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Midspace: Actions Service

Express server designed to run on Heroku and serve action calls from Hasura. Eventually this may be split into multiple microservices.


  1. Full Setup: Follow the AWS setup instructions in aws/ if you haven't already.
  2. Full Setup: A SendGrid account per instructions in the main README.
  3. A fully configured Vonage Video API project.
  4. Hasura running locally.
  5. Production: If you will be uploading recorded videos to YouTube, you will need a Google Cloud account.
  6. Production: Heroku CLI

Setting Up Actions Service Local Working Copy

  1. cd services/actions
  2. cp .env.example .env
  3. Configure your .env according to the Actions Service Configuration table below
    • Quick setup: Set all the environment variables related to AWS to XXXX. BCP: This will not actually work right now, but let's give it a try this way and see how much further we can get.
    • Full Setup: You will need the outputs from running the AWS CDK deployment. ChimeActionsUserAccessKeyId, ChimeActionsUserSecretAccessKey, and ChimeNotificationsTopic are found in the Outputs tab for the <prefix>-chime stack that was deployed in us-east-1 (N. Virginia), and most of the rest of the AWS_... environment variable values come from the Outputs for the <prefix>-main stack deployed to the default region.

You may now return to Part 2 of the Vonage Setup.

Production: Creating a Google Cloud project

If you or your users will be uploading recorded videos to YouTube, you will need a Google Cloud project to provide access to the YouTube Data API with OAuth2.

  1. Create a new project in Google Cloud Platform.
  2. Enable the YouTube Data API v3
  3. Create a new OAuth 2.0 Client ID
  4. Set the Authorised JavaScript origins URIs to the URI at which the frontend is hosted.
  5. Set Authorised redirect URIs URIs to the <frontend uri>/googleoauth.

Local Development

See root ReadMe instructions for local development for which tasks to run.

If the environment configuration changes, or for example, the package.json commands change, then you will need to restart tasks for this microservice.


We use Jest and SuperTest. SuperTest provides an easy way to test the express server functions.

Remote Deployment

Heroku apps are linked to the repo and pull from the branches listed below.

Branch Heroku App
develop ci-testing
staging staging
main production

Heroku deployment is a little tricky because this is a monorepo.

  • A single heroku app will have multiple containers, one or more for each microservice. The root Procfile is what Heroku uses to identify what services to start and thus which scripts to run.
  • The heroku-postbuild script in the root package.json overrides Heroku Node Buildpack's default build task so that we can build each micro-service independently.
  • The postinstall script in the root package.json not only makes development installs easier, but is essential for Heroku to successfully install and manage packages in the root and all micro-services.


  • The Procfile is used by Heroku to start this service. It exists in the clowdr root directory points at the compiled build/server.js.

Heroku App Configuration

Connect to Github for auto-deployment of a branch. Configure environment variables according to the table below.

Actions Service Configuration

Note: AWS_ values come from the outputs of your AWS CloudFormation deployment. See aws/

