- Present solution to TriHydro over the next two weeks
- Build collaboration between colleges
- Get used to GitPod / GitHub
- Improve Frontend appearance
- Understanding backend and functionality changes
- Figure out presentation (and you know, make it :D)
Member Roles:
Ask for help when it's needed (Slack/email)
Alicia: Bootstrap and all things front end
Zia: Brainstorming/problem visualization, prototyping, python (you didn't oversell it)
Faith: Backend and organizing updates, documentation, and schedules
Bethany: Bootstrap and CSS
All: Backend (support each other)
Unassigned: DB schema
- Communication
- Regular zoom meetings (twice a week?)
- Quick updates in slack ("Hey, I'm editting this / working on that")
- Regular slack update (even if it's "I couldn't work on this today")
- Beginning of week: come prepared with goals for the week
- End of week: Assess which goals were accomplished (if stuck, what assistance do you need?)