Link to app:
Demo acount: demo / Azerty123
(* the page can take some times to load because our free heroku server becomes idle after 30 mins of inactivity)
git clone
yarn dev:back
yarn dev:front
This project is about creating a dating website.
You will need to create an app allowing two potential lovers to meet,
from the registration to the final encounter.
A user will then be able to register, connect, fill his/her profile,
search and look into the profile of other users, like them,
chat with those that “liked” back.
* Single page application
* Front-end framework
* Build tools
* Micro-framework
* Advanced user registration and sign-in
* Real-time application
* Geolocation
* Security (OWASP 10, XSS, SQL injection, cookie session fixation...)
* Data validation
* UX / UI Design
* React
* React-router
* Redux (+ middleware)
* Express (+ middleware)
* Node.js
* JavaScript ES6+
* PostgreSQL
* Webpack
* SCSS (w/ BEM methodology)
* OAuth
Mandatory tools:
* Relational database
Forbidden tools:
* MVC framework
* Validators
* Registration / Authentication library
We deliberately omitted unit tests as it would have significantly increased the project duration. Still we know their importance and wrote our last project (link) with 100% tests coverage. Here are some key points we should improve in our next projects.
As the project resources didn't need to be available to third party developers or clients (native app) and the app needed to be real-time, we chose to only utilize web sockets to communicate between the server and the client. We came up with an RPC like architecture. But compounded with the project constraints, that quickly resulted in code overhead to implement each subsequent features.
In hindsight we should have designed a standard RESTful API, as it would have been cleaner, more scalable and faster to write.
For maintenability sake it would have been cleaner to use a linter and stick to a proven coding convention/standard.