From 71c45a764b1add4b8dd7a4be0aa4632ee5933e1f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alex Peters <>
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 15:47:54 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] More sims tests

 scripts/build/     |  61 +++----
 simapp/v2/sim_runner.go          | 294 ++++++++++++++++++-------------
 simapp/v2/sim_test.go            | 102 ++++++++++-
 simsx/environment.go             |   3 +
 simsx/runner.go                  |   1 -
 simsx/v2/valset_history.go       |  17 +-
 types/simulation/config.go       |   4 +-
 x/simulation/client/cli/flags.go |  10 +-
 8 files changed, 319 insertions(+), 173 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/build/ b/scripts/build/
index 26b4661aa404..6a5a2d6cfe48 100644
--- a/scripts/build/
+++ b/scripts/build/
@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
 #? test-sim-nondeterminism: Run non-determinism test for simapp
-	# @echo "Running non-determinism test..."
-	# @cd ${CURRENT_DIR}/simapp && go test -failfast -mod=readonly -timeout=30m -tags='sims' -run TestAppStateDeterminism \
-	# 	-NumBlocks=100 -BlockSize=200 -Period=0
+	 @echo "Running non-determinism test..."
+	 @cd ${CURRENT_DIR}/simapp/v2 && go test -failfast -mod=readonly -timeout=30m -tags='sims' -run TestAppStateDeterminism \
+	   	-NumBlocks=100 -BlockSize=200
 # Requires an exported plugin. See store/streaming/ for documentation.
@@ -18,51 +19,45 @@ test-sim-nondeterminism:
 	# @echo "Running non-determinism-streaming test..."
 	# @cd ${CURRENT_DIR}/simapp && go test -failfast -mod=readonly -timeout=30m -tags='sims' -run TestAppStateDeterminism \
-	# 	-NumBlocks=100 -BlockSize=200 -Period=0 -EnableStreaming=true
+	# 	-NumBlocks=100 -BlockSize=200 -EnableStreaming=true
 	# @echo "Running custom genesis simulation..."
 	# @echo "By default, ${HOME}/.simapp/config/genesis.json will be used."
 	# @cd ${CURRENT_DIR}/simapp && go test -failfast -mod=readonly -timeout=30m -tags='sims' -run TestFullAppSimulation -Genesis=${HOME}/.simapp/config/genesis.json \
-	# 	-NumBlocks=100 -BlockSize=200 -Seed=99 -Period=5 -SigverifyTx=false
+	# 	-NumBlocks=100 -BlockSize=200 -Seed=99  -SigverifyTx=false
-	# @echo "Running application import/export simulation. This may take several minutes..."
-	# @cd ${CURRENT_DIR}/simapp && go test -failfast -mod=readonly -timeout 20m -tags='sims' -run TestAppImportExport \
-	# 	-NumBlocks=50 -Period=5
+#	 @echo "Running application import/export simulation. This may take several minutes..."
+#	 @cd ${CURRENT_DIR}/simapp/v2 && go test -failfast -mod=readonly -timeout 20m -tags='sims' -run TestAppImportExport \
+	# 	-NumBlocks=50
-	# @echo "Running application simulation-after-import. This may take several minutes..."
-	# @cd ${CURRENT_DIR}/simapp && go test -failfast -mod=readonly -timeout 30m -tags='sims' -run TestAppSimulationAfterImport \
-	# 	-NumBlocks=50 -Period=5
+	 @echo "Running application simulation-after-import. This may take several minutes..."
+	 @cd ${CURRENT_DIR}/simapp/v2 && go test -failfast -mod=readonly -timeout 30m -tags='sims' -run TestAppSimulationAfterImport \
+	 	-NumBlocks=50
 	# @echo "Running multi-seed custom genesis simulation..."
 	# @echo "By default, ${HOME}/.simapp/config/genesis.json will be used."
-	# @cd ${CURRENT_DIR}/simapp && go test -failfast -mod=readonly -timeout 30m -tags='sims' -run TestFullAppSimulation -Genesis=${HOME}/.simapp/config/genesis.json \
-	# 	-NumBlocks=400 -Period=5
+	# @cd ${CURRENT_DIR}/simapp/v2 && go test -failfast -mod=readonly -timeout 30m -tags='sims' -run TestFullAppSimulation -Genesis=${HOME}/.simapp/config/genesis.json \
+	# 	-NumBlocks=400
-	# @echo "Running long multi-seed application simulation. This may take awhile!"
-	# @cd ${CURRENT_DIR}/simapp && go test -failfast -mod=readonly -timeout=2h -tags='sims' -run TestFullAppSimulation \
-	# 	-NumBlocks=150 -Period=50
-test-sim-multi-seed-short: test-v2-sim
-	# @echo "Running short multi-seed application simulation. This may take awhile!"
-	# @cd ${CURRENT_DIR}/simapp && go test -failfast -mod=readonly -timeout 30m -tags='sims' -run TestFullAppSimulation \
-	#	-NumBlocks=50 -Period=10 -FauxMerkle=true
+	 @echo "Running long multi-seed application simulation. This may take awhile!"
+	 @cd ${CURRENT_DIR}/simapp/v2 && go test -failfast -mod=readonly -timeout=2h -tags='sims' -run TestFullAppSimulation \
+		-NumBlocks=150
-.Phony: test-v2-sim
-	@echo "Running short multi-seed application simulation. This may take awhile!"
