Releases: apache/dubbo
Releases · apache/dubbo
- TimeUnit convert error in FutureAdapter, #1303.
- Provider side failed to invoke service when deployed in docker, #1289.
- Hessian serialization problem with types: short and byte, #1232.
- Remove isdestrory() check in registry, make sure unregister works when shutdown, #1313
- Reference annotation support annotate on annotation type
- Backward compatible for RMI protocol #911
- Hessian serialization:
- Redis and Multicast registry can not offline.
- Annotation enhancement, #1205. The dubbo-spring-boot-starter has also been released based on this version.
- Add switch for qos:
. Notice the new way we configure qos, for example,has been changed todubbo.qos.port
. #1189 - Graceful shutdown, add extra waiting time between registry unregister and threadpool shutdown. #1021
- Improve performance of hessian serialization by avoid usage of inefficient
. #1196 - Avoid retry when parameter validation fails. #1031
- Condition router should also check default values. #1204
Vulnerability Patches
- From this version, we will check if the serialization id received from network(only if the id identifies JDK serialization) matches with that in current instance. If it can't be matched, the deserialization process will be rejected. Since the original JDK deserialization has security problems, we do this to prevent unexpected tamper of serialization type, e.g. from
Release Notes
In this release, we mainly merged the dubbox branch contributed by dangdang that highlights the following features (also see #1001):
- REST support (by integrating resteasy)
- High-performance serialization framework: kryo, FST
- Embedded tomcat support
We tried to keep the original branch of the way, while making the following small adjustments:
- Upgraded the versions of some dependencie: kryo, FST and tomcat
- Removed the changes to core RPC protocol to avoid compatible problem
Important Notes
- Dependencies
As all new features in this version are optional, dependencies added to this version are not transitive, so you don't have to worry about introducing any dependency problem when using the new version. This in turn means you have to add the necessary dependencies to your project whenever you decide to use any new features in this release.
Release Notes
- Dubbo Programming Model enhancement.
- Fixed some bugs reported in 2.5.7.
- More details refer to Dubbo Annotation-Driven
- External Configuration
, also preparing for Spring-Boot-Starter.- More details refer to Dubbo Externalized Configuration
- More powerful OPS through
: only supportonline
in this version, more functions will be provided in the following releases - Route rule should not run every time by default
- Tuning spring event performance
- Fixed NPE path problem when using curator
- Fixed some bugs reported with dubbo-admin
- Redis registry support authentication
Release notes
- A totally new annotation config implementation, fixed all drawbacks reported with the old annotation version. (dubbo-spring-boot-starter is going to be released later)
* More details refer to Dubbo Annotation-Driven - Support reading ip&port to register and bind from environment variables.
example - Adjust some XML config items:, etc..
- Bootstrap blocked when registry can not be connected.
- MonitorService blocks RPC process when ZK can not be connected when MonitorService is invoked the first time. #672
- Mark internal JSON serialization deprecated, use fastjson instead.
- RMI protocol support attachments passing.
- EnumSet type support of hessian2 serialization.
- Fixed some bugs and optimization.
see Milestone-2.5.7 for details
Important notes
Please note the following incompatibilities or caveats, but don't worry, this release has no impact on core RPC process. You can avoid all the potential impacts by simply adding dependencies or following configuration rules.
- If you are using AccesslogFilter, Telnet or Mock, remember add fastjson as a thirdpart dependency.
- If you are already using annotation config, we strongly recommend you upgrade to 2.5.7, in which verion we have changed the way annotation is used, and also changed the implementation.
- If
check = true
and registry can not be connected at start phase, the project can still be successfully started by degrading to use the registry cache. - Current version will discard the monitor statistics when MonitorService is not ready yet。
Fixed issues
- Fixed PojoUtils problems: Enum Type, private fileds.
- RejectException can not be sent to the consumer side when provider threadpool is exhausted.
- Avoid the unnecessary response transfer when the payload is overload.
- Slf4jLogger can reflect the actual line number.
- Concurrency cause unexpected multi-port binding when using delay export
- Mock never work when there's no provider.
- Some optimization:OverrideListener、Stop unnecessary heartbeat on provider、Main bootstrap process, etc..
- Some bugfixs:dynamic configuration can not be deleted、telnet
support json arguments、monitor statistics problem, etc..
see Milestone-2.5.6 for details
New features
- Support for Netty4 manual
- Auto stack dump when thread pool exhausted. manual
- Jdk 1.8 new date-time types support for hessian2 serialization.
- 修复 PojoUtils 问题: 枚举类型,私有成员.
- 在服务端线程池耗尽时,RejectException 无法被传到客户端.
- 在符合满载时,避免不必要的应答传输.
- Slf4jLogger 能够反映出真实的行号.
- 延迟暴露时,并发问题导致意外的多端口绑定
- 没有服务端时Mock不生效的问题.
- 一些优化:OverrideListener、停止服务端不必要的心跳、主启动流程, 等等
- 一些问题修复:动态配置无法删除,telent调用支持json参数、监控统计问题,等等
详情请见 2.5.6里程碑
- Compatible with JDK1.6 or higher, 2.5.4 requires 1.8+.
- 兼容JDK1.6以及更高版本,2.5.4要求JDK1.8+.
Requires JDK1.8+, if you use lower version, see 1.6+, use 2.5.5
Fixed issues
- Graceful Shutdown
- MonitorFilter blocks RPC process
- Dynamic configuration:can't specify consumer ip, config on provider side can not be deleted.
- Route rule parse problem
- Async affects the downstream RPC call.
- Optimization of flow control on provider side.
- some bugfix reported by community.
see issues for details
Dependencies Upgrade
dependency | current | target | influences |
spring | 3.2.16.RELEASE | 4.3.10.RELEASE | schema parse;Http RPC |
zookeeper | 3.3.3 | 3.4.9 | registry |
zkclient | 0.1 | 0.10 | zookeeper client framework |
curator | 1.1.16 | 2.12.0 | zookeeper client framework |
commons-logging | 1.1.1 | 1.2 | Logger |
hessian | 4.0.6 | 4.0.38 | hessian RPC |
jedis | 2.1.0 | 2.9.0 | redis registry;redis RPC |
httpclient | 4.1.2 | 4.5.3 | hessian uses http connection pool |
validator | 1.0.0 | 1.1.0.Final | java validation |
cxf | 2.6.1 | 3.0.14 | webservice |
jcache | 0.4 | 1.0.0 | jcache |
- Code Reformat
- Change promotion message when there's no provider on consumer.
要求 JDK1.8+, 低版本的JDK,比如1.6+, 请使用 2.5.5
- 优雅关闭
- MonitorFilter 阻塞RPC流程
- 动态配置:无法指定消费端ip, 服务端配置无法删除.
- 路由规则解析问题
- 异步影响到下行RPC调用.
- 服务端流控优化.
- 社区提交的一些问题的修复.
详情请见 问题列表
依赖 | 当前 | 目标 | 影响 |
spring | 3.2.16.RELEASE | 4.3.10.RELEASE | schema parse;Http RPC |
zookeeper | 3.3.3 | 3.4.9 | registry |
zkclient | 0.1 | 0.10 | zookeeper client framework |
curator | 1.1.16 | 2.12.0 | zookeeper client framework |
commons-logging | 1.1.1 | 1.2 | Logger |
hessian | 4.0.6 | 4.0.38 | hessian RPC |
jedis | 2.1.0 | 2.9.0 | redis registry;redis RPC |
httpclient | 4.1.2 | 4.5.3 | hessian uses http connection pool |
validator | 1.0.0 | 1.1.0.Final | java validation |
cxf | 2.6.1 | 3.0.14 | webservice |
jcache | 0.4 | 1.0.0 | jcache |
- 代码格式化
- 修改没有可用服务端时的客户端提示信息.
- see Issues
- check available dubbo versions in maven center repostory.