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A front-end application framework based on Vue, easy to handle, is suitable for teams lacking front-end engineers, it can be be used in the field of operation and maintenance monitoring, data analysis and common background management system, etc.
- Easy to use, provide a variety of commonly used components, and quickly start front-end development.
- Navigation bar, page layout support JSON configuration.
- Templates can be easily reused to improve the efficiency of development.
- Provide the operation and maintenance dashboard feature, especially for the monitoring data analysis
- Provide the scaffold command line tool to init the project, mockup the API data, start the devserver, update the system and so on.
Document: https://baidu.github.io/NoahV
NoahV rely on Nodejs 6.0+, please check Node.js v6.0+ already installed on your system before run following commands.
1.Install command line tools
# Install noahv-cli
$ npm install noahv-cli -g
# Look for help
$ noahv --help
2.Init project
# Create an empty folder & run init
$ mkdir project && cd project && noahv init
3.Run project
# Run noahv start in the project root directory
$ noahv start
4.Reuse template
# Run noahv create in the project root directory
$ noahv create
# Choose page type According to the hint,support form,list,filterlist,chart at present
Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making a pull request.
Apache License 2.0