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Please do not forget the great help that my good friend President Xi of China has given to the United States particularly at the Border of North Korea. Without him it would have been a much longer tougher process!
Russia and China are playing the Currency Devaluation game as the U.S. keeps raising interest rates. Not acceptable!
So much Fake News about what is going on in the White House. Very calm and calculated with a big focus on open and fair trade with China the coming North Korea meeting and of course the vicious gas attack in Syria. Feels great to have Bolton & Larry K on board. I (we) are
Very thankful for President Xi of China’s kind words on tariffs and automobile barriers...also his enlightenment on intellectual property and technology transfers. We will make great progress together!
Very thankful for President Xi of China’s kind words on tarrifs and automobile barriers...also his enlightenment on intellectual property and technology transfers. We will make great progress together!
When a car is sent to the United States from China there is a Tariff to be paid of 2 1/2%. When a car is sent to China from the United States there is a Tariff to be paid of 25%. Does that sound like free or fair trade. No it sounds like STUPID TRADE - going on for years!
President Xi and I will always be friends no matter what happens with our dispute on trade. China will take down its Trade Barriers because it is the right thing to do. Taxes will become Reciprocal & a deal will be made on Intellectual Property. Great future for both countries!
The United States hasn’t had a Trade Surplus with China in 40 years. They must end unfair trade take down barriers and charge only Reciprocal Tariffs. The U.S. is losing $500 Billion a year and has been losing Billions of Dollars for decades. Cannot continue!
China which is a great economic power is considered a Developing Nation within the World Trade Organization. They therefore get tremendous perks and advantages especially over the U.S. Does anybody think this is fair. We were badly represented. The WTO is unfair to U.S.
RT @realDonaldTrump: We are not in a trade war with China that war was lost many years ago by the foolish or incompetent people who repr…
The Fake News Washington Post Amazon’s “chief lobbyist” has another (of many) phony headlines “Trump Defiant As China Adds Trade Penalties.” WRONG! Should read “Trump Defiant as U.S. Adds Trade Penalties Will End Barriers And Massive I.P. Theft.” Typically bad reporting!
We are not in a trade war with China that war was lost many years ago by the foolish or incompetent people who represented the U.S. Now we have a Trade Deficit of $500 Billion a year with Intellectual Property Theft of another $300 Billion. We cannot let this continue!
Received message last night from XI JINPING of China that his meeting with KIM JONG UN went very well and that KIM looks forward to his meeting with me. In the meantime and unfortunately maximum sanctions and pressure must be maintained at all cost!
Chinese President XI JINPING and I spoke at length about the meeting with KIM JONG UN of North Korea. President XI told me he appreciates that the U.S. is working to solve the problem diplomatically rather than going with the ominous alternative. China continues to be helpful!
Chinese President XI XINPING and I spoke at length about the meeting with KIM JONG UN of North Korea. President XI told me he appreciates that the U.S. is working to solve the problem diplomatically rather than going with the ominous alternative. China continues to be helpful!
China has been asked to develop a plan for the year of a One Billion Dollar reduction in their massive Trade Deficit with the United States. Our relationship with China has been a very good one and we look forward to seeing what ideas they come back with. We must act soon!
I never said Russia did not meddle in the election I said “it may be Russia or China or another country or group or it may be a 400 pound genius sitting in bed and playing with his computer.” The Russian “hoax” was that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia - it never did!
I will be meeting with Henry Kissinger at 1:45pm. Will be discussing North Korea China and the Middle East.
Caught RED HANDED - very disappointed that China is allowing oil to go into North Korea. There will never be a friendly solution to the North Korea problem if this continues to happen!
The Chinese Envoy who just returned from North Korea seems to have had no impact on Little Rocket Man. Hard to believe his people and the military put up with living in such horrible conditions. Russia and China condemned the launch.
Just spoke to President XI JINPING of China concerning the provocative actions of North Korea. Additional major sanctions will be imposed on North Korea today. This situation will be handled!
...LaVar you could have spent the next 5 to 10 years during Thanksgiving with your son in China but no NBA contract to support you. But remember LaVar shoplifting is NOT a little thing. It’s a really big deal especially in China. Ungrateful fool!
It wasn’t the White House it wasn’t the State Department it wasn’t father LaVar’s so-called people on the ground in China that got his son out of a long term prison sentence - IT WAS ME. Too bad! LaVar is just a poor man’s version of Don King but without the hair. Just think..
Shoplifting is a very big deal in China as it should be (5-10 years in jail) but not to father LaVar. Should have gotten his son out during my next trip to China instead. China told them why they were released. Very ungrateful!
Now that the three basketball players are out of China and saved from years in jail LaVar Ball the father of LiAngelo is unaccepting of what I did for his son and that shoplifting is no big deal. I should have left them in jail!
China is sending an Envoy and Delegation to North Korea - A big move we'll see what happens!
To the three UCLA basketball players I say: You're welcome go out and give a big Thank You to President Xi Jinping of China who made.....
The failing @nytimes hates the fact that I have developed a great relationship with World leaders like Xi Jinping President of China.....
Met with President Putin of Russia who was at #APEC meetings. Good discussions on Syria. Hope for his help to solve along with China the dangerous North Korea crisis. Progress being made.
President Xi of China has stated that he is upping the sanctions against #NoKo. Said he wants them to denuclearize. Progