Using {prj} is rather straight forward. When you start {prj}, it will perform a few checks and initialize your system.
{prj} requires Docker to be installed and running. You do need to do anything with Docker yourself though, it only needs to be available on your computer. |
Once {prj} is ready, you will be able to select:
a version: This is the usually the version of the client, it comes with a runtime
a runtime: This is where you select the chain such as Kusama, Polkadot, etc…
Pressing the button will then start building your runtime.
Building a runtime from scratch does take a long time. While some machines will manage under 10 minutes, most computers may need up to 1 to 2 hours. {prj} constantly shows the status so make sure you don’t interrupt the process once it runs. |
If you run into some issues, there are a few steps you can take to try fixing them. If those don’t help, please report the issue and provide as much details as you can, including the logs.
In some cases, it may help resetting the configuration. You can simply delete the following file /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/srtool-app/config.json
and restart {prj}.