Calling exec() repeatedly with the same code string #2378
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Yes, this is possible. You can convert your code in JS, then execute it wherever you want : __BRYTHON__.py2js(pycode, "exec").to_js(); See also: |
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Thanks Denis! But I also need to run my code using my brython app's clientVars context, so that if the user code creates variables and functions, they are available the next time it runs. Do you have any suggestions for doing that? I'm now using code like this: clientVars = {}
compiledCache = {}
def runCode(pyCode):
if pyCode not in compiledCache:
comp = compile(pyCode, "<string>", "exec")
compiledCache[pyCode] = comp
comp = compiledCache[pyCode]
exec(comp, clientVars)
runCode("x = 0")
runCode("def addone(n): return n+1")
py = "x = addone(x); print(x)"
for _ in range(100):
runCode(py) which seems to work fine, but doesn't give me a measurable speed improvement. |
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To do some testing, I edited py_builtin_functions.js and added two new functions: compile2js() and execjs(). These variants of the originals return the python code compiled into js, instead of into ast form, and then run the js code with the given global and local context dicts. It works, but ends up not giving a huge efficiency savings over using the standard compile/exec calls, at least for my use case. So I think I'll give up on this for now, unless someone expresses interest, or has suggestions for speeding up my quick hacks. Here are my modified js versions of compile() and exec(), for reference: _b_.compile2js = function() {
var $ = $B.args('compile2js', 5,
{source:null, flags:null, dont_inherit:null,
optimize:null, _feature_version:null},
['source', 'flags', 'dont_inherit', 'optimize',
{flags: 0, dont_inherit: false, optimize: -1, _feature_version: 0},
null, null)
var module_name = '$exec_' + $B.UUID()
$.__class__ = code
$.co_flags = $.flags
$.co_name = "<module>"
$.filename = "<string>"
$.mode = "exec"
var filename = $.co_filename = $.filename
var interactive = $.mode == "single" && ($.flags & 0x200)
$B.file_cache[filename] = $.source
$B.url2name[filename] = module_name
if ($.flags & $B.PyCF_TYPE_COMMENTS) {
// throw _b_.NotImplementedError.$factory('Brython does not currently support parsing of type comments')
if($B.$isinstance($.source, _b_.bytes)){
var encoding = 'utf-8',
lfpos = $.source.source.indexOf(10),
if(lfpos == -1){
first_line = $.source
first_line = _b_.bytes.$factory($.source.source.slice(0, lfpos))
// decode with a safe decoder
first_line = _b_.bytes.decode(first_line, 'latin-1')
// search encoding (PEP263)
var encoding_re = /^[ \t\f]*#.*?coding[:=][ \t]*([-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+)/
var mo = first_line.match(encoding_re)
encoding = mo[1]
}else if(lfpos > -1){
// try second line
var rest = $.source.source.slice(lfpos + 1)
lfpos = rest.indexOf(10)
if(lfpos > -1){
second_line = _b_.bytes.$factory(rest.slice(0, lfpos))
second_line = _b_.bytes.$factory(rest)
second_line = _b_.bytes.decode(second_line, 'latin-1')
mo = second_line.match(encoding_re)
encoding = mo[1]
$.source = _b_.bytes.decode($.source, encoding)
if(! $B.$isinstance(filename, [_b_.bytes, _b_.str])){
// module _warning is in builtin_modules.js
`path should be string, bytes, or os.PathLike, ` +
`not ${$B.class_name(filename)}`)
if(interactive && ! $.source.endsWith("\n")){
// This is used in to raise SyntaxError until a block in the
// interactive interpreter ends with "\n"
// Cf. issue #853
var lines = $.source.split("\n"),
last_line = $B.last(lines)
if(last_line.startsWith(" ")){
var msg = "unexpected EOF while parsing",
exc = _b_.SyntaxError.$factory()
exc.filename = filename
exc.lineno = exc.end_lineno = lines.length - 1
exc.offset = 0
exc.end_offset = last_line.length - 1
exc.text = last_line
exc.args = [msg, $B.fast_tuple([filename, exc.lineno, exc.offset,
exc.text, exc.end_lineno, exc.end_offset])]
throw exc
if($.source.__class__ && $.source.__class__.__module__ == 'ast'){
// compile an ast instance
$._ast = $.source
delete $.source
return $
var _ast,
// generated PEG parser
var parser_mode = $.mode == 'eval' ? 'eval' : 'file'
parser = new $B.Parser($.source, filename, parser_mode)
parser.flags = $.flags
_ast = $B._PyPegen.run_parser(parser)
if($.mode == 'single'){
var tester = parser.tokens[parser.tokens.length - 2]
if(tester && (
(tester.type == "NEWLINE" && ($.flags & 0x4000)) ||
(tester.type == "DEDENT" && ($.flags & 0x200)))){
err.__class__ = _b_.SyntaxError
err.args[0] = 'incomplete input'
throw err
if($.mode == 'single' && _ast.body.length == 1 &&
_ast.body[0] instanceof $B.ast.Expr){
// If mode is 'single' and the source is a single expression,
// set _ast to an Expression and set attribute .single_expression
// to compile() result. This is used in exec() to print the
// expression if it is not None
parser = new $B.Parser($.source, filename, 'eval')
_ast = $B._PyPegen.run_parser(parser)
$.single_expression = true
delete $B.url2name[filename]
// Set attribute ._ast to avoid compiling again if result is passed to
// exec()
$._ast = $B.ast_js_to_py(_ast)
$._ast.$js_ast = _ast
// Compile the ast to JS, as in py2js, so we emit syntax errors created
// by the JS conversion process.
var future = $B.future_features(_ast, filename)
var symtable = $B._PySymtable_Build(_ast, filename, future)
var jsout = $B.js_from_root({
ast: _ast,
src: $.source
return jsout.js
var $$execjs = _b_.execjs = function(){
var $ = $B.args("execjs", 4,
{js: null, globals: null, locals: null, mode: null} ,
['js', 'globals', 'locals', 'mode'],
arguments, {globals: _b_.None, locals: _b_.None, mode: 'exec'},
null, null, 4),
js = $.js,
_globals = $.globals,
_locals = $.locals,
mode = $.mode
var filename = '<string>'
var __name__ = '__main__'
if(_globals !== _b_.None && _globals.__class__ == _b_.dict &&
_b_.dict.$contains_string(_globals, '__name__')){
__name__ = _b_.dict.$getitem_string(_globals, '__name__')
$B.url2name[filename] = __name__
var frame = $B.frame_obj.frame
$B.exec_scope = $B.exec_scope || {}
var local_name = ('locals_' + __name__).replace(/\./g, '_'),
global_name = ('globals_' + __name__).replace(/\./g, '_'),
exec_locals = {},
exec_globals = {}
if(_globals === _b_.None){
// if the optional parts are omitted, the code is executed in the
// current scope
// filename = '<string>'
if(frame[1] === frame[3]){
// module level
global_name += '_globals'
exec_locals = exec_globals = frame[3]
if(mode == "exec"){
// for exec() : if the optional parts are omitted, the code is
// executed in the current scope
// modifications to the default locals dictionary should not
// be attempted: this is why exec_locals is a clone of current
// locals
exec_locals = $B.clone(frame[1])
for(var attr in frame[3]){
exec_locals[attr] = frame[3][attr]
exec_globals = exec_locals
// for eval() : If both dictionaries are omitted, the
// expression is executed with the globals and locals in the
// environment where eval() is called
exec_locals = frame[1]
exec_globals = frame[3]
if(_globals.__class__ !== _b_.dict){
throw _b_.TypeError.$factory(`${mode}() globals must be ` +
"a dict, not " + $B.class_name(_globals))
// _globals is used for both globals and locals
exec_globals = {}
if(_globals.$jsobj){ // eg globals()
exec_globals = _globals.$jsobj
// The globals object must be the same across calls to exec()
// with the same dictionary (cf. issue 690)
exec_globals = _globals.$jsobj = {}
for(var key of _b_.dict.$keys_string(_globals)){
_globals.$jsobj[key] = _b_.dict.$getitem_string(_globals, key)
if(key == '__name__'){
__name__ = _globals.$jsobj[key]
_globals.$all_str = false
if(exec_globals.__builtins__ === undefined){
exec_globals.__builtins__ = _b_.__builtins__
// filename = exec_globals.__file__ || '<string>'
if(_locals === _b_.None){
exec_locals = exec_globals
if(_locals === _globals){
// running exec at module level
global_name += '_globals'
exec_locals = exec_globals
}else if(_locals.$jsobj){
for(let key in _locals.$jsobj){
exec_globals[key] = _locals.$jsobj[key]
exec_locals = _locals.$jsobj
var klass = $B.get_class(_locals),
getitem = $B.$call($B.$getattr(klass, '__getitem__')),
setitem = $B.$call($B.$getattr(klass, '__setitem__'))
exec_locals = new Proxy(_locals, {
get(target, prop){
if(prop == '$target'){
return target
return getitem(target, prop)
return undefined
set(target, prop, value){
return setitem(target, prop, value)
var save_frame_obj = $B.frame_obj
var _ast
frame = [__name__, exec_locals, __name__, exec_globals]
frame.is_exec_top = true
frame.__file__ = filename
frame.$f_trace = $B.enter_frame(frame)
var _frame_obj = $B.frame_obj
frame.$lineno = 1
var exec_func = new Function('$B', '_b_',
local_name, global_name,
'frame', '_frame_obj', js)
if($B.get_option('debug') > 1){
console.log('execjs() error\n', $B.format_indent(js, 0))
console.log('-- js source\n', js)
$B.frame_obj = save_frame_obj
throw err
// console.log('exec func', $B.format_indent(exec_func + '', 0))
let old_locals = $B.imported["exec"]
$B.imported["exec"] = exec_locals
var res = exec_func($B, _b_, exec_locals, exec_globals, frame, _frame_obj)
$B.imported["exec"] = old_locals
if($B.get_option('debug') > 2){
'JS code\n', js,
'\nexecjs func', $B.format_indent(exec_func + '', 0),
'\n filename', filename,
'\n name from filename', $B.url2name[filename],
'\n local_name', local_name,
'\n exec_locals', exec_locals,
'\n global_name', global_name,
'\n exec_globals', exec_globals,
'\n frame', frame,
'\n _ast', _ast,
'\n js', js)
$B.frame_obj = save_frame_obj
throw err
if(_globals !== _b_.None && ! _globals.$jsobj){
for(var _key in exec_globals){
if(! _key.startsWith('$')){
_b_.dict.$setitem(_globals, _key, exec_globals[_key])
$B.frame_obj = save_frame_obj
$$execjs.$is_func = true |
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Hi brythoners,
I have a brython web app in which the user can enter their own python code that in some cases can be run many times per second. I'm doing this using exec(), but as best I can tell, there is no caching of the parsed/transpiled js code when run repeatedly on the same string. Is there currently a way for me to cache the generated js code, and use that next time instead of re-generating it?
Instead of this:
maybe something like this:
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