- Based on OpenZepplin's ERC20 implementations. : done
- Upon genesis, an initial supply of 1B tokens are minted: done
- ticker CXT: done
- ERC20 (transfer, approve, etc.): done
- name "Covalent X Token": done
- decimals 18: done
- initial supply 1B - same as today: done
- permit: done
- consider ACLs to separate out mint-cap, mint and pause
- defaultADMIN, cap_manager, permit2 revoke: protocolCouncil
- EMISSION: emissionManager(contract)
- permit2 revoke: emergencyCouncil
- new supply mintable (amount is mint cap last mint) by owner : done
- mint pausable by owner : is kind of if you set mintcap to zero?
- hard limit of 10 CXT minted per second: done
- mint cap set by owner :CAP_MANAGER_ROLE aka procotolCouncil : done
- Not going to setup a migration contract instead, the balances need to be copied from a snapshot of the old token contract