-	@cd ${CURRENT_DIR}/simapp/v2 && go test -failfast -mod=readonly -timeout 30m -tags='sims' -run TestSimsAppV2 \
-#		-NumBlocks=50 -Period=10 -FauxMerkle=true
+	 @echo "Running short multi-seed application simulation. This may take awhile!"
+	 @cd ${CURRENT_DIR}/simapp/v2 && go test -failfast -mod=readonly -timeout 30m -tags='sims' -run TestFullAppSimulation \
+		-NumBlocks=50
 	# @echo "Running simulation invariant benchmarks..."
 	# cd ${CURRENT_DIR}/simapp && go test -failfast -mod=readonly -benchmem -bench=BenchmarkInvariants -tags='sims' -run=^$ \
 	# -Enabled=true -NumBlocks=1000 -BlockSize=200 \
-	# -Period=1 -Commit=true -Seed=57 -v -timeout 24h
+	# -Commit=true -Seed=57 -v -timeout 24h
 .PHONY: \
 test-sim-nondeterminism \
@@ -81,20 +76,20 @@ SIM_COMMIT ?= true
 #? test-sim-fuzz: Run fuzz test for simapp
-	@echo "Running application fuzz for numBlocks=2, blockSize=20. This may take awhile!"
+#	@echo "Running application fuzz for numBlocks=2, blockSize=20. This may take awhile!"
 #ld flags are a quick fix to make it work on current osx
-	@cd ${CURRENT_DIR}/simapp && go test -failfast -mod=readonly -json -tags='sims' -ldflags="-extldflags=-Wl,-ld_classic" -timeout=60m -fuzztime=60m -run=^$$ -fuzz=FuzzFullAppSimulation -GenesisTime=1714720615 -NumBlocks=2 -BlockSize=20
+#	@cd ${CURRENT_DIR}/simapp && go test -failfast -mod=readonly -json -tags='sims' -ldflags="-extldflags=-Wl,-ld_classic" -timeout=60m -fuzztime=60m -run=^$$ -fuzz=FuzzFullAppSimulation -GenesisTime=1714720615 -NumBlocks=2 -BlockSize=20
 #? test-sim-benchmark: Run benchmark test for simapp
-	@echo "Running application benchmark for numBlocks=$(SIM_NUM_BLOCKS), blockSize=$(SIM_BLOCK_SIZE). This may take awhile!"
-	@cd ${CURRENT_DIR}/simapp && go test -failfast -mod=readonly -tags='sims' -run=^$$ $(.) -bench ^BenchmarkFullAppSimulation$$  \
+#	@echo "Running application benchmark for numBlocks=$(SIM_NUM_BLOCKS), blockSize=$(SIM_BLOCK_SIZE). This may take awhile!"
+#	@cd ${CURRENT_DIR}/simapp && go test -failfast -mod=readonly -tags='sims' -run=^$$ $(.) -bench ^BenchmarkFullAppSimulation$$  \
 		-Enabled=true -NumBlocks=$(SIM_NUM_BLOCKS) -BlockSize=$(SIM_BLOCK_SIZE) -Commit=$(SIM_COMMIT) -timeout 24h
-	@echo "Running application benchmark for numBlocks=$(SIM_NUM_BLOCKS), blockSize=$(SIM_BLOCK_SIZE). This may take awhile!"
-	@cd ${CURRENT_DIR}/simapp && go test -failfast -mod=readonly -tags='sims' -benchmem -run=^$$ $(.) -bench ^BenchmarkFullAppSimulation$$ \
+#	@echo "Running application benchmark for numBlocks=$(SIM_NUM_BLOCKS), blockSize=$(SIM_BLOCK_SIZE). This may take awhile!"
+#	@cd ${CURRENT_DIR}/simapp && go test -failfast -mod=readonly -tags='sims' -benchmem -run=^$$ $(.) -bench ^BenchmarkFullAppSimulation$$ \
 		-Enabled=true -NumBlocks=$(SIM_NUM_BLOCKS) -BlockSize=$(SIM_BLOCK_SIZE) -Commit=$(SIM_COMMIT) -timeout 24h -cpuprofile cpu.out -memprofile mem.out
 .PHONY: test-sim-profile test-sim-benchmark test-sim-fuzz
diff --git a/simapp/v2/sim_runner.go b/simapp/v2/sim_runner.go
index 3ae56ad77878..3d1bcf21ccab 100644
--- a/simapp/v2/sim_runner.go
+++ b/simapp/v2/sim_runner.go
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ import (
-	cometbfttypes ""
 	storev2 ""
 	consensustypes ""
@@ -51,8 +50,8 @@ type (
 const SimAppChainID = "simulation-app"
-// this list of seeds was imported from the original simulation runner:
-var defaultSeeds = []int64{
+// DefaultSeeds list of seeds was imported from the original simulation runner:
+var DefaultSeeds = []int64{
 	1, 2, 4, 7,
 	32, 123, 124, 582, 1893, 2989,
 	3012, 4728, 37827, 981928, 87821, 891823782,
@@ -89,6 +88,14 @@ type (
 	// SimulationApp abstract blockchain app
 	SimulationApp[T Tx] interface {
+		appmanager.TransactionFuzzer[T]
+		InitGenesis(
+			ctx context.Context,
+			blockRequest *server.BlockRequest[T],
+			initGenesisJSON []byte,
+			txDecoder transaction.Codec[T],
+		) (*server.BlockResponse, store.WriterMap, error)
 		GetApp() *runtime.App[T]
 		TxConfig() client.TxConfig
 		AppCodec() codec.Codec
@@ -99,6 +106,7 @@ type (
 	// TestInstance system under test
 	TestInstance[T Tx] struct {
+		Seed          int64
 		App           SimulationApp[T]
 		TxDecoder     transaction.Codec[T]
 		BankKeeper    BankKeeper
@@ -110,18 +118,24 @@ type (
 	AppFactory[T Tx, V SimulationApp[T]] func(config depinject.Config, outputs ...any) (V, error)
+	AppConfigFactory                     func() depinject.Config
 // SetupTestInstance initializes and returns the system under test.
-func SetupTestInstance[T Tx, V SimulationApp[T]](t *testing.T, factory AppFactory[T, V], appConfig depinject.Config) TestInstance[T] {
-	t.Helper()
+func SetupTestInstance[T Tx, V SimulationApp[T]](
+	tb testing.TB,
+	appFactory AppFactory[T, V],
+	appConfigFactory AppConfigFactory,
+	seed int64,
+) TestInstance[T] {
+	tb.Helper()
 	vp := viper.New()
 	vp.Set("", "memdb")
-	vp.Set("home", t.TempDir())
+	vp.Set("home", tb.TempDir())
 	depInjCfg := depinject.Configs(
 		depinject.Supply(log.NewNopLogger(), runtime.GlobalConfig(vp.AllSettings())),
-		appConfig,
+		appConfigFactory(),
 	var (
 		bankKeeper BankKeeper
@@ -134,11 +148,12 @@ func SetupTestInstance[T Tx, V SimulationApp[T]](t *testing.T, factory AppFactor
-	require.NoError(t, err)
+	require.NoError(tb, err)
-	xapp, err := factory(depinject.Configs(depinject.Supply(log.NewNopLogger(), runtime.GlobalConfig(vp.AllSettings()))))
-	require.NoError(t, err)
+	xapp, err := appFactory(depinject.Configs(depinject.Supply(log.NewNopLogger(), runtime.GlobalConfig(vp.AllSettings()))))
+	require.NoError(tb, err)
 	return TestInstance[T]{
+		Seed:          seed,
 		App:           xapp,
 		BankKeeper:    bankKeeper,
 		AuthKeeper:    authKeeper,
@@ -150,80 +165,128 @@ func SetupTestInstance[T Tx, V SimulationApp[T]](t *testing.T, factory AppFactor
+// InitializeChain sets up the blockchain with an initial state, validator set, and history using the provided genesis data.
+func (ti TestInstance[T]) InitializeChain(tb testing.TB,
+	ctx context.Context,
+	chainID string,
+	genesisTimestamp time.Time,
+	initialHeight uint64,
+	genesisAppState json.RawMessage,
+) ChainState[T] {
+	tb.Helper()
+	initRsp, stateRoot := doChainInitWithGenesis(
+		tb,
+		ctx,
+		chainID,
+		genesisTimestamp,
+		initialHeight,
+		genesisAppState,
+		ti,
+	)
+	activeValidatorSet := simsxv2.NewValSet().Update(initRsp.ValidatorUpdates)
+	valsetHistory := simsxv2.NewValSetHistory(initialHeight)
+	valsetHistory.Add(genesisTimestamp, activeValidatorSet)
+	return ChainState[T]{
+		ChainID:            chainID,
+		BlockTime:          genesisTimestamp,
+		BlockHeight:        initialHeight,
+		ActiveValidatorSet: activeValidatorSet,
+		ValsetHistory:      valsetHistory,
+		AppHash:            stateRoot,
+	}
 // RunWithSeeds runs a series of subtests using the default set of random seeds for deterministic simulation testing.
-func RunWithSeeds[T Tx](
+func RunWithSeeds[T Tx, V SimulationApp[T]](
 	t *testing.T,
+	appFactory AppFactory[T, V],
+	appConfigFactory AppConfigFactory,
 	seeds []int64,
-	postRunActions ...func(t testing.TB, app TestInstance[T], accs []simtypes.Account),
+	postRunActions ...func(t testing.TB, cs ChainState[T], app TestInstance[T], accs []simtypes.Account),
 ) {
 	cfg := cli.NewConfigFromFlags()
 	cfg.ChainID = SimAppChainID
-	for i := range seeds {
-		seed := seeds[i]
+	for _, seed := range seeds {
 		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("seed: %d", seed), func(t *testing.T) {
-			RunWithSeed(t, NewSimApp[T], AppConfig(), cfg, seed, postRunActions...)
+			RunWithSeed(t, appFactory, appConfigFactory, cfg, seed, postRunActions...)
 // RunWithSeed initializes and executes a simulation run with the given seed, generating blocks and transactions.
 func RunWithSeed[T Tx, V SimulationApp[T]](
-	t *testing.T,
+	tb testing.TB,
 	appFactory AppFactory[T, V],
-	appConfig depinject.Config,
+	appConfigFactory AppConfigFactory,
 	tCfg simtypes.Config,
 	seed int64,
-	postRunActions ...func(t testing.TB, app TestInstance[T], accs []simtypes.Account),
+	postRunActions ...func(t testing.TB, cs ChainState[T], app TestInstance[T], accs []simtypes.Account),
 ) {
-	t.Helper()
-	r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))
-	testInstance := SetupTestInstance[T, V](t, appFactory, appConfig)
-	accounts, genesisAppState, chainID, genesisTimestamp := prepareInitialGenesisState(testInstance.App, r, testInstance.BankKeeper, tCfg, testInstance.ModuleManager)
+	tb.Helper()
+	initialBlockHeight := tCfg.InitialBlockHeight
+	require.NotEmpty(tb, initialBlockHeight, "initial block height must not be 0")
+	setupFn := func(ctx context.Context, r *rand.Rand) (TestInstance[T], ChainState[T], []simtypes.Account) {
+		testInstance := SetupTestInstance[T, V](tb, appFactory, appConfigFactory, seed)
+		accounts, genesisAppState, chainID, genesisTimestamp := prepareInitialGenesisState(
+			testInstance.App,
+			r,
+			testInstance.BankKeeper,
+			tCfg,
+			testInstance.ModuleManager,
+		)
+		cs := testInstance.InitializeChain(
+			tb,
+			ctx,
+			chainID,
+			genesisTimestamp,
+			initialBlockHeight,
+			genesisAppState,
+		)
+		return testInstance, cs, accounts
+	}
+	RunWithSeedX(tb, tCfg, setupFn, seed, postRunActions...)
-	appManager := testInstance.AppManager
-	appStore := testInstance.App.Store()
-	txConfig := testInstance.App.TxConfig()
+// RunWithSeedX entrypoint for custom chain setups.
+// The function runs the full simulation test circle for the specified seed and setup function, followed by optional post-run actions.
+func RunWithSeedX[T Tx](
+	tb testing.TB,
+	tCfg simtypes.Config,
+	setupChainStateFn func(ctx context.Context, r *rand.Rand) (TestInstance[T], ChainState[T], []simtypes.Account),
+	seed int64,
+	postRunActions ...func(t testing.TB, cs ChainState[T], app TestInstance[T], accs []simtypes.Account),
+) {
+	tb.Helper()
+	r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))
 	rootCtx, done := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
 	defer done()
-	initRsp, stateRoot := doChainInitWithGenesis(t, rootCtx, chainID, genesisTimestamp, appManager, testInstance.TxDecoder, genesisAppState, appStore)
-	activeValidatorSet := simsxv2.NewValSet().Update(initRsp.ValidatorUpdates)
-	valsetHistory := simsxv2.NewValSetHistory(1)
-	valsetHistory.Add(genesisTimestamp, activeValidatorSet)
+	testInstance, chainState, accounts := setupChainStateFn(rootCtx, r)
 	emptySimParams := make(map[string]json.RawMessage) // todo read sims params from disk as before
 	modules := testInstance.ModuleManager.Modules()
 	msgFactoriesFn := prepareSimsMsgFactories(r, modules, simsx.ParamWeightSource(emptySimParams))
-	cs := chainState[T]{
-		chainID:            chainID,
-		blockTime:          genesisTimestamp,
-		activeValidatorSet: activeValidatorSet,
-		valsetHistory:      valsetHistory,
-		stateRoot:          stateRoot,
-		app:                appManager,
-		appStore:           appStore,
-		txConfig:           txConfig,
-	}
-		t,
+		tb,
-		cs,
+		testInstance,
+		&chainState,
-		testInstance.AuthKeeper,
-		testInstance.BankKeeper,
+		tCfg,
-		testInstance.TXBuilder,
-		testInstance.StakingKeeper,
-	require.NoError(t, testInstance.App.Close(), "closing app")
 	for _, step := range postRunActions {
-		step(t, testInstance, accounts)
+		step(tb, chainState, testInstance, accounts)
+	require.NoError(tb, testInstance.App.Close(), "closing app")
 // prepareInitialGenesisState initializes the genesis state for simulation by generating accounts, app state, chain ID, and timestamp.
@@ -257,18 +320,20 @@ func prepareInitialGenesisState[T Tx](
 // doChainInitWithGenesis initializes the blockchain state with the provided genesis data and returns the initial block response and state root.
 func doChainInitWithGenesis[T Tx](
-	t *testing.T,
+	tb testing.TB,
 	ctx context.Context,
 	chainID string,
 	genesisTimestamp time.Time,
-	app appmanager.AppManager[T],
-	txDecoder transaction.Codec[T],
+	initialHeight uint64,
 	genesisAppState json.RawMessage,
-	appStore cometbfttypes.Store,
+	testInstance TestInstance[T],
 ) (*server.BlockResponse, store.Hash) {
-	t.Helper()
+	tb.Helper()
+	app := testInstance.App
+	txDecoder := testInstance.TxDecoder
+	appStore := testInstance.App.Store()
 	genesisReq := &server.BlockRequest[T]{
-		Height:    0,
+		Height:    initialHeight,
 		Time:      genesisTimestamp,
 		Hash:      make([]byte, 32),
 		ChainId:   chainID,
@@ -290,27 +355,25 @@ func doChainInitWithGenesis[T Tx](
 	genesisCtx := context.WithValue(ctx, corecontext.CometParamsInitInfoKey, initialConsensusParams)
 	initRsp, genesisStateChanges, err := app.InitGenesis(genesisCtx, genesisReq, genesisAppState, txDecoder)
-	require.NoError(t, err)
+	require.NoError(tb, err)
-	require.NoError(t, appStore.SetInitialVersion(0))
+	require.NoError(tb, appStore.SetInitialVersion(initialHeight-1))
 	changeSet, err := genesisStateChanges.GetStateChanges()
-	require.NoError(t, err)
+	require.NoError(tb, err)
-	stateRoot, err := appStore.Commit(&store.Changeset{Changes: changeSet})
-	require.NoError(t, err)
+	stateRoot, err := appStore.Commit(&store.Changeset{Changes: changeSet, Version: initialHeight - 1})
+	require.NoError(tb, err)
 	return initRsp, stateRoot
-// chainState represents the state of a blockchain during a simulation run.
-type chainState[T Tx] struct {
-	chainID            string
-	blockTime          time.Time
-	activeValidatorSet simsxv2.WeightedValidators
-	valsetHistory      *simsxv2.ValSetHistory
-	stateRoot          store.Hash
-	app                appmanager.TransactionFuzzer[T]
-	appStore           storev2.RootStore
-	txConfig           client.TxConfig
+// ChainState represents the state of a blockchain during a simulation run.
+type ChainState[T Tx] struct {
+	ChainID            string
+	BlockTime          time.Time
+	BlockHeight        uint64
+	ActiveValidatorSet simsxv2.WeightedValidators
+	ValsetHistory      *simsxv2.ValSetHistory
+	AppHash            store.Hash
 // doMainLoop executes the main simulation loop after chain setup with genesis block.
@@ -318,34 +381,23 @@ type chainState[T Tx] struct {
 // and executed. Events like validators missing votes or double signing are included in this
 // process. The runtime tracks the validator's state and history.
 func doMainLoop[T Tx](
-	t *testing.T,
+	tb testing.TB,
 	rootCtx context.Context,
-	cs chainState[T],
+	testInstance TestInstance[T],
+	cs *ChainState[T],
 	nextMsgFactory func() simsx.SimMsgFactoryX,
 	r *rand.Rand,
-	authKeeper AuthKeeper,
-	bankKeeper simsx.BalanceSource,
+	tCfg simtypes.Config,
 	accounts []simtypes.Account,
-	txBuilder simsxv2.TXBuilder[T],
-	stakingKeeper StakingKeeper,
 ) {
-	t.Helper()
-	blockTime := cs.blockTime
-	activeValidatorSet := cs.activeValidatorSet
-	if len(activeValidatorSet) == 0 {
-		t.Fatal("no active validators in chain setup")
+	tb.Helper()
+	if len(cs.ActiveValidatorSet) == 0 {
+		tb.Fatal("no active validators in chain setup")
-	valsetHistory := cs.valsetHistory
-	stateRoot := cs.stateRoot
-	chainID := cs.chainID
-	app :=
-	appStore := cs.appStore
-	const ( // todo: read from CLI instead
-		numBlocks     = 100 // 500 default
-		maxTXPerBlock = 200 // 200 default
-	)
+	numBlocks := tCfg.NumBlocks
+	maxTXPerBlock := tCfg.BlockSize
 	var (
 		txSkippedCounter int
@@ -354,39 +406,39 @@ func doMainLoop[T Tx](
 	rootReporter := simsx.NewBasicSimulationReporter()
 	futureOpsReg := simsxv2.NewFutureOpsRegistry()
-	for i := 0; i < numBlocks; i++ {
-		if len(activeValidatorSet) == 0 {
-			t.Skipf("run out of validators in block: %d\n", i+1)
+	for end := cs.BlockHeight + numBlocks; cs.BlockHeight < end; cs.BlockHeight++ {
+		if len(cs.ActiveValidatorSet) == 0 {
+			tb.Skipf("run out of validators in block: %d\n", cs.BlockHeight)
-		blockTime = blockTime.Add(minTimePerBlock)
-		blockTime = blockTime.Add(time.Duration(int64(r.Intn(int(timeRangePerBlock/time.Second)))) * time.Second)
-		valsetHistory.Add(blockTime, activeValidatorSet)
+		cs.BlockTime = cs.BlockTime.Add(minTimePerBlock).
+			Add(time.Duration(int64(r.Intn(int(timeRangePerBlock/time.Second)))) * time.Second)
+		cs.ValsetHistory.Add(cs.BlockTime, cs.ActiveValidatorSet)
 		blockReqN := &server.BlockRequest[T]{
-			Height:  uint64(1 + i),
-			Time:    blockTime,
-			Hash:    stateRoot,
-			AppHash: stateRoot,
-			ChainId: chainID,
+			Height:  cs.BlockHeight,
+			Time:    cs.BlockTime,
+			Hash:    cs.AppHash,
+			AppHash: cs.AppHash,
+			ChainId: cs.ChainID,
 		cometInfo := comet.Info{
 			ValidatorsHash:  nil,
-			Evidence:        valsetHistory.MissBehaviour(r),
-			ProposerAddress: activeValidatorSet[0].Address,
-			LastCommit:      activeValidatorSet.NewCommitInfo(r),
+			Evidence:        cs.ValsetHistory.MissBehaviour(r),
+			ProposerAddress: cs.ActiveValidatorSet[0].Address, // todo: pick random one
+			LastCommit:      cs.ActiveValidatorSet.NewCommitInfo(r),
-		fOps, pos := futureOpsReg.PopScheduledFor(blockTime), 0
-		addressCodec := cs.txConfig.SigningContext().AddressCodec()
+		fOps, pos := futureOpsReg.PopScheduledFor(cs.BlockTime), 0
+		addressCodec := testInstance.App.TxConfig().SigningContext().AddressCodec()
 		simsCtx := context.WithValue(rootCtx, corecontext.CometInfoKey, cometInfo) // required for ContextAwareCometInfoService
 		resultHandlers := make([]simsx.SimDeliveryResultHandler, 0, maxTXPerBlock)
 		var txPerBlockCounter int
-		blockRsp, updates, err := app.DeliverSims(simsCtx, blockReqN, func(ctx context.Context) iter.Seq[T] {
+		blockRsp, updates, err := testInstance.App.DeliverSims(simsCtx, blockReqN, func(ctx context.Context) iter.Seq[T] {
 			return func(yield func(T) bool) {
-				unbondingTime, err := stakingKeeper.UnbondingTime(ctx)
-				require.NoError(t, err)
-				valsetHistory.SetMaxHistory(minBlocksInUnbondingPeriod(unbondingTime))
-				testData := simsx.NewChainDataSource(ctx, r, authKeeper, bankKeeper, addressCodec, accounts...)
