From 1b08e74ddec7fc47f350c68fafb2972b5d1f170c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Zach FettersMoore <>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2023 11:20:00 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Adding more test cases

Adding more tests cases for type name conflicts during selection set generation
 .../ApolloCodegenTests.swift                  | 488 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 488 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Tests/ApolloCodegenTests/ApolloCodegenTests.swift b/Tests/ApolloCodegenTests/ApolloCodegenTests.swift
index 131abe8e6c..d5f6e9bccd 100644
--- a/Tests/ApolloCodegenTests/ApolloCodegenTests.swift
+++ b/Tests/ApolloCodegenTests/ApolloCodegenTests.swift
@@ -2702,6 +2702,494 @@ class ApolloCodegenTests: XCTestCase {
+  // The code gen from this schema doesn't throw a compile error due to multiple types named the same, however the nested type appears to end up referencing the name struct from
+  // a type higher in the selection set hierarchy which will likely cause problems during runtime
+  func test__validation__selectionSet_typeConflicts_withNamedFragmentCollision_shouldThrowError() throws {
+    let schemaDefData: Data = {
+      """
+      type Query {
+          user: User
+      }
+      type User {
+          containers: [Container]
+      }
+      type Container {
+          value: Value
+          values: [Value]
+          user: Int
+      }
+      type Value {
+          propertyA: String!
+          propertyB: String!
+          propertyC: String!
+          propertyD: String!
+      }
+      """
+    }().data(using: .utf8)!
+    let operationData: Data =
+      """
+      query ConflictingQuery {
+        user {
+            containers {
+                value {
+                    propertyA
+                    propertyB
+                    propertyC
+                    propertyD
+                }
+                ...value
+            }
+        }
+      }
+      fragment value on Container {
+          user
+      }
+      """.data(using: .utf8)!
+    try createFile(containing: schemaDefData, named: "schema.graphqls")
+    try createFile(containing: operationData, named: "operation.graphql")
+    let config = ApolloCodegenConfiguration.mock(
+      input: .init(
+        schemaSearchPaths: ["schema*.graphqls"],
+        operationSearchPaths: ["*.graphql"]
+      ),
+      output: .init(
+        schemaTypes: .init(path: "SchemaModule",
+                           moduleType: .swiftPackageManager),
+        operations: .inSchemaModule
+      )
+    )
+    expect(try config))
+      .to(throwError { error in
+        guard case let ApolloCodegen.Error.typeNameConflict(name, conflictingName, containingObject) = error else {
+          fail("Expected .typeNameConflict, got .\(error)")
+          return
+        }
+//        expect(name).to(equal("values"))
+//        expect(conflictingName).to(equal("value"))
+//        expect(containingObject).to(equal("ConflictingQuery"))
+      })
+  }
+  // The code gen from this schema doesn't throw a compile error due to multiple types named the same, however the nested type appears to end up referencing the name struct from
+  // a type higher in the selection set hierarchy which will likely cause problems during runtime
+  func test__validation__selectionSet_typeConflicts_withNamedFragmentCollisionWithinInlineFragment_shouldThrowError() throws {
+    let schemaDefData: Data = {
+      """
+      type Query {
+          user: User
+      }
+      type User {
+          containers: [ContainerInterface]
+      }
+      interface ContainerInterface {
+          value: Value
+      }
+      type Container implements ContainerInterface{
+          value: Value
+          values: [Value]
+          user: Int
+      }
+      type Value {
+          propertyA: String!
+          propertyB: String!
+          propertyC: String!
+          propertyD: String!
+      }
+      """
+    }().data(using: .utf8)!
+    let operationData: Data =
+      """
+      query ConflictingQuery {
+          user {
+            containers {
+              value {
+                propertyA
+                propertyB
+                propertyC
+                propertyD
+              }
+              ... on Container {
+                ...value
+              }
+            }
+          }
+      }
+      fragment value on Container {
+          user
+      }
+      """.data(using: .utf8)!
