This document stands in addition to the team code of conduct
- Develop and understand asynchronous developer communication methods
- Familiarize each other with the development of a fullstack application in the given environment
- Learn effective communication skills between developer teams and (non-technical) client
- Disseminate individual knowledge and turn it into team knowledge through slack questions and messages
- Slack text sync every T/R to inform the team of individual progress
- Maintain an active Github issue board and issues system to make async communication simple
- Prepare presentation to communicate progress in next week's meeting
- Split up and assign tasks for the week each Saturday
- Create a plan each Thursday during the text sync to ensure a presentation is ready each week
- 5-10 hours/week/person
- Present features and progress in weekly Saturday meetings
- Update relevant issues as you perform work
- Drew
- Marcus
- John
- Isaac
- Andey
- Wherever (inc. SQL)
- Polish frontend
- Mobile users
- Add position-based search
- Add filtering after search
- Some we should do if we can:
- Exporting to CSV
- Security
- Participation in the slack text syncs each week (total n=4)
- Everyone will make a good faith effort to complete all tasks assigned to them
- Participation in assigned/relevant Github issues
- Ask questions in the slack channel if you encounter a problem you don't know how to solve
- If a question is asked that you have knowledge about, take some brief time to answer/help with the question
- If you finish your personal tasks and have free time, offer your help to other teammates
- Keep an issue associated with every pull request
This is a living document and may happily be ammended or revised by group consensus.