+				unbondingTime, err := testInstance.StakingKeeper.UnbondingTime(ctx)
+				require.NoError(tb, err)
+				cs.ValsetHistory.SetMaxHistory(minBlocksInUnbondingPeriod(unbondingTime))
+				testData := simsx.NewChainDataSource(ctx, r, testInstance.AuthKeeper, testInstance.BankKeeper, addressCodec, accounts...)
 				for txPerBlockCounter < maxTXPerBlock {
@@ -407,36 +459,36 @@ func doMainLoop[T Tx](
 					signers, msg := mergedMsgFactory.Create()(ctx, testData, reporter)
 					if reporter.IsSkipped() {
-						require.NoError(t, reporter.Close())
+						require.NoError(tb, reporter.Close())
 					resultHandlers = append(resultHandlers, mergedMsgFactory.DeliveryResultHandler())
-					require.NoError(t, reporter.Close())
+					require.NoError(tb, reporter.Close())
-					tx, err := txBuilder.Build(ctx, authKeeper, signers, msg, r, chainID)
-					require.NoError(t, err)
+					tx, err := testInstance.TXBuilder.Build(ctx, testInstance.AuthKeeper, signers, msg, r, cs.ChainID)
+					require.NoError(tb, err)
 					if !yield(tx) {
-		require.NoError(t, err, "%d, %s", blockReqN.Height, blockReqN.Time)
+		require.NoError(tb, err, "%d, %s", blockReqN.Height, blockReqN.Time)
 		changeSet, err := updates.GetStateChanges()
-		require.NoError(t, err)
-		stateRoot, err = appStore.Commit(&store.Changeset{
+		require.NoError(tb, err)
+		cs.AppHash, err = testInstance.App.Store().Commit(&store.Changeset{
 			Version: blockReqN.Height,
 			Changes: changeSet,
-		require.NoError(t, err)
-		require.Equal(t, len(resultHandlers), len(blockRsp.TxResults), "txPerBlockCounter: %d, totalSkipped: %d", txPerBlockCounter, txSkippedCounter)
+		require.NoError(tb, err)
+		require.Equal(tb, len(resultHandlers), len(blockRsp.TxResults), "txPerBlockCounter: %d, totalSkipped: %d", txPerBlockCounter, txSkippedCounter)
 		for i, v := range blockRsp.TxResults {
-			require.NoError(t, resultHandlers[i](v.Error))
+			require.NoError(tb, resultHandlers[i](v.Error))
 		txTotalCounter += txPerBlockCounter
-		activeValidatorSet = activeValidatorSet.Update(blockRsp.ValidatorUpdates)
+		cs.ActiveValidatorSet = cs.ActiveValidatorSet.Update(blockRsp.ValidatorUpdates)
 	fmt.Println("+++ reporter:\n" + rootReporter.Summary().String())
 	fmt.Printf("Tx total: %d skipped: %d\n", txTotalCounter, txSkippedCounter)
diff --git a/simapp/v2/sim_test.go b/simapp/v2/sim_test.go
index c92aeaedefc3..0f06a394264a 100644
--- a/simapp/v2/sim_test.go
+++ b/simapp/v2/sim_test.go
@@ -1,7 +1,103 @@
+//go:build sims
 package simapp
-import "testing"
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"context"
+	"math/rand"
+	"sync"
+	"testing"
+	"time"
+	""
+	simtypes ""
+	v2 ""
+	simcli ""
+func init() {
+	simcli.GetSimulatorFlags()
+func TestFullAppSimulation(t *testing.T) {
+	RunWithSeeds[Tx](t, NewSimApp[Tx], AppConfig, DefaultSeeds)
+func TestAppStateDeterminism(t *testing.T) {
+	var seeds []int64
+	if s := simcli.NewConfigFromFlags().Seed; s != simcli.DefaultSeedValue {
+		// override defaults with user data
+		seeds = []int64{s, s, s} // run same simulation 3 times
+	} else {
+		seeds = []int64{ // some random seeds, tripled to ensure same app-hash on all runs
+			1, 1, 1,
+			3, 3, 3,
+			5, 5, 5,
+		}
+	}
+	var mx sync.Mutex
+	appHashResults := make(map[int64][]byte)
+	captureAndCheckHash := func(tb testing.TB, cs ChainState[Tx], ti TestInstance[Tx], _ []simtypes.Account) {
+		tb.Helper()
+		mx.Lock()
+		defer mx.Unlock()
+		otherHashes, ok := appHashResults[ti.Seed]
+		if !ok {
+			appHashResults[ti.Seed] = cs.AppHash
+			return
+		}
+		if !bytes.Equal(otherHashes, cs.AppHash) {
+			tb.Fatalf("non-determinism in seed %d", ti.Seed)
+		}
+	}
+	// run simulations
+	RunWithSeeds(t, NewSimApp[Tx], AppConfig, seeds, captureAndCheckHash)
+// ExportableApp defines an interface for exporting application state and validator set.
