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File metadata and controls

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Clear Street

SFTP Access

Clear Street uses the SFTP protocol to facilitate document access between clients and Clear Street. The SFTP protocol provides a secure and fast way to browse large amount of documents in a manual or programmatic format.

Connecting to the SFTP Server

To access the SFTP server, you will need a FTP client, such as Cyberduck, FileZilla, or even the sftp command. programmatic access to the SFTP server is also possible, and sample code is provided below.

In addition to this, you will need your SSH key-pair, consisting of both a public and private key. Your private key is your password, so ensure that it is stored securely. The public key is what you have shared with Clear Street, and is used to uniquely identify, and confirm who is connecting. Finally, you will need your Clear Street provided username.

Connection Details

The following are the connection details to the SFTP server:

Parameter Value
Host s
Port 22
Username Your Clear Street provided username
Password Blank - Your SSH Private Key is used for this
SSH Private Key The SSH private key you generated, this is the file usually without the .pub extension

Follow the instructions of your chosen FTP client to connect to the SFTP server.

Programmatic Access

If you wish to connect using a programmatic method, the following Python sample code that uses the pysftp library should help:

import pysftp

srv = pysftp.Connection(host="", username="clearstreet", private_key="/Path/To/File")



Note: if you get key file type errors, such as when using a OpenSSH private key format, you may need to convert to the RSA format, which can be done through the following command on a UNIX, Linux, or MacOS system:

ssh-keygen -p -f /Path/To/File -m pem

Directory and File Structure

Once you have connected to the SFTP server, you will be dropped into your home directory. Within this directory, you have read and write access, however, note that Clear Street can remove/cleanup non-Clear Street files at any time.

The directory structure is as follows:

  |- 2019
  | |- 01
  |   |- 02
  |     |- activity
  |       |- org level file 1
  |       |- org level file 2
  |       |- ...
  |- entities
    |- myEntity1
      |- 2019
      | |- 01
      |   |- 02
      |     |- activity
      |       |- entity 1 level file 1
      |       |- entity 1 level file 2
      |       |- ...
      |- accounts
        |- myAccount1
          |- 2019
            |- 01
              |- 02
                |- activity
                  |- account 1 level file 1
                  |- account 1 level file 2
                  |- ...

The FTP is organized by:

  1. Organization
  2. Entity
  3. Account

The organization is the highest level and has view of all entities and accounts under it. This is followed by entity, which has view of all accounts within that entity. Finally, the account level can only view files within the account.

Directories are organized by date, in a YYYY/MM/DD format. At the lowest level - a single day - dropped files are placed in folders according to their usage. Files that are delivered on a monthly basis are placed in a monthly directory under the corresponding year and month - YYYY/MM/monthly.

Daily Content

On a daily basis, two sets of files are sent: activity details and trade confirmations.

Identifier Information

The Identifier name is a concactination of the following details:

  • Organization name
  • Entity ID
  • Account ID minus 100,000
  • Account name with vowels removed

For example, with org myorg, an entity with ID 56, and account with ID 100098 and name "Test Trading Account", the identifier name would be: myorg.56.98.tst-trdng-accnt

Activity Details

Daily activity details are published in the activity folder under each day. There will be files published here regardless of any activity. Files in this directory have the following format:

{Date in YYYMMDD Format}_{Activity_Level}_{Identifier_Name}_{Activity Type}_{SHA256 Hash of the data}.csv

For example:


The activity files that are currently published are:

  • Journal Activity
  • Trade Activity
  • Position Activity
  • Summary Information

These files are published in CSV format, so they are both machine and human readable.

There are 3 levels of activities: org, entity, and account, each representing the amount of detail in the report.

Journal Activity

The Journal Activity file details all journal movements made across per account for a specific day. This could involve cash movements or position movements. A sample journal entry in this file is as follows:

Date Org Name Entity Name Account ID Account Name Account Full Name Instrument Name Description Cusip Isin Sedol Currency Instrument Type Segment Memo TD Quantity TD Amount SD Quantity SD Amount Position Type
20190207 Clear Street Clear Street FTP Trading 00XX00 clstftp Clear Street FTP AAPL Apple Inc. 037833100 US0378331005 2046251 Common Equity sl DLVR Journal for AAPL 4000 0 4000 0 Net
Trade Activity

The Trade Activity file details all trades made, across per account for a specific day. A sample trade entry in this file is as follows:

Date Org Name Entity Name Account ID Account Name Account Full Name Client Trade ID Trade ID Trade Date Settle Date Action Side Side Qualifier Quantity Instrument Name Description Instrument Type Cusip Isin Sedol Price Currency Gross Amount Fee Bill Fee Commission Fee Ftt Fee Local Tax Fee PtmLevy Fee Sec Fee Taf Net Amount Fee ORF Open/Close Indicator
20190207 Clear Street clearstreet.4.clrstrt 00XX00 clearstreet.4.22.clr-strt-ftp Clear Street FTP 001234CLSTTRD 01DQDPYPNW6XX1P3B7FGF2YCNJ 20190207 20190209 insert sell short 10682067 AAPL Apple Inc. Common Equity 037833100 US0378331005 2046251 100.00 USD 250000 0 769.48 0 0 0 0.4 5.95 250860.48 0.45 Open
Position Activity

The Position Activity file details all positions across per account for a specific day. This could be held positions, or positions awaiting settlement. A sample position entry in this file is as follows:

Date Org Name Entity Name Account ID Account Name Account Full Name Instrument Name Description Cusip Isin Sedol Currency Instrument Type Previous TD Quantity Today TD Quantity Closing Price TD Long Market Value TD Short Market Value Previous SD Quantity Today SD Quantity SD Long Market Value SD Short Market Value Margin Percent Margin Amount
20190207 Clear Street clearstreet.4.clrstrt 00XX00 clearstreet.4.22.clr-strt-ftp Clear Street FTP AAPL Apple Inc. 037833100 US0378331005 2046251 USD Common Equity 0 2000 100.54 201080 0 0 4000 402160 0 .340 1360
Summary Activity

The Summary Activity file details account value per account for a specific day. A sample summary entry in this file is as follows:

Date Org Name Entity Name Account ID Account Name Account Full Name Currency TD Long Market Value TD Short Market Value TD Balance SD Long Market Value SD Short Market Value SD Balance
20191017 Clear Street clearstreet.4.clrstrt 00XX00 clearstreet.4.22.clr-strt-ftp Clear Street FTP USD 21080 0 20178.66 42160 0 -500.67

Trade Confirmations

Daily trade confirmations are delivered to the confirms directory under every day where trades were done. These files are only created at an account level. These confirms are in PDF human readable format and are not expected to be machine readable. There is a trade confirm generated per account for each day where trades were made. The file has the following naming convention:

{Date in YYYMM Format}_{Identifier_Name}_confirm_{SHA256 Hash of the data}.csv

For example:


Monthly Content

On a monthly basis, account statements are delivered to the YYYY/MM/monthly folder. These files are only created at an account level. These statements are in PDF human readable format and are not expected to be machine readable. There is a statement generated per account. The file has the following naming convention:

{Date in YYYMM Format}_{Identifier_Name}_statement_{SHA256 Hash of the data}.csv

For example:
