This project contains a small (but often effective) implementation of the Arduino programming framework for Linux, MacOS, FreeBSD (experimental) and potentially other POSIX-like systems. Originally, it was created to allow AUnit unit tests to be compiled and run on a desktop class machine, instead of running on the embedded microcontroller. As more Arduino functionality was added, I found it useful for doing certain types of application development on my Linux laptop, especially the parts that were more algorithmic instead of hardware dependent. EpoxyDuino can be effectively used in Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline (like GitHub Actions) for automatically validating that a library or application compiles without errors.
The build process uses GNU Make.
A simple Makefile
needs to be created inside the sketch folder. For example,
if the sketch is SampleTest/SampleTest.ino
, then the makefile should be
. The sketch is compiled with just a make
command. It
produces an executable with a .out
extension, for example, SampleTest.out
The Serial
port object sends the output to the STDOUT
and reads from the
of the Unix host environment. Most other hardware dependent
features (e.g. I2C, SPI, GPIO) are stubbed out (defined but don't do anything)
to allow the Arduino programs to compile. Mock versions of various libraries are
also provided:
: mock I2C library<SPI.h>
: mock SPI library- EpoxyMockDigitalWriteFast: mock
version of the
libraries - EpoxyMockTimerOne: mock version of the TimerOne ( library
- EpoxyMockFastLED: mock version of the FastLED ( library
- EpoxyMockSTM32RTC: mock version of the STM32RTC ( library
These mock libraries may be sufficient for a CI pipeline.
For actual application development, I have started to build a set of libraries within EpoxyDuino which emulate the versions that run the actual hardware:
- EpoxyFS: emulation of the ESP8266 LittleFS or ESP32 LittleFS filesystem
- EpoxyEepromAvr: emulation of AVR-flavored
- EpoxyEepromEsp: emulation of ESP-flavored
If your program has limited hardware dependencies so that it is conceptually portable to a vanilla Unix environment, EpoxyDuino may work well for you.
Running an Arduino program natively on a desktop-class machine has some advantages:
- The development cycle can be lot faster because the compilers on the desktop machines are a lot faster, and we also avoid the upload and flash process to the microcontroller.
- The desktop machine can run unit tests which require too much flash or too much memory to fit inside an embedded microcontroller.
- It may help you write platform-independent code, because if it runs under EpoxyDuino, it has a good chance of running on most Arduino-compatible platforms.
The disadvantages are:
- Only a subset of Arduino functions are supported (see below).
- Many 3rd party libraries will not compile under EpoxyDuino.
- There may be compiler differences between the desktop and the embedded
environments (e.g. 16-bit
versus 32-bitint
, or 32-bitlong
versus 64-bitlong
Version: 1.3.0 (2022-03.28)
Changelog: See
- Installation
- Usage
- Advanced Usage
- Supported Arduino Features
- Libraries and Mocks
- System Requirements
- License
- Bugs And Limitations
- Feedback and Support
- Authors
You need to grab the sources directly from GitHub. This project is not an Arduino library so it is not available through the Arduino Library Manager in the Arduino IDE.
The location of the EpoxyDuino directory can be arbitrary, but a convenient
location might be the same ./libraries/
directory used by the Arduino IDE to
store other Arduino libraries:
$ cd {sketchbook_directory}/libraries
$ git clone
This will create a directory called
, and put you on the default
You can be slightly conservative and use the latest stable release on the
$ cd {sketchbook_directory}/libraries/EpoxyDuino
$ git checkout master
You can go to a specific release by checking out the corresponding tag, for
example v1.2.0
$ git checkout v1.2.0
The core of EpoxyDuino depends on:
- a C++ compiler (
) - GNU Make (usually
but sometimesgmake
These are normally installed on the host OS by default.
The example and test code under ./tests/
, ./examples/
, and ./libraries/*/examples/
depend on:
- AUnit (
- AceCRC (
- AceCommon (
- AceRoutine (
- AceUtils (
The minimal Makefile
has 3 lines:
APP_NAME := {name of project}
ARDUINO_LIBS := {list of dependent Arduino libraries}
include {path/to/}
For example, the examples/BlinkSOS project contains this Makefile:
include ../../../EpoxyDuino/
To build the program, just run make
$ cd examples/BlinkSOS
$ make clean
$ make
The executable will be created with a .out
extension. To run it, just type:
$ ./BlinkSOS.out
The output that would normally be printed on the Serial
on an Arduino
board will be sent to the STDOUT
of the Linux, MacOS, or FreeBSD terminal. The
output should be identical to what would be shown on the serial port of the
Arduino controller.
If the Arduino program depends on additional Arduino libraries, they must be
specified in the Makefile
using the ARDUINO_LIBS
parameter. For example,
the following includes the AUnit,
AceButton, and
AceTime libraries if they are installed at
the same directory level as EpoxyDuino:
APP_NAME := SampleTest
ARDUINO_LIBS := AUnit AceButton AceTime
include ../../EpoxyDuino/
The libraries are referred to using their base directory name (e.g. AceButton
or AceTime
) not their full path. By default, the
file will look
for these additional libraries at the following locations:
- in other words, siblings to theEpoxyDuino
install directory (this assumes that EpoxyDuino was installed in the Arduinolibraries
directory as recommended above)EPOXY_DUINO_DIR/libraries/
- additional libraries provided by the EpoxyDuino project itself- under each of the additional directories listed in
(see below)
As explained above, EpoxyDuino normally assumes that the additional libraries
are siblings to theEpoxyDuino/
directory or under the EpoxyDuino/libraries/
directory. If you need to import additional Arduino libraries, you need to tell
where they are because Arduino libraries tend to be scattered among
many different locations. These additional locations can be specified using the
variable. For example,
APP_NAME := SampleTest
arduino_ide_dir := ../../arduino-1.8.9
ARDUINO_LIBS := AUnit AceButton AceTime
$(arduino_ide_dir)/portable/packages/arduino/hardware/avr/1.8.2/libraries \
$(arduino_ide_dir)/libraries \
include ../../EpoxyDuino/
Each of the AUnit
, AceButton
and AceTime
libraries will be searched in
each of the 3 directories given in the ARDUINO_LIB_DIRS
. (The
is a convenience temporary variable. It has no significance to
There are a number of differences compared to the programming environment provided by the Arduino IDE:
- The
file is treated like a normal*.cpp
file. So it must have an#include <Arduino.h>
include line at the top of the file. This is compatible with the Arduino IDE which automatically includes<Arduino.h>
. - The Arduino IDE supports multiple
files in the same directory. (I believe it simply concatenates them all into a single file.) EpoxyDuino supports only oneino
file in a given directory. - The Arduino IDE automatically generates forward declarations for functions
that appear after the global
methods. In a normal C++ file, these forward declarations must be created by hand. The other alternative is to moveloop()
functions to the end of theino
Fortunately, the changes required to make an ino
file compatible with
EpoxyDuino are backwards compatible with the Arduino IDE. In other words, a
program that compiles with EpoxyDuino will also compile under Ardunio IDE.
There are other substantial differences. The Arduino IDE supports multiple
microcontroller board types, each using its own set of compiler tools and
library locations. There is a complicated set of files and rules that determine
how to find and use those tools and libraries. The EpoxyDuino tool does not
use any of the configuration files used by the Arduino IDE. Sometimes, you can
to get around this limitations. However, when you
start using ARDUINO_LIB_DIRS
, you will often run into third party libraries
using features which are not supported by the EpoxyDuino framework emulation
If you want to add code that takes effect only on EpoxyDuino, you can use the following macro:
#if defined(EPOXY_DUINO)
If you need to target a particular desktop OS, you can use the following:
#if defined(__linux__)
#if defined(__APPLE__)
#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
It is often convenient to create a parent Makefile that runs multiple targets in the Makefiles under the subdirectories. For example, most of my libraries have the following directory structure:
|-- examples
| |-- ExampleA
| | |-- ExampleA.ino
| | `-- Makefile
| |-- ExampleB
| | |-- ExampleB.ino
| | `-- Makefile
| |-- ...
| |-- ExampleN
| | |-- ExampleN.ino
| | `-- Makefile
| `-- Makefile
|-- src
| |-- FooLibrary.h
| `-- foolib
| |-- file.h
| `-- file.cpp
`-- tests
|-- AxxTest
| |-- AxxTest.ino
| `-- Makefile
|-- BxxTest
| |-- BxxTest.ino
| `-- Makefile
|-- ...
|-- MxxTest
| |-- MxxTest.ino
| `-- Makefile
`-- Makefile
I often want to compile all of the examples , and run all the unit tests
with a single command. There are multiple ways to do this, but the technique
that I use is to create a parent Makefile
in the examples/
and tests/
directories that recursively runs the targets of the subdirectories. In
, I create the following:
set -e; \
for i in */Makefile; do \
echo '==== Making:' $$(dirname $$i); \
$(MAKE) -C $$(dirname $$i) -j; \
set -e; \
for i in */Makefile; do \
echo '==== Cleaning:' $$(dirname $$i); \
$(MAKE) -C $$(dirname $$i) clean; \
In tests/Makefile
, I create the following:
set -e; \
for i in *Test/Makefile; do \
echo '==== Making:' $$(dirname $$i); \
$(MAKE) -C $$(dirname $$i) -j; \
set -e; \
for i in *Test/Makefile; do \
echo '==== Running:' $$(dirname $$i); \
$$(dirname $$i)/$$(dirname $$i).out; \
set -e; \
for i in *Test/Makefile; do \
echo '==== Cleaning:' $$(dirname $$i); \
$(MAKE) -C $$(dirname $$i) clean; \
To compile and run all the examples and unit tests, I do the following:
$ make -C examples clean
$ make -C tests clean
$ make -C examples all
$ make -C tests tests
$ make -C tests runtests | grep failed
These parent Makefiles can be used in Continuous Integration, as shown below.
You can use EpoxyDuino to run continuous integration tests or
validations on the GitHub Actions
infrastructure. The basic ubuntu-18.04
or ubuntu-20.04
docker image already
contains the C++ compiler and make
binary. You don't need to install the
Arduino IDE or the Arduino CLI. You need:
- EpoxyDuino,
- your project that you want to test,
- any additional Arduino libraries that you use.
Take a look at some of my GitHub Actions YAML config files:
- .github/workflows used by this project
Normally the C++ compiler on Linux is g++
. If you have clang++
you can use that instead by specifying the CXX
makefile variable:
$ make CXX=clang++
(This tells make
to set the CXX
variable to clang++
within the context of
which causes clang++
to be used over the default g++
One reason to use clang++
instead of g++
is that the clang++
compiler will
sometimes catch a different set of programming errors.
You can pass additional flags to the C preprocessor through the EXTRA_CPPFLAGS
variable, like this:
You can pass additional flags to the C++ compiler through the EXTRA_CXXFLAGS
variable, like this:
$ make EXTRA_CXXFLAGS='-g'
The make clean
rule is predefined to remove all of the intermediate *.o
files and GENERATED
files that the
file knows about.
Sometimes, we want to do additional clean up. For example, the EEPROM emulation
libraries (EpoxyEepromAvr or
EpoxyEepromEsp) will create a file in the current
directory named epoxyeepromdata
which stores the content of the emulated
. To remove such extra files, we can create a new Makefile
target that
performs the clean up, and add the name of the target to MORE_CLEAN
For example, we create a target named more_clean
to perform the extra clean
up, and tell the clean
target to depend on more_clean
target using the
MORE_CLEAN := more_clean
APP_NAME := {name of project}
ARDUINO_LIBS := {list of dependent Arduino libraries}
include {path/to/}
rm -f epoxyeepromdata
Sometimes the *.ino
file depends on additional header files within the same
directory. When these header files are modified, the *.ino
file must be
recompiled. These additional header files can be listed in the DEPS
DEPS := header1.h header2.h
include {path/to/}
If a source file is generated dynamically through a code generation script,
and the source file is not checked into the repository because it is too
dynamic, then you can include the generated files using the GENERATED
and the OBJS
First add the list of generated files *.cpp
or *.c
variable. Then add the corresponding *.o
files to the OBJS
variable, like
GENERATED := foo.cpp bar.cpp
OBJS := foo.o bar.o
APP_NAME := {name of project}
ARDUINO_LIBS := {list of dependent Arduino libraries}
include {path/to/}
foo.cpp: foo.h
./ # creates 'foo.cpp'
bar.cpp: bar.h
./ # creates 'bar.cpp'
The *.o
files in OJBS
are passed to the linker when the app.out
file is created.
is not strictly required, since the default rules already know
how to compile the *.o
files from the *.cpp
or *.c
files. The primary
effect of GENERATED
currently is to cause the generated files to be removed
when make clean
is called.
This is very advanced. The Arduino ecosystem supports different hardware processors, architectures, and platforms. The software environment for a specific hardware environment is called a "Core". By default, the environment provided by EpoxyDuino resembles the AVR Core most closely because a lot of the API emulation code was borrowed from the AVR Core.
There may be situations where an Arduino program is specifically meant to run under a hardware platform other than an AVR processor, for example, the ESP8266 Core. EpoxyDuino provides the ability substitute a different Arduino API Core through 2 Makefile variables:
Makefile variable defines the C-preprocessor macro which will
be defined through the -D
flag through -D $(EPOXY_CORE)
There are currently 2 valid options for this Makefile variable:
(default)- Causes
to emulate the Arduino AVR core.
- Causes
- Causes
to emulate the ESP8266 Core.
- Causes
For example, setting the following in the Makefile
causes the make
command to pass the -D EPOXY_CORE_ESP8266
flag to the
compiler, which will activate any code that is guarded by:
#if defined(EPOXY_CORE_ESP8266)
make variable is insufficient (e.g. because the appropriate
changes have not been incorporated into $(EPOXY_DUINO_DIR)/cores/epoxy/
), then
provides an even bigger hammer. It defines the full-path
to the Arduino Core API files.
By default, this is set to $(EPOXY_DUINO_DIR)/cores/epoxy
. You can create your
own set of Arduino API files in a directory of your choosing, and set this
make variable to point to these custom files:
EPOXY_CORE_PATH := {my_own_directory}/cores/mycore
The library.json
file supports PlaformIO in Native
mode. It was added
in PR#31 (thanks
@lopsided98). However, this functionality is
unsupported. If it becomes broken in the future, please send me a PR to fix
The standard Arduino environment does not provide command line arguments, since
a microcontroller does not normally provide a command line environment.
When an Arduino application is compiled Using EpoxyDuino, the Unix command line
parameters (argc
and argv
) become available through 2 global variables:
extern int epoxy_argc
extern const char* const* epoxy_argv
The examples/CommandLine program contains a basic command line parser which can be copied and customized for different applications:
$ ./CommandLine.out --help
Usage: ./CommandLine.out [--help|-h] [-s] [--include word] [--] [words ...]
$ ./CommandLine.out one two
arg: one
arg: two
$ ./CommandLine.out -s
flag: -s
$ ./CommandLine.out --include inc one two
flag: --include inc
arg: one
arg: two
$ ./CommandLine.out --include inc -- -one two
flag: --include inc
arg: -one
arg: two
$ ./CommandLine.out -a
Unknonwn flag '-a'
Usage: ./CommandLine.out [--help|-h] [-s] [--include word] [--] [words ...]
A more advanced example can be seen in AUnit/TestRunner.cpp.
A huge benefit of compiling Arduino programs using EpoxyDuino is that all the debugging tools in a Unix environment become automatically available. For example:
- External Tools
- Compiler Options
- Address Sanitizer (ASan)
- Memory Sanitizer (MSan)
- Undefined Behavior Sanitizer (UBSan)
I am not an expert on any of these sanitizers, and I have not enabled them by
default in the
file. But you have the capability to add them to
your Makefile
through the CXXFLAGS
Below are some things that I have found useful in my own limited experience.
I have found the Valgrind tool quite helpful in tracking down Segmentation Fault crashes. Here is a quick start:
- Compile your program using the
flag.- This is not strictly necessary but this will allow Valgrind to print line numbers to the source code in the stack trace.
- Two ways:
- Pass the pass through the command line:
$ make CXXFLAGS=-g
- Edit the
and add aCXXFLAGS += -g
directive near the top of the file.
- Pass the pass through the command line:
- Run the program under the
program.- Valgrind has tons of options and flags. Here are the flags that I use
(don't remember where I got them):
$ alias val='valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=yes --show-reachable=yes --num-callers=20 --track-fds=yes'
$ val ./MyProgram.out
- Valgrind has tons of options and flags. Here are the flags that I use
(don't remember where I got them):
When the program crashes because of a nullptr
dereference, Valgrind will show
exactly where that happened in the source code.
By default, the digitalRead(pin)
function simply returns a 0, because
EpoxyDuino does not actually have any hardware pins. For testing purposes, it
can be useful to control the value that will be returned by a digitalRead()
The digitalReadValue(pin, val)
function sets the value that will be returned
by the corresponding digitalRead(pin)
. Here is an example of how this can be
#include <Arduino.h>
const uint8_t PIN = 8;
void something() {
uint8_t val = digitalRead(PIN); // val == 0
#if defined(EPOXY_DUINO)
digitalReadValue(PIN, 1);
val = digitalRead(PIN); // val == 1
#if defined(EPOXY_DUINO)
digitalReadValue(PIN, 0);
val = digitalRead(PIN); // val == 0
The #if defined(EPOXY_DUINO)
is recommended because digitalReadValue()
not a standard Arduino function. It is defined only in EpoxyDuino.
The pin
parameter should satisfy 0 <= pin < 32
. If pin >= 32
, then
is a no-op and the corresponding digitalRead(pin)
always return 0.
The following is an incomplete list of Arduino functions and features which are implemented:
(empty stubs)analogRead()
(empty stubs)pulseIn()
(empty stubs)min()
, etcbit()
- I2C and SPI pins:
- typedefs:
class String
class __FlashStringHelper
class Print
,class Printable
- extended function supported by some Arduino compatible microcontrollers
, etc.toLowerCase()
, etc
(stub implementation)SPI.h
(stub implementation)
See Arduino.h
for the latest list. Most of the header files included by this Arduino.h
file were copied and modified from the arduino:avr
v1.8.2 or v1.8.3. A number of tweaks have been made to support slight variations
in the API of other platforms, particularly the ESP8266 v2.7.4 and ESP32 v1.0.6
The Print::printf()
function is an extension to the Print
class that is
provided by many Arduino-compatible microcontrollers (but not the AVR
controllers). It is implemented here for convenience. The size of the internal
buffer is 250
characters, which can be changed by changing the
parameter if needed.
The Serial
object is an instance of the StdioSerial
class which emulates the
Serial port using the STDIN
of the Unix system. Serial.print()
sends the output to the STDOUT
reads from the STDIN
The interaction with the Unix tty
device is complicated, and I am not entirely
sure that I have implemented things properly. See Entering raw
mode for
in-depth details. The following is a quick summary of how this is implemented
under EpoxyDuino
remains mostly in normal mode. In particular, ONLCR
mode is
enabled, which translates \n
(NL) to \r\n
(CR-NL). This allows the program
to print a line of string terminating in just \n
(e.g. in a printf()
function) and the Unix tty
device will automatically add the \r
(CR) to
start the next line at the left. (Interestingly, the Print.println()
prints \r\n
, which gets translated into \r\r\n
by the terminal, which still
does the correct thing. The extra \r
does not do any harm.)
is put into "raw" mode to avoid blocking the loop()
function while
waiting for input from the keyboard. It also allows ICRNL
flips the mapping of \r
and \n
from the keyboard. That's because normally,
the "Enter" or "Return" key transmits a \r
, but internally, most string
processing code wants to see a line terminated by \n
instead. This is
convenient because when the \n
is printed back to the screen, it becomes
translated into \r\n
, which is what most people expect is the correct
option on the tty
device is enabled. This allows the usual Unix
signals to be active, such as Ctrl-C to quit the program, or Ctrl-Z to suspend
the program. But this convenience means that the Arduino program running under
will never receive a control character through the
function. The advantages of having normal Unix signals seemed
worth the trade-off.
The Print
class in the Arduino API implements the Print::println()
by printing the DOS line terminator characters \r\n
. This decision make sense
when the serial port of the microcontroller is connected to a serial terminal,
which requires a \r\n
at the end of each line to render the text properly.
But when the Arduino application is executed on Linux machine, and the output is
redirected into a file, the \r\n
is not consistent with the Unix convention
of using only a single \n
to terminate each line. This causes the file to be
interpreted as a DOS-formatted file. Usually the DOS formatted file can be
processed without problems by other Linux programs and scripts, but sometimes
the extra \r\n
causes problems, especially when mixed with a Serial.printf()
function using a single \n
EpoxyDuino provides a mechanism to configure the line termination convention for
a given application by providing 2 additional methods to its Print
class Print {
// Use DOS line termination. This is the default.
void setLineModeNormal();
// Use Unix line termination.
void setLineModeUnix();
When an Arduino application is executed on a Linux machine using EpoxyDuino,
you can configure the Serial
object in the *.ino
file to use the Unix
convention like this:
void setup() {
#if ! defined(EPOXY_DUINO)
delay(1000); // wait to prevent garbage on Serial
while (!Serial); // Leonardo/Micro
#if defined(EPOXY_DUINO)
Why isn't setLineModeUnix()
simply made to be the default on EpoxyDuino?
Because people write AUnit unit tests which
they expect will pass on both the microcontroller and on EpoxyDuino:
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <AUnit.h>
#include <AceCommon.h> // PrintStr<N>
static void sayHello(Print& printer) {
test(myTest) {
PrintStr<200> observed;
assertEqual(observed.cstr(), "hello\r\n");
By default, the stdin
of the terminal is set to NOECHO
mode for consistency
with the actual serial port of an Arduino microcontroller. However when running
a command line utility on a Unix terminal emulator using EpoxyDuino, it is often
useful to enable echoing so that the characters being typed are visible.
To enable echoing, call the enableTerminalEcho()
function from the global
void setup() {
#if defined(EPOXY_DUINO)
The Arduino ecosystem provides thousands of libraries that can be used to extend the functionality of an Arduino application. Some of these libraries will work perfectly fine with EpoxyDuino, some will not. It is difficult to categorize these libraries in a sensible way in the context of EpoxyDuino, but here is my current attempt:
- Inherently Compatible Libraries:
- Libraries that are mostly algorithmic often have limited dependency on
low-level Arduino API (e.g.
). - If these have been written to be cross-platform across different Arduino hardware, then these should also automatically work under EpoxyDuino with little or no modifications.
- Libraries that are mostly algorithmic often have limited dependency on
low-level Arduino API (e.g.
- Emulation Libraries.
- Libraries for EpoxyDuino written specifically to emulate the functionality of an Arduino library, for example, using the filesystem or network layer.
- Mock or Stub Libraries
- Libraries which implement the API of the target library, but don't implement the functionality of the library.
- These are useful for Continuous Integration workflows to verify that a program or library compiles with EpoxyDuino.
- The assumption is that if something compiles under EpoxyDuino, it probably compiles under an actual Arduino environment.
These 3 types are described in more detail below.
Almost all libraries that I write will be inherently compatible with EpoxyDuino because EpoxyDuino is what I use to develop and test my libraries. For example, the following should compile using EpoxyDuino:
- AUnit (
- AceButton (
- AceCRC (
- AceCommon (
- AceRoutine (
- AceTime (
- AceUtils (, mostly
There are probably many other 3rd party libraries which are inherently compatible with EpoxyDuino but we won't know until we try to compile them under EpoxyDuino. If there are compile-time problems, it may be possible that only a small set of tweaks are required to make it work. Often, the fixes are similar to the changes needed to make the library cross-compatible with other Arduino platforms.
These libraries are designed partially or fully emulate the functionality a particular Arduino library in the Unix-like desktop environment using EpoxyDuino. I have provided 3 such libraries within the EpoxyDuino project:
- libraries/EpoxyFS
- An implementation of a file system compatible with ESP8266 LittleFS and ESP32 LitteFS.
- Two EEPROM implementations:
- libraries/EpoxyEepromAvr
- API compatible with EEPROM on AVR
- libraries/EpoxyEepromEsp
- API compatible with EEPROM on ESP8266 and EEPROM on ESP32
- libraries/EpoxyEepromAvr
Since the desktop environment already has a working network stack, I hope to make create additional network libraries (HTTP client, HTTP Server, MQTT client, etc) for EpoxyDuino, so that even more of the Arduino development can be done on the Linux/MacOS host.
Mock libraries are designed to run under EpoxyDuino and provide non-working API stubs of the target library. These libraries are useful to verify that a program compiles, but they do not allow us to actually verify that the library works as intended. This limitation may be sufficient for Continuous Integration purposes.
- Wire
- The
header file is provided automatically by the<Arduino.h>
file in EpoxyDuino. No additional library needs to be added to theARDUINO_LIBS
variable in theMakefile
. - It provides only mock functions of the actually
library that is provided by real Arduino frameworks. - This was added very early in the development of EpoxyDuino so that I could
compile some of my programs. I don't think I realized at the time that
is a separate (but built-in) library. In retrospect, it may have been better to split this file into a separate mock library.
- The
- The
header file was contributed recently (see #18 and #19) and is included automatically by the<Arduino.h>
file in EpoxyDuino. - It follows the same pattern as
, the header file provides only mock functions of the actualSPI
- The
- EpoxyMockDigitalWriteFast
- A simple mock of one of the
libraries (e.g. to allow code written against it to compile under EpoxyDuino.
- A simple mock of one of the
- EpoxyMockTimerOne
- A simple mock of the TimerOne ( library.
- EpoxyMockFastLED
- Mock version of the FastLED ( library.
- EpoxyMockSTM32RTC
- Mock version of the STM32RTC ( library.
- EspMock (
- This is a separate project that provides various mocks for functions and libraries included with the ESP8266 and the ESP32 processors.
- It is not an Arduino library, so it needs to be installed using a manual
git clone
This library has Tier 1 support on:
- Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
- g++ (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.1) 9.4.0
- clang++ version 10.0.0-4ubuntu1
- GNU Make 4.2.1
The following environments are Tier 2 because I do not test them often enough:
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- g++ (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0
- clang++ 8.0.0-3~ubuntu18.04.2
- clang++ 6.0.0-1ubuntu2
- GNU Make 4.1
- Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
- On Raspberry Pi Model 3B
- g++ (Raspbian 8.3.0-6+rpi1) 8.3.0
- GNU Make 4.2.1
- MacOS 10.14.5 (Mojave)
- clang++ Apple LLVM version 10.0.1
- GNU Make 3.81
- MacOS 10.14.6 (Mojave)
- Apple clang version 11.0.0 (clang-1100.0.33.17)
- GNU Make 3.81
- FreeBSD 12.2
- c++: FreeBSD clang version 10.0.1
- gmake: GNU Make 4.3
- Install using
$ pkg install gmake
- You can type
instead ofmake
, or - Create a shell alias, or
- Create a symlink in
- Install using
- There is no formal specification of the "Arduino API" that I am aware of.
- The reference documentation at may be good enough for beginners to blink a few LED lights, but it is not sufficient to build an API emulator on a Linux machine.
- The version of the Arduino API implemented in this library has been reverse engineered and inferred from ArduinoCore-avr, either v1.8.2 and v1.8.3 (I cannot remember).
- Each third party Arduino-compatible platform (e.g. STM32, ESP8266, ESP32) has implemented a slightly different version of the "Arduino API".
- EpoxyDuino does not support the idiosyncrasies of all of these different Arduino platforms.
- A few features relevant to the ESP8266 and ESP32 platforms can
be activated by setting
in theMakefile
. See Alternate Arduino Core.
- There is yet another version of the "Arduino API" described by
- Some Arduino-branded microcontrollers have been migrated to this new API (e.g. Nano Every, MKR1000, Nano 33 IoT).
- The new Arduino API has a number of backwards incompatible changes to the old Arduino API.
- EpoxyDuino does not support this new Arduino API.
- The Arduino API on a microcontroller automatically provides a
function that calls the globalsetup()
function, then calls the globalloop()
function forever, as fast as possible.- The EpoxyDuino version of
with a delay of 1 ms per iteration. Without the 1 ms delay, the application consumes 100% of CPU time on the host computer. - This means that the
function is called at a maximum frequency of 1000 Hz.
- The EpoxyDuino version of
- The Serial port emulation provided by
may be buggy or behave in non-intuitive ways.- When the application is executed without input or output redirection, the stdin is put into "raw" mode.
- If either the input or output is redirected (e.g. output redirected to a file), then the stdin remains in normal Unix "cooked" mode.
- This allows the Arduino program to be piped into a screen pager (e.g.
, while allowing theless(1)
program to support its normal keyboard control keys. - The stdout is wired directly into the POSIX
function, which is unbuffered. This may cause performance problems when generating a lot of output.
- The compiler used to compile the microcontroller binary may be significantly
different than the compiler used on the host Unix computer, even if they are
.- I am not sure that I have migrated all the relevant and important compiler flags from the microcontroller environment (AVR, ESP8266, etc.) to the EpoxyDuino environment.
If you have any questions, comments, or feature requests for this library, please use the GitHub Discussions for this project. If you have bug reports, please file a ticket in GitHub Issues. Feature requests should go into Discussions first because they often have alternative solutions which are useful to remain visible, instead of disappearing from the default view of the Issue tracker after the ticket is closed.
Please refrain from emailing me directly unless the content is sensitive. The problem with email is that I cannot reference the email conversation when other people ask similar questions later.
- Created by Brian T. Park ([email protected]).
- Support for using as library, by making
a weak reference, by Max Prokhorov (@mcspr), see PR#6. - Add
, and stub implementations ofIPAddress.h
, by Erik Tideman (@ramboerik), see PR#18. - Add
by Paul m. p. P. (@pmp-p), PR#28. - Support PlatformIO native mode, by Ben Wolsieffer (@lopsided98), see PR#31.
- Move stdin processing to
by Ben Wolsieffer (@lopsided98), see PR#32. - Simplify
by Bernhard (@felias-fogg), Issue#43. - Add
digitalReadValue(pin, val)
to control the return value ofdigitalRead(pin)
by @CaioPellicani. See PR#61.