diff --git a/docs/integrations.md b/docs/integrations.md index a593bf36a..608952e5e 100644 --- a/docs/integrations.md +++ b/docs/integrations.md @@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ I've added a ⭐ to projects or posts that have a significant following, or had - [ntfy-java](https://github.com/MaheshBabu11/ntfy-java/) - A Java package to interact with a ntfy server (Java) - [container-update-check](https://github.com/stendler/container-update-check) - Scripts to check and notify if a podman or docker container image can be updated (Podman/Shell) - [ignition-combustion-template](https://github.com/stendler/ignition-combustion-template) - Templates and scripts to generate a configuration to automatically setup a system on first boot. Including systemd-ntfy-poweronoff (Shell) +- [Clipboard IO](https://github.com/jim3692/clipboard-io) - End to end encrypted clipboard ## Blog + forum posts