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CPP/C++ Math and Numerical Computing

Math and Numerical Computing

Numerical Libraries and Headers

All numeric libraries:


  • <cmath> - C++ version of the C-header <math.h>. Contains basic trasncedental functions, sin, cos, tan and so on.
  • <complex> - Complex number library.
  • <random> - High quality C++11 random generator library. Provides lots of distributions and random number engines.
  • <limits> - Provides numeric limits of all C++ numeric types. For instance, minimum value, maximum value, number of digits, precision and episilon values of a given numeric type.
  • <ratio> - Compile-time rational arithmetic library.
  • <numeric> - Numerical “algorithms” or numerical functions for processing containers. std::accumulate, std::iner_product, std::partial_sum and std::iota.

Numerical Constants

Notes: Those constants are defined at the header <cmath>

Numerical Constants in Header CMath

General Math Constants
M_E2.7182818Euler’s number or exp(1)
M_LN20.6931472Natural logarithm of 2 or log(2)
M_LN102.3025851Natural logarithm of 10 or log(10)
M_LOG10E0.4342945Log of E (Euler’s number) at base 10
M_LOG2E1.4426950Log of E (Euler’s number) at base 2
M_SQRT21.4142136Square root of 2 or sqrt(2)
M_SQRT1_20.7071068Square root of 1/2 or sqrt(1/2) or 1/sqrt(2)
M_PI3.1415927PI number

Example in CERN’s Root REPL - Math Constants

#include <cmath>
>> M_PI
(double) 3.1415927

>> sin(M_PI)
(double) 1.2246468e-16

>> cos(M_PI)
(double) -1.0000000

>> cos(M_PI_2)
(double) 6.1232340e-17

>> sin(M_PI_2)
(double) 1.0000000


Floating Point


Computer Representation of Real Numbers

Main Representations:

Fixed Point

Most used in some financial calculations for handling monetary values or in embedded devices such as microcontrollers and some DSP - Digital Signal Processors or in legacy systems without a FPU Floating Point Unit where the cost of software emulation of floating points is not acceptable.

Types of Fixed Point:

  • Binary Fixed Points
  • Decimal Fixed Points
  • Arbitrary Precision Fixed Points
  • Arbitrary Precision Decimal Fixed Point (aka Big-Decimal)
    • Better for handling monetary values such as prices.


  • A systems without a FPU can emulate using software or it can use an external FPU chip.

Float Points

Most used in mainstream processors or systems with systems with FPU - (Floating Point Unit). Nowadays most of float point implementations are conformant to the IEEE754 standard.

  • Binary Float Points (IEEE754)
    • binary32 - (C++ floating) - single precision
    • binary64 - (C++ double) - double precision
    • binary128 - (C++ long double) - quadruple precision
  • Decimal Floating Point (IEEE754)
    • decimal32
    • decimal64
    • decimal128
    • Arbitrary Precision Floating Points (Non IEEE754)

Technical Standards for Float Points

  • IEEE 754:1985 - Standard for Binary Float-Point Arithmetic
  • IEEE 754:1987 - Standard for Radix-Indenpendet Float-Point Arithmetic
  • IEEE 754:2008 - Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic
    • ISO standard ISO/IEC/IEEE 60559:2011

Problems of Floating Points

  • Floating Points - FP are not real numbers, they are an approximation or a computer representation for real numbers.
  • Floating Points can only represent a finite and limited amount of real numbers.
  • Not all real numbers can be exactly represented due to the quantiazation or discretization error.
  • Operations are not commutative
  • Loss of precision
  • Cancellation aka catastrophic cancellation which is the total loss of precision when subtracting two large and very close real numbers.

Category of Floating Points Values

Any floating point values can fall in one of the following categories:

  1. Signed Zeror (+0 or -0)
  2. Normal numbers
  3. Subnormals
  4. Inifnities (positive and negative infinity)
  5. NaN - Not a number.

Float Point Types in C++ X IEEE754

NameC++ TypeBitsSEMBDescription
binary16N/A16151015IEE754 half precision floating point
binary32float321823127IEE754 single precision floating point
binary64double64111521023IEE754 double precision floating point
binary128long double12811511216383IEE754 quadruple precision floating point
-long double80115641638380 bit extended precision.


  • S => Sign bits => 0 for positive numbers and 1 for negative numbers.
  • E => Exponent bits
  • B => Exponent Bias
  • M => Mantiassa Bits (aka Fraction or significand)


  • long double => In some platforms, the type long double can be an 80-bits extended precision, not binary128. However, most computers and CPUs support binary128.
  • binary16 (half precision floating point) => There is no C++ fundamental type with binary16 float point format. It mostly used in computer graphics and GPUs. The format was intruduced in NVidia GPUs and defined by the IEEE754-2008.

Exponent range:

NameC++ TypeERminERmaxEminEmax
binar16half precision-
binary32single precisionfloat1254-126127
binary64double precisiondouble12026-10221023
binary128quadruple precisionlong double132766-1638216383


  • ERmin => Minimum value of raw expoent (without bias).
  • ERMax => Maximum value of raw exponent (without bias)
  • Emax = ERmax - bias => Maximum value of exponent.

Storage Layout

  • 1 [31] - Means that sign bit of the float point is the 31th bit.
  • 8 [23-30] - Means that the exponents bits are are all bits between 23th and 30th bit (including both sides).
Float Point TypeBitsSignExponentMantissa
float321 [31]8 [23-30]32 [0-22]
double641 [63]11 [52-62]51 [0-51]
long double1281 [127]

Binary Format for 32 bits floating points binary32, aka float

  [S]ign  [E]xponent               [M]antissa (aka significand)
  1 bit   8 bits                   23 bits 
  | S  | E7 E6 E5 E4 E3 E2 E1 E0 | MMM.MMMM MMMM.MMMM MMMM.MMMM  |
    31 | 30                   23 | 22                           0  --- Bit position 

Mantissa: M22 M21 M20 M19 M18 M17 M16 .... M2 M1 M0
         --------                          ---------
           byte 4                            byte 0

Representation of Floating Points

  • General Format:
              Sign         Exponent - Bias 
Value :=  (-1)     *  Radix        *        Mantissa

              S      E - B 
Value :=  (-1)  *  R    *  M
  • Single Precision (floating)
    • Where:
      • S - sign bit - 0 for positive number, 1 for negative
      • E - Exponent bits
      • M - Mantissa bits
      • Radix (base) 2
      • Bias: 127
      • b[i] i-th bit, b22 => bit 22.
               S      (E - 127)
 Value :=  (-1)   *  2         * (1.M)
          -----    ------        ------
          Sign     Exponent     Mantissa 
         Factor     Factor       Factor 

              b31    b30,b29,..,b23 - 127           
Value :=  (-1)   *  2            *     (1.b22,b21,b20,...b0)

matissa = 1.0 + b22 / 2^1 + b21 / 2^2 + b20 / 2^3 + ... b0 / 2^22 
  • Double Precision (double)
              S      (E - 1023)
Value :=  (-1)   X  2         X (1.M)

Special Values for Single Precision floating point number in Hexadecimal (floating type)

CaseCaseBytes Values
Positive Zero+0.00x00000000
Negative Zero-0.00x80000000
Positive Infinity+INF0x7F800000
Negative Infinity-INF0xFF800000
Positive NaN+NaN0x7FC00000
Negative NaN-NaN0xFFC00000
Maximum positive3.40E380x7F7FFFFF
Minimum negative-3.40E380xFF7FFFFF

Floating Point IEEE754 Parameters and Constants

std::numeric_limits<T>::max()Maximum absolute value that a floating can represent.
std::numeric_limits<T>::min()Minimum absolute value that a floating can represent.
std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest()Minimum negative value that a floating can represent.
std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon()Machine epsilon - maximum difference between two representable values.
std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN()NaN - Not a Number floating point value
std::numeric_limits<T>::signaling_NaN()NaN - Not a Number floating point value
std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity()inf - Maximum positive infinity
-std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity()-inf - Miminum negative infinity


  • eps (epsilon) is defined as the positive number x, such that x + 1.0 is not equal to 1.0. Two numbers X and Y, cannot be distinguished if ||X - Y|| < eps.
  • The eps is the highest precision or the smallest tolerance tha any numerical algorithm or numerical method implementation can achieve.
  • NaN is a special float error value indicating that the value cannot be represented. Any computation with NaN yields a NaN that is propagated to all other computations. This value is returned from operations such as dividing zero by zero, taking a square root of a negative number … and so on.

Examples in CERN’s Root REPL - Float point parameters.

EPS (Epsilon) value for several floating point types.

// IEEE754 - Float Point - 32 bits - single precision 
>> std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()
(float) 1.19209e-07f

// IEEE754 - Float Point - 64 bits - double precision 
>> std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()
(double) 2.2204460e-16

// IEE754 - Float point 128 bits - quadruple precision 
>> std::numeric_limits<long double>::epsilon()
(long double) 1.0842022e-19L

Testing float point equality machine precision EPS - epsilon.

 // Machine precison. 
 >> constexpr auto eps = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()
 (const double) 2.2204460e-16

 >> 10.0 == 10.0
 (bool) true

 // Two numbers are almost equal if their difference is less than or equal than the 
 // EPS - epsilon or the machine precison. 
 >> 10.0 == 10.0 + eps
 (bool) true

 // =======>>> Double - 64 bits float point <<================

 >> 10.0 == 10.000000000000001
 (bool) false

 >> .000000000000001 < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()
 (bool) false

 // Cannot distinguish 10.0 and 10.00000000000000001 since the difference 
 // between them is less than the EPSILON for double precision float points.
 >> 10.0 == 10.00000000000000001
 (bool) true

 >> .00000000000000001 < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()
 (bool) true
 >> .00000000000000001 < eps
(bool) true

 // =======>>> float - 32 bits floating point <<================ 

 >> 10.0f == 10.000001f
 (bool) false

 >> 0.000001f < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()
 (bool) false

 // No longer can distinguish 10.0f and 10.0000001f since 
 // the difference between them is less than EPSILON for floating points. 
 >> 10.0f == 10.0000001f
 (bool) true
 >> .0000001f < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()
 (bool) true

Floating Point Equality is Misleading:

>> 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 == 0.3
(bool) false

>> 0.2 + 0.1 == 0.3
(bool) false

>> 1.0 / 3.0
(double) 0.33333333
>> 1.0 / 3.0 == 0.333333333
(bool) false

Testing NaN constant - Not a Number

Alias values:

// Machine precison. - EPISILON 
>> constexpr auto eps = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()
(const double) 2.2204460e-16

// NAN - Not A Number 
>> auto dnan = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()
(double) nan

// Positive Infinity 
>> constexpr auto pinf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
(const double) inf

// Negative Infinity 
>> constexpr auto ninf = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
(const double) -inf

NaN propagation: Any operation with a NaN yields a NaN.

>> q = sqrt(-10)
(double) -nan

// Division of zero by zero 
>> x = 0.0 / 0.0
(double) nan

>> q + 10.0
(double) nan

>> q - ninf
(double) nan

>> q + ninf
(double) nan

Equality comparison between any floating point number and itself evaluates to true while equality between NaNs evaluates to false.

>> 0.0 == 0.0
(bool) true

>> 10.0 == 10.0
(bool) true

>> 9.81451654 == 9.81451654
(bool) true

>> dnan == dnan
(bool) false

If-else statement:

>> xx = dnan;

>> double xx = 10.0;
>> if(xx) { std::puts(" [TRUE]"); } else { std::puts(" [FALSE] "); }

>> xx = -100.0;
>> if(xx) { std::puts(" [TRUE]"); } else { std::puts(" [FALSE] "); }

// Set to Zero 
>> xx = 0.0;
>> if(xx) { std::puts(" [TRUE]"); } else { std::puts(" [FALSE] "); }

// Set to NAN 
>> xx = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
>> if(xx) { std::puts(" [TRUE]"); } else { std::puts(" [FALSE] "); }

Testing floating point limits:

>> double x;

>> x = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
(double) inf

>> x = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
(double) -inf

>> x = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()
(double) nan

>> x = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN()

>>  x = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()
(double) 1.7976931e+308

>>  x = std::numeric_limits<double>::min()
(double) 2.2250739e-308

>> x = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest()
(double) -1.7976931e+308

>> x = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()
(double) 2.2204460e-16

>> float fx = std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()
(float) 1.19209e-07f

>> std::numeric_limits<long double>::epsilon()
(long double) 1.0842022e-19L


Equality based on absolute error:

  • Two floating points are almost equal under a given tolerance when the relative error is smaller than some tolerance.
abs(x - y)  < tolerance

Equality based on relative error (Better):

 abs(x - y)  < tolerance


   abs(x - y)  < tolerance * abs(x)


   abs(x - y)  < tolerance x max(abs(x), abs(y))

   abs(x - y)  < tolerance x (abs(x) + abs(y)) / 2.0

Equality based on relative error and asbsolute error:

  • absTol => Absolute tolerance
  • relTol => Relative tolerance
def almostEqual(a, b, relTol, absTol):
    return abs(x - y) < max(relTol * max(abs(x), abs(y)), absTol)

C++ Implementations

Equality based on absolute error:

  • Note: It can be misleading for very small numbers.
/** Checks whether two floats X and Y are almost equal under given tolerance
  * Requires headers: <cmath> and <limits>
  * @tparam T - Any float point type (float, double, long double)
template<typename T>
auto aeq_abs(T x, T y, T tol) -> bool
    constexpr auto eps = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
    // Tolerance can never be smaller than the Epsilon for this
    tol = std::max(tol, eps);
    // Missing: handle the case if X and/or Y are NaN
    return std::fabs(x - y) < tol;

Equality based on relative error:

template<typename T>
auto aeq_rel(T x, T y, T tol) -> bool
    constexpr auto eps = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
    // Tolerance can never be smaller than the Epsilon for this
    tol = std::max(tol, eps);
    // Missing: handle the case if X and/or Y are NaN
    return std::fabs(x - y) < tol * std::max(std::fabs(x), std::fabs(y)) ;

Equality based on absolute and relative tolerance:

/** Checks wether two floating points are almost equal or close enough. 
 *  @tparam T        Any floating point type (float, double, long double)
 *  @param input     Input floating point value 
 *  @param expected  Expectd floating point value 
 *  @param relTol    Relative tolerance 
 *  @param absTol    Absolute tolerance 
 *  @return bool     Returns true if input and expected are close enough.
 *  Note: Requires headers: <cmath> and <limits>
template<typename T>
bool almost_equal(T input, T expected
                  , T relTol, T absTol = 8 * std::numeric_limits<T>::eps())
    using std::fmax;
    using std::max;
    return fmax(expected - input) < max(relTol * max(input, expected), absTol);

Equality based on absolute and tolerance given as number of precision digits. 1 precision digit is 0.1 tolerance, 5 precision digits is a tolerance of 1E-5 or 0.00001.

/** Check whether two floating points are almost equal or close enough.
 * @tparam T    Any floating point type (float, double, ...)
 * @param  x    Input floating point value
 * @param  y    Expected floating point value
 * @param  drel Precision digits of the relative tolerance.
 * @param  dabs Precision digits of the absolute tolerance.
 * @return bool Returns true if x and y are close enough.
 * Requires headers: <cmath> and <limits>
template<typename T>
auto almost_equal_digits(T x, T y, int drel = 8, int dabs = 0) -> bool
    using std::fabs;
    using std::max;
    static const T precisions [] = {
        1E-1, 1E-2, 1E-3, 1E-4, 1E-5, 1E-6, 1E-7, 1E-8
        , 1E-9, 1E-10, 1E-11, 1E-12, 1E-13, 1E-15, 1E-16 };

    constexpr size_t n = std::size(precisions);

    T tol_rel = drel > 0 && drel < n
                    ? precisions[drel - 1]
                    : std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();

    T tol_abs = dabs > 0 && dabs < n
                    ? precisions[dabs - 1]
                    : 8 & std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();

    return fabs(x - y) < max(tol_rel * max(fabs(x), fabs(y)), tol_abs);


Classify float point numbers

Function fclassify at header <cmath>

  • int std::fclasify(float arg)
  • int std::fclasify(double arg)
  • int std::fclasify(long double arg)


Probe function:

#define CLASSIFY_FLOAT(expr) classify_float(#expr, (expr))

template<typename FLOAT>
void classify_float(const char* expr, FLOAT number)
    int x = std::fpclassify(number);
    if(x == FP_INFINITE)
        std::cout << " Number x = " << expr << " is infinity" << "\n";
    if(x == FP_NAN)
        std::cout << " Number x = " << expr  << " ; NAN not a number" << "\n";
    if(x == FP_NORMAL)
        std::cout << " Number x = " << expr << " is normal" << std::endl;
    if(x == FP_SUBNORMAL)
        std::cout << " Number x = " << expr << " is sub-normal" << std::endl;
    if(x == FP_ZERO)
        std::cout << " Number x = " << expr << " is zero" << std::endl;
    std::cout << " [ERROR] Number x = " << expr << " cannot be classified. " << std::endl;

Testing code (main function):

CLASSIFY_FLOAT(0.0 / 0.0);
CLASSIFY_FLOAT(1.0 / 0.0);
CLASSIFY_FLOAT(-1.0 / 0.0);
CLASSIFY_FLOAT( std::numeric_limits<double>::min());
CLASSIFY_FLOAT( std::numeric_limits<double>::min() / 10.0);
CLASSIFY_FLOAT( std::numeric_limits<double>::min() / 1000.0);


Number x = 3451.0523 is normal
Number x = 1e100 is normal
Number x = 1e500 is infinity
Number x = 1e-100 is normal
Number x = 1e-500 is zero
Number x = 0.0 is zero
Number x = +0.0 is zero
Number x = -0.0 is zero
Number x = 0.0 / 0.0 ; NAN not a number
Number x = 1.0 / 0.0 is infinity
Number x = -1.0 / 0.0 is infinity
Number x = std::numeric_limits<double>::min() is normal
Number x = std::numeric_limits<double>::min() / 10.0 is sub-normal
Number x = std::numeric_limits<double>::min() / 1000.0 is sub-normal

Check if float is Finite, NaN or Infinity

Note: Functions from header: <cmath>

Check if float point is NaN - Not-a-Number.

  • std::isnan
>> float x = 4.5;
>> std::isnan(x)
(bool) false
>> x = 4.0 / 0.0
(float) inff
>> std::isnan(x)
(bool) false
>> x = std::sqrt(-1.0)
(float) -nanf
>> std::isnan(x)
(bool) true
>> x = 0.0 / 0.0
(float) nanf
>> std::isnan(x)
(bool) true

Check whether a floating point is infinity

  • std::isinf
>> std::isinf(1e100)
(bool) false

>> std::isinf(1e500)
(bool) true

>> std::isinf(1 / 0.0)
(bool) true

>> std::isinf(-1 / 0.0)
(bool) true

>> std::isinf(0.0 / 0.0)
(bool) false

Check whether floating point is finite

  • std::isfinite
>> double q = 10.0
(double) 10.000000
>> std::isfinite(q)
(bool) true

>> q = 0.0 / 0.0
(double) nan
>> std::isfinite(q)
(bool) false

>> q = 1.0 / 0.0
(double) inf
>> std::isfinite(q)
(bool) false

>> q = -1.0 / 0.0
(double) -inf
>> std::isfinite(q)
(bool) false

Maximum, minimum and absolute value

Header: <cmath>


Overloads for std::fmax.

float       fmax( float x, float y );               // (1)	(since C++11)
double      fmax( double x, double y );             // (2)	(since C++11)
long double fmax( long double x, long double y );   // (3)	(since C++11)


float       fmin( float x, float y );              // (1)	(since C++11)
double      fmin( double x, double y );            // (2)	(since C++11)
long double fmin( long double x, long double y );  // (3)	(since C++11)

Absolute Value

  • See: fabs (cppreference)

Overloads for fabs

float       fabs ( float arg );
float       fabsf( float arg );  
double      fabs ( double arg );
long double fabs ( long double arg );
long double fabsl( long double arg );

See also:

Rounding and truncation

Decompose 32 bits floating points

The following application decomposes 32 bits IEE754 floating point numbers showing the integer data representation in hexadecimal, sign bit, exponent and mantissa.



$ g++ decompose_binary32flt.cpp -o out.bin -g -std=c++1z -Wall -Wextra 

The results can be checked with the online tool:

Program Source Listing


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>

Preprocessor Macros:

#define SHOW_FLOAT(expr) show_float(#expr, (expr))

Function: show_float - shows decomposed floating point number.

// Decompose float point
void show_float(const char* expr, float x)
    constexpr int w1 = 34;
    constexpr int w2 = 4;

    // Float point classification constants
    static auto const fpmap = std::map<int, const char*>{
        ,{FP_NAN,       "FP_NAN"}
        ,{FP_NORMAL,    "PF_NORMAL"}
        ,{FP_ZERO,      "FP_ZERO"}

    // Integer represetation extracted
    // through type punning aka memory reinterpretation
    std::uint32_t* pn       = reinterpret_cast<std::uint32_t*>(&x);
    std::uint32_t  value    = *pn;
    std::uint32_t  mantissa = value & ((1 << 23) - 1);
    std::uint32_t  raw_exp  = (value >> 23) & 0xFF;
    std::uint32_t  sign     = (value >> 31) & 0x01;

    auto print_row = [&w1, &w2](const char* label, auto const& value)
        std::cout << std::setw(w1) << std::right << label
                  << std::setw(w2) << std::left  << value
                  << "\n";

    print_row("Input Expression: ", expr);
    print_row("Classification: ",;
    print_row("Decimal Representation: ", x);
    print_row("Hexadecimal Representation: ", to_hexfloat(x));
    print_row("Integer Representation (hex): ", num2hexstr(value));
    print_row("Sign bit: ", sign);
    print_row("Exponent: ", static_cast<std::int32_t>(raw_exp) - 127);
    print_row("Raw Exponent: ", raw_exp);
    print_row("Raw Exponent (hex): ", num2hexstr(raw_exp, 0));
    print_row("Mantissa (hex): ", num2hexstr(mantissa, 0));    
    std::cout << "\n\n";

Function main:

std::puts("\n==== Decomposition of Single Precision Float Points =====\n");

// Signed Zero

// NaN - Not a number

// Positive and negative Infinity

// Subnormal
SHOW_FLOAT(+std::numeric_limits<float>::min() / 100.0f);
SHOW_FLOAT(-std::numeric_limits<float>::min() / 1000000.0f);

// Epsilon

// Normal Numbers

Program Output:

$ ./out.bin 

==== Decomposition of Single Precision Float Points =====

     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ... 

                Input Expression: +std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()
                  Classification: FP_INFINITE
          Decimal Representation: inf 
      Hexadecimal Representation: inf 
    Integer Representation (hex): 0x7f800000
                        Sign bit: 0   
                        Exponent: 128 
                    Raw Exponent: 255 
              Raw Exponent (hex): 0xff
                  Mantissa (hex): 0x0 

                Input Expression: -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()
                  Classification: FP_INFINITE
          Decimal Representation: -inf
      Hexadecimal Representation: -inf
    Integer Representation (hex): 0xff800000
                        Sign bit: 1   
                        Exponent: 128 
                    Raw Exponent: 255 
              Raw Exponent (hex): 0xff
                  Mantissa (hex): 0x0 

                Input Expression: +std::numeric_limits<float>::min()
                  Classification: PF_NORMAL
          Decimal Representation: 1.17549e-38
      Hexadecimal Representation: 0x1p-126
    Integer Representation (hex): 0x00800000
                        Sign bit: 0   
                        Exponent: -126
                    Raw Exponent: 1   
              Raw Exponent (hex): 0x1 
                  Mantissa (hex): 0x0 

  ... ....   ... ....   ... ....   ... ....   ... .... 


  • Boost Multiprecision
    • site:
    • “The Multiprecision Library provides integer, rational, floating-point, and complex types in C++ that have more range and precision than C++’s ordinary built-in types. The big number types in Multiprecision can be used with a wide selection of basic mathematical operations, elementary transcendental functions as well as the functions in Boost.Math. The Multiprecision types can also interoperate with the built-in types in C++ using clearly defined conversion rules. This allows Boost.Multiprecision to be used for all kinds of mathematical calculations involving integer, rational and floating-point types requiring extended range and precision. Multiprecision consists of a generic interface to the mathematics of large numbers as well as a selection of big number back ends, with support for integer, rational, floating-point, and complex types. Boost.Multiprecision provides a selection of back ends provided off-the-rack in including interfaces to GMP, MPFR, MPIR, MPC, TomMath as well as its own collection of Boost-licensed, header-only back ends for integers, rationals and floats. In addition, user-defined back ends can be created and used with the interface of Multiprecision, provided the class implementation adheres to the necessary concepts.”
  • half - IEEE 754-based half-precision floating-point library
    • site:
    • “This is a C++ header-only library to provide an IEEE 754 conformant 16-bit half-precision floating-point type along with corresponding arithmetic operators, type conversions and common mathematical functions. It aims for both efficiency and ease of use, trying to accurately mimic the behaviour of the built-in floating-point types at the best performance possible. It is hosted on”

Literature and Further Reading


Float Point Comparison, Assertions and Testing

Floating Point Exceptions - SIGFPE:

Note - floating point exceptions are not C++ exceptions, they are signal.

Platform Specific Behavior

Floating point Binary16


C++11 Random Number Library


C++11 provides a safer, more convenient and useful random number facilities than the old C-API rand() that fits many different domains such as numerical simulations, games, quizzes, password generation, security and so on.

  • Header: <random>
  • Predecessor: Boost.Random
  • Advatanges over the old C-API rand():
    • Safer and Stronger
    • More user control
    • Multiple random number engines
    • Many probability distributions


  • The C++11 random numbers’ API is not object oriented, there is no class hierarchy. The library is generic and uses lots of C++’s generic programming (template meta programming) features. This design choice allows the library to be header-only and to be reused for many different types without virtual-function calls overhead.

Uses of Random Numbers

  • Many Science, Physics and Engineering fields:
    • Monte-Carlo Simulations
    • Brownian Motion Simulation
    • Simulation of noises and disturbances
    • SDE
  • Cryptography
    • Password generation
    • Generation of keys
  • Games and RPG Role Play Games
  • Shuffling
  • Lottery

C++11 Random Number System:

The random number API has three parts, a seed generator, a pseudo-random number engine and a probability distribution.

  • seed - Initial state of a pseudo-random number generator, a big random integer.
  • seed generator: A non-deterministic random number generator that yields new seed random whenever it is invoked. Its purpose is to initialize the random engine.
  • pseudo-random generator engine: Generates a reproducible sequence of big integers that are fed to a probability distribution. A pseudo-random generator always yields the same numerical sequence for the same seed or initial state, therefore, in order to make the generator really random, it is necessary to initialize it with a different seed during the program initialization. While the deterministic feature of the random engines may look like a disadvantange, they are useful for testing and reproducibility of results, simulations and experiments. For instance, by using the same seed and engine, it is possible to reproduce and test the results of monte-carlo numerical simulation.
    • Note: The engines are deterministic, but can be made non-deterministic by changing the seed during the initialization.
  • probability distribution: A probability distribution object takes the generator output, a big number, and returns a random number specified by the distribution.

Some Engines:

Further Reading

Reproducibility in Science and Research

Library ClassDescription
Seed Generator
std::random_deviceGenerates a seed, aka non-deterministic random number.
Random Generator Engines
std::default_random_engineDefault engine, the algorithm used is implementation defined.
std::mt1993732-bit Mersenne Twister by Matsumoto and Nishimura, 1998
std::mt19937_6464-bit Mersenne Twister by Matsumoto and Nishimura, 2000
std::minstd_rand0Linear Congruential
std::minstd_randLinear Congruential
Probability Distributions
std::uniform_int_distributionGenerates uniformly distributed integers in the interval [a, b]
std::uniform_real_distribution<T>Generates uniformly distributed float point numbers.
std::normal_distributionYields normally distributed numbers with some mean and standard deviation.
std::lognormal_distributionVariant of the normal distribution.

Basic Examples

Example in CERN’s ROOT REPL:

  • Example 1: The function generate_randoms1 fails to generate a random sequence as whenever the function is called, it generates the same sequence of numbers because the seed was not set.
#include <iostream>
#include <random>

void generate_randoms1(size_t n){
     // Create default initialized engine object 
     std::default_random_engine engine{};
     // Generates uniformily distributed integers from 1 to 10, 
     // including both bounds of the interval.  
     std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(1, 10); 
     for(auto i = 0; i < n; i++)
       std::cout << " x[" << i << "] = " << dist(engine) << std::endl;


>> generate_randoms1(4)
 x[0] = 1
 x[1] = 2
 x[2] = 8
 x[3] = 5

>> generate_randoms1(4)
 x[0] = 1
 x[1] = 2
 x[2] = 8
 x[3] = 5

>> generate_randoms1(6)
 x[0] = 1
 x[1] = 2
 x[2] = 8
 x[3] = 5
 x[4] = 6
 x[5] = 3 

>> generate_randoms1(10)
 x[0] = 1
 x[1] = 2
 x[2] = 8
 x[3] = 5
 x[4] = 6
 x[5] = 3
 x[6] = 1
 x[7] = 7
 x[8] = 7
 x[9] = 10
  • Example 2: The function generate_randoms2, generates quasi-random numbers whenever the seed is changed, if it is kept unchanged, the distribution and engine will always generate the same results.
#include <iostream>
#include <random>

void generate_randoms2(size_t n, unsigned int seed){
     // Create default initialized engine object 
     std::default_random_engine engine{seed};
     // Generates uniformily distributed integers from 1 to 10, 
     // including both bounds of the interval.  
     std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(1, 10); 
     for(auto i = 0; i < n; i++)
       std::cout << " x[" << i << "] = " << dist(engine) << std::endl;


// Generates a new seed whenever it is called 
std::random_device seed_gen{};

// A seed is a big integer used for initializing the generator 
>> seed_gen()
(unsigned int) 4133644392

>> seed_gen()
(unsigned int) 2900292039

// Save current seed 
>> auto seed = seed_gen()
(unsigned int) 2616205616

>> generate_randoms2(5, seed)
 x[0] = 4
 x[1] = 1
 x[2] = 5
 x[3] = 10
 x[4] = 6
>> generate_randoms2(6, seed)
 x[0] = 4
 x[1] = 1
 x[2] = 5
 x[3] = 10
 x[4] = 6
 x[5] = 10

>> generate_randoms2(10, seed)
 x[0] = 4
 x[1] = 1
 x[2] = 5
 x[3] = 10
 x[4] = 6
 x[5] = 10
 x[6] = 2
 x[7] = 8
 x[8] = 9
 x[9] = 6

Changing the seed:

>> auto seed2 = seed_gen()
(unsigned int) 3091314163

>> generate_randoms2(4, seed2)
 x[0] = 8
 x[1] = 5
 x[2] = 2
 x[3] = 7

>> generate_randoms2(8, seed2)
 x[0] = 8
 x[1] = 5
 x[2] = 2
 x[3] = 7
 x[4] = 6
 x[5] = 9
 x[6] = 4
 x[7] = 1

Making the sequence “really” random:

>> generate_randoms2(5, seed_gen())
 x[0] = 1
 x[1] = 9
 x[2] = 8
 x[3] = 10
 x[4] = 2

>> generate_randoms2(5, seed_gen())
 x[0] = 5
 x[1] = 6
 x[2] = 7
 x[3] = 8
 x[4] = 4

>> generate_randoms2(5, seed_gen())
 x[0] = 3
 x[1] = 4
 x[2] = 1
 x[3] = 8
 x[4] = 8

Example - Normally Distributed Randoms

The following sample code generates N normally distributed random numbers with mean 10.0 and standard deviation 5 in three different ways: first with seed not set; then with seed set by used and third with seed generated automatically.

  • File: randoms1.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <random> 
#include <vector> 
#include <string> 
#include <functional>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if(argc < 3)
        std::cout << "Error: option provided. Try again!" << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;		

    size_t quantity = std::stoi(argv[1]);
    std::string command = argv[2];

    // Subprogram 1 - Run without any provided seed 
    if(command == "-empty")
        std::cout << " [INFO] Running without setting the generator's seed" << std::endl;		
        // Random number engine 
        std::default_random_engine rngen{};
        // mean = 10.0, stdev = 5.0 
        std::normal_distribution<double> ndist(10.0, 5.0);
        for(auto i = 0; i < quantity; i++)
            std::cout << "Next random is = " << ndist(rngen) << std::endl;
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    // Subprogram 2 - User provides the seed 
    if(command == "-seed")
        if(argc < 4){
                std::cout << "Error: missing seed. " << std::endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;
        auto seed = std::atol(argv[3]);
        std::cout << " [INFO] Using seed = " << seed << std::endl;

        // Random number engine 
        std::default_random_engine rngen{seed};
        // mean = 10.0, stdev = 5.0 
        std::normal_distribution<double> ndist(10.0, 5.0);
        for(auto i = 0; i < quantity; i++)
           std::cout << "Next random is = " << ndist(rngen) << std::endl;				
    // Subprogram 2  - Automatically generates a seed 
    if(command == "-auto")
        // Object that generates seed (initial state of random generator)
        std::random_device seed_gen;

        // Get a seed (big random integer) used for initializing the random generator. 
        auto seed = seed_gen();	
        std::cout << "seed = " <<  seed << std::endl;

        // Random number engine 
        std::default_random_engine rngen{seed};
        // mean = 10.0, stdev = 5.0 
        std::normal_distribution<double> ndist(10.0, 5.0);
        for(auto i = 0; i < quantity; i++)
           std::cout << "Next random is = " << ndist(rngen) << std::endl;				

    return 0;


# Using Clang 
$ clang++ randoms1.cpp -o randoms1.bin -std=c++1z -g -O0 -Wall 

# Using GCC
$ gcc++ randoms1.cpp -o randoms1.bin -std=c++1z -g -O0 -Wall 
  • Experiment 1: Running command empty => generates N normally distributed numbers with mean 4 and standard deviation 10 without setting the engine rngen’s seed, aka initial state.
# Fails! 

$ ./randoms1.bin 5 -empty
 [INFO] Running without setting the generator's seed
Next random is = 9.39017
Next random is = 4.56591
Next random is = 13.4214
Next random is = 4.62405
Next random is = 10.1663

$ ./randoms1.bin 5 -empty
 [INFO] Running without setting the generator's seed
Next random is = 9.39017
Next random is = 4.56591
Next random is = 13.4214
Next random is = 4.62405
Next random is = 10.1663

$ ./randoms1.bin 8 -empty
 [INFO] Running without setting the generator's seed
Next random is = 9.39017
Next random is = 4.56591
Next random is = 13.4214
Next random is = 4.62405
Next random is = 10.1663
Next random is = 13.7242
Next random is = 10.168
Next random is = 7.36681
  • Experiment 2: Running command auto => generate N random numbers with same features, but with a seed generated automatically by the object seed_gen with type random_device.

Simulation run A:

$ ./randoms1.bin 4 -auto
seed = 2138866676
Next random is = 6.58512
Next random is = 11.7181
Next random is = 9.55006
Next random is = 7.35961

Simulation run B:

$ ./randoms1.bin 8 -auto
seed = 4200712391
Next random is = 0.575461
Next random is = 11.82
Next random is = 6.07653
Next random is = 13.8118
Next random is = 11.0999
Next random is = 7.04851
Next random is = 7.56055
Next random is = 3.67443

Simulation run C:

$ ./randoms1.bin 3 -auto
seed = 1536173647
Next random is = 13.4482
Next random is = 12.2431
Next random is = 12.2183
  • Experiment 3: The results of the simulation runs of experiment 2 can be reproduced by reusing the seed with command -seed.

Reproduce simulation run A:

$ ./randoms1.bin 4 -seed 2138866676
 [INFO] Using seed = 2138866676
Next random is = 6.58512
Next random is = 11.7181
Next random is = 9.55006
Next random is = 7.35961

$ ./randoms1.bin 8 -seed 2138866676
 [INFO] Using seed = 2138866676
Next random is = 6.58512
Next random is = 11.7181
Next random is = 9.55006
Next random is = 7.35961
Next random is = 3.621
Next random is = 8.41599
Next random is = 11.3628
Next random is = 8.27506

Reproduce simulation run B:

$ ./randoms1.bin 8 -seed 4200712391
 [INFO] Using seed = 4200712391
Next random is = 0.575461
Next random is = 11.82
Next random is = 6.07653
Next random is = 13.8118
Next random is = 11.0999
Next random is = 7.04851
Next random is = 7.56055
Next random is = 3.67443

Example - Class encapsulating uniform random distribution



#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>

Class RndInt => Class for generating random numbers between an integer interval including both bounds in a simplified way similar to the old C’s rand() API:

template<typename TInt = int>
class RandInt {
    std::random_device                 m_nextSeed;	
    unsigned int                       m_seed;
    std::default_random_engine         m_engine;
    std::uniform_int_distribution<int> m_dist;
     using TSeed = long;

     // Intialize with a known seed 
     RandInt(TInt min, TInt max, unsigned int seed)
      : m_seed(seed), m_engine(seed), m_dist(min, max)

     // Initialize with a random seed 
     RandInt(TInt min, TInt max)
       : m_nextSeed{},
         m_dist(min, max)
     TInt  Min()  const { return m_dist.min(); }
     TInt  Max()  const { return m_dist.max(); }
     TSeed Seed() const { return m_seed; }
     void  Seed(TSeed seed)
          m_seed = seed;
     // Set seed to a new random (non-deterministic) value and return it 
     TSeed NextSeed()
          m_seed = m_nextSeed();
          return m_seed;
     // Get NExt random 
     TInt operator()()
          return m_dist(m_engine);

Main function:

std::cout << "\n ===== Random numbers with a random seed ===="
                  << std::endl;
     RandInt rnd(1, 10);
     std::cout << " => rnd.Seed() = " << rnd.Seed() << std::endl;
     std::cout << " => rnd.Min() = "  << rnd.Min() << std::endl;
     std::cout << " => rnd.Max() = "  << rnd.Max() << std::endl;

     for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++){
         auto field = std::string(" x[") + std::to_string(i) + "] = "; 
         std::cout << std::setw(10)
                   << field
                   << std::setw(5) << rnd() << std::endl;

std::cout << "\n ===== Random numbers with a non-random seed ===="
          << std::endl;
     // Initialize Random generator object with known and fixed
     // seed to reproduce computation results. 
     long seed = 1195785783;
     RandInt rnd(1, 10, seed);
     std::cout << " => rnd.Seed() = " << rnd.Seed() << std::endl;
     std::cout << " => rnd.Min() = "  << rnd.Min() << std::endl;
     std::cout << " => rnd.Max() = "  << rnd.Max() << std::endl;

     /* Expected sequence: 7, 10, 9, 2, 2, 1, 3, 1, 6, 5, 1, 2, 3, 2 ... */ 
     for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++){
             auto field = std::string(" x[") + std::to_string(i) + "] = "; 
             std::cout << std::setw(10)
                       << field
                       << std::setw(5) << rnd() << std::endl;

return 0;


$ g++ RandInt.cpp -o RandInt.bin -std=c++1z -g -O0 -Wall 
$ clang++ RandInt.cpp -o RandInt.bin -std=c++1z -g -O0 -Wall

Sample program outpu:

$ clang++ RandInt.cpp -o RandInt.bin -std=c++1z -g -O0 -Wall && ./RandInt.bin

 ===== Random numbers with a random seed ====
 => rnd.Seed() = 2611535369
 => rnd.Min() = 1
 => rnd.Max() = 10
   x[0] =     9
   x[1] =     1
   x[2] =    10
   x[3] =     6
   x[4] =    10
   x[5] =     5
   x[6] =     2
   x[7] =     9
   x[8] =     9
   x[9] =    10
  x[10] =     5
  x[11] =     9
  x[12] =     8
  x[13] =     5
  x[14] =     9

 ===== Random numbers with a non-random seed ====
 => rnd.Seed() = 1195785783
 => rnd.Min() = 1
 => rnd.Max() = 10
   x[0] =     7
   x[1] =    10
   x[2] =     9
   x[3] =     2
   x[4] =     2
   x[5] =     1
   x[6] =     3
   x[7] =     1
   x[8] =     6
   x[9] =     5
  x[10] =     1
  x[11] =     2
  x[12] =     1
  x[13] =     3
  x[14] =     2

Example - Functional wrapper for random uniform distribution

The function make_uniform_random_distribution returns a lambda object (anonymous callable object) that generates uniformly distributed randoms with a given seed.



#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
  • Function overloading 1 of make_uniform_random_distribution - Returns a fuction (lambda object) that generates random integers with a seed supplied by the calling code.
// Note: The return type of this function must not be set to std::function<TInt (void)>
// or that will have a performance penalty as this container uses type erasure and heap allocation.
// This function returns lambda or an anonymous callable object, in other words, an object that overloads
// the operator()(), generated by the compiler.
template<typename TInt> 
auto make_uniform_random_distribution(TInt a, TInt b, long seed) 
    std::mt19937 engine(seed);
    std::uniform_int_distribution<TInt> dist(a, b);        
    return [=]() mutable -> TInt { return dist(engine); };
  • Function overloading 2 of make_uniform_random_distribution - Returns a “fuction” (lambda object) that generates random integers with a random seed.
template<typename TInt> 
auto make_uniform_random_distribution(TInt a, TInt b) 
   std::random_device rd;
   return make_uniform_random_distribution(a, b, rd()) ;
  • Main Function:
#if 1 
 std::cout << "\n ===== Random numbers with a random seed ===="
           << std::endl;
    auto rnd = make_uniform_random_distribution<int>(1, 10);
    for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++){
        auto field = std::string(" x[") + std::to_string(i) + "] = "; 
        std::cout << std::setw(10)
                  << field
                  << std::setw(5) << rnd() << std::endl;

std::cout << "\n ===== Random numbers with a non-random seed ===="
          << std::endl;
   // Initialize Random generator object with known and fixed
   // seed to reproduce computation results. 
   unsigned int seed = 1195785783;
   auto rnd = make_uniform_random_distribution<int>(1, 10, seed);

   /* Expected sequence: 7, 10, 9, 2, 2, 1, 3, 1, 6, 5, 1, 2, 3, 2 ... */ 
   for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
       auto field = std::string(" x[") + std::to_string(i) + "] = "; 
       std::cout << std::setw(10)
                 << field
                 << std::setw(5) << rnd() << std::endl;

Sample Output:


# Clang LLVM 
$ clang++ rand_int_fun.cpp -o rand_int_fun.bin -std=c++1z -g -O0 -Wall 
# GCC - GNU C/C++ Compiler 
$ g++ rand_int_fun.cpp -o rand_int_fun.bin -std=c++1z -g -O0 -Wall 

Running: (64 bits processor)

$ ./rand_int_fun.bin 

 ===== Random numbers with a random seed ====
   x[0] =     8
   x[1] =     4
   x[2] =     4
   x[3] =     7
   x[4] =     9
   x[5] =     2
   x[6] =     2
   x[7] =     6
   x[8] =     3
   x[9] =     8
  x[10] =     3
  x[11] =     1
  x[12] =     3
  x[13] =     1
  x[14] =    10

 ===== Random numbers with a non-random seed ====
   x[0] =     6
   x[1] =    10
   x[2] =     6
   x[3] =     2
   x[4] =     4
   x[5] =     1
   x[6] =     9
   x[7] =    10
   x[8] =     3
   x[9] =     6
  x[10] =    10
  x[11] =     6
  x[12] =     2
  x[13] =     1
  x[14] =     1

Second for-loop output in 32 bits processor (x86) or with 32 bits compiler:

===== Random numbers with a non-random seed ====
   x[0] =     3
   x[1] =     6
   x[2] =     1
   x[3] =     5
   x[4] =     4
   x[5] =     7
   x[6] =     2
   x[7] =     6
   x[8] =     7
   x[9] =     4
  x[10] =     8
  x[11] =     7
  x[12] =     2
  x[13] =     1
  x[14] =    10

Numerical Libraries Evaluation

Boost Autodiff - Automatic Differentiation

Automatic differentiation is a third approach for computing exact derivatives, gradient, Jacobian matrix and Hessian matrix without any truncation error, roundoff error or loss of precision.

Automatic differentiation, aka algorithm differentiation is not:

  • Symbolic differentiation => No symbolic manipulation is performed.
  • Numeric / finite difference differentiation


  • Faster than finite difference approximation
  • No numerically unstable such as finite difference approximations.
  • Easier to implement in any programming language with support for function overloading and operator overloading.
  • Avoids computing derivatives manually
  • Avoids loss of precision, truncation errors and possible catastrophic cancellation.


  • Many numerical algorithms such as Newton-Raphson method for root finding; numerical optimization algorithms and simulations require computing derivatives.
  • Solving nonlinear equations
  • Optimization
    • Gradient ascent
    • Gradient descent
    • Newton Raphson method
    • BFGS method (Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno algorithm)
  • Computer Simulations
  • Computing sensitivities

Generating a test function and its derivative

Generate a function and its symbolic derivate in Python Sympy:

  • Define a function
import sympy as sy 
from import x, y, z
from sympy import diff, expand, sin, exp, cos, tan, log 


>>> f = sin(x) * exp(x) / (x**2  + 3 * x + 10)

>>> f
x  + 3x + 10
  • Compute symbolic derivate (first derivative):
>>> df = diff(f, x)

>>> df
            x             x               x         
(-2x - 3)⋅sin(x)     sin(x)       cos(x)  
──────────────────── + ───────────── + ─────────────
                 2      2               22x  + 3x + 10   x  + 3x + 10x  + 3x + 10
  • Compute value of the function and its derivative in a set of pre-defined points:
>>> c = 0.25; (c, f.subs(x, c), df.subs(x, c))
(0.25, 0.0293801592482761, 0.134931846522447)

>>> c = 0.30; (c, f.subs(x, c), df.subs(x, c))
(0.3, 0.0362975936104176, 0.141747824460957)

>>> c = 0.60; (c, f.subs(x, c), df.subs(x, c))
(0.6, 0.0846090186079023, 0.179058168476784)
  • Generate C++ code for the test function
In [53]: print(sy.cxxcode(f))
std::exp(x)*std::sin(x)/(std::pow(x, 2) + 3*x + 10)
  • Generate C++ code for the derivate of the test function
In [55]: print(sy.cxxcode(df))
(-2*x - 3)*std::exp(x)*std::sin(x)/std::pow(std::pow(x, 2) + 3*x + 10, 2) + std::exp(x)*std::sin(x)/(std::pow(x, 2) + 3*x + 10) + std::exp(x)*std::cos(x)/(std::pow(x, 2) + 3*x + 10)

Sample Project with Boost Autodiff Library

File: CMakeLists.txt (Requires Conan)

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)



if(NOT EXISTS "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/conan.cmake")
   message(STATUS "Downloading conan.cmake from")
   file(DOWNLOAD ""

set(CONAN_PROFILE default)

conan_cmake_run( REQUIRES
                 BUILD missing )

#========== Target Configurations ================#

add_executable(main1 main1.cpp)

File: main1.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>

#include <boost/math/differentiation/autodiff.hpp>

namespace bd = boost::math::differentiation;

template<typename T>
T func1(T x){
    return exp(x) * sin(x)/( pow(x, 2) + 3*x + 10);

// First derivate of function func1(x)
double func1_prime(double x)
    // Code generated by Python Sympy
    return (-2*x - 3)*std::exp(x)*std::sin(x) /
            std::pow(std::pow(x, 2) + 3*x + 10, 2)
            + std::exp(x)*std::sin(x)/(std::pow(x, 2) + 3*x + 10)
            + std::exp(x)*std::cos(x)/(std::pow(x, 2) + 3*x + 10);

int main()
    // Maximum order which the derivate will be computed
    constexpr unsigned Order = 5;
    auto xx = std::vector{0.25, 0.30, 0.60};
    std::cout << std::setprecision(10);

    std::cout << " ========== Experiment 1 ==========================" << std::endl;

    for(auto const& xc: xx)
        auto x = bd::make_fvar<double, Order>(xc);
        auto y = func1(x);
        std::cout << "\n =>> For x = " << xc << std::endl;
        // 0-th derivate  => Same as f(x)
        std::cout << " [Auto] - f'[0](x) = " << y.derivative(0) << std::endl;
        // First derivate with autodiff
        std::cout << " [Auto] - f'[1](x) = " << y.derivative(1) << std::endl;
        // Firtst derivate with symbolic diff (Python Sympy)
        std::cout << " [Symb] - f'[1](x) = " << func1_prime(xc) << std::endl;
        // Second derivate
        std::cout << " [Auto] - f'[2](x) = " << y.derivative(2) << std::endl;

    std::cout << "\n\n ==== Experiment 2 - Autodiff using lambda ====" << std::endl;

    // 'Auto variables' for lambdas works in a similar way to template type parameters
    auto fun1_lam = [](auto x){
        return exp(x) * sin(x)/( pow(x, 2) + 3*x + 10);

    for(auto const& xc: xx)
          auto x = bd::make_fvar<double, Order>(xc);
          auto y = fun1_lam(x);
          std::cout << "\n =>> For x = " << xc << std::endl;
          std::cout << " [Auto] - f'[0](x) = " << y.derivative(0)  << std::endl;
          std::cout << " [Auto] - f'[1](x) = " << y.derivative(1) << std::endl;
          std::cout << " [Symb] - f'[1](x) = " << func1_prime(xc)  << std::endl;
          std::cout << " [Auto] - f'[2](x) = " << y.derivative(2) << std::endl;

    return 0;

Program output:

========== Experiment 1 ==========================

=>> For x = 0.25
[Auto] - f'[0](x) = 0.02938015925
[Auto] - f'[1](x) = 0.1349318465
[Symb] - f'[1](x) = 0.1349318465
[Auto] - f'[2](x) = 0.1373348539

=>> For x = 0.3
[Auto] - f'[0](x) = 0.03629759361
[Auto] - f'[1](x) = 0.1417478245
[Symb] - f'[1](x) = 0.1417478245
[Auto] - f'[2](x) = 0.1352101205

=>> For x = 0.6
[Auto] - f'[0](x) = 0.08460901861
[Auto] - f'[1](x) = 0.1790581685
[Symb] - f'[1](x) = 0.1790581685
[Auto] - f'[2](x) = 0.1097378642

==== Experiment 2 - Autodiff using lambda ====

=>> For x = 0.25
[Auto] - f'[0](x) = 0.02938015925
[Auto] - f'[1](x) = 0.1349318465
[Symb] - f'[1](x) = 0.1349318465
[Auto] - f'[2](x) = 0.1373348539

=>> For x = 0.3
[Auto] - f'[0](x) = 0.03629759361
[Auto] - f'[1](x) = 0.1417478245
[Symb] - f'[1](x) = 0.1417478245
[Auto] - f'[2](x) = 0.1352101205

=>> For x = 0.6
[Auto] - f'[0](x) = 0.08460901861
[Auto] - f'[1](x) = 0.1790581685
[Symb] - f'[1](x) = 0.1790581685
[Auto] - f'[2](x) = 0.1097378642

Eigen - Linear Algebra


Eigen is a high-performance and header-only linear algebra library suitable for a wide variety of applications, including, numerical linear algebra, numerical statistics and numerical methods.


  • Permissive license
  • No linking issues: Eigen is header-only, all what is needed is to add the path to eigen headers in the include-directories.
  • Many types of linear algebra operations:
    • scalar X vector operations
    • scalar X matrix operations
    • vector X matrix operations
    • matrix X matrix operations
    • solution of linear systems
    • norm of vectors and norm of matrices
    • eigenvalues and eigenvectors
    • Matrix decomposition: QR, SVD, LU, Cholesky and so on.


  • Science
  • Physics
  • Engineering
  • Implementation of numerical methods which requires linear algebra.
  • Multivariate statistics
  • PDE - Partial Differential Equations
  • FEM - Finite Elements Methods
  • Computer graphics

Perofmance: Eigen uses the following techniques for achieving high performance.

  • Expression templates and lazy evaluation for optmizing loops. For instance, with just operator overloadings, the sum of three vectors would require three loops. Due the usage of expression templates, the sum of three vectors can be computed in a single loop.
  • CRTP Curious Recurring Template for virtual member-function call overhead, specially in loops.
  • SIMD - Single Instruction Multiple Data (Data Parallelism) - for speeding up linear algebra routines. SIMD instructions allows processing several values with a single instruction.
  • Classes for sparse matrices which avoids storing all non-zero elements.
  • Specific matrices and vector classes for computer graphics of 2, 3 and 4 dimensions.
  • Fixed-size matrices without dynamic meory allocation.

Some high-profile projects using Eigen:

  • Google’s TensorFlow => Library for Machine Learning
  • Shogun => a large scale machine learning toolbox.
  • Gnu Data Language, a GPL interpretor of IDL syntax codes.
  • Avogadro - an opensource advanced molecular editor.

Official Repository

Conan Recipe

Documentation / Doxygen


Sample CMake Project

Project Files

File: CMakeLists.txt / Version 1 - without Conan

  • This sample CmakeLists.txt requires any dependencies and no previous installation of the Eigen library. It has a macro for automating the library.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)


macro(Download_Eigen version is_via_git)
       message( [TRACE] " DOWNLOADING Eigen via GIT - Wait ....")
        GIT_TAG         ${version}
      message( [TRACE] " DOWNLOADING Eigen ZIP source archive - Wait ....")
    if(NOT eigenlib_POPULATED)
    include_directories(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/_deps/eigenlib-src )

#========== Target Configurations ================#
Download_Eigen(3.3.7 true)
add_executable(main1 main1.cpp)

File: CMakeLists.txt / Version 2 - using Conan package manager.

  • The advantage of this CMakeLists.txt file is that the library is donwload only once saving disk space, while the first version of the CMakeLists.txt downloads the entire library, about 160 MB.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)


# ============= Conan Bootstrap =============================#

# Download automatically, you can also just copy the conan.cmake file
if(NOT EXISTS "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/conan.cmake")
   message(STATUS "Downloading conan.cmake from")
   file(DOWNLOAD ""



                BUILD missing

# find_package (Eigen3 3.3 REQUIRED NO_MODULE)

#========== Target Configurations ================#
add_executable(main1 main1.cpp)

File: main1.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <Eigen/Dense>

using Eigen::MatrixXd;

int main()
    std::puts("\n >>>[EXPERIMENT 1] ========= Create Matrix ================");

    // Matrix of variable size.
    MatrixXd m(3,3);

    std::cout << " Matrix features "
              << "=> rows = " << m.rows()
              << "; cols = " << m.cols()
              << std::endl;

    std::cout << "\n  m = \n" << m << std::endl;

    std::puts("\n >>>[EXPERIMENT 3] ====== Initialize Matrix  ================");

        m(0,0) = 3;
        m(1,0) = 2.5;
        m(0,1) = -1;
        m(0,2) = 9.23;

        m(1,1) = m(1,0) + m(0,1);
        m(1,2) = 10.523;

        m(2, 0) = 7.24;
        m(2, 2) = 4.56;
        m(2, 1) = 2.5;
        std::cout << " m = \n" << m << std::endl;

        std::cout << "\n Transpose matrix =>>\n m^T = \n" << m.transpose() << std::endl;

        std::cout << "\n Inverse matrix =>>\n m^-1 = \n" << m.inverse() << std::endl;

    std::puts("\n >>>[EXPERIMENT 4] === Create Initialized Matrix =========");
        MatrixXd A(3, 4);
        A <<  10.255, -21.5, 5.15, 9.5
             ,9.251,   18.4, 7.25, 25.1
             ,56.13,   24.5, 8.25, 17.55;

        std::cout << " Matrix A  = \n" << A << std::endl;

    std::puts("\n >>>[EXPERIMENT 5] === Multiply matrix by scalar =========");
        std::cout << "\n 10 * m = \n" << 10.0 * m << std::endl;
        std::cout << "\n m  / 5 = \n" << m / 5 << std::endl;

    std::puts("\n >>>[EXPERIMENT 6] === Matrix-Matrix operations ==========");
        // Create a 3 x 3 random matrix multiplied by 10
        auto rndm1 =  10 * MatrixXd::Random(3, 3);

        std::cout << "\n rndm1 = \n" << rndm1 << std::endl;
        std::cout << "\n m + rndm1 = \n" << m + rndm1 << std::endl;

        std::cout << "\n m * rndm1 = \n" << m * rndm1 << std::endl;
        std::cout << "\n rndm1 * m = \n" << m * rndm1 << std::endl;

    std::puts("\n >>>[EXPERIMENT 7] === Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors ==========");
        MatrixXd A(3, 3);

        A <<  2.50000E-02, 3.25000E-02,   1.75000E-03
             ,3.25000E-02, 2.17000E-01,  -2.15000E-03
             ,1.75000E-03, -2.15000E-03,  4.30000E-04;

        std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(5);

        std::cout << " A = \n" << A << std::endl;

        auto eigsolver = Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixXd>(A);
        assert( == Eigen::Success
                && "[ERROR] Unable to find eigenvalues");

        std::cout << "\n Eigenvalues = \n"
                  << eigsolver.eigenvalues() << std::endl;

        std::cout << "\n Eigenvectiors = \n"
                  << eigsolver.eigenvectors() << std::endl;


Program Output

 >>>[EXPERIMENT 1] ========= Create Matrix ================
 Matrix features => rows = 3; cols = 3

  m = 
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

 >>>[EXPERIMENT 3] ====== Initialize Matrix  ================
 m = 
     3     -1   9.23
   2.5    1.5 10.523
  7.24    2.5   4.56

 Transpose matrix =>>
 m^T = 
     3    2.5   7.24
    -1    1.5    2.5
  9.23 10.523   4.56

 Inverse matrix =>>
 m^-1 = 
 0.117459 -0.166738  0.147026
-0.390894  0.320655 0.0512492
0.0278148 0.0889348 -0.042235

 >>>[EXPERIMENT 4] === Create Initialized Matrix =========
 Matrix A  = 
10.255  -21.5   5.15    9.5
 9.251   18.4   7.25   25.1
 56.13   24.5   8.25  17.55

 >>>[EXPERIMENT 5] === Multiply matrix by scalar =========

 10 * m = 
    30    -10   92.3
    25     15 105.23
  72.4     25   45.6

 m  / 5 = 
   0.6   -0.2  1.846
   0.5    0.3 2.1046
 1.448    0.5  0.912

 >>>[EXPERIMENT 6] === Matrix-Matrix operations ==========

 rndm1 = 
 6.80375   5.9688 -3.29554
-2.11234  8.23295  5.36459
 5.66198 -6.04897 -4.44451

 m + rndm1 = 
  4.0794 -3.70431  17.5539
 2.04794  1.76802  13.2372
 9.81742  11.5446  8.90594

 m * rndm1 = 
-112.934  47.9796 -86.9588
 -116.51  40.2783  -98.052
-90.6609 -27.6275 -88.4288

 rndm1 * m = 
 -85.4597    14.787  -10.5057
 -63.8875   34.5262 -0.960369
 -57.3932    29.101   -20.442

 >>>[EXPERIMENT 7] === Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors ==========
 A = 
 0.02500  0.03250  0.00175
 0.03250  0.21700 -0.00215
 0.00175 -0.00215  0.00043

 Eigenvalues = 

 Eigenvectiors = 
 0.10336 -0.98130  0.16240
-0.02535  0.16062  0.98669
-0.99432 -0.10610 -0.00828

Project in QtCreator IDE

Just open the CMakeLists.txt file or run the following comamnd from command line:

$ qtcreator /path/to/project/CMakeLists.txt & 

Project in CodeBlocks IDE

Generate CodeBlocks project:

$ cmake -B_build -H. -G "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 8.3.1
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 8.3.1
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/lib64/ccache/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/lib64/ccache/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/lib64/ccache/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/lib64/ccache/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
[TRACE] DOWNLOADING Eigen via GIT - Wait ....
 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  .... 
 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  .... 

List generated project files:

$ ls _build/
CMakeFiles/  _deps/  CMakeCache.txt  cmake_install.cmake  Eigen_test.cbp  Makefile

$ file _build/Eigen_test.cbp 
_build/Eigen_test.cbp: XML 1.0 document, ASCII text

$ ls _build/_deps/eigenlib-src/
bench/  doc/       test/           COPYING.LGPL
blas/   Eigen/     unsupported/    COPYING.MINPACK
cmake/  failtest/  CMakeLists.txt  COPYING.MPL2       INSTALL
debug/  lapack/    COPYING.BSD     COPYING.README
demos/  scripts/   COPYING.GPL     CTestConfig.cmake  signature_of_eigen3_matrix_library

Show CodeBlocks project file:

$ head -n 10 _build/Eigen_test.cbp 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <FileVersion major="1" minor="6"/>
                <Option title="Eigen_test"/>
                <Option makefile_is_custom="1"/>
                <Option compiler="gcc"/>
                <Option virtualFolders="CMake Files\;"/>
                        <Target title="all">

Open the following file in CodeBlocks IDE

  • ‘/path/to/project-root-dir/_build/Eigen_test.cbp’

Compiling from command line

Configuration step:

$ cmake -B_build -H. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug 
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 8.3.1
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 8.3.1
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/lib64/ccache/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/lib64/ccache/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/lib64/ccache/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/lib64/ccache/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
[TRACE] DOWNLOADING Eigen via GIT - Wait ....
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/user/projects/eigen/_build

Building step:

$ cmake --build _build --target 
.... .... .... .... ... ... ... ... 
[100%] Linking CXX executable main1
/usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/main1.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
/usr/lib64/ccache/c++  -g   CMakeFiles/main1.dir/main1.cpp.o  -o main1 
gmake[2]: Leaving directory '/home/user/projects/eigen/_build'
[100%] Built target main1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/home/user/projects/eigen/_build'
/usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_start /home/user/projects/eigen/_build/CMakeFiles 

Running application:

$ _build/main1 

 >>>[EXPERIMENT 1] ========= Create Matrix ================
 Matrix features => rows = 3; cols = 3

... .... ... ... .... ... ... .... ... ... .... ... ... .... ... 

Armadillo - Linear Algebra


Armadillo is high performance numerical linear algebra library built on top of battle tested BLAS, Lapack and OpenBLAS libraries. The library provides an easy-to-use interface and functionality similar to ©Matlab and Octave (Matlab open source clone).


  • Expression templates for compile-time optimization.
  • BLAS and LAPACK backend which are the de-factor standard for numerical linear algebra and scientific computing.
  • Support for OpenMP
  • Classes for:
    • Vectors, column vectors
    • Matrices
    • Sparces matrices
    • Tensors (multi-dimensional arrays)
  • Functionalities similar to Matlab and Octave


  • Requires BLAS, OpenBLAS, SuperLU and arpack binary depedencies. Some, of those depedencies are written in Fortran which makes harder to build them from sources on Windows. Altough, it is not hard to install Armadillo via Linux distributions’ package managers.

Official Web Site


Further Reading

Sample CMake Project

Installing Armadillo

Armadillo can be installed by building from sources. However, it is not so easy due to the BLAS and LAPACK binary dependencies. Another easier way to install the library by using Linux distributions’ package managers.

Install on Fedora Linux:

$ sudo dnf install armadillo-devel.x86_64

Install on Ubuntu or Debian:

$ apt-get install libarmadillo-dev

Project Files

File: CMakeListst.txt

make_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)


find_package(Armadillo REQUIRED)

#========== Target Configurations ================#
add_executable(armadillo-test armadillo-test.cpp)
target_link_libraries(armadillo-test ${ARMADILLO_LIBRARIES})

File: armadillo1.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

#include <armadillo>
#include <cmath>
#include <cassert>

using arma::mat;
using arma::randu;

int main()
    std::cout << " [INFO] Armadillo version = " << arma::arma_version::as_string()
              << "\n\n";

    std::cout << "======== EXPERIMENT 1 === Create Random Matrices ==========\n\n";

        // Random 3 x 4 matrix
        mat matrixA = randu<mat>(3, 4);
        std::cout << " =>    Number of rows of matrixA = " << matrixA.n_rows << "\n";
        std::cout << " => Number of columns of matrixA = " << matrixA.n_cols << "\n";

        //std::cout << " Dimensions of matrix A: rows = " << matrixA.rows()  << std::endl;

        // Random 4 x 5 matrix
        auto matrixB = randu<mat>(4, 5);
        std::cout << "matrixB = \n" << matrixA << std::endl;

        auto matrixC = matrixA * matrixB;
        matrixC.print(" C = A * B = ");

    std::cout << "======== EXPERIMENT 2 === Special Matrices ====================\n\n";
        auto identity3 = arma::mat(3, 3, arma::fill::eye);

        std::cout << " Identity(3x3) = \n"  << identity3;

        auto zeromatrix = arma::mat(4, 5);
        std::cout << " ZeroMatrix = \n" << zeromatrix << "\n";

        auto zeromatrix2 = arma::zeros<arma::mat>(3, 3);
        std::cout << " ZeroMatrix2 = \n" << zeromatrix2 << "\n";


    std::cout << "======== EXPERIMENT 3 === Initialize matrix manually ==========\n\n";
        // Note: matrices are zero-based not one-based like Fortran or Matlab
        mat A(3, 3);
        A(0, 0) = 10.0;
        A(0, 1) = 5.6;
        A(0, 2) = -8.24;
        A(1, 0) = 7.251;
        A(1, 1) = 18.62;
        A(1, 2) = 20.51;
        A(2, 0) = -8.0;
        A(2, 1) = 1.351E-3;
        A(2, 2) = 100.0;

        mat B;
        B << 2.541 <<  9.251 << 7.51  << arma::endr
          << 9.871 << -12.56 << 81.25 << arma::endr
          << 10.52 <<  72.15 << -67.23 << arma::endr;

        std::cout << " Determinant of A = " << arma::det(A) << "\n";
        std::cout << " Determinant of B = " << arma::det(B) << "\n";
        std::cout << " Sum of elements of A => SUM(A) = " << arma::accu(A) << "\n";
        std::cout << " Sum of elements of B => SUM(B) = " << arma::accu(B) << "\n";
        std::cout << " Trace of elements of A => TRACE(A) = " << arma::trace(A) << "\n";

        A.print("\n matrix A = ");

        B.print("\n matrix B = ");

        // Tranpose of matrix A
        std::cout << "\n transpose(A) = A^t = \n" << A.t() << "\n";

        // Inverse of matrix A
        auto Ainv = arma::inv(A);
        Ainv.print("\n [1] A^-1 = inv(A) = ");

        std::cout << "\n [2] A^-1 = inv(A) = \n" << A.i() << "\n";

        // Linear comnbination of A and B
        auto C = 3.0 * A + 4.0 * B;
        C.print("\n C = 3A + 4B = ");

    std::cout << "\n======== EXPERIMENT 4 === Solving Linear Systems ==========\n\n";
        auto b = arma::vec{51.0,  61.0, 21.0};
        b.print(" b = ");

        arma::mat A{  {3.0,  5.0, 6.0}
                    , {8.0, 10.0, 3.0}
                    , {4.0, 1.0, 2.0}};

        A.print(" A = ");

        // Solve linear equation: A.x = b
        // or perform the operation x = A \ b (Matlab notation)
        // Expects results [2.0 3.0 5.0]'
        arma::vec x = arma::solve(A, b);
        x.print(" x = ");

        std::cout << "normL2(x) = euclidianNorm(x) " << arma::norm(x) << "\n";

        auto x_expected = arma::vec{2.0, 3.0, 5.0};
        assert(arma::norm(x_expected - x) < 1e-3);

        std::cout << " [INFO] Tests passed Ok." << "\n";

Program output:

 [INFO] Armadillo version = 9.400.2 (Surrogate Miscreant)

======== EXPERIMENT 1 === Create Random Matrices ==========

 =>    Number of rows of matrixA = 3
 => Number of columns of matrixA = 4
matrixB = 
   0.7868   0.9467   0.2513   0.3447
   0.2505   0.0193   0.0227   0.2742
   0.7107   0.4049   0.5206   0.5610

 C = A * B = 
   1.0516   1.0632   0.7769   0.8944   0.8861
   0.2924   0.2185   0.1320   0.3470   0.2753
   1.0723   1.0523   0.8662   1.1705   0.9633
======== EXPERIMENT 2 === Special Matrices ====================

 Identity(3x3) = 
   1.0000        0        0
        0   1.0000        0
        0        0   1.0000
 ZeroMatrix = 
        0        0        0        0        0
        0        0        0        0        0
        0        0        0        0        0
        0        0        0        0        0

 ZeroMatrix2 = 
        0        0        0
        0        0        0
        0        0        0

======== EXPERIMENT 3 === Initialize matrix manually ==========

 Determinant of A = 12412.8
 Determinant of B = 7637.21
 Sum of elements of A => SUM(A) = 145.742
 Sum of elements of B => SUM(B) = 113.303
 Trace of elements of A => TRACE(A) = 128.62

 matrix A = 
   1.0000e+01   5.6000e+00  -8.2400e+00
   7.2510e+00   1.8620e+01   2.0510e+01
  -8.0000e+00   1.3510e-03   1.0000e+02

 matrix B = 
    2.5410    9.2510    7.5100
    9.8710  -12.5600   81.2500
   10.5200   72.1500  -67.2300

 transpose(A) = A^t = 
   1.0000e+01   7.2510e+00  -8.0000e+00
   5.6000e+00   1.8620e+01   1.3510e-03
  -8.2400e+00   2.0510e+01   1.0000e+02

 [1] A^-1 = inv(A) = 
   0.1500  -0.0451   0.0216
  -0.0716   0.0753  -0.0213
   0.0120  -0.0036   0.0117

 [2] A^-1 = inv(A) = 
   0.1500  -0.0451   0.0216
  -0.0716   0.0753  -0.0213
   0.0120  -0.0036   0.0117

 C = 3A + 4B = 
   4.0164e+01   5.3804e+01   5.3200e+00
   6.1237e+01   5.6200e+00   3.8653e+02
   1.8080e+01   2.8860e+02   3.1080e+01

======== EXPERIMENT 4 === Solving Linear Systems ==========

 b = 
 A = 
    3.0000    5.0000    6.0000
    8.0000   10.0000    3.0000
    4.0000    1.0000    2.0000
 x = 
normL2(x) = euclidianNorm(x) 6.16441
 [INFO] Tests passed Ok.