Key Value Source
AUTH0_API_DOMAIN <auth0-subdomain> Auth0
AUTH0_AUDIENCE hasura literal
AUTH0_ISSUER_DOMAIN https://<auth0-subdomain> Auth0
HASURA_ADMIN_SECRET Hasura admin secret (used for queries/mutations to Hasura, you can choose this value freely) hasura/config.yaml
EVENT_SECRET Event trigger secret (used to verify Hasura events, must match the value in hasura/config.yaml) hasura/config.yaml
CORS_ORIGIN The domain of the frontend website; may be localhost for local development (e.g. localhost:3000 or literal
STOP_EMAILS_CONTACT_EMAIL_ADDRESS The email address users should contact when they received unexpected emails (e.g. [email protected]) arbitrary
FAILURE_NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_ADDRESS The email address the system should send notifications when errors occurr, such as failing to process a video. arbitrary
GRAPHQL_API_SECURE_PROTOCOLS Boolean. Default: true. Whether to use https/wss or not. literal
GRAPHQL_API_DOMAIN The domain and port of the GraphQL server; may be localhost for local development (Hasura, e.g. localhost:8080 or a Hasura Cloud domain) literal or Hasura Cloud
HOST_SECURE_PROTOCOLS Whether the actions service public URL uses https (should be true) literal
HOST_DOMAIN The public domain of the actions service (e.g. your actions Packetriot/ngrok URL) pktriot.json
AWS_PREFIX The deployment prefix you are using for your AWS deployment. Same as clowdr/stackPrefix in the cdk.context.json aws/.env.<profile>
AWS_REGION The AWS region to operate in (e.g. eu-west-1) ~/.aws/config
AWS_CHIME_ACTIONS_USER_ACCESS_KEY_ID The access key ID for your chime stack AWS user CDK chime stack output
AWS_CHIME_ACTIONS_USER_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The secret access key for your chime stack AWS user CDK chime stack output
AWS_CHIME_NOTIFICATIONS_TOPIC_ARN The ARN of the SNS topic for Chime notifications CDK chime stack output
AWS_ACTIONS_USER_ACCESS_KEY_ID The access key for your main stack AWS user CDK main stack output
AWS_ACTIONS_USER_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The secret access key for your main stack AWS user CDK main stack output
AWS_CONTENT_BUCKET_ID The S3 bucket ID for content storage CDK main stack output
AWS_CHIME_MANAGER_ROLE_ARN The IAM role providing management access to Amazon Chime (but comes from main stack output!) CDK main stack output
AWS_ELASTIC_TRANSCODER_NOTIFICATIONS_TOPIC_ARN The IAM role to be passed to Elastic Transcoder CDK main stack output
AWS_ELASTIC_TRANSCODER_SERVICE_ROLE_ARN The ARN of the SNS topic for Elastic Transcoder notifications CDK main stack output
AWS_MEDIACONVERT_SERVICE_ROLE_ARN The IAM role to be passed to MediaConvert CDK main stack output
AWS_MEDIACONVERT_API_ENDPOINT The customer-specific MediaConvert endpoint (Optional) customer-specific
AWS_MEDIAPACKAGE_SERVICE_ROLE_ARN The IAM role to be passed to MediaPackage CDK main stack output
AWS_MEDIAPACKAGE_HARVEST_NOTIFICATIONS_TOPIC_ARN The ARN of the SNS topic for MediaPackage harvest job notifications CDK main stack output
AWS_TRANSCRIBE_SERVICE_ROLE_ARN The IAM role to be passed to Transcribe CDK main stack output
AWS_TRANSCODE_NOTIFICATIONS_TOPIC_ARN The ARN of the SNS topic for MediaConvert notifications CDK main stack output
AWS_TRANSCRIBE_NOTIFICATIONS_TOPIC_ARN The ARN of the SNS topic for transcription notifications CDK main stack output
AWS_IMAGES_CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION_NAME The name of the CloudFront (separate AWS service from CloudFormation!) distribution obtained from deploying the Serverless Image Handler stack (e.g. f9da4dbs83dnsl—not the CloudFront ID, but your unique subdomain of AWS CloudFront
AWS_IMAGES_SECRET_ACCESS_ROLE_ARN The ARN of the role for accessing the Serverless Image Handler secret. CDK img stack output
AWS_IMAGES_SECRET_ARN The ARN of the secret for the Serverless Image Handler. CDK img stack output
OPENTOK_API_KEY Your Vonage Video API key (project API key, displayed in multicolored box at top of Vonage project page) Vonage Project Settings
OPENTOK_API_SECRET Your Vonage Video API secret, displayed in multicolored box at top of Vonage project page Vonage Project Settings
VONAGE_WEBHOOK_SECRET A random token included in the URL for Vonage webhook calls Vonage Project Settings
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID The OAuth Client ID from your Google Cloud Platform project (Only if uploading videos to YouTube) Google Cloud
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET The OAuth Client secret form your Google Cloud Platform project (Only if uploading videos to YouTube) Google Cloud