+    try createFile(containing: schemaDefData, named: "schema.graphqls")
+    try createFile(containing: operationData, named: "operation.graphql")
+    let config = ApolloCodegenConfiguration.mock(
+      input: .init(
+        schemaSearchPaths: ["schema*.graphqls"],
+        operationSearchPaths: ["*.graphql"]
+      ),
+      output: .init(
+        schemaTypes: .init(path: "SchemaModule",
+                           moduleType: .swiftPackageManager),
+        operations: .inSchemaModule
+      )
+    )
+    expect(try config))
+      .to(throwError { error in
+        guard case let ApolloCodegen.Error.typeNameConflict(name, conflictingName, containingObject) = error else {
+          fail("Expected .typeNameConflict, got .\(error)")
+          return
+        }
+//        expect(name).to(equal("values"))
+//        expect(conflictingName).to(equal("value"))
+//        expect(containingObject).to(equal("ConflictingQuery"))
+      })
+  }
+  func test__validation__selectionSet_typeConflicts_withNamedFragmentFieldCollisionWithinInlineFragment_shouldThrowError() throws {
+    let schemaDefData: Data = {
+      """
+      type Query {
+          user: User
+      }
+      type User {
+          containers: [ContainerInterface]
+      }
+      interface ContainerInterface {
+          value: Value
+      }
+      type Container implements ContainerInterface{
+          value: Value
+          values: [Value]
+          user: Int
+      }
+      type Value {
+          propertyA: String!
+          propertyB: String!
+          propertyC: String!
+          propertyD: String!
+      }
+      """
+    }().data(using: .utf8)!
+    let operationData: Data =
+      """
+      query ConflictingQuery {
+          user {
+            containers {
+              value {
+                propertyA
+                propertyB
+                propertyC
+                propertyD
+              }
+              ... on Container {
+                ...ValueFragment
+              }
+            }
+          }
+      }
+      fragment ValueFragment on Container {
+          values {
+              propertyA
+              propertyC
+          }
+      }
+      """.data(using: .utf8)!
+    try createFile(containing: schemaDefData, named: "schema.graphqls")
+    try createFile(containing: operationData, named: "operation.graphql")
+    let config = ApolloCodegenConfiguration.mock(
+      input: .init(
+        schemaSearchPaths: ["schema*.graphqls"],
+        operationSearchPaths: ["*.graphql"]
+      ),
+      output: .init(
+        schemaTypes: .init(path: "SchemaModule",
+                           moduleType: .swiftPackageManager),
+        operations: .inSchemaModule
+      )
+    )
+    expect(try config))
+      .to(throwError { error in
+        guard case let ApolloCodegen.Error.typeNameConflict(name, conflictingName, containingObject) = error else {
+          fail("Expected .typeNameConflict, got .\(error)")
+          return
+        }
+        expect(name).to(equal("value"))
+        expect(conflictingName).to(equal("values"))
+        expect(containingObject).to(equal("ConflictingQuery"))
+      })
+  }
+  // The code gen from this schema doesn't throw a compile error due to multiple types named the same, however the nested type appears to end up referencing the name struct from
+  // a type higher in the selection set hierarchy which will likely cause problems during runtime
+  func test__validation__selectionSet_typeConflicts_withNestedTypeFieldCollision_shouldThrowError() throws {
+    let schemaDefData: Data = {
+      """
+      type Query {
+          user: User
+      }
+      type User {
+          containers: [ContainerInterface]
+      }
+      interface ContainerInterface {
+          value: Value
+      }
+      type Container implements ContainerInterface{
+          nestedContainer: NestedContainer
+          value: Value
+          values: [Value]
+          user: Int
+      }
+      type Value {
+          propertyA: String!
+          propertyB: String!
+          propertyC: String!
+          propertyD: String!
+      }
+      type NestedContainer {
+          values: [Value]
+      }
+      """
+    }().data(using: .utf8)!
+    let operationData: Data =
+      """
+      query ConflictingQuery {
+          user {
+            containers {
+              value {
+                propertyA
+                propertyB
+                propertyC
+                propertyD
+              }
+              ... on Container {
+                nestedContainer {
+                  values {
+                      propertyA
+                      propertyC
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+      }
+      """.data(using: .utf8)!
+    try createFile(containing: schemaDefData, named: "schema.graphqls")
+    try createFile(containing: operationData, named: "operation.graphql")
+    let config = ApolloCodegenConfiguration.mock(
+      input: .init(
+        schemaSearchPaths: ["schema*.graphqls"],
+        operationSearchPaths: ["*.graphql"]
+      ),
+      output: .init(
+        schemaTypes: .init(path: "SchemaModule",
+                           moduleType: .swiftPackageManager),
+        operations: .inSchemaModule
+      )
+    )
+    expect(try config))
+      .to(throwError { error in
+        guard case let ApolloCodegen.Error.typeNameConflict(name, conflictingName, containingObject) = error else {
+          fail("Expected .typeNameConflict, got .\(error)")
+          return
+        }
+//        expect(name).to(equal("values"))
+//        expect(conflictingName).to(equal("value"))
+//        expect(containingObject).to(equal("ConflictingQuery"))
+      })
+  }
+  func test__validation__selectionSet_typeConflicts_withNamedFragmentWithinInlineFragmentTypeCollision_shouldThrowError() throws {
+    let schemaDefData: Data = {
+      """
+      type Query {
+          user: User
+      }
+      type User {
+          containers: [ContainerInterface]
+      }
+      interface ContainerInterface {
+          value: Value
+      }
+      type Container implements ContainerInterface{
+          nestedContainer: NestedContainer
+          value: Value
+          values: [Value]
+          user: Int
+      }
+      type Value {
+          propertyA: String!
+          propertyB: String!
+          propertyC: String!
+          propertyD: String!
+      }
+      type NestedContainer {
+          values: [Value]
+          description: String
+      }
+      """
+    }().data(using: .utf8)!
+    let operationData: Data =
+      """
+      query ConflictingQuery {
+          user {
+            containers {
+              value {
+                propertyA
+                propertyB
+                propertyC
+                propertyD
+              }
+              ... on Container {
+                nestedContainer {
+                  ...value
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+      }
+      fragment value on NestedContainer {
+          description
+      }
+      """.data(using: .utf8)!
+    try createFile(containing: schemaDefData, named: "schema.graphqls")
+    try createFile(containing: operationData, named: "operation.graphql")
+    let config = ApolloCodegenConfiguration.mock(
+      input: .init(
+        schemaSearchPaths: ["schema*.graphqls"],
+        operationSearchPaths: ["*.graphql"]
+      ),
+      output: .init(
+        schemaTypes: .init(path: "SchemaModule",
+                           moduleType: .swiftPackageManager),
+        operations: .inSchemaModule
+      )
+    )
+    expect(try config))
+      .to(throwError { error in
+        guard case let ApolloCodegen.Error.typeNameConflict(name, conflictingName, containingObject) = error else {
+          fail("Expected .typeNameConflict, got .\(error)")
+          return
+        }
+//        expect(name).to(equal("values"))
+//        expect(conflictingName).to(equal("value"))
+//        expect(containingObject).to(equal("ConflictingQuery"))
+      })
+  }
+  func test__validation__selectionSet_typeConflicts_withFieldUsingNamedFragmentCollision_shouldThrowError() throws {
+    let schemaDefData: Data = {
+      """
+      type Query {
+          user: User
+      }
+      type User {
+          containers: [Container]
+      }
+      type Container {
+          info: Value
+      }
+      type Value {
+          propertyA: String!
+          propertyB: String!
+          propertyC: String!
+          propertyD: String!
+      }
+      """
+    }().data(using: .utf8)!
+    let operationData: Data =
+      """
+      query ConflictingQuery {
+          user {
+            containers {
+              info {
+                  ...Info
+              }
+            }
+          }
+      }
+      fragment Info on Value {
+          propertyA
+          propertyB
+          propertyD
+      }
+      """.data(using: .utf8)!
+    try createFile(containing: schemaDefData, named: "schema.graphqls")
+    try createFile(containing: operationData, named: "operation.graphql")
+    let config = ApolloCodegenConfiguration.mock(
+      input: .init(
+        schemaSearchPaths: ["schema*.graphqls"],
+        operationSearchPaths: ["*.graphql"]
+      ),
+      output: .init(
+        schemaTypes: .init(path: "SchemaModule",
+                           moduleType: .swiftPackageManager),
+        operations: .inSchemaModule
+      )
+    )
+    expect(try config))
+      .to(throwError { error in
+        guard case let ApolloCodegen.Error.typeNameConflict(name, conflictingName, containingObject) = error else {
+          fail("Expected .typeNameConflict, got .\(error)")
+          return
+        }
+//        expect(name).to(equal("values"))
+//        expect(conflictingName).to(equal("value"))
+//        expect(containingObject).to(equal("ConflictingQuery"))
+      })
+  }
   // MARK: Path Match Exclusion Tests

From 3e381a30f927c40f2558f4a4300b0c13d083cb69 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Zach FettersMoore <>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2023 14:47:26 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Updated type conflict algorithm and test cases

- Finalize test cases
- Update type conflict algorithm to cover test cases
 Sources/ApolloCodegenLib/ApolloCodegen.swift  |  49 +++-
 .../ApolloCodegenTests.swift                  | 259 +-----------------
 2 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 260 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Sources/ApolloCodegenLib/ApolloCodegen.swift b/Sources/ApolloCodegenLib/ApolloCodegen.swift
index ab11e28d9e..1287053adf 100644
--- a/Sources/ApolloCodegenLib/ApolloCodegen.swift
+++ b/Sources/ApolloCodegenLib/ApolloCodegen.swift
@@ -222,24 +222,54 @@ public class ApolloCodegen {
   /// Validates that there are no type conflicts within a SelectionSet
-  static private func validateTypeConflicts(for selectionSet: IR.SelectionSet, with context: ConfigurationContext, in containingObject: String) throws {
+  static private func validateTypeConflicts(for selectionSet: IR.SelectionSet,
+                                            with context: ConfigurationContext,
+                                            in containingObject: String,
+                                            including parentTypes: [String: String] = [:]) throws {
     // Check for type conflicts resulting from singularization/pluralization of fields
-    var fieldNamesByFormattedTypeName = [String: String]()
+    var typeNamesByFormattedTypeName = [String: String]()
     var fields: [IR.EntityField] = { $0 as? IR.EntityField } ?? []
     fields.append(contentsOf: selectionSet.selections.merged.fields.values.compactMap { $0 as? IR.EntityField } )
     try fields.forEach { field in
       let formattedTypeName = field.formattedSelectionSetName(with: context.pluralizer)
-      if let existingFieldName = fieldNamesByFormattedTypeName[formattedTypeName] {
+      if let existingFieldName = typeNamesByFormattedTypeName[formattedTypeName] {
         throw Error.typeNameConflict(
           name: existingFieldName,
           containingObject: containingObject
-      fieldNamesByFormattedTypeName[formattedTypeName] =
-      try validateTypeConflicts(for: field.selectionSet, with: context, in: containingObject)
+      typeNamesByFormattedTypeName[formattedTypeName] =
+    }
+    // Combine `parentTypes` and `typeNamesByFormattedTypeName` to check against fragment names and
+    // pass into recursive function calls
+    var combinedTypeNames = parentTypes
+    combinedTypeNames.merge(typeNamesByFormattedTypeName) { (current, _) in current }
+    // passing each fields selection set for validation after we have fully built our `typeNamesByFormattedTypeName` dictionary
+    try fields.forEach { field in
+      try validateTypeConflicts(
+        for: field.selectionSet,
+        with: context,
+        in: containingObject,
+        including: combinedTypeNames
+      )
+    }
+    var fragments: [IR.NamedFragment] = { $0.fragment } ?? []
+    fragments.append(contentsOf: { $0.fragment })
+    try fragments.forEach { fragment in
+      if let existingTypeName = combinedTypeNames[fragment.generatedDefinitionName] {
+        throw Error.typeNameConflict(
+          name: existingTypeName,
+          conflictingName:,
+          containingObject: containingObject
+        )
+      }
     // gather nested fragments to loop through and check as well
@@ -247,7 +277,12 @@ public class ApolloCodegen {
     nestedSelectionSets.append(contentsOf: selectionSet.selections.merged.inlineFragments.values)
     try nestedSelectionSets.forEach { nestedSet in
-      try validateTypeConflicts(for: nestedSet, with: context, in: containingObject)
+      try validateTypeConflicts(
+        for: nestedSet,
+        with: context,
+        in: containingObject,
+        including: combinedTypeNames
+      )
diff --git a/Tests/ApolloCodegenTests/ApolloCodegenTests.swift b/Tests/ApolloCodegenTests/ApolloCodegenTests.swift
index d5f6e9bccd..e131699999 100644
--- a/Tests/ApolloCodegenTests/ApolloCodegenTests.swift
+++ b/Tests/ApolloCodegenTests/ApolloCodegenTests.swift
@@ -2703,165 +2703,6 @@ class ApolloCodegenTests: XCTestCase {
-  // The code gen from this schema doesn't throw a compile error due to multiple types named the same, however the nested type appears to end up referencing the name struct from
-  // a type higher in the selection set hierarchy which will likely cause problems during runtime
-  func test__validation__selectionSet_typeConflicts_withNamedFragmentCollision_shouldThrowError() throws {
-    let schemaDefData: Data = {
-      """
-      type Query {
-          user: User
-      }
-      type User {
-          containers: [Container]
-      }
-      type Container {
-          value: Value
-          values: [Value]
-          user: Int
-      }
-      type Value {
-          propertyA: String!
-          propertyB: String!
-          propertyC: String!
-          propertyD: String!
-      }
-      """
-    }().data(using: .utf8)!
-    let operationData: Data =
-      """
-      query ConflictingQuery {
-        user {
-            containers {
-                value {
-                    propertyA
-                    propertyB
-                    propertyC
-                    propertyD
-                }
-                ...value
-            }
-        }
-      }
-      fragment value on Container {
-          user
-      }
-      """.data(using: .utf8)!
-    try createFile(containing: schemaDefData, named: "schema.graphqls")
-    try createFile(containing: operationData, named: "operation.graphql")
-    let config = ApolloCodegenConfiguration.mock(
-      input: .init(
-        schemaSearchPaths: ["schema*.graphqls"],
-        operationSearchPaths: ["*.graphql"]
-      ),
-      output: .init(
-        schemaTypes: .init(path: "SchemaModule",
-                           moduleType: .swiftPackageManager),
-        operations: .inSchemaModule
-      )
-    )
-    expect(try config))
-      .to(throwError { error in
-        guard case let ApolloCodegen.Error.typeNameConflict(name, conflictingName, containingObject) = error else {
-          fail("Expected .typeNameConflict, got .\(error)")
-          return
-        }
-//        expect(name).to(equal("values"))
-//        expect(conflictingName).to(equal("value"))
-//        expect(containingObject).to(equal("ConflictingQuery"))
-      })
-  }
-  // The code gen from this schema doesn't throw a compile error due to multiple types named the same, however the nested type appears to end up referencing the name struct from
-  // a type higher in the selection set hierarchy which will likely cause problems during runtime
-  func test__validation__selectionSet_typeConflicts_withNamedFragmentCollisionWithinInlineFragment_shouldThrowError() throws {
-    let schemaDefData: Data = {
-      """
-      type Query {
-          user: User
-      }
-      type User {
-          containers: [ContainerInterface]
-      }
-      interface ContainerInterface {
-          value: Value
-      }
-      type Container implements ContainerInterface{
-          value: Value
-          values: [Value]
-          user: Int
-      }
-      type Value {
-          propertyA: String!
-          propertyB: String!
-          propertyC: String!
-          propertyD: String!
-      }
-      """
-    }().data(using: .utf8)!
-    let operationData: Data =
-      """
-      query ConflictingQuery {
-          user {
-            containers {
-              value {
-                propertyA
-                propertyB
-                propertyC
-                propertyD
-              }
-              ... on Container {
-                ...value
-              }
-            }
-          }
-      }
-      fragment value on Container {
-          user
-      }
-      """.data(using: .utf8)!
-    try createFile(containing: schemaDefData, named: "schema.graphqls")
-    try createFile(containing: operationData, named: "operation.graphql")
-    let config = ApolloCodegenConfiguration.mock(
-      input: .init(
-        schemaSearchPaths: ["schema*.graphqls"],
-        operationSearchPaths: ["*.graphql"]
-      ),
-      output: .init(
-        schemaTypes: .init(path: "SchemaModule",
-                           moduleType: .swiftPackageManager),
-        operations: .inSchemaModule
-      )
-    )
-    expect(try config))
-      .to(throwError { error in
-        guard case let ApolloCodegen.Error.typeNameConflict(name, conflictingName, containingObject) = error else {
-          fail("Expected .typeNameConflict, got .\(error)")
-          return
-        }
-//        expect(name).to(equal("values"))
-//        expect(conflictingName).to(equal("value"))
-//        expect(containingObject).to(equal("ConflictingQuery"))
-      })
-  }
   func test__validation__selectionSet_typeConflicts_withNamedFragmentFieldCollisionWithinInlineFragment_shouldThrowError() throws {
     let schemaDefData: Data = {
@@ -2945,94 +2786,6 @@ class ApolloCodegenTests: XCTestCase {
-  // The code gen from this schema doesn't throw a compile error due to multiple types named the same, however the nested type appears to end up referencing the name struct from
-  // a type higher in the selection set hierarchy which will likely cause problems during runtime
-  func test__validation__selectionSet_typeConflicts_withNestedTypeFieldCollision_shouldThrowError() throws {
-    let schemaDefData: Data = {
-      """
-      type Query {
-          user: User
-      }
-      type User {
-          containers: [ContainerInterface]
-      }
-      interface ContainerInterface {
-          value: Value
-      }
-      type Container implements ContainerInterface{
-          nestedContainer: NestedContainer
-          value: Value
-          values: [Value]
-          user: Int
-      }
-      type Value {
-          propertyA: String!
-          propertyB: String!
-          propertyC: String!
-          propertyD: String!
-      }
-      type NestedContainer {
-          values: [Value]
-      }
-      """
-    }().data(using: .utf8)!
-    let operationData: Data =
-      """
-      query ConflictingQuery {
-          user {
-            containers {
-              value {
-                propertyA
-                propertyB
-                propertyC
-                propertyD
-              }
-              ... on Container {
-                nestedContainer {
-                  values {
-                      propertyA
-                      propertyC
-                  }
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-      }
-      """.data(using: .utf8)!
-    try createFile(containing: schemaDefData, named: "schema.graphqls")
-    try createFile(containing: operationData, named: "operation.graphql")
-    let config = ApolloCodegenConfiguration.mock(
-      input: .init(
-        schemaSearchPaths: ["schema*.graphqls"],
-        operationSearchPaths: ["*.graphql"]
-      ),
-      output: .init(
-        schemaTypes: .init(path: "SchemaModule",
-                           moduleType: .swiftPackageManager),
-        operations: .inSchemaModule
-      )
-    )
-    expect(try config))
-      .to(throwError { error in
-        guard case let ApolloCodegen.Error.typeNameConflict(name, conflictingName, containingObject) = error else {
-          fail("Expected .typeNameConflict, got .\(error)")
-          return
-        }
-//        expect(name).to(equal("values"))
-//        expect(conflictingName).to(equal("value"))
-//        expect(containingObject).to(equal("ConflictingQuery"))
-      })
-  }
   func test__validation__selectionSet_typeConflicts_withNamedFragmentWithinInlineFragmentTypeCollision_shouldThrowError() throws {
     let schemaDefData: Data = {
@@ -3115,9 +2868,9 @@ class ApolloCodegenTests: XCTestCase {
           fail("Expected .typeNameConflict, got .\(error)")
-//        expect(name).to(equal("values"))
-//        expect(conflictingName).to(equal("value"))
-//        expect(containingObject).to(equal("ConflictingQuery"))
+        expect(name).to(equal("value"))
+        expect(conflictingName).to(equal("value"))
+        expect(containingObject).to(equal("ConflictingQuery"))
@@ -3185,9 +2938,9 @@ class ApolloCodegenTests: XCTestCase {
           fail("Expected .typeNameConflict, got .\(error)")
-//        expect(name).to(equal("values"))
-//        expect(conflictingName).to(equal("value"))
-//        expect(containingObject).to(equal("ConflictingQuery"))
+        expect(name).to(equal("info"))
+        expect(conflictingName).to(equal("Info"))
+        expect(containingObject).to(equal("ConflictingQuery"))

From 853b978c189c1ae07d33afdccf78f8dc789af8f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Zach FettersMoore <>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2023 16:36:19 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Minor formatting fix

 Sources/ApolloCodegenLib/ApolloCodegen.swift | 10 ++++++----
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Sources/ApolloCodegenLib/ApolloCodegen.swift b/Sources/ApolloCodegenLib/ApolloCodegen.swift
index 1287053adf..ab48f9a916 100644
--- a/Sources/ApolloCodegenLib/ApolloCodegen.swift
+++ b/Sources/ApolloCodegenLib/ApolloCodegen.swift
@@ -222,10 +222,12 @@ public class ApolloCodegen {
   /// Validates that there are no type conflicts within a SelectionSet
-  static private func validateTypeConflicts(for selectionSet: IR.SelectionSet,
-                                            with context: ConfigurationContext,
-                                            in containingObject: String,
-                                            including parentTypes: [String: String] = [:]) throws {
+  static private func validateTypeConflicts(
+    for selectionSet: IR.SelectionSet,
+    with context: ConfigurationContext,
+    in containingObject: String,
+    including parentTypes: [String: String] = [:]
+  ) throws {
     // Check for type conflicts resulting from singularization/pluralization of fields
     var typeNamesByFormattedTypeName = [String: String]()