Only the most recent version of ModBot is supported.
We don't offer bug fixes or security updates for old versions.
Vulnerabilities in this project mostly fall into one of the following categories:
- Being able to view or modify settings in another guild
- Being able to view or modify moderations for another guild
- Being able to modify moderations or settings without having access in a guild
- Default Permissions that give users access to something that should probably be private
- Injecting custom code into the bot
- Crashing the entire ModBot instance
- Overloading the instance and therefore making the bot unusable on other servers
The following are explicitly not vulnerabilities inside ModBot:
- Poorly configured slash command permissions which allow users to execute privileged commands
- Issues otherwise specific to a server for example having a public log of deleted messages, moderations etc.
Please do not create a public issue about security vulnerabilities. To prevent abuse of the vulnerability before a fix is available please create a private report here: