BCFv3.0 is based on BCFv2.1.
Version 1.0 of the OpenCDE Foundation API specification is available here
Version 1.0 of the BCF API specification is available here
Version 2.1 of the BCF API specification is available here
Swagger / OpenAPI Specification
BCF-API on SwaggerHub
The Swagger / OpenAPI specification is offered as a reference for implementers. The BCF group may update it and fix issues as necessary at any time.
The Open CDE workgroup develops the BCF standard. The group meets every second Monday at 11am CET. To join the fortnightly meeting please email [email protected].
Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Topologies
- 3. BCF Services
- 3.1 Project Services
- 3.2 Topic Services
- 3.3 File Services
- 3.4 Comment Services
- 3.5 Viewpoint Services
- 3.5.1 GET Viewpoints Service
- 3.5.2 POST Viewpoint Service
- 3.5.3 GET Viewpoint Service
- 3.5.4 GET Viewpoint Snapshot Service
- 3.5.5 GET Viewpoint Bitmap Service
- 3.5.6 GET selected Components Service
- 3.5.7 GET colored Components Service
- 3.5.8 GET visibility of Components Service
- 3.5.9 DELETE Viewpoint Service
- 3.5.10 Determining allowed Viewpoint modifications
- 3.6 Related Topics Services
BCF is an open standard for managing issues on a BIM project. The BCF-API supports the exchange of BCF issues between software applications via a RESTful web interface, which means that data is exchanged via HTTP query parameters and JSON bodies. Every resource described in this API has a corresponding JSON schema (schema version draft-03). URL schemas in this README are relative to the BCF servers' base URL unless absolute values are provided.
For security reasons, all API Http traffic should be sent via TLS/SSL over Https connection. Clients and Servers should both enforce secure connections and disallow unsafe connections.
An example of a client implementation in C# can be found here: https://github.com/rvestvik/BcfApiExampleClient
BCF API is a member of the OpenCDE API family. All OpenCDE APIs are united by a shared common API called OpenCDE Foundation API. The foundation API specifies a small number of services and a few conventions that are common to all OpenCDE APIs. All BCF API implementations must implement the Foundation API and follow its conventions and guidelines. Implementers should start by implementing the Foundation API and only then continue to implement the BCF API.
API implementors can optionally choose to restrict the actions a user is allowed to perform on the BCF entities via the API. The global default authorizations for all entities are expressed in the project extensions schema and can be locally overridden in the entities themselves.
Whenever a user requests an update-able entity with the query parameter includeAuthorization
equal to true
server should include an authorization
field in the entity containing any local variations from the global
authorization defaults for that entity. Using this information clients can decide whether to, for example, include an
"Edit" button in the UI displaying the entity depending on the actions permitted for the user or suggest only the
options available to the user for choice fields such as topic status.
The client can calculate the available set of actions for a particular entity by taking the project-wide defaults from
the project extensions, then replacing any keys defined in the entity's authorization
map with the values specified
locally. The meaning of each of the authorization keys is outlined in
3.1.5 Expressing User Authorization through Project Extensions.
Example Scenario (Topic)
This scenario assumes the topic status is set to open
In the Project Extensions
"topic_actions": [],
"topic_status": [
Indicating that by default:
- no modifications can be made to Topics
- Topics can be placed in
In the Topic
"authorization": {
"topic_actions": [
"topic_status": [
Indicating that for this topic, the current user can:
- update the Topic, or add comments or viewpoints
- place the Topic into
status - leave the Topic
or place the topic back intoopen
status after closing it
Numeric values in this specification are all in fixed units - meters for length and degrees for angle.
Model collaboration is managed through a shared file server or a network file sharing service like Dropbox. The BCF-Server handles the authentication and the BCF-Issues.
BCF and model server are co-located on the same hosts.
For compatibility with the project structure of existing systems, the project_id
property of project
resources is not forced to be a guid but may be any string.
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects
Retrieve a collection of projects where the currently logged on user has access to.
Example Request
GET /bcf/3.0/projects
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"project_id": "F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137",
"name": "Example project 1",
"authorization": {
"project_actions": [
}, {
"project_id": "A233FBB2-3A3B-EFF4-C123-DE22ABC8414",
"name": "Example project 2",
"authorization": {
"project_actions": []
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}
Retrieve a specific project.
Example Request
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/B724AAC3-5B2A-234A-D143-AE33CC18414
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"project_id": "B724AAC3-5B2A-234A-D143-AE33CC18414",
"name": "Example project 3",
"authorization": {
"project_actions": [
Resource URL
PUT /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}
Modify a specific project. This operation is only possible when the server returns the update
flag in the Project authorization, see section 3.1.5
Example Request
PUT /bcf/3.0/projects/B724AAC3-5B2A-234A-D143-AE33CC18414
"name": "Example project 3 - Second Section"
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"project_id": "B724AAC3-5B2A-234A-D143-AE33CC18414",
"name": "Example project 3 - Second Section",
"authorization": {
"project_actions": [
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/extensions
Retrieve a specific projects extensions. Project extensions are used to define possible values that can be used in topics and comments, for example topic labels and priorities. They may change during the course of a project. The most recent extensions state which values are valid at a given moment for newly created topics and comments.
Example Request
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/B724AAC3-5B2A-234A-D143-AE33CC18414/extensions
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"topic_type": [
"topic_status": [
"topic_label": [
"snippet_type": [
"priority": [
"users": [
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]"
"stage": [
"Preliminary Planning End",
"Construction Start",
"Construction End"
"project_actions": [
"topic_actions": [
"comment_actions": [
Global default authorizations for the requesting user can be expressed in the project schema. The actions authorized here will apply to any entities that do not override them locally. The complete set of options for the BCF entities are listed below.
The 'project_actions' entry in the project extensions defines what actions are allowed to be performed at the project level. The available actions include:
- update - The ability to update the project details (see 3.1.3 PUT Project Service)
- createTopic - The ability to create a new topic (see 3.2.2 POST Topic Service)
- createDocument - The ability to create a new document (see 3.8.2 POST Document Service)
The 'topic_actions' entry in the project extensions defines what actions are allowed to be performed at the topic level by default (i.e. unless overridden by specific topics) The available actions include:
- update - The ability to update the topic (see 3.2.4 PUT Topic Service)
- updateBimSnippet - The ability to update the BIM snippet for topics (see 3.2.7 PUT Topic BIM Snippet Service)
- updateRelatedTopics - The ability to update the collection of related topics (see 3.6.2 PUT Related Topics Service)
- updateDocumentReferences - The ability to update the collection of document references (see 3.7.3 PUT Document Reference Service)
- updateFiles - The ability to update the file header (see 3.3.3 PUT Files (Header) Service)
- createComment - The ability to create a comment (see 3.4.2 POST Comment Service)
- createViewpoint - The ability to create a new viewpoint (see 3.5.2 POST Viewpoint Service)
The 'comment_actions' entry in the project extensions defines what actions are allowed to be performed at the comment level by default (i.e unless overridden by specific comments). The available actions include:
- update - The ability to update the comment (see 3.4.4 PUT Comment Service)
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics
Retrieve a collection of topics related to a project (default sort order is creation_date
Odata filter parameters
parameter | type | description |
creation_author | string | userId of the creation author (value from extensions) |
modified_author | string | userId of the modified author (value from extensions) |
assigned_to | string | userId of the assigned person (value from extensions) |
stage | string | stage this topic is part of (value from extensions) |
topic_status | string | status of a topic (value from extensions) |
topic_type | string | type of a topic (value from extensions) |
creation_date | datetime | creation date of a topic |
modified_date | datetime | modification date of a topic. The modification date of a server's topic should be the latest value of when the topic has been modified or when the latest comment has been updated or when a "floating viewpoint" (a viewpoint which is not associated with a comment) is added |
labels | array (string) | labels of a topic (value from extensions) |
priority | string | priority of a topic (value from extensions) |
Odata sort parameters
parameter | description |
creation_date | creation date of a topic |
modified_date | modification date of a topic |
server_assigned_id | the server_assigned_id of the topic |
index | index of a topic This property is deprecated and will be removed in a future release |
Example Request with odata
Get topics that are open, assigned to [email protected] and created after December 5th 2015. Sort the result on last modified
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics?$filter=assigned_to eq '[email protected]' and topic_status eq 'Open' and creation_date gt 2015-12-05T00:00:00+01:00&$orderby=modified_date desc
Odata does not support list operators. To achieve list query, use the 'or' operator. Get topics that have at least one of the labels 'Architecture', 'Structural' or 'Heating'
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics?$filter=labels/any(label: label eq 'Architecture') or labels/any(label: label eq 'Structural') or labels/any(label: label eq 'Heating')
Example Request
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"guid": "A245F4F2-2C01-B43B-B612-5E456BEF8116",
"server_assigned_id": "ISSUE-00001",
"creation_author": "[email protected]",
"title": "Example topic 1",
"labels": [
"creation_date": "2013-10-21T17:34:22.409Z"
}, {
"guid": "A211FCC2-3A3B-EAA4-C321-DE22ABC8414",
"server_assigned_id": "ISSUE-00078",
"creation_author": "[email protected]",
"title": "Example topic 2",
"labels": [
"creation_date": "2014-11-19T14:24:11.316Z"
Resource URL
POST /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics
Add a new topic. This operation is only possible when the server returns the createTopic
flag in the Project authorization, see section 3.1.5
JSON encoded body using the "application/json" content type.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
guid | string | The desired guid. See OpenCDE Foundation section 1.5.1 when GUID already exists in target system. | false |
topic_type | string | The type of a topic (value from extension.xsd) | false |
topic_status | string | The status of a topic (value from extension.xsd) | false |
reference_links | array (string) | Reference links, i.e. links to referenced resources | false |
title | string | The title of a topic | true |
priority | string | The priority of a topic (value from extension.xsd) | false |
index | integer | The index of a topic This property is deprecated and will be removed in a future release | false |
labels | array (string) | The collection of labels of a topic (values from extension.xsd) | false |
assigned_to | string | UserID assigned to a topic (value from extension.xsd). UserIDs are recommended to be in email format as to uniquely identify users throughout multiple systems | false |
stage | string | Stage this topic is part of (value from extension.xsd) | false |
description | string | Description of a topic | false |
bim_snippet.snippet_type | string | Type of a BIM-Snippet of a topic (value from extension.xsd) | false |
bim_snippet.is_external | boolean | Is the BIM-Snippet external (default = false) | false |
bim_snippet.reference | string | Reference of a BIM-Snippet of a topic | false |
bim_snippet.reference_schema | string | Schema of a BIM-Snippet of a topic | false |
due_date | string | Until when the topics issue needs to be resolved | false |
Note: If "bim_snippet" is present, then all four properties (snippet_type
, is_external
, reference
and reference_schema
) are mandatory.
Example Request
POST /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics
"topic_type": "Clash",
"topic_status": "open",
"title": "Example topic 3",
"priority": "high",
"labels": [
"assigned_to": "[email protected]",
"bim_snippet": {
"snippet_type": "clash",
"is_external": true,
"reference": "https://example.com/bcf/1.0/ADFE23AA11BCFF444122BB",
"reference_schema": "https://example.com/bcf/1.0/clash.xsd"
Example Response
Response Code: 201 - Created
"guid": "A245F4F2-2C01-B43B-B612-5E456BEF8116",
"server_assigned_id": "ISSUE-01462",
"creation_author": "[email protected]",
"creation_date": "2016-08-01T17:34:22.409Z",
"topic_type": "Clash",
"topic_status": "open",
"title": "Example topic 3",
"priority": "high",
"labels": [
"assigned_to": "[email protected]",
"bim_snippet": {
"snippet_type": "clash",
"is_external": true,
"reference": "https://example.com/bcf/1.0/ADFE23AA11BCFF444122BB",
"reference_schema": "https://example.com/bcf/1.0/clash.xsd"
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{guid}/topics/{guid}
Retrieve a specific topic.
Example Request
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"guid": "B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228",
"server_assigned_id": "ISSUE-00549",
"creation_author": "[email protected]",
"creation_date": "2016-08-01T17:34:22.409Z",
"topic_type": "Clash",
"topic_status": "open",
"title": "Example topic 3",
"priority": "high",
"labels": [
"assigned_to": "[email protected]",
"bim_snippet": {
"snippet_type": "clash",
"is_external": true,
"reference": "https://example.com/bcf/1.0/ADFE23AA11BCFF444122BB",
"reference_schema": "https://example.com/bcf/1.0/clash.xsd"
"authorization": {
"topic_actions": [
Resource URL
PUT /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}
Modify a specific topic, description similar to POST. This operation is only possible when the server returns the update
flag in the Topic authorization, see section 3.2.8
Example Request
PUT /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228
"topic_type": "Clash",
"topic_status": "open",
"title": "Example topic 3 - Changed Title",
"priority": "high",
"labels": [
"assigned_to": "[email protected]",
"bim_snippet": {
"snippet_type": "clash",
"is_external": true,
"reference": "https://example.com/bcf/1.0/ADFE23AA11BCFF444122BB",
"reference_schema": "https://example.com/bcf/1.0/clash.xsd"
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"guid": "B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228",
"server_assigned_id": "ISSUE-00037",
"creation_author": "[email protected]",
"creation_date": "2016-08-01T17:34:22.409Z",
"modified_author": "[email protected]",
"modified_date": "2016-08-02T13:22:22.409Z",
"topic_type": "Clash",
"topic_status": "open",
"title": "Example topic 3 - Changed Title",
"priority": "high",
"labels": [
"assigned_to": "[email protected]",
"bim_snippet": {
"snippet_type": "clash",
"is_external": true,
"reference": "https://example.com/bcf/1.0/ADFE23AA11BCFF444122BB",
"reference_schema": "https://example.com/bcf/1.0/clash.xsd"
Resource URL
DELETE /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}
Deletes a single topic. This operation is only possible when the server returns the delete
flag in the Topic authorization, see section 3.2.8
Example Request
DELETE /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/snippet
Retrieves a topics BIM-Snippet as binary file.
Resource URL
PUT /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/snippet
Puts a new BIM Snippet binary file to a topic. If this is used, the parent topics BIM Snippet property is_external
must be set to false
and the reference
must be the file name with extension. This operation is only possible when the server returns the updateBimSnippet
flag in the Topic authorization, see section 3.2.8
The global default Topic authorizations are expressed in the project schema and when Topic(s) are requested with the query parameter "includeAuthorization" equal to "true" Topics will include an "authorization" field containing any local overrides for each Topic.
Each topic has two identifiers:
- machine-friendly, randomly generated and universally unique identifier. Both clients and servers must generate aguid
when creating a topic using an RFC 4122 compliant UUID generator. Theguid
should be used in all client-server interactions to identify topics.guid
examples: 420b24db-921c-46d6-9629-d529d130307f, 5139a00f-5cbd-4760-9e44-16cc4826aa5a -
- a human-friendly identifier which is generated and controlled by the server. Aserver_assigned_id
is project-unique: No two topics in a given server and project may have the sameserver_assigned_id
. However, topics in different projects on a given server may have identicalserver_assigned_id
s can't be changed using the API; BCF clients should displayserver_assigned_id
s to users to make it easier to locate and discuss topics.server_assigned_id
examples: 003490, ISSUE-01
This group of services corresponds to the BCF-XML header Files
element. The files associated with a topic are the models that should be loaded when displaying the topic's viewpoints.
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/files_information
Retrieve a collection of project_file_information
s to support allowing users to choose which File
s (models)
to reference in the header of topics created on the server.
Each project_file_information record contains
to allow users to associate the File
with a server model.
The display_information
object is designed to support user interface rendering in tabular format. The
servers are required to provide a consistent list of fields across all
project_file_information objects. The following
table demonstrates tabular rendering of the Example Response (below):
Model Name | Revision Date |
ARCH-Z100-051 | May 3 2020 |
MEP-Z100-015 | Apr 30 2020 |
Each project_file_information also contains a
file_GET object that will be accepted by the server should the
user choose to associate a topic with that File
Example Request
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/files_information
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"display_information": [{
"field_display_name": "Model Name",
"field_value": "ARCH-Z100-051"
}, {
"field_display_name": "Revision Date",
"field_value": "May 3 2020"
"file": {
"ifc_project": "0J$yPqHBD12v72y4qF6XcD",
"file_name": "OfficeBuilding_Architecture_0001.ifc",
"reference": "https://example.com/files/0J$yPqHBD12v72y4qF6XcD_0001.ifc"
}, {
"display_information": [{
"field_display_name": "Model Name",
"field_value": "MEP-Z100-015"
}, {
"field_display_name": "Revision Date",
"field_value": "Apr 30 2020"
"file": {
"ifc_project": "3hwBHP91jBRwPsmyf$3Hea",
"file_name": "OfficeBuilding_Heating_0003.ifc",
"reference": "cf37bae6-0900-46be-b37f-b34754fe0b4a"
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/files
Retrieve a collection of file references as topic header.
Implementer Note: The reference
property can either be an Uri or a server specific id. Uris are given as absolute paths to the model files while ids reference a custom id of the model file and require custom logic per server to retrieve it. This allows referencing of files on the server but requires clients to know how to retrieve files in a specific implementation.
Example Request
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228/files
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"ifc_project": "0J$yPqHBD12v72y4qF6XcD",
"filename": "OfficeBuilding_Architecture_0001.ifc",
"reference": "https://example.com/files/0J$yPqHBD12v72y4qF6XcD_0001.ifc"
}, {
"ifc_project": "3hwBHP91jBRwPsmyf$3Hea",
"filename": "OfficeBuilding_Heating_0003.ifc",
"reference": "cf37bae6-0900-46be-b37f-b34754fe0b4a"
Note: In the above example, the second items reference is in a guid format and points to a model file that is located on the server. Servers don't have to use guid formats for their internal ids, so the expected format of the response can vary between servers.
Resource URL
PUT /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/files
Update a collection of file references on the topic header. This operation is only possible when the server returns the updateFiles
flag in the Topic authorization, see section 3.2.8. Servers must always accept a File reference returned by the files_information endpoint. Servers may also accept other values such as a combination of fields from the header of the IFC file.
Example Request
PUT /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228/files
"ifc_project": "0J$yPqHBD12v72y4qF6XcD",
"filename": "OfficeBuilding_Architecture_0001.ifc",
"reference": "https://example.com/files/0J$yPqHBD12v72y4qF6XcD_0001.ifc"
}, {
"ifc_project": "3hwBHP91jBRwPsmyf$3Hea",
"filename": "OfficeBuilding_Heating_0003.ifc",
"reference": "cf37bae6-0900-46be-b37f-b34754fe0b4a"
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"ifc_project": "0J$yPqHBD12v72y4qF6XcD",
"filename": "OfficeBuilding_Architecture_0001.ifc",
"reference": "https://example.com/files/0J$yPqHBD12v72y4qF6XcD_0001.ifc"
}, {
"ifc_project": "3hwBHP91jBRwPsmyf$3Hea",
"filename": "OfficeBuilding_Heating_0003.ifc",
"reference": "cf37bae6-0900-46be-b37f-b34754fe0b4a"
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/comments
Retrieve a collection of all comments related to a topic (default ordering is date).
Odata filter parameters
parameter | type | description |
author | string | userId of the author (value from extensions) |
date | datetime | creation date of a comment |
Odata sort parameters
parameter | description |
date | creation date of a comment |
Example Request with odata
Get comments that are created after December 5 2015. Sort the result on first created
GET /bcf/1.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228/comments?$filter=date gt 2015-12-05T00:00:00+01:00&$orderby=date asc
Example Request
GET /bcf/1.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228/comments
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"guid": "C4215F4D-AC45-A43A-D615-AA456BEF832B",
"date": "2016-08-01T12:34:22.409Z",
"author": "[email protected]",
"comment": "Clash found",
"topic_guid": "B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228",
"authorization": {
"comment_actions": [
}, {
"guid": "A333FCA8-1A31-CAAC-A321-BB33ABC8414",
"date": "2016-08-01T14:24:11.316Z",
"author": "[email protected]",
"comment": "will rework the heating model",
"topic_guid": "B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228"
Resource URL
POST /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/comments
Add a new comment to a topic. This operation is only possible when the server returns the createComment
flag in the Topic authorization, see section 3.2.8
JSON encoded body using the "application/json" content type.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
guid | string | The desired guid. See OpenCDE Foundation section 1.5.1 when GUID already exists in target system. | false |
comment | string | The comment text. Must not be blank or empty if provided | true, unless viewpoint_guid is provided |
viewpoint_guid | string | The GUID of the related viewpoint | true, unless comment is provided |
Example Request
POST /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228/comments
"comment": "will rework the heating model"
Example Response
Response Code: 201 - Created
"guid": "A333FCA8-1A31-CAAC-A321-BB33ABC8414",
"date": "2016-08-01T14:24:11.316Z",
"author": "[email protected]",
"comment": "will rework the heating model",
"topic_guid": "B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228"
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/comments/{guid}
Get a single comment.
Example Request
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228/comments/A333FCA8-1A31-CAAC-A321-BB33ABC8414
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"guid": "A333FCA8-1A31-CAAC-A321-BB33ABC8414",
"date": "2016-08-01T14:24:11.316Z",
"author": "[email protected]",
"comment": "will rework the heating model",
"topic_guid": "B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228"
Resource URL
PUT /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/comments/{guid}
Update a single comment, description similar to POST. This operation is only possible when the server returns the update
flag in the Comment authorization, see section 3.4.6
Example Request
PUT /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228/comments/A333FCA8-1A31-CAAC-A321-BB33ABC8414
"comment": "will rework the heating model and fix the ventilation"
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"guid": "A333FCA8-1A31-CAAC-A321-BB33ABC8414",
"date": "2016-08-01T14:24:11.316Z",
"author": "[email protected]",
"modified_date": "2016-08-01T19:24:11.316Z",
"modified_author": "[email protected]",
"comment": "will rework the heating model and fix the ventilation",
"topic_guid": "B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228"
Resource URL
DELETE /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/comments/{guid}
Deletes a single comment. This operation is only possible when the server returns the delete
flag in the Comment authorization, see section 3.4.6
Example Request
DELETE /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228/comments/A333FCA8-1A31-CAAC-A321-BB33ABC8414
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
The global default Comment authorizations are expressed in the project schema and when Comment(s) are requested with the query parameter "includeAuthorization" equal to "true" Comments will include an "authorization" field containing any local overrides for each Comment.
Viewpoints are described in detail in BCF-XML.
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/viewpoints
Retrieve a collection of all viewpoints related to a topic.
Example Request
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228/viewpoints
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"guid": "b24a82e9-f67b-43b8-bda0-4946abf39624",
"perspective_camera": {
"camera_view_point": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 0.0
"camera_direction": {
"x": 1.0,
"y": 1.0,
"z": 2.0
"camera_up_vector": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 1.0
"field_of_view": 90.0,
"aspect_ratio": 1.33
"lines": [{
"start_point": {
"x": 2.0,
"y": 1.0,
"z": 1.0
"end_point": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 1.0,
"z": 0.7
"clipping_planes": [{
"location": {
"x": 0.7,
"y": 0.3,
"z": -0.2
"direction": {
"x": 1.0,
"y": 0.4,
"z": 0.1
}, {
"guid": "a11a82e7-e66c-34b4-ada1-5846abf39133",
"perspective_camera": {
"camera_view_point": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 0.0
"camera_direction": {
"x": 1.0,
"y": 1.0,
"z": 2.0
"camera_up_vector": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 1.0
"field_of_view": 90.0,
"aspect_ratio": 1.33
"lines": [{
"start_point": {
"x": 1.0,
"y": 1.0,
"z": 1.0
"end_point": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 0.0
"clipping_planes": [{
"location": {
"x": 0.5,
"y": 0.5,
"z": 0.5
"direction": {
"x": 1.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 0.0
Resource URL
POST /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/viewpoints
Add a new viewpoint. Viewpoints are immutable, meaning that they should never change. Requirements for different visualizations should be handled by creating new viewpoint elements. This operation is only possible when the server returns the createViewpoint
flag in the Topic authorization, see section 3.2.8
JSON encoded body using the "application/json" content type.
parameter | type | description | required |
guid | string | The desired guid. See OpenCDE Foundation section 1.5.1 when GUID already exists in target system. | optional |
index | integer | parameter for sorting | optional |
orthogonal_camera | Orthogonal camera | orthogonal camera view | see viewpoint optional/mandatory fields clarification |
perspective_camera | Perspective camera | perspective view of the camera | see viewpoint optional/mandatory fields clarification |
lines | array of Line | graphical line | optional |
clipping_planes | array of Clipping Plane | clipping planes for the model view | optional |
bitmaps | array of Bitmap | embedded pictures in the viewpoint | optional |
snapshot | Snapshot | snapshot image of the viewpoint. Note: The longest dimension of should not exceed 1500 px, length or width. | see viewpoint optional/mandatory fields clarification |
components | Components | Components in the viewpoint | optional |
Viewpoint optional/mandatory fields clarification
- Camera definition is exactly one of
- Visualisation information consists of one or more of the following elements:
- A viewpoint must contain a camera definition, a
or both - A viewpoint containing visualization information must also contain a camera definition
parameter | type | description | required |
x | number | x point | mandatory |
y | number | y point | mandatory |
z | number | z point | mandatory |
Direction must not be a zero vector.
parameter | type | description | required |
x | number | x direction | mandatory |
y | number | y direction | mandatory |
z | number | z direction | mandatory |
Perspective and Orthogonal cameras are explained in detail in BCF-XML.
parameter | type | description | required |
camera_view_point | Point | camera location | mandatory |
camera_direction | Direction | camera direction | mandatory |
camera_up_vector | Direction | camera up vector | mandatory |
view_to_world_scale | number | the entire vertical scaling from view to world | mandatory |
aspect_ratio | number | proportional relationship between the width and the height of the view (w/h) | mandatory |
parameter | type | description | required |
camera_view_point | Point | camera location | mandatory |
camera_direction | Direction | camera direction | mandatory |
camera_up_vector | Direction | camera up vector | mandatory |
field_of_view | number | the entire vertical field of view angle of the camera, expressed in degrees | mandatory |
aspect_ratio | number | proportional relationship between the width and the height of the view (w/h) | mandatory |
parameter | type | description | required |
start_point | Point | start point of the line | mandatory |
end_point | Point | end point of the line (Treated as point if start_point and end_point is the same | mandatory |
parameter | type | description | required |
location | Point | origin of the clipping plane | mandatory |
direction | Direction | direction of the clipping plane, points in the invisible direction meaning the half-space that is clipped | mandatory |
parameter | type | description | required |
bitmap_type | enum (string) | format of the bitmap. Predefined values png or jpg |
mandatory |
bitmap_data | base64 encoded string | The bitmap image data | mandatory |
location | Point | location of the center of the bitmap in world coordinates (point) | mandatory |
normal | Direction | normal vector of the bitmap (vector) | mandatory |
up | Direction | up vector of the bitmap (vector) | mandatory |
height | number | height of bitmap in the scene | mandatory |
parameter | type | description | required |
snapshot_type | enum (string) | format of the snapshot. Predefined values png or jpg |
mandatory |
snapshot_data | base64 encoded string | The snapshot image data | mandatory |
parameter | type | description | required |
selection | array of Component | Selected components | optional |
coloring | array of Coloring | Colored components | optional |
visibility | Visibility | Visibility of components | mandatory |
BCF is suitable for selecting a few components. A huge list of selected components causes poor performance. All clients should follow this rule:
- If the size of the selected components is huge (approximately 1000 components), alert the user and give him the opportunity to modify the visibility.
parameter | type | description | required |
ifc_guid | string | IFC guid of the component | optional, if authoring_tool_id is provided |
originating_system | string | originating system of the component | optional |
authoring_tool_id | string | internal id for the authoring tool of the component | optional, if ifc_guid is provided |
Note that ifc_guid
must be provided, if possible. The authoring_tool_id
can be used as a fallback when an ifc_guid
is not available.
BCF is suitable for coloring a few components. A huge list of components causes poor performance. All clients should follow this rule:
- If the size of colored components is huge (approximately 1000 components), alert the user and give him the opportunity to modify the coloring.
The color is given in ARGB format. Colors are represented as 6 or 8 hexadecimal digits. If 8 digits are present, the first two represent the alpha (transparency) channel. For example, 40E0D0
would be the color Turquoise. More information about the color format can be found on Wikipedia.
parameter | type | description | required |
color | string | Color of the components | mandatory |
components | array of Component | Colored components | mandatory |
BCF is suitable for hiding/showing a few components. A huge list of hidden/shown components causes poor performance. All clients should follow these rules:
- If the list of hidden components is smaller than the list of visible components: set default_visibility to true and put the hidden components in exceptions.
- If the list of visible components is smaller or equals the list of hidden components: set default_visibility to false and put the visible components in exceptions.
- If the size of exceptions is huge (approximately 1000 components), alert the user and give him the opportunity to modify the visibility.
parameter | type | description | required |
default_visibility | boolean | If true: Show all components, and hide the exceptions. If false: Hide all components and show exceptions | optional, default false |
exceptions | array of Component | Components to hide/show determined by default_visibility | optional |
view_setup_hints | View setup hints | Hints about the setup of the viewer | optional |
parameter | type | description | required |
spaces_visible | boolean | Visibility of spaces | optional, default false |
space_boundaries_visible | boolean | Visibility of space_boundaries | optional, default false |
openings_visible | boolean | Visibility of openings | optional, default false |
Example Request
POST /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228/viewpoints
"index": 10,
"perspective_camera": {
"camera_view_point": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 0.0
"camera_direction": {
"x": 1.0,
"y": 1.0,
"z": 2.0
"camera_up_vector": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 1.0
"field_of_view": 90.0,
"aspect_ratio": 1.33
"lines": [{
"start_point": {
"x": 1.0,
"y": 1.0,
"z": 1.0
"end_point": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 0.0
"clipping_planes": [{
"location": {
"x": 0.5,
"y": 0.5,
"z": 0.5
"direction": {
"x": 1.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 0.0
"bitmaps": [{
"bitmap_type": "jpg",
"bitmap_data": "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh",
"location": {
"x": 10.0,
"y": -10.0,
"z": 7.0
"normal": {
"x": -1.0,
"y": 1.25,
"z": 0.0
"up": {
"x": -5.4,
"y": -4.3,
"z": 1.0
"height": 1666
"snapshot": {
"snapshot_type": "png",
"snapshot_data": "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh"
"components": {
"selection": [{
"ifc_guid": "2MF28NhmDBiRVyFakgdbCT",
"originating_system": "Example CAD Application",
"authoring_tool_id": "EXCAD/v1.0"
"coloring": [{
"color": "ff0000",
"components": [{
"ifc_guid": "3$cshxZO9AJBebsni$z9Yk"
"visibility": {
"default_visibility": false,
"exceptions": [{
"ifc_guid": "4$cshxZO9AJBebsni$z9Yk"
"view_setup_hints": {
"spaces_visible": true,
"space_boundaries_visible": false,
"openings_visible": true
Example Response
Response Code: 201 - Created
"guid": "a11a82e7-e66c-34b4-ada1-5846abf39133",
"index": 10,
"perspective_camera": {
"camera_view_point": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 0.0
"camera_direction": {
"x": 1.0,
"y": 1.0,
"z": 2.0
"camera_up_vector": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 1.0
"field_of_view": 90.0,
"aspect_ratio": 1.33
"lines": [{
"start_point": {
"x": 1.0,
"y": 1.0,
"z": 1.0
"end_point": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 0.0
"clipping_planes": [{
"location": {
"x": 0.5,
"y": 0.5,
"z": 0.5
"direction": {
"x": 1.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 0.0
"bitmaps": [{
"guid": "20c1cb56-315f-4a0a-922d-ed7a4a8edf55",
"bitmap_type": "jpg",
"location": {
"x": 10.0,
"y": -10.0,
"z": 7.0
"normal": {
"x": -1.0,
"y": 1.25,
"z": 0.0
"up": {
"x": -5.4,
"y": -4.3,
"z": 1.0
"height": 1666
"snapshot": {
"snapshot_type": "png"
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{guid}/topics/{guid}/viewpoints/{guid}
Retrieve a specific viewpoint.
Example Request
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228/viewpoints/a11a82e7-e66c-34b4-ada1-5846abf39133
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"guid": "a11a82e7-e66c-34b4-ada1-5846abf39133",
"index": 10,
"perspective_camera": {
"camera_view_point": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 0.0
"camera_direction": {
"x": 1.0,
"y": 1.0,
"z": 2.0
"camera_up_vector": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 1.0
"field_of_view": 90.0,
"aspect_ratio": 1.33
"lines": [{
"start_point": {
"x": 1.0,
"y": 1.0,
"z": 1.0
"end_point": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 0.0
"clipping_planes": [{
"location": {
"x": 0.5,
"y": 0.5,
"z": 0.5
"direction": {
"x": 1.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 0.0
"bitmaps": [{
"guid": "20c1cb56-315f-4a0a-922d-ed7a4a8edf55"
"bitmap_type": "jpg",
"location": {
"x": 10.0,
"y": -10.0,
"z": 7.0
"normal": {
"x": -1.0,
"y": 1.25,
"z": 0.0
"up": {
"x": -5.4,
"y": -4.3,
"z": 1.0
"height": 1666
"snapshot": {
"snapshot_type": "png"
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{guid}/topics/{guid}/viewpoints/{guid}/snapshot
Retrieve a viewpoints snapshot (png or jpg) as image file. A viewpoint contains a snapshot if viewpoint.snapshot != null.
Example Request
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228/viewpoints/a11a82e7-e66c-34b4-ada1-5846abf39133/snapshot
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{guid}/topics/{guid}/viewpoints/{guid}/bitmaps/{guid}
Retrieve a specific viewpoints bitmap image file (png or jpg).
Example Request
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228/viewpoints/a11a82e7-e66c-34b4-ada1-5846abf39133/bitmaps/20c1cb56-315f-4a0a-922d-ed7a4a8edf55
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/viewpoints/{guid}/selection
Retrieve a collection of all selected components in a viewpoint.
Example Request
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228/viewpoints/a11a82e7-e66c-34b4-ada1-5846abf39133/selection
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"selection": [
"ifc_guid": "2MF28NhmDBiRVyFakgdbCT",
"originating_system": "Example CAD Application",
"authoring_tool_id": "EXCAD/v1.0"
}, {
"ifc_guid": "3$cshxZO9AJBebsni$z9Yk"
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/viewpoints/{guid}/coloring
Retrieve a collection of all colored components in a viewpoint.
Example Request
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228/viewpoints/a11a82e7-e66c-34b4-ada1-5846abf39133/coloring
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"coloring": [
"color": "ff0000",
"components": [
"ifc_guid": "2MF28NhmDBiRVyFakgdbCT",
"originating_system": "Example CAD Application",
"authoring_tool_id": "EXCAD/v1.0"
}, {
"ifc_guid": "3$cshxZO9AJBebsni$z9Yk"
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/viewpoints/{guid}/visibility
Retrieve visibility of components in a viewpoint.
Example Request
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228/viewpoints/a11a82e7-e66c-34b4-ada1-5846abf39133/visibility
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"visibility": {
"default_visibility": true,
"exceptions": [
"ifc_guid": "2MF28NhmDBiRVyFakgdbCT",
"originating_system": "Example CAD Application",
"authoring_tool_id": "EXCAD/v1.0"
}, {
"ifc_guid": "3$cshxZO9AJBebsni$z9Yk",
"view_setup_hints": {
"spaces_visible": true,
"space_boundaries_visible": false,
"openings_visible": true
Resource URL
DELETE /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/viewpoints/{guid}
Deletes a single viewpoint. This operation is only possible when the server returns the delete
flag in the Viewpoint authorization, see section 3.5.10
Note: If there is a comment associated to the viewpoint, the server might reject this request:
- The server should return the http response status code 409
- The client needs to disaccosiate this comment, before trying again.
Example Request
DELETE /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228/viewpoints/a11a82e7-e66c-34b4-ada1-5846abf39133
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
The global default Viewpoint authorizations are expressed in the project schema and when Viewpoint(s) are requested with the query parameter "includeAuthorization" equal to "true" Viewpoints will include an "authorization" field containing any local overrides for each Viewpoint.
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/related_topics
Retrieve a collection of all related topics to a topic.
Example Request
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228/related_topics
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"related_topic_guid": "db49df2b-0e42-473b-a3ee-f7b785d783c4"
}, {
"related_topic_guid": "6963a846-54d1-4050-954d-607cd5e48aa3"
Resource URL
PUT /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/related_topics
Add or update a collection of all related topics to a topic. This operation is only possible when the server returns the updateRelatedTopics
flag in the Topic authorization, see section 3.2.8
Example Request
PUT /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228/related_topics
"related_topic_guid": "db49df2b-0e42-473b-a3ee-f7b785d783c4"
}, {
"related_topic_guid": "6963a846-54d1-4050-954d-607cd5e48aa3"
}, {
"related_topic_guid": "bac66ab4-331e-4f21-a28e-083d2cf2e796"
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"related_topic_guid": "db49df2b-0e42-473b-a3ee-f7b785d783c4"
}, {
"related_topic_guid": "6963a846-54d1-4050-954d-607cd5e48aa3"
}, {
"related_topic_guid": "bac66ab4-331e-4f21-a28e-083d2cf2e796"
Service for relating documents to topics. Related documents can be either internal or external, determined by the fields url and document_guid.
The url and the document_guid fields are mutually exclusive, which means that only one of these fields are set. A document_reference with url set, is referencing an external resource. A document_reference with document_guid set, is referencing an internal document which can be downloaded using the GET Document Service.
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/document_references
Retrieve a collection of all document references to a topic.
Example Request
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228/document_references
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"guid": "212ab37a-6122-448e-86fc-86503183b520",
"url": "http://example.com/files/LegalRequirements.pdf",
"description": "The legal requirements for buildings."
}, {
"guid": "6cbfe31d-95c3-4f4d-92a6-420c23698721",
"document_guid": "472ab37a-6122-448e-86fc-86503183b520",
"description": "The building owners global design parameters for buildings."
Resource URL
POST /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/document_references
Add a document reference to a topic. This operation is only possible when the server returns the updateDocumentReferences
flag in the Topic authorization, see section 3.2.8
Should either reference an internal or an external document.
- Internal
- document_guid must match an existing document in the project
- url must be null
- External
- document_guid must be null
- url must be the url to the external resource
JSON encoded body using the "application/json" content type.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
guid | string | The desired guid. See OpenCDE Foundation section 1.5.1 when GUID already exists in target system. | false |
document_guid | string | The guid of the document (Internal document) | false |
url | The url (External document) | false | |
description | string | The description of the document reference | false |
Example Request
POST /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228/document_references
"url": "http://example.com/files/LegalRequirements.pdf",
"description": "The legal requirements for buildings."
Example Response
Response Code: 201 - Created
"guid": "275ab37a-6122-448e-86fc-86503183b520",
"url": "http://example.com/files/LegalRequirements.pdf",
"description": "The legal requirements for buildings."
Example Request
POST /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228/document_references
"document_guid": "472ab37a-6122-448e-86fc-86503183b520",
"description": "The building owners global design parameters for buildings."
Example Response
Response Code: 201 - Created
"guid": "135ab37a-6122-448e-86fc-86503183b520",
"document_guid": "472ab37a-6122-448e-86fc-86503183b520",
"description": "The building owners global design parameters for buildings."
Resource URL
PUT /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/document_references/{guid}
Update an existing document reference identified by guid.
Uses the same rules as POST Document Reference Service. This operation is only possible when the server returns the updateDocumentReferences
flag in the Topic authorization, see section 3.2.8
Example Request
PUT /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228/document_references/472ab37a-6122-448e-86fc-86503183b520
"url": "http://example.com/files/LegalRequirements_Update.pdf",
"description": "The legal requirements for buildings."
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"guid": "135ab37a-6122-448e-86fc-86503183b520",
"url": "http://example.com/files/LegalRequirements_Update.pdf",
"description": "The legal requirements for buildings."
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/documents
Retrieve a collection of all documents uploaded to a project.
Example Request
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/documents
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"guid": "472ab37a-6122-448e-86fc-86503183b520",
"filename": "LegalRequirements.pdf"
}, {
"guid": "6cbfe31d-95c3-4f4d-92a6-420c23698721",
"filename": "DesignParameters.pdf"
Resource URL
POST /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/documents
Upload a document (binary file) to a project. This operation is only possible when the server returns the createDocument
flag in the Project authorization, see section 3.1.5
Optional: The desired document guid may be passed as a query parameter.
Example Request
POST /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/documents?guid=472ab37a-6122-448e-86fc-86503183b520
Example Response
Response Code: 201 - Created
"guid": "472ab37a-6122-448e-86fc-86503183b520",
"filename": "Official_Building_Permission.pdf"
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/documents/{guid}
Retrieves a document as binary file.
Example Request
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/documents/472ab37a-6122-448e-86fc-86503183b520
Example Response
Retrieves a document as binary file.
The topic events service reflects the events for topics. Each creation or update of a topic generates new topic events. Note: Whenever a topic has been created, the server also generates "update" and "add" events for all fields that are initially set. Example: If a topic contains a description, the description_updated event is generated. This is to ensure the full history.
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/events
Retrieve a collection of topic events related to a project (default sort order is date
Topic event types
type | value |
topic_created | null |
title_updated | The title (limit: 128 characters) |
description_updated | The description (limit: 1024 characters) |
description_removed | null |
status_updated | The status (value from extensions) |
type_updated | The type (value from extensions) |
priority_updated | The priority (value from extensions) |
priority_removed | null |
due_date_updated | The due date |
due_date_removed | null |
assigned_to_updated | The assigned user (value from extensions) |
assigned_to_removed | null |
label_added | The label added (value from extensions) |
label_removed | The label removed (value from extensions) |
stage_added | The stage was added (value from extensions) |
stage_updated | The stage was updated (value from extensions) |
stage_removed | The stage was removed (value from extensions) |
Odata filter parameters
parameter | type | description |
topic_guid | string | guid of the topic |
author | string | userId of the author (value from extensions) |
type | string | type of the event (value from Topic event types, table above) |
date | datetime | date of the event |
Odata sort parameters
parameter | description |
date | date of the event |
Example Request with odata
Get events of type 'status_updated' made by [email protected] and created after December 5th 2015. Sort the result on least recent
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/events?$filter=author eq '[email protected]' and type eq 'status_updated' and date gt 2015-12-05T00:00:00+01:00&$orderby=date asc
Get latest events of given topic. Skip the 10 first, and get the 5 next
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/events?$filter=topic_guid eq 'A245F4F2-2C01-B43B-B612-5E456BEF8116'&$top=5&$skip=10
Get events that are of type 'status_updated', 'type_updated' or 'title_updated' or 'label_added'
/bcf/1.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/events?$filter=type eq 'status_updated' or type eq 'type_updated' or type eq 'title_updated' or type eq 'label_added'
Example Request
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/events
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"topic_guid": "A211FCC2-3A3B-EAA4-C321-DE22ABC8414",
"date": "2014-11-19T14:24:11.316Z",
"author": "[email protected]",
"events": [
"type": "status_updated",
"value": "Closed"
}, {
"topic_guid": "A245F4F2-2C01-B43B-B612-5E456BEF8116",
"date": "2013-10-21T17:34:22.409Z",
"author": "[email protected]",
"events": [
"type": "type_updated",
"value": "Warning"
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{topic_guid}/events
Retrieve a collection of topic events related to a project (default sort order is date
Topic event types
type | value |
topic_created | null |
title_updated | The title (limit: 128 characters) |
description_updated | The description (limit: 1024 characters) |
description_removed | null |
status_updated | The status (value from extensions) |
type_updated | The type (value from extensions) |
priority_updated | The priority (value from extensions) |
priority_removed | null |
due_date_updated | The due date |
due_date_removed | null |
assigned_to_updated | The assigned user (value from extensions) |
assigned_to_removed | null |
label_added | The label added (value from extensions) |
label_removed | The label removed (value from extensions) |
stage_added | The stage was added (value from extensions) |
stage_updated | The stage was updated (value from extensions) |
stage_removed | The stage was removed (value from extensions) |
Odata filter parameters
parameter | type | description |
author | string | userId of the author (value from extensions) |
type | string | type of the event (value from Topic event types, table above) |
date | datetime | date of the event |
Odata sort parameters
parameter | description |
date | date of the event |
Example Request with odata
Get events of type 'status_updated' made by [email protected] and created after December 5th 2015. Sort the result on least recent
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/A245F4F2-2C01-B43B-B612-5E456BEF8116/events?$filter=author eq '[email protected]' and type eq 'status_updated' and date gt 2015-12-05T00:00:00+01:00&$orderby=date asc
Get latest events. Skip the 10 first, and get the 5 next
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/A245F4F2-2C01-B43B-B612-5E456BEF8116/events?$top=5&$skip=10
Odata does not support list operators. To achieve list query, use the 'or' operator. Get events that is of type 'status_updated', 'type_updated' or 'title_updated' or 'label_added'
/bcf/1.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/A245F4F2-2C01-B43B-B612-5E456BEF8116/events?$filter=type eq 'status_updated' or type eq 'type_updated' or type eq 'title_updated' or type eq 'label_updated'
Example Request
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/A245F4F2-2C01-B43B-B612-5E456BEF8116/events
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"topic_guid": "A245F4F2-2C01-B43B-B612-5E456BEF8116",
"date": "2014-11-19T14:24:11.316Z",
"author": "[email protected]",
"events": [
"type": "type_updated",
"value": "Error"
}, {
"topic_guid": "A245F4F2-2C01-B43B-B612-5E456BEF8116",
"date": "2013-10-21T17:34:22.409Z",
"author": "[email protected]",
"events": [
"type": "status_updated",
"value": "Open"
The comment events service reflects the events for topic comments. Each creation or update of a comment generates new comment events.
Note: Whenever a comment has been created, the server also generates "update" events for all fields that are initially set. Example: If a comment contains a viewpoint, the viewpoint_updated event is generated. This is to ensure the full history.
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/comments/events
Retrieve a collection of comment events related to a project (default sort order is date
Comment event types
type | value |
comment_created | null |
comment_text_updated | The comment text(limit: 1024 characters) |
viewpoint_updated | The viewpoint guid |
viewpoint_removed | null |
Odata filter parameters
parameter | type | description |
comment_guid | string | guid of the comment |
topic_guid | string | guid of the topic |
author | string | userId of the author (value from extensions) |
date | datetime | date of the event |
type | string | type of the event (value from Comment event types, table above) |
Odata sort parameters
parameter | description |
date | date of the event |
Example Request with odata
Get events of type 'comment_created' made by [email protected] and created after December 5th 2015. Sort the result on least recent
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/comments/events?$filter=author eq '[email protected]' and date gt 2015-12-05T00:00:00+01:00 and type eq 'comment_created'&$orderby=date asc
Get latest events of given comment. Skip the 10 first, and get the 5 next
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/comments/events?$filter=comment_guid eq 'C4215F4D-AC45-A43A-D615-AA456BEF832B'&$top=5&$skip=10
Get events that are of type 'comment_created', or 'viewpoint_updated'
/bcf/1.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/events?$filter=type eq 'comment_created' or type eq 'viewpoint_updated'
Example Request
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/comments/events
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"comment_guid": "C4215F4D-AC45-A43A-D615-AA456BEF832B",
"topic_guid": "A211FCC2-3A3B-EAA4-C321-DE22ABC8414",
"date": "2014-11-19T14:24:11.316Z",
"author": "[email protected]",
"events": [
"type": "comment_created",
"value": null
}, {
"comment_guid": "C4215F4D-AC45-A43A-D615-AA456BEF832B",
"topic_guid": "A245F4F2-2C01-B43B-B612-5E456BEF8116",
"date": "2013-10-21T17:34:22.409Z",
"author": "[email protected]",
"events": [
"type": "viewpoint_updated",
"value": "b24a82e9-f67b-43b8-bda0-4946abf39624"
Resource URL
GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{topic_guid}/comments/{comment_guid}/events
Retrieve a collection of comment events related to a single comment (default sort order is date
Comment event types
type | value |
comment_created | null |
comment_text_updated | The comment text(limit: 1024 characters) |
viewpoint_updated | The viewpoint guid |
viewpoint_removed | null |
Odata filter parameters
parameter | type | description |
author | string | userId of the author (value from extensions) |
date | datetime | date of the event |
type | string | type of the event (value from Comment event types, table above) |
Odata sort parameters
parameter | description |
date | date of the event |
Example Request with odata
Get events of type 'comment_created' made by [email protected] and created after December 5th 2015. Sort the result on least recent
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/A211FCC2-3A3B-EAA4-C321-DE22ABC8414/comments/C4215F4D-AC45-A43A-D615-AA456BEF832B/events?$filter=author eq '[email protected]' and date gt 2015-12-05T00:00:00+01:00 and type eq 'comment_created'&$orderby=date asc
Get latest events of given comment. Skip the 10 first, and get the 5 next
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/A211FCC2-3A3B-EAA4-C321-DE22ABC8414/comments/C4215F4D-AC45-A43A-D615-AA456BEF832B/events?$top=5&$skip=10
Get events that are of type 'comment_created', or 'comment_text_updated'
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/A211FCC2-3A3B-EAA4-C321-DE22ABC8414/comments/C4215F4D-AC45-A43A-D615-AA456BEF832B/events?$filter=type eq 'comment_created' or type eq 'viewpoint_updated'
Example Request
GET /bcf/3.0/projects/F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137/topics/A211FCC2-3A3B-EAA4-C321-DE22ABC8414/comments/C4215F4D-AC45-A43A-D615-AA456BEF832B/events
Example Response
Response Code: 200 - OK
"comment_guid": "C4215F4D-AC45-A43A-D615-AA456BEF832B",
"topic_guid": "A211FCC2-3A3B-EAA4-C321-DE22ABC8414",
"date": "2014-11-19T14:24:11.316Z",
"author": "[email protected]",
"events": [
"type": "comment_created",
"value": null
}, {
"comment_guid": "C4215F4D-AC45-A43A-D615-AA456BEF832B",
"topic_guid": "A245F4F2-2C01-B43B-B612-5E456BEF8116",
"date": "2013-10-21T17:34:22.409Z",
"author": "[email protected]",
"events": [
"type": "comment_text_updated",
"value": "This is the updated comment"