Releases: bisq-network/bisq
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
Please update as soon as possible to that new release as there is an issue with the P2P network in the current version.
Additionally to that P2P network fix we added many new features as well as a long list of new Altcoins: Monero, DAO, Maker, STEEM and many more....
Trade limits have been increased as well.
Release notes:
- Added Monero, Maker, DAO, STEEM, BigUp, PlatinumBar, Jumbucks, Pinkcoin, OKCash, GridCoin, Moin, SolarCoin, Shift, Europecoin, PostCoin
- Increase trade limits (Altcoins: 2 BTC, OKPay: 1.5 BTC, Banks: 0.75 BTC, Others: 1 BTC)
- Support EUR option for SEPA countries which have a non-EUR currency
- Customize bank account forms for countries: BR, UK, US, AU, CA, MX, SE, HK, NZ,
- Add search field to Combobox for altcoins
- Added Moldova
- Add input validations for fiat payment method forms (only for customized countries)
- Add info popup for mining fee when depositing funds
- Show % price in open offers table
- Increase max msg size for GetDataResponse
- Change TTL and refresh/republish time
- Fix incorrect handling of TTL
- Fixed wrong sorting in tables
- Fix validation bug for inputs at create offer screen
- Add network stress tests
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):
This version is backward compatible back to version 0.4.2.
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
Release notes:
- Bugfix for fee calculation when using password protection
- Added Sibcoin, Creditbit
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):
This version is backward compatible back to version 0.4.2.
v0.4.5 Beta
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
Release notes:
- Bugfix with rounding amount which caused issues at withdrawal
- Display exact bitcoin amount (without rounding)
- Change Myriadcoin ticker symbol as it conflicts with Malaysian ringgit
- Change wording for bank form
- Added I/O Coin, Groestlcoin, MarteXcoin
- Change name of to Anti (on their request)
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):
This version is backward compatible to version 0.4.4, 0.4.3 and 0.4.2.
v0.4.4 Beta Mainnet launch
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
We are proud to present you our official Beta version.
Release notes:
- GPG signed SHA256 hashes of all binaries (never run binaries which are not signed by Bitsquare!)
- Add new seed node
- Added new coins: Myriadcoin, Verge
- Improve wording
- Fix wrong fee calculation
- Fix update popup handling
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):
Hash algo used: SHA256
This version is backward compatible to version 0.4.3 and version 0.4.2.
v0.4.3 Beta preview
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
This is a preview of the upcoming Beta version.
Release notes:
- Check if BC provider is defined
- Ignore stupid Oracle limited security permissing by reflection
- Add check if correct architecture version is installed (32/64 bit)
- Fixed issues with "could not generate key" error
- Increased take offer availability check timeout
- Reduce FP rate for bloomfilter to reduce bandwidth consumption
- Added new altcoins: NEM,, VPNCoin, MaidSafeCoin, YbCoin, VeriCoin, EverGreenCoin, CloakCoin, Espers
- Add altcoin name to button in market overview
- Use home dir for directory chooser at backup screen
- Remove string abbreviation at copy altcoin address
- Update to latest java version
- Fix bug at exit from system tray
This version is backward compatible to version 0.4.2.
If you have installed an earlier version than 0.4.2 please read the following instructions:
Before installing the new version please close your open offers, wait until your trades are completed and transfer your Bitcoin funds to an external wallet.
Backup your current application data directory and afterwards delete the data directory.
You can find the application data directory under those locations:
Mac OSX: /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Bitsquare
Linux: /home/username/.local/share/Bitsquare
Windows 7,8: C:\Documents and Settings\username\AppData\Roaming\Bitsquare
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Bitsquare
Once the data directory is removed you can install the new version of Bitsquare.
v0.4.2 Beta preview
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
This is a preview of the upcoming Beta version.
Release notes:
- Add percentage based price for offers (distance from market price).
- Fix bloom filter privacy vulnerabilities in BitcoinJ
- UI improvements
- Bug fixes
This version is NOT backward compatible to version 0.4.1 or earlier.
If you had already Bitsquare installed please read the following instructions:
Before installing the new version please close your open offers, wait until your trades are completed and transfer your Bitcoin funds to an external wallet.
Backup your current application data directory and afterwards delete the data directory.
You can find the application data directory under those locations or open it at the "Account/Backup" screen:
Mac OSX: /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Bitsquare
Linux: /home/username/.local/share/Bitsquare
Windows 7,8: C:\Documents and Settings\username\AppData\Roaming\Bitsquare
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Bitsquare
Once the data directory is removed you can install the new version of Bitsquare.
v0.4.1 Beta preview
This is a preview of the upcoming Beta version.
Release notes:
- Fix bug when trader is offline and use password protection signing payout tx fails
- Add wallet restore from seed words option at enter password popup at startup
- Fix bug with pressing enter closing wallet password popup at startup
- Fix bug with timeout warning popup at startup
- Set default font size to avoid systemwide font scaling in Windows
- Remove option for BitcoinJ over Tor (Tor in BitcoinJ is considered experimental; Bitcoin over Tor will be supported later over our native Tor instance)
- Add sticky market price checkbox to settings: If sticky market price is selected market price does not change with currency selection, otherwise it is context sensitive.
- Fix bug with not pruning rolling backup files
- Show by default all currencies in offer book
- Add fiat/altcoin amount and spend or receive flag to offer and trade details windows
- Allow create offer when "show all" is selected in offer book and default currency is not matching payment account currency
- Add informational popups
- Improve wordings
This version is backward compatible to version 0.4.0.
If you had installed an earlier version than 0.4.0 please read the following instructions:
Before installing the new version please close your open offers, wait until your trades are completed and transfer your Bitcoin funds to an external wallet.
Backup your current application data directory and afterwards delete the data directory.
You can find the application data directory under those locations:
Mac OSX: /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Bitsquare
Linux: /home/username/.local/share/Bitsquare
Windows 7,8: C:\Documents and Settings\username\AppData\Roaming\Bitsquare
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Bitsquare
Once the data directory is removed you can install the new version of Bitsquare.
v0.4.0 Beta preview
This is a preview of the upcoming Beta version.
Release notes:
- Support usage of a global Bitsquare wallet for funding multiple offers/trades
- Alternatively support of trading wallets for separating trades and getting higher privacy protection
- Add screens for deposit funds and locked funds
- Use combo box for exchange rates
- Add Windows 32 bit binaries
- Add Linux 32 bit binaries
- Increased trade limits:
- Bank transfers: 0.5 BTC
- Other payment processors: 0.75 BTC
- OKPay, Altcoins: 1 BTC
- Reduce trade tx fee to 0.0002 BTC
- Reduce default withdrawal tx fee to 0.0001 BTC
- Make withdrawal tx fee adjustable in settings
- Add check for too wide deviation from market price at create offer
- Make deviation from market price adjustable in settings
- Rolling backup for all files (wallet, db, tor hidden service private key)
- Improve UI for restoring wallet from seed words
- Add button for opening data directory
- Use clearnet instead of Tor for BitcoinJ as default
- Remove check for mining fee at deposit tx
- Support sorting for all table columns
- Show contract in new window
- Fix Font render issue on Linux
- Use altcoin name when setting up the address for the cryptocurrency account
- Use system time instead of blocks for remaining trade time
- Add "About Bitsquare" screen
This version is NOT backward compatible to version 0.3.6 or earlier.
If you had already Bitsquare installed please read the following instructions:
Before installing the new version please close your open offers, wait until your trades are completed and transfer your Bitcoin funds to an external wallet.
Backup your current application data directory and afterwards delete the data directory.
You can find the application data directory under those locations:
Mac OSX: /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Bitsquare
Linux: /home/username/.local/share/Bitsquare
Windows 7,8: C:\Documents and Settings\username\AppData\Roaming\Bitsquare
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Bitsquare
Once the data directory is removed you can install the new version of Bitsquare.
This is a pre-release candidate for the official Beta version.
This version is backward compatible to version 0.3.5, so you DON'T need to clean your data directory.
Release notes:
- Increase trade limits (Banks: 0.3 BTC, Payment processors: 0.4 BTC, Altcoins: 0.5 BTC)
- Reduce min. required mining fee for funding tx to 0.0001 BTC
- Reduce create offer fee to 0.0005 BTC
- Added FairCoin
- Added ShadowCash
- Display onion address of offerer and trading peer in details windows
- Show Identicon for offerers or trading peers onion address and indicate repeated trades
- Show QR Code at funding screens, Remove QR Code Icon from AddressTextField, Add CopyIcon to Create Offer funding screen
- Don't show own offers in offer book, make it adjustable in settings
- Display additional info for Altcoins at buy/sell buttons
- Show payment in market overview offer book tables
- Show update notification if client version is older than new version
- Increase timeout for trade process forn 30 sec to 60 sec.
- Add build instructions for OpenJDK/OpenJFX
- Resend confirmation at startup if peer has not continued trade process
- Add check if unlimited Strength for cryptographic keys is enabled in case the user has compiled the binary on his own
If you have used a version of Bitsquare older than 0.3.5 you need to remove the old application data directory to avoid conflicts due non compatible changes. If you have funds in your wallet be sure to withdraw first your funds before installing the new version.
Location of the data directory:
Mac OSX: /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Bitsquare
Linux: /home/username/.local/share/Bitsquare
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Bitsquare
Windows Vista or 7: %appdata%/Bitsquare
If you use a not supported OS (e.g. 32bit Windows) please use the Bitsquare.jar file. You need to have Java v1.8.0_40 or better installed on your system to run the Bitsquare jar file.
This is a pre-release candidate for the official Beta version.
It is probably the last "feature release" before launching Beta.
Please help us testing and report issues if you find any!
Release notes:
- New payment methods: National bank transfer, Transfer with same bank, Transfer with specific bank
- Support 75 global currencies and 18 alternative crypto currencies
- Price feed for all major currencies and all alternative crypto currencies
- Make list of displayed currencies customizable
- Separate crypto currencies accounts
- Increase trade limits to 0.1-0.3 BTC
- Make trade limit depend on payment method
- Check transaction fee for funding transactions
- Use specific colors for buy and sell
- P2P network optimizations (refresh offers)
- Reconnect and republish offers after inactivity (detect standby/sleep mode)
- Display detailed info for P2P connections
- Display inboud and outbound traffic
- Measure round trip time
- Throttle max. traffic
- Add “Show all currencies” option to the offer book
- Make market price invertable
- Notifications and advanced popup handling
For more information regarding testing and setup please check out our wiki pages.
Mainnet is already used as the default Bitcoin network.
Please be aware that using Mainnet comes with the risk to lose funds in case of software bugs.
To limit the possible losses the maximum allowed trading amount has been reduced to 0.1-0.3 BTC (depending on payment method) and the security deposit to 0.01 BTC.
If you have used an older version of Bitsquare you need to remove the old application data directory to avoid conflicts due non compatible changes. If you have funds in your wallet be sure to withdraw first your funds before installing the new version.
Location of the data directory:
Mac OSX: /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Bitsquare
Linux: /home/username/.local/share/Bitsquare
Windows 7,8: C:\Documents and Settings\username\AppData\Roaming\Bitsquare
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Bitsquare
If you use a not supported OS (e.g. 32bit Windows) please use the Bitsquare.jar file. You need to have Java v1.8.0_40 or better installed on your system to run the Bitsquare jar file.