This is an annexe to the macUP macOS setup process that offers:
- Keyboard combinations
- recipe ideas for the macOS
see also:
- keyboard quick combos
- generic tips for smooth running
- and help for troubleshooting
These 'kbd combo tips' were correct in High Sierra (version 10.13)
⌘ = cmd ≍ Win
⌥ = opt ≍ Alt
^ = Ctrl
⇧ = Shift
Feature | Shortcut |
Symbols | ⌃ ⌘ space (Settings / add Technical Symbols) |
Lock Screen | ⌃ ⌘ Q |
Spotlight | ⌘ space |
Filer search | ⌥ ⌘ space |
Screenshot | ⇧ ⌘ 3 |
Crop shot | ⇧ ⌘ 4 |
See also Mac startup key combinations
Feature | Shortcut |
Multiple select | ⌘ click |
Shortcut | Feature |
⌘ ⇥ | Switch apps |
⌃ ← or → | Switch ‘desktops’ (maximised apps) |
⌘ ` | Switch instances of app (only if neither minimised nor maximised) |
F11 | Show Desktop (Exposé) |
? | |
⌘ ⌥ ⎋ (Esc) | Force Quit Applications |
⌃ space | for Spotlight to search "Activity Monitor" |
If you really want to make a shortcut directly into Activity Monitor then see
- ⌘ , open current application's Preferences or Settings dialog
Enter Rename the selected file
⌘ ⌥ C Copy file path as UNC
⌘ ⇧ . Show / Hide hidden items
⌘ ⇧ C Computer folder
⌘ ⇧ H Home folder
⌘ ⇧ G Go to Folder
- this will also work when you are in an app that uses the File Open dialog
- It will allow you to paste in a path, from the clipboard, to go straight to that location
Multi-touch gestures Force click examples
An easy way that usually works is to hold the key for a second and release it before it starts repeating.
Option Key gives the others:
- ` grave
- e acute
- i circumflex
- n tilde
- u umlaut
then type the next letter
For other common characters use Option and the letter (o ø - a å etc)
See the table at
apple dictate - for TTS, change the key cmd to option+tilde
⌃ space (for Spotlight) then terminal
Generally CTRL becomes ⌘
- Headings
- ⌘ 1 Heading 1
- ⌘ 2 Heading 2 etc
- Autofill
- ⇧ fn ⌫ Shift Fn Backsp remove hightlighted autofill entry
- .
on iOS devices there is a prefs:root=Devices&path=
etc URL scheme that allows you quickly open the System Preferences app in a particular place. This is not (yet?) present in macOS so you have alternatives.
- You can use
scheme- this has been deprecated since 10.13, but still works for some settings sections
- e.g.
- for a list see
- Or you can use AppleScript
tell application "System Preferences"
reveal anchor "input" of ¬
pane id ""
end tell
- Notes on using AppleScript for System Settings shortcuts
- See the list of panes in
- see SuperUser for a more robust and varied script that actually tweaks settings for you
- a more extensive reddit Guide to System Settings with System Events automation templates
- to identify anchors in the pane use
Script Editor
to run the following whilst the pane is open:tell application "System Settings" to get anchors of current pane
- credit