+type ExportableApp interface {
+	ExportAppStateAndValidators(forZeroHeight bool, jailAllowedAddrs []string) (v2.ExportedApp, error)
+// Scenario:
+//	Start a fresh node and run n blocks, export state
+//	set up a new node instance, Init chain from exported genesis
+//	run new instance for n blocks
+func TestAppSimulationAfterImport(t *testing.T) {
+	appFactory := NewSimApp[Tx]
+	cfg := simcli.NewConfigFromFlags()
+	cfg.ChainID = SimAppChainID
+	exportAndStartChainFromGenesisPostAction := func(tb testing.TB, cs ChainState[Tx], ti TestInstance[Tx], accs []simtypes.Account) {
+		tb.Helper()
+		tb.Log("exporting genesis...\n")
+		app, ok := ti.App.(ExportableApp)
+		require.True(tb, ok)
+		exported, err := app.ExportAppStateAndValidators(false, []string{})
+		require.NoError(tb, err)
+		genesisTimestamp := cs.BlockTime.Add(24 * time.Hour)
+		startHeight := uint64(exported.Height + 1)
+		chainID := SimAppChainID + "_2"
-func TestSimsAppV2(t *testing.T) {
-	RunWithSeeds[Tx](t, defaultSeeds)
+		importGenesisChainStateFactory := func(ctx context.Context, r *rand.Rand) (TestInstance[Tx], ChainState[Tx], []simtypes.Account) {
+			testInstance := SetupTestInstance(tb, appFactory, AppConfig, ti.Seed)
+			newCs := testInstance.InitializeChain(
+				tb,
+				ctx,
+				chainID,
+				genesisTimestamp,
+				startHeight,
+				exported.AppState,
+			)
+			return testInstance, newCs, accs
+		}
+		// run sims with new app setup from exported genesis
+		RunWithSeedX[Tx](tb, cfg, importGenesisChainStateFactory, ti.Seed)
+	}
+	RunWithSeeds[Tx, *SimApp[Tx]](t, appFactory, AppConfig, DefaultSeeds, exportAndStartChainFromGenesisPostAction)
diff --git a/simsx/environment.go b/simsx/environment.go
index e5302802cce4..b01ad401be72 100644
--- a/simsx/environment.go
+++ b/simsx/environment.go
@@ -263,6 +263,9 @@ func NewChainDataSource(
 	codec address.Codec,
 	oldSimAcc ...simtypes.Account,
 ) *ChainDataSource {
+	if len(oldSimAcc) == 0 {
+		panic("empty accounts")
+	}
 	acc := make([]SimAccount, len(oldSimAcc))
 	index := make(map[string]int, len(oldSimAcc))
 	bank := contextAwareBalanceSource{ctx: ctx, bank: bk}
diff --git a/simsx/runner.go b/simsx/runner.go
index 86992617eac0..548507150eef 100644
--- a/simsx/runner.go
+++ b/simsx/runner.go
@@ -349,7 +349,6 @@ func NewSimulationAppInstance[T SimulationApp](
 	appOptions := make(simtestutil.AppOptionsMap)
 	appOptions[flags.FlagHome] = workDir
-	appOptions[flags.FlagInvCheckPeriod] = cli.FlagPeriodValue
 	opts := []func(*baseapp.BaseApp){baseapp.SetChainID(tCfg.ChainID)}
 	if tCfg.FauxMerkle {
 		opts = append(opts, FauxMerkleModeOpt)
diff --git a/simsx/v2/valset_history.go b/simsx/v2/valset_history.go
index 9c05978ef900..e390f7c83ebd 100644
--- a/simsx/v2/valset_history.go
+++ b/simsx/v2/valset_history.go
@@ -16,15 +16,17 @@ type historicValSet struct {
 type ValSetHistory struct {
 	maxElements int
-	blockOffset int
+	blockOffset uint64
 	vals        []historicValSet
-func NewValSetHistory(maxElements int) *ValSetHistory {
+// NewValSetHistory constructor. The maximum of historic valsets must not exceed the block or time limit for
+// valid evidence.
+func NewValSetHistory(initialHeight uint64) *ValSetHistory {
 	return &ValSetHistory{
-		maxElements: maxElements,
-		blockOffset: 1, // start at height 1
-		vals:        make([]historicValSet, 0, maxElements),
+		maxElements: 1,
+		blockOffset: initialHeight,
+		vals:        make([]historicValSet, 0, 1),
@@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ func (h *ValSetHistory) MissBehaviour(r *rand.Rand) []comet.Evidence {
 	evidence := comet.Evidence{
 		Type:             comet.DuplicateVote,
 		Validator:        comet.Validator{Address: badVal.Address, Power: badVal.Power},
-		Height:           int64(h.blockOffset + n),
+		Height:           int64(h.blockOffset) + int64(n),
 		Time:             h.vals[n].blockTime,
 		TotalVotingPower: h.vals[n].vals.TotalPower(),
@@ -68,11 +70,12 @@ func (h *ValSetHistory) MissBehaviour(r *rand.Rand) []comet.Evidence {
 	return []comet.Evidence{evidence}
+// SetMaxHistory sets the maximum number of historical validator sets to retain. Reduces retained history if it exceeds the limit.
