From 048947af210968a645478b1a5c1d723dfb4cca32 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: James M Snell Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2017 10:17:53 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] doc: add missing error codes PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anatoli Papirovski Reviewed-By: Refael Ackermann Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig Reviewed-By: Teddy Katz --- doc/api/ | 92 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 92 insertions(+) diff --git a/doc/api/ b/doc/api/ index 30dca3977e..6e4511cb41 100644 --- a/doc/api/ +++ b/doc/api/ @@ -643,11 +643,36 @@ Used when an invalid value for the `format` argument has been passed to the Used when an invalid crypto engine identifier is passed to [`require('crypto').setEngine()`][]. + +### ERR_CRYPTO_HASH_DIGEST_NO_UTF16 + +Used when the UTF-16 encoding is used with [`hash.digest()`][]. While the +`hash.digest()` method does allow an `encoding` argument to be passed in, +causing the method to return a string rather than a `Buffer`, the UTF-16 +encoding (e.g. `ucs` or `utf16le`) is not supported. + + +### ERR_CRYPTO_HASH_FINALIZED + +Used when [`hash.digest()`][] is called multiple times. The `hash.digest()` +method must be called no more than one time per instance of a `Hash` object. + + +### ERR_CRYPTO_HASH_UPDATE_FAILED + +Used when [`hash.update()`][] fails for any reason. This should rarely, if +ever, happen. + ### ERR_CRYPTO_INVALID_DIGEST Used when an invalid [crypto digest algorithm][] is specified. + +### ERR_CRYPTO_SIGN_KEY_REQUIRED + +Used when a signing `key` is not provided to the [`sign.sign()`][] method. + ### ERR_CRYPTO_TIMING_SAFE_EQUAL_LENGTH @@ -1137,6 +1162,20 @@ for strict compliance with the API specification (which in some cases may accept `func(undefined)` and `func()` are treated identically, and the [`ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE`][] error code may be used instead. + +### ERR_MISSING_MODULE + +> Stability: 1 - Experimental + +Used when an [ES6 module][] cannot be resolved. + + +### ERR_MODULE_RESOLUTION_LEGACY + +> Stability: 1 - Experimental + +Used when a failure occurs resolving imports in an [ES6 module][]. + ### ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK @@ -1181,16 +1220,42 @@ For example: `Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length])` Used generically to identify that an operation caused an out of memory condition. + +### ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE + +Used generically when an input argument value values outside an acceptable +range. + ### ERR_PARSE_HISTORY_DATA Used by the `REPL` module when it cannot parse data from the REPL history file. + +### ERR_REQUIRE_ESM + +> Stability: 1 - Experimental + +Used when an attempt is made to `require()` an [ES6 module][]. + + +### ERR_SERVER_ALREADY_LISTEN + +Used when the [`server.listen()`][] method is called while a `net.Server` is +already listening. This applies to all instances of `net.Server`, including +HTTP, HTTPS, and HTTP/2 Server instances. + ### ERR_SOCKET_ALREADY_BOUND Used when an attempt is made to bind a socket that has already been bound. + +### ERR_SOCKET_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE + +Used when an invalid (negative) size is passed for either the `recvBufferSize` +or `sendBufferSize` options in [`dgram.createSocket()`][]. + ### ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT @@ -1203,6 +1268,12 @@ value. Used when an API function expecting a socket type (`udp4` or `udp6`) receives an invalid value. + +### ERR_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE + +Used when using [`dgram.createSocket()`][] and the size of the receive or send +`Buffer` cannot be determined. + ### ERR_SOCKET_CANNOT_SEND @@ -1309,6 +1380,21 @@ is emitted by an `EventEmitter` but an `'error'` handler is not registered). Used when an invalid or unknown encoding option is passed to an API. + +### ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION + +> Stability: 1 - Experimental + +Used when attempting to load a module with an unknown or unsupported file +extension. + + +### ERR_UNKNOWN_MODULE_FORMAT + +> Stability: 1 - Experimental + +Used when attempting to load a module with an unknown or unsupported format. + ### ERR_UNKNOWN_SIGNAL @@ -1381,7 +1467,11 @@ Used when an attempt is made to use a `zlib` object after it has already been closed. [`crypto.timingSafeEqual()`]: crypto.html#crypto_crypto_timingsafeequal_a_b +[`dgram.createSocket()`]: dgram.html#dgram_dgram_createsocket_options_callback [`ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE`]: #ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE +[`hash.digest()`]: crypto.html#crypto_hash_digest_encoding +[`hash.update()`]: crypto.html#crypto_hash_update_data_inputencoding +[`sign.sign()`]: crypto.html#crypto_sign_sign_privatekey_outputformat [`subprocess.kill()`]: child_process.html#child_process_subprocess_kill_signal [`subprocess.send()`]: child_process.html#child_process_subprocess_send_message_sendhandle_options_callback [`fs.readFileSync`]: fs.html#fs_fs_readfilesync_path_options @@ -1397,6 +1487,8 @@ closed. [`process.on('uncaughtException')`]: process.html#process_event_uncaughtexception [`process.send()`]: process.html#process_process_send_message_sendhandle_options_callback [`require('crypto').setEngine()`]: crypto.html#crypto_crypto_setengine_engine_flags +[`server.listen()`]: net.html#net_server_listen +[ES6 module]: esm.html [Node.js Error Codes]: #nodejs-error-codes [V8's stack trace API]: [WHATWG URL API]: url.html#url_the_whatwg_url_api