Typical users will migrate from
in rules_docker.
First, you'll need a base image.
It's wise to minimize changes by using the same one your current go_image
The logic for choosing the default base in rules_docker is in
Or, you can just use bazel query to find out:
$ bazel query --output=build hello_world:hello_world_go_image
Starting local Bazel server and connecting to it...
# /home/alexeagle/Projects/hello_world/BUILD.bazel:22:9
name = "hello_world_go_image",
base = select({"@io_bazel_rules_docker//:debug": "@go_debug_image_base//image:image", "@io_bazel_rules_docker//:fastbuild": "@go_image_base//image:image", "@io_bazel_rules_docker//:optimized": "@go_image_base//image:image", "//conditions:default": "@go_image_base//image:image"}),
Since we don't use the "debug" config, this tells us that we use @go_base_image
, we need one more lookup to see what that uses:
$ bazel query --output=build @go_image_base//image:image
# /shared/cache/bazel/user_base/bf7b6accf6f1187bd5511f3fbf7b21b9/external/go_image_base/image/BUILD:4:17
name = "image",
base_image_registry = "gcr.io",
base_image_repository = "distroless/base",
Now that we know it's gcr.io/distroless/base
we can pull the same base image by adding to WORKSPACE:
load("@rules_oci//oci:pull.bzl", "oci_pull")
name = "distroless_base",
digest = "sha256:ccaef5ee2f1850270d453fdf700a5392534f8d1a8ca2acda391fbb6a06b81c86",
image = "gcr.io/distroless/base",
platforms = ["linux/amd64","linux/arm64"],
See more details in the oci_pull docs
rules_docker makes you repeat the attributes of go_binary
into go_layer
This is a "layering violation" (get it?).
In rules_oci, you just start from a normal go_binary
(typically by having Gazelle write it).
For this example let's say it's go_binary(name = "app", ...)
Next, put that file into a layer, which is just a .tar
load("@rules_pkg//pkg:tar.bzl", "pkg_tar")
name = "tar",
srcs = [":app"],
Finally, add your layer to the base image:
load("@rules_oci//oci:defs.bzl", "oci_image")
name = "image",
base = "@distroless_base",
tars = [":tar"],
entrypoint = ["/app"],
A full example can be found at https://github.com/aspect-build/bazel-examples/tree/main/oci_go_image.