 func (h *ValSetHistory) SetMaxHistory(v int) {
 	h.maxElements = v
 	if len(h.vals) > h.maxElements {
 		diff := len(h.vals) - h.maxElements
 		h.vals = h.vals[diff:]
-		h.blockOffset += diff
+		h.blockOffset += uint64(diff)
diff --git a/types/simulation/config.go b/types/simulation/config.go
index 6f93684d0822..c5efa35e0d01 100644
--- a/types/simulation/config.go
+++ b/types/simulation/config.go
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ type Config struct {
 	ExportStatsPath    string // custom file path to save the exported simulation statistics JSON
 	Seed               int64  // simulation random seed
-	InitialBlockHeight int    // initial block to start the simulation
+	InitialBlockHeight uint64 // initial block to start the simulation
 	GenesisTime        int64  // genesis time to start the simulation
-	NumBlocks          int    // number of new blocks to simulate from the initial block height
+	NumBlocks          uint64 // number of new blocks to simulate from the initial block height
 	BlockSize          int    // operations per block
 	ChainID            string // chain-id used on the simulation
diff --git a/x/simulation/client/cli/flags.go b/x/simulation/client/cli/flags.go
index 1dc05fa47f29..4ede979e956c 100644
--- a/x/simulation/client/cli/flags.go
+++ b/x/simulation/client/cli/flags.go
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ var (
 	FlagExportStatePathValue    string
 	FlagExportStatsPathValue    string
 	FlagSeedValue               int64
-	FlagInitialBlockHeightValue int
-	FlagNumBlocksValue          int
+	FlagInitialBlockHeightValue uint64
+	FlagNumBlocksValue          uint64
 	FlagBlockSizeValue          int
 	FlagLeanValue               bool
 	FlagCommitValue             bool
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ var (
 	FlagEnabledValue     bool
 	FlagVerboseValue     bool
-	FlagPeriodValue      uint
 	FlagGenesisTimeValue int64
 	FlagSigverifyTxValue bool
 	FlagFauxMerkle       bool
@@ -42,8 +41,8 @@ func GetSimulatorFlags() {
 	flag.IntVar(&FlagExportParamsHeightValue, "ExportParamsHeight", 0, "height to which export the randomly generated params")
 	flag.StringVar(&FlagExportStatePathValue, "ExportStatePath", "", "custom file path to save the exported app state JSON")
 	flag.Int64Var(&FlagSeedValue, "Seed", DefaultSeedValue, "simulation random seed")
-	flag.IntVar(&FlagInitialBlockHeightValue, "InitialBlockHeight", 1, "initial block to start the simulation")
-	flag.IntVar(&FlagNumBlocksValue, "NumBlocks", 500, "number of new blocks to simulate from the initial block height")
+	flag.Uint64Var(&FlagInitialBlockHeightValue, "InitialBlockHeight", 1, "initial block to start the simulation")
+	flag.Uint64Var(&FlagNumBlocksValue, "NumBlocks", 500, "number of new blocks to simulate from the initial block height")
 	flag.IntVar(&FlagBlockSizeValue, "BlockSize", 200, "operations per block")
 	flag.BoolVar(&FlagLeanValue, "Lean", false, "lean simulation log output")
 	flag.BoolVar(&FlagCommitValue, "Commit", true, "have the simulation commit")
@@ -52,7 +51,6 @@ func GetSimulatorFlags() {
 	// simulation flags
 	flag.BoolVar(&FlagEnabledValue, "Enabled", false, "enable the simulation")
 	flag.BoolVar(&FlagVerboseValue, "Verbose", false, "verbose log output")
-	flag.UintVar(&FlagPeriodValue, "Period", 0, "run slow invariants only once every period assertions")
 	flag.Int64Var(&FlagGenesisTimeValue, "GenesisTime", time.Now().Unix(), "use current time as genesis UNIX time for default")
 	flag.BoolVar(&FlagSigverifyTxValue, "SigverifyTx", true, "whether to sigverify check for transaction ")
 	flag.BoolVar(&FlagFauxMerkle, "FauxMerkle", false, "use faux merkle instead of iavl")

From 4dd80706507cb0e62a3cc89e859bc8f8eeb66d22 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alex Peters <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 10:34:55 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Review feedback

 simapp/v2/sim_runner.go | 3 ++-
 simapp/v2/sim_test.go   | 4 ++--
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/simapp/v2/sim_runner.go b/simapp/v2/sim_runner.go
index 3d1bcf21ccab..6610566e0daf 100644
--- a/simapp/v2/sim_runner.go
+++ b/simapp/v2/sim_runner.go
@@ -166,7 +166,8 @@ func SetupTestInstance[T Tx, V SimulationApp[T]](
 // InitializeChain sets up the blockchain with an initial state, validator set, and history using the provided genesis data.
-func (ti TestInstance[T]) InitializeChain(tb testing.TB,
+func (ti TestInstance[T]) InitializeChain(
+	tb testing.TB,
 	ctx context.Context,
 	chainID string,
 	genesisTimestamp time.Time,
diff --git a/simapp/v2/sim_test.go b/simapp/v2/sim_test.go
index 0f06a394264a..059e8a203f46 100644
--- a/simapp/v2/sim_test.go
+++ b/simapp/v2/sim_test.go
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import (
 	simtypes ""
-	v2 ""
+	genutil ""
 	simcli ""
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ func TestAppStateDeterminism(t *testing.T) {
 // ExportableApp defines an interface for exporting application state and validator set.
 type ExportableApp interface {
-	ExportAppStateAndValidators(forZeroHeight bool, jailAllowedAddrs []string) (v2.ExportedApp, error)
+	ExportAppStateAndValidators(forZeroHeight bool, jailAllowedAddrs []string) (genutil.ExportedApp, error)
 // Scenario: