keyword argument to force stdout/stderr to store internally and make available for piping data that is being redirected.
  • Added _decode_errors to be passed to all stdout/stderr decoding of a process.
  • Added _no_out, _no_err, and _no_pipe special keyword arguments. These are used for long-running processes with lots of output.
  • Changed custom loggers that were created for each process to fixed loggers, so there are no longer logger references laying around in the logging module after the process ends and it garbage collected.

1.06 - 11/10/12

  • Removed old undocumented cruft of ARG1..ARGN and ARGV.
  • Bugfix where logging_enabled could not be set from the importing module.
  • Disabled garbage collection before fork to prevent garbage collection in child process.
  • Major bugfix where cyclical references were preventing process objects (and their associated stdout/stderr buffers) from being garbage collected.
  • Bugfix in RunningCommand and OProc loggers, which could get really huge if a command was called that had a large number of arguments.

1.05 - 10/20/12

  • Changing status from alpha to beta.
  • Python 3.3 officially supported.
  • Documentation fix. The section on exceptions now references the fact that signals do not raise an exception, even for signals that might seem like they should, e.g. segfault.
  • Bugfix with Python 3.3 where importing commands from the sh namespace resulted in an error related to __path__
  • Long-form and short-form options to commands may now be given False to disable the option from being passed into the command. This is useful to pass in a boolean flag that you flip to either True or False to enable or disable some functionality at runtime.

1.04 - 10/07/12

  • Making Command class resolve the path parameter with which by default instead of expecting it to be resolved before it is passed in. This change shouldn't affect backwards compatibility.
  • Fixing a bug when an exception is raised from a program, and the error output has non-ascii text. This didn't work in Python < 3.0, because .decode()'s default encoding is typically ascii.