This file describes how to add new project on the test and production servers.
To add new project on the production (when already added on the test), you should use automatic deploy script:
- Make sure that you have Postgres database backup generated on the test server (this happens automatically on full deploy and nightly).
- Make sure you have Grafana DB dumps available on the test server by running
. - Commit to
branch with[deploy]
in the commit message. Automatic deploy will happen. After successfull deploy start Grafana./grafana/newproj/ &
. - Or manually run
script with correct env variables aftermake install
. - Go to
and change Grafana and PostgreSQL passwords (default deploy copies database from the test server, so it has test server credentials initially). ./devel/
- Do not commit changes until all is ready, or commit with
[no deploy]
in the commit message. - Add project entry to
file. Find projects orgs, repos, select start date, eventually add test coverage for complex regular expression incncf/devstatscode:regexp_test.go
. - To identify repo and/or org name changes, date ranges for entire project use
util_sh/(repo|org) org|org/repo
. You may need to updateutil_sql/(org_repo)_name_changes_bigquery.sql
to include newest months. - To check just last 6 months use:
./util_sh/recent_{repo|org} repo|org
. - Main repo can be empty
- in this case only two annotations will be added: 'start date - CNCF join date' and 'CNCF join date - now". - CNCF join dates are listed here. Incubation/Graduation dates are here.
- Update projects list files:
vim devel/all_prod_dbs.txt devel/all_prod_projects.txt devel/all_test_dbs.txt devel/all_test_projects.txt util_sh/ util_sh/ devel/ devel/ devel/
. - Add this new project config to 'All' project in
vim projects.yaml all/ grafana/dashboards/all/dashboards.json scripts/all/repo_groups.sql
. - Add entire new project as a new repo group in 'All' project.
- Add new project repo REGEXP in
and command lines inutil_data/project_cmdline.txt
meansAll CNCF
, everything meansAll CNCF
+ non-standard test projects. - Update
REGEXPs. RunONLY=`cat devel/all_prod_projects.txt` SKIP=all ./util_sh/ > out
to getall
value for all CNCF projects. - Then run
SKIP=all ./util_sh/ > out
to get everything value, replaceall,
and save asutil_data/project_re.txt
. - Update
, possibly otherdevel/generate_actors_*.sh
files. - Copy setup scripts and then adjust them:
cp -R oldproject/ projectname/
,vim projectname/*
. Most them can be shared for all projects in./shared/
, usually
is project specific. - Review
grafana/ apache/www/ grafana/ grafana/
- maybe you need to add special case. Icon related scripts are marked 'ARTWORK'. - Update automatic deploy script:
. - Some projects should not be added to 'All CNCF' (like openconatiners, istio, spinnaker, knative, linux, zephyr, sam, azf, riff, fn, openwhisk, openfaas, nodejs, cii), update
in such cases. - Copy
. Update./metrics/projectname/vars.yaml
file. cp -Rv scripts/oldproject/ scripts/projectname
,vim scripts/projectname/*
. Usually it is onlyrepo_groups.sql
and in simple cases it can fallback toscripts/shared/repo_groups.sql
, you can skip copy then.cp -Rv grafana/oldproject/ grafana/projectname/
and then update files. Usually%s/Oldproject/Newproject/g
.- Try to source from Grafana with most similar project start date:
cp -Rv grafana/dashboards/oldproject/ grafana/dashboards/projectname/
and then update files. Usedevel/
script, it contains some examples in the comments. - Something like this:
MODE=ss0 FROM='"oldproject"' TO='"newproject"' FILES=`find ./grafana/dashboards/newproject -type f -iname '*.json'` ./devel/
. - For multiple projects at once:
for f in wasmedge chaosblade vineyard antrea fluid submariner; do cp -Rv grafana/dashboards/porter/ "grafana/dashboards/${f}/"; MODE=ss0 FROM='"porter"' TO="\"${f}\"" FILES=`find "./grafana/dashboards/${f}/" -type f -iname '*.json'` ./devel/; done
. - Update
for all already existing projects, add new project usingdevel/
. - For example:
./devel/ dashboards.json
file containing old links andTO
file containing new links. Base ongrafana/dashboards/all/dashboards.json
that is already updated. - When adding a new dashboard to all projects, you can add to single project (for example "cncf") and then populate to all others via something like:
FROM_PROJ=cncf ./devel/ dashboard-name.json
, or old approach: - When adding a new dashboard remember to add
tags to it so it will be visible inDashboards
list. for f in `cat ../devstats-docker-images/k8s/all_test_projects.txt`; do cp grafana/dashboards/jaeger/new-contributors-table.json grafana/dashboards/$f/; done
, then:FROM_PROJ=jaeger ./util_sh/ new-contributors-table.json
.- You can mass update Grafana dashboards using
tool:ONLY="proj1 proj2 ..." ./devel/
, thendevel/
. You need to useONLY
because there is no new project's Grafana yet. - When adding new dashboard to projects that use dashboards folders (like Kubernetes) update
file. - To update all other projects'
with a new documentation for the new dashboard do:FROM="
cat ./FROM" TO="
cat ./TO" FILES=
find metrics/ -iname "vars.yaml"MODE=ss0 ./devel/
. - Update
vim partials/projects.html partials/projects_health.html metrics/all/sync_vars.yaml
. Test with:ONLY="proj1 proj2 ..." PG_PASS=... ./devel/
. In simpler cases you can use./util_sh/
. Also checkutil_sh/
. - Update projects counts (graduated, incubating, sandbox, archived) in
files. - Look for
/\cdevstats projects:\|projects:\|graduated:\|incubating:\|sandbox:
. Also remember aboutcol-spans
(especially in./partials/projects_health.html
). - For updating
, copy the Graduated/Incubating/Sandbox section into some text file and thenKIND=Graduated SIZE=9 ./tsplit < graduated.txt > new_graduated.txt
. - If normalized project name is not equal to lower project name, you need to update projects health metric to do the mapping, for example
series_name_map: { clouddevelopmentkitforkubernetes: cdk8s }
, seemetrics/*/*.yaml
. - Update the number of projects in
. - Generate new project key -> name mapping by running:
PROD_SERVER=1 ./devel/
. - Update Apache index pages, proxy and SSL files
vim apache/www/index_* apache/*/sites-enabled/* apache/*/sites.txt
files. You can copy frompartials/projects.yaml
and then::'<,'>s/\[\[hostname]]/
. - Generate new artwork icons:
[COMPRESS=1] [TEST_SERVER=1] ./devel/
. On kubernetes/helm deployment do next:Do all/everything command
. - Run deploy all script:
. If succeededmake install
. - Because this can take few hours to complete (for a project 10 years old for example), run next sync manually. Get sync command from
crontab -l
and prepend it withGHA2DB_RECENT_RANGE="6 hours"
to avoid missing GitHub API events. - You can also deploy automatically from webhook (even on the test server), but it takes very long time and is harder to debug, see continuous deployment.
- Open
login with admin/admin, change the default password. Everything should be automatically populated, in case of any problems refer
file. - You should visit all dashboards and adjust date ranges and for some dashboards automatically selected values.
- Final deploy script is:
. It should do all deployment automatically on the prod server. Follow all code from this script (eventually run some parts manually, the final version should do full deploy OOTB). - If added disabled project, remember to add it to
crontab -e
. - Also add in other devstats repositories, follow
. - Update
affiliations with official project maintainers. - To speedup/slowdown any subcommand processing, you can ssh into pod and create
file withGHA2DB_NCPUS=8
- If you need to copy (update) a dashboard from one project in all other projects do
[PROD_SERVER=1] [REPLACE_ON='-fiscalYearStartMonth'] ./util_sh/ "project-name" "dahboard-name.json"
- Create Grafana data for new project(s):
cp ../devstatscode/sqlitedb ../devstatscode/runq ../devstatscode/replacer grafana/ && tar cf devstats-grafana.tar grafana/runq grafana/sqlitedb grafana/replacer grafana/shared grafana/img/*.svg grafana/img/*.png grafana/*/ grafana/*/custom_sqlite.sql grafana/dashboards/*/*.json
. - Note that if you added new projects links then you need to copy
for all Grafana instances, not just the new ones - so the old Grafanas will have new links. - SFTP it to devstats node:
sftp root@node-N
,mput devstats-grafana.tar
. SSH into that node:ssh root@node-N
, get static pod name:k get po -n devstats-prod | grep static-prod
,k get po -n devstats-test | grep static-test
. - Copy new grafana data to that pod:
k cp devstats-grafana.tar -n devstats-prod devstats-static-prod-5779c5dd5d-2prpr:/devstats-grafana.tar
, shell into that pod:k exec -itn devstats-prod devstats-static-prod-5779c5dd5d-2prpr -- bash
. - Update shared grafana files:
rm -rf /grafana && tar xvf /devstats-grafana.tar && cd /grafana/ && cp -v shared/* /usr/share/nginx/html/backups/grafana/shared/ && cp -v img/* /usr/share/nginx/html/backups/grafana/img/ && echo OK
. - If you want to update all dashboards:
rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html/backups/grafana/dashboards/ && cp -Rv dashboards/ /usr/share/nginx/html/backups/grafana/dashboards
. - Or copy dashboards manually:
for f in merbridge devspace capsule zot paralus carina ko opcr werf kubescape; do echo $f; cp -Rv dashboards/$f/ /usr/share/nginx/html/backups/grafana/dashboards/$f; done
. - Or copy per-project files manually:
for f in merbridge devspace capsule zot paralus carina ko opcr werf kubescape; do echo $f; cp -Rv $f/ /usr/share/nginx/html/backups/grafana/$f; done
. - Or all files at once:
rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html/backups/grafana && mv /grafana /usr/share/nginx/html/backups/grafana && rm /devstats-grafana.tar
. - Do all/everything command:
rm -rf /grafana && tar xf /devstats-grafana.tar && rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html/backups/grafana && mv /grafana /usr/share/nginx/html/backups/grafana && rm /devstats-grafana.tar && chmod -R ugo+rwx /usr/share/nginx/html/backups/grafana/ && echo 'All OK'
. - You need to do this for both
. - Per-project data:
for f in prj1 prj2; do cp -Rv "$f/" "/usr/share/nginx/html/backups/grafana/$f"; cp -Rv "dashboards/$f/" "/usr/share/nginx/html/backups/grafana/dashboards/$f"; done
. - Permissions:
chmod -R ugo+rwx /usr/share/nginx/html/backups/grafana/
, cleanup:rm -rf devstats-grafana.tar /grafana/
. Alsorm devstats-grafana.tar
locally. - To get updated Grafana dashboards (saved using browser):
PROD=1 ONLY='clusterpedia opencost aerakimesh curve openfeature kubewarden devstream' ./devel/
. - Recreate grafanas:
cd ~/cncf/devstats-k8s-lf/util/ && rm ~/recreate.log && ITER=1 ./ po devstats-grafana- &>> ~/recreate.log &
. - Track progress:
clear && tail -f ~/recreate.log
- When updating artwork icons after the deployment (which happens often when we wait for an artwork), follow instructions in
- See graduating instructions. This can also be used for moving to Incubation state or Archived state.