Releases: apereo/cas
Releases · apereo/cas
For a complete list of changes, please refer to the change log for each preceding release candidate, and/or refer to the CAS documentation at
- 99653d5 Remove "All Rights Reserved "from UI (@mmoayyed)
- 6bd0cfc
should retrieve the right token encryption setting from properties. (@mmoayyed) - #1547 OAuth: Use the provided service for the access token, no the callback one (@leleuj)
- 2702610 Expose
to webflow (@frett) - 29bb759 Always use the root TGT for checking the AuthenticationPolicy (@frett)
- 9c4630b Drop connections early for ldap service registry (@mmoayyed)
- 78dd0fd Mark
public (@mmoayyed) - #1524 disallow double authN when ST is generated (@mmoayyed)
- 7cdb5d2 Add an extra space before header text (@mmoayyed)
- 714f0e7 JPA: Mark
calls not readonly (@frett) - 0f3191a Enhance hazelcast configuration; allow support for loading settings from an external file (@dima767)
- 1e44152 Allow alternative logger selection (@mmoayyed)
- #1548 Expose
s to webflow (@frett) - 4f08ea7 always use the root TGT for checking the
(@frett) - #1537 Updating Javadocsc (@PetrGasparik)
- 82ad309 Mark
public (@mmoayyed) - #1530 Drop search connection early for ldap service registry during updates (@mmoayyed)
- #1523 Disallow double authN when generating STs (@mmoayyed)
- 302c542 Update docs for Google Apps (@mmoayyed)
- 029cc3c Disable readonly for the
method of JPA service registry (@frett)
- 0500e5a 23664fa Allow better control over WS-FED principal resolver; Fix infinite redirect loops (@mmoayyed)
- #1480 Log4j2 reconfiguration of shut downs (@frett)
- 0789bc5 34e9b0e SAML1 ResponseTo field as valid cname (@mmoayyed)
- 9900352 Represent assignedId as a String for Services Management (@frett)
- 3481b4c Change name of the property to be more consistent with the rest of CAS (@dima767)
- cc436cd Added oauth-core module (@mmoayyed)
- fd3cf3a Refactor executor thread pool for httpclient (@mmoayyed)
- 0179a4f Remove HTML escaping from the URL (@mmoayyed)
- #1462 Quartz shutdown on 4.2 (@frett)
- #1459 Wait for Quartz threads to shutdown (@frett)
- 66defc3 Allow CAS cookie paths to be overridden (@mmoayyed)
- #1454 Fix url for ba-debug JS dependency (@nicolasmoreira)
- ef08efe Disable SAML external entities, includes, and entity reference expansion (@mmoayyed)
- #1437 Fixing typo in
bean def (@jtgasper3) - 2730fd0 Update the OAuth error view name (@mmoayyed)
- #1435 Update X.509 Authentication Guide (@jbjonesjr)
- #1430 Management webapp docs; time-based access strategy UI changes (@mmoayyed)
- #1427 Ensure SAML UI extensions are not null (@mmoayyed)
- f6eaa29 Allow attribute values for access strategy to support regex (@mmoayyed)
- 7bb4e77 Allow the pac4j credential to ignore the typedid if configured (@mmoayyed)
- #1412 Fixed typo in PAC4J documentation (@jtgasper3)
- #1410 Login throttling using
won't work (@mateofacu) - #1409 Registered Service properties (@mmoayyed)
- #1407 Allow the logout manager to use CAS local truststore (@mmoayyed)
- #1407 Update Kryo serializers (@smicyk)
- #1343 Decouple authentication from CASImpl (@dima767)
- #1385
methods that don't access instance data should be "static" (@kirill-vlasov) - #1383 Update to gradle 2.10 (@mmoayyed)
- 60085d7 fixed checkstyle issues (@mmoayyed)
- #1381 Dead stores should be removed (@DevFactory)
- #1380 Ensure CAS attributes are encoded (@mmoayyed)
- #1382 Unused private fields should be removed (@DevFactory)
- ea7a2c2 Fixing squid:S1068 - Unused private fields should be removed (@kirill-vlasov)
- 4c3b646 Remove protocol constants from webflow action (@mmoayyed)
- 0fe35cf Allow SLO messages to reach into the CAS truststore (@mmoayyed)
- #1372 Allow the warning cookie to be set conditionally in non-interactive actions (@mmoayyed)
- #1366 Allow oauth services to be verified against services manager (@mmoayyed)
- #1368 Ticket registry based on Infinispan cache (@mmoayyed)
- #1369 Doc correction - header level (@PetrGasparik)
- #1354 JWT/Token authentication support (@mmoayyed)
- #1363 Serialize/Deserialize the registered service for memcached (@mmoayyed)
- 2e6ea05 Allowed the use of Inspektr's
when running JDBC throttling queries (@mmoayyed) - 7c854e3 Allowed JPA registry to detect PGTs (@frett)
- #1349 Added
annotation when configuring salt for username attribute providers (@frett) - #1341 Added authZ strategy by date/time (@mmoayyed)
- c25d7df Fixed issue with missing JPA transactional entity manager (@mmoayyed)
- #1330 Fixed issue with Google Apps SAML2 timezones (@agaikwad)
- 8d5f45b Use static loggers for expiration policy (@frett)
- d42f436 Extended JPA field length for lobs (@mmoayyed)
- 6fabe3d Fixed skew allowance for google apps (@agaikwad)
- 265a7ad Allowed management app to reload services (@mmoayyed)
- #1320 Added missing namespace declaration into doc for JPA (@robertoschwald)
- 0237fe0 Allowed rest credentials to be extracted via a pluggable strategy (@dima767)
- #1303 Create a new Array for modified CAS logging arguments (@frett)