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Benjamin Roth edited this page Nov 16, 2016 · 8 revisions

chain(name_or_mapping = nil, &block) | block signature: (outflow, waterfall)

Chain is the main predicate, what it does depends on what the block returns

 # main waterfall
   .chain(foo: :bar) do
     # child waterfall{ 1 }.chain(:baz){ 2 }.chain{ 3 }
when block doesn't return a waterfall

The child waterfall would have the following outflow: { bar: 1, baz: 2 }

This illustrates that when the block returns a value which is not a waterfall, it stores the returned value of the block inside the name_or_mapping key of the outflow or doesn't store it if name_or_mapping is nil.

Be aware those are equivalent: { 1 }{|outflow| outflow[:foo] = 1 }{|outflow| = 1 }{|outflow, waterfall| waterfall.update_outflow(:foo, 1) }{|outflow, waterfall| = 1 }
when block returns a waterfall

The main waterfall would have the following outflow: { foo: 1 }

The main waterfall above receives the child waterfall as a return value of its chain block. All waterfalls have independent outflows.

If name_or_mapping is nil, the main waterfall's outflow wouldnt be affected by its child (but if the child is dammed, the parent will be dammed).

If name_or_mapping is a hash, the format must be read as { name_in_parent_waterfall: :name_from_child_waterfall}. In the above example, the child returned an outflow with a bar key which has be renamed as foo in the main one.

It may look useless, because most of the time you may not rename, but... It makes things clear. You know exactly what you expect and you know exactly that you dont expect the rest the child may provide.

when_falsy(&block) | block signature: (error_pool, waterfall)

This predicate must always be used followed with dam like:
  .chain(:foo) { 1 }
  .when_falsy { true }
   .dam { "this wouldnt be executed"  }
  .when_falsy { false }
   .dam { "errrrr"  }
  .chain(:bar) { 2 }
  .on_dam {|error_pool| puts error_pool  }

If the block returns a falsy value, it executes the dam block, which will store the returned value in the error_pool.

Once the waterfall is dammed, all following chain blocks are skipped (wont be executed). And all the following on_dam block would be executed.

As a result the example above would return a waterfall object having its outflow equal to { foo: 1 }. Remember: it has been dammed before bar would have been set.

Its error_pool would be "errrrr" and it would be puts as a result of the on_dam

Be aware those are equivalent:{ false }.dam{ 'errrr' }{ |outflow, waterfall| waterfall.dam('errrr') unless false }

when_truthy(&block) | block signature: (error_pool, waterfall)

Behaves the same as when_falsy except it dams when its return value is truthy

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