Share your custom theme #323
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Might be a bit outdated but |
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My config is here |
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transparent backgrounds also look good 😺 |
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Attempting to restore the original theme based on The config is here. |
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I'm more of a pink kind of person. Appreciate the |
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Made some highlight changes to the Tabline to better integrate everything with my tmux configuration. Also included is my take on a configuration for Mason.nvim's installer which someone beat me to adding as an integration in #305 |
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Here is my take, still work in progress once its done I will update further |
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Tweaked nvim-cmp configuration borrowed from oxocarbon. |
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This is Catppuccin CoffeeA grayer version of catppuccin if you're tired of bluish color schemes! |
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My version of this great colorscheme |
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Hi, can you tell me how can i configure the nvim-tree like this? |
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My peaceful setup with Mocha :)) |
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vscode real pastel theme with catppuccin "catppuccin.colorOverrides": {
"mocha": {
"base": "#1c1917",
"blue": "#22d3ee",
"green": "#86efac",
"flamingo": "#D6409F",
"lavender": "#DE51A8",
"pink": "#f9a8d4",
"red": "#fda4af",
"maroon": "#f87171",
"mauve": "#D19DFF",
"text": "#E8E2D9",
"sky": "#7ee6fd",
"yellow": "#fde68a",
"rosewater": "#f4c2c2",
"peach": "#fba8c4",
"teal": "#4fd1c5"
}, |
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Does anyone know the configs of the third variation? I fell in love with it and have been scrolling for a couple of hours already. 😢 |
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Hi! I made a latte variant with a white background. I find it more readable and it fits better aside a browser for web development. Here's the config:
I also made a mocha variant with a more neutral background (I am not fan of the blueish one) and a bit more contrasts Config:
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Roughly based on Everforest Hard by Sainnhe = "dark":vim.opt.background = "light":Config: color_overrides = {
mocha = {
-- custom everforest dark hard port
rosewater = "#fed1cb",
flamingo = "#ff9185",
pink = "#d699b6",
mauve = "#cb7ec8",
red = "#e06062",
maroon = "#e67e80",
peach = "#e69875",
yellow = "#d3ad63",
green = "#b0cc76",
teal = "#6db57f",
sky = "#7fbbb3",
sapphire = "#60aaa0",
blue = "#59a6c3",
lavender = "#e0d3d4",
text = "#e8e1bf",
subtext1 = "#e0d7c3",
subtext0 = "#d3c6aa",
overlay2 = "#9da9a0",
overlay1 = "#859289",
overlay0 = "#6d6649",
surface2 = "#585c4a",
surface1 = "#414b50",
surface0 = "#374145",
base = "#1f2428",
mantle = "#161b1d",
crust = "#14181a",
latte = {
-- custom everforest light hard port
rosewater = "#a43b35",
flamingo = "#da3537",
pink = "#d332a1",
mauve = "#aa3685",
red = "#ff3532",
maroon = "#de3631",
peach = "#f36c0b",
yellow = "#bd8800",
green = "#596600",
teal = "#287e5e",
sky = "#52b1c7",
sapphire = "#3fb4b8",
blue = "#317da7",
lavender = "#474155",
text = "#4d4742",
subtext1 = "#5b5549",
subtext0 = "#6d6655",
overlay2 = "#786d5a",
overlay1 = "#8c7c62",
overlay0 = "#a18d66",
surface2 = "#c9bea5",
surface1 = "#d8d3ba",
surface0 = "#e8e2c8",
base = "#ebe4c8",
mantle = "#e1dab5",
crust = "#bdc0a0",
} Font:
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Based on Adwaita colors, with some small tweaks. Some colors in syntax highlighting replaced with shades of gray (to tone down the theme a bit). I think it works quite well with a stock GNOME desktop, especially if you use Console (AKA kgx) as your terminal. Theme configrequire('catppuccin').setup {
no_italic = true,
color_overrides = {
all = {
rosewater = '#f66151',
flamingo = '#c061cb',
pink = '#c061cb',
mauve = '#c061cb',
red = '#e01b24',
maroon = '#f66151',
peach = '#ffa348',
yellow = '#F5C211',
green = '#33d17a',
teal = '#54DBF6',
sky = '#62a0ea',
sapphire = '#62a0ea',
blue = '#62a0ea',
lavender = '#c061cb',
text = '#ffffff',
subtext1 = '#deddda',
subtext0 = '#c0bfbc',
overlay2 = '#858585',
overlay1 = '#737373',
overlay0 = '#616161',
surface2 = '#4f4f4f',
surface1 = '#3e3e3e',
surface0 = '#2e2e2e',
base = '#1E1E1E',
mantle = '#1A1A1A',
crust = '#101010'
custom_highlights = function(colors)
return {
LineNr = {fg = colors.surface1},
CursorLineNr = {fg = colors.overlay2},
CursorLine = {bg = '#252525'},
ColorColumn = {bg = '#252525'},
Visual = {bg = colors.surface1},
MsgArea = {fg = colors.subtext0},
TabLine = {bg = colors.mantle},
TabLineFill = {bg = colors.mantle},
TabLineSel = {fg = colors.subtext0, bg = colors.base},
GitSignsAdd = {fg = '#467555'},
GitSignsChange = {fg = '#856f3a'},
GitSignsDelete = {fg = '#753b34'},
TelescopeBorder = {fg = colors.subtext0},
Constant = {fg =},
String = {fg = colors.subtext0},
Character = {fg = colors.subtext0},
Number = {fg =},
Boolean = {fg =},
Float = {fg =},
Identifier = {fg =},
Function = {fg =},
Statement = {fg =},
Conditional = {fg =},
Repeat = {fg =},
Label = {fg =},
Operator = {fg = colors.subtext0},
Keyword = {fg =},
Exception = {fg =},
PreProc = {fg = colors.yellow},
Include = {fg = colors.yellow},
Define = {fg = colors.yellow},
Macro = {fg = colors.yellow},
PreCondit = {fg = colors.yellow},
Type = {fg =},
StorageClass = {fg = colors.overlay2},
Structure = {fg = colors.subtext0},
Special = {fg = colors.overlay2},
SpecialChar = {fg = colors.overlay2}
vim.cmd 'colorscheme catppuccin' Gitsigns and lualine configrequire('gitsigns').setup {
signcolumn = true,
numhl = false,
signs = {
add = {text = '+'},
change = {text = '~'},
delete = {text = '_'},
topdelete = {text = '‾'},
changedelete = {text = '~'},
untracked = {text = '┆'},
local indent = {
local style = ( and 'spaces') or 'tabs'
local size = ( and or
return style .. ': ' .. size
cond = function()
return ~= ''
require('lualine').setup {
options = {
icons_enabled = true,
theme = 'auto',
component_separators = { left = '', right = ''},
section_separators = { left = '', right = ''},
disabled_filetypes = {
statusline = {},
winbar = {},
ignore_focus = {},
always_divide_middle = true,
globalstatus = false,
refresh = {
statusline = 1000,
tabline = 1000,
winbar = 1000,
sections = {
lualine_a = {{'mode', fmt = function(str) return str:sub(1,1) end }},
lualine_b = {},
lualine_c = {'branch', {
sources = {'coc'},
sections = {'error', 'warn'},
always_visible = false,
update_in_insert = true
lualine_x = {indent},
lualine_y = {},
lualine_z = {'location'}
inactive_sections = {
lualine_a = {},
lualine_b = {},
lualine_c = {'filename'},
lualine_x = {},
lualine_y = {},
lualine_z = {}
tabline = {},
winbar = {},
inactive_winbar = {},
extensions = {}
} Plugins: gitsigns, telescope, lualine, coc (coc-pyright, coc-rust-analyzer), smartcolumn, catppuccin. Font: Hack Nerd Font |
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Click to expand!
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Since nobody seems to be using Solarized-light theme, I have decided to make my own from latte. Terminal: iTerm2 with Sorarized-light theme return {
lazy = false,
name = "catppuccin",
priority = 1000,
opts = {
color_overrides = {
latte = {
base = "#fbf6e4",
mantle = "#f5f0de",
crust = "#000000",
} |
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Click mereturn {
name = "catppuccin",
opts = {
color_overrides = {
latte = {
rosewater = "#fdf7e8",
flamingo = "#cb4b16",
pink = "#d33682",
mauve = "#6c71c4",
red = "#dc322f",
maroon = "#c03260",
peach = "#cb4b1f",
yellow = "#b58900",
green = "#859900",
teal = "#2aa198",
sky = "#2398d2",
sapphire = "#0077b3",
blue = "#268bd2",
lavender = "#7b88d3",
text = "#657b83",
subtext1 = "#586e75",
subtext0 = "#073642",
overlay2 = "#002b36",
overlay1 = "#839496",
overlay0 = "#93a1a1",
surface2 = "#eee8d5",
surface1 = "#ebecef",
surface0 = "#ccd0da",
base = "#fdf6e3",
mantle = "#f7f1dc",
crust = "#f5ecd7",
highlight_overrides = {
latte = function(C)
return {
FlashLabel = { fg = C.base, bg =, style = { "bold" } },
opts = {
colorscheme = "catppuccin-latte",
} |
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It only has a similar effect on Kitty and Wezterm, where 'terminal' needs to be transparency |
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Hey everyone, I created Catbbrew to make creating flavors easy |
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Using overwriting colors feature, I will start first with my configuration
Kindly link to your configuration if possible :)
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