MC1 Backend - Spring Boot Application for FSE1 Accreditation
- Windows / MacOS required to run the application
Before running the Spring Boot application, make sure that Kafka is configured and running locally
Download kafka from:
When finish downloading, extract Kafka
tar -xzf kafka_2.13-3.2.1.tgz
cd kafka_2.13-3.2.1
- Next, need to start zookeper service
bin/ config/
- Open another terminal, then start the broker service
bin/ config/
When both zookeeper and broker services are running, then run the Spring Boot Application
- How to run the program
mvn clean install
- Run class
Notes: need to adjust IP address for kafka (on and prometheus (prometheus.yml) when necessary
- Brandon Wilbert [[email protected]]
- develop
- Initial Release
- logging
- Added a logging system - Slf4j
- Various bug fixes and optimizations
- kafka
- Added initial kafka configuration
- kafka_latest
- Added additional kafka configuration
- docker_latest
- Added docker compose file
- Added Dockerfile for containerising the application
- Added actuator
- Added prometheus
- Added grafana
- This branch is up to date with branch master
- without_kafka
- identical to branch docker_latest, just without kafka, for cloud deployment
- testing
- modified @id for both tweet and reply objects
- adjustments on controller, service, and repository
- localhost:8081 --> Spring Boot Application
- localhost:3031 --> React / Frontend
- localhost:3000 --> grafana
- localhost:9090 --> prometheus
- localhost:8081/actuator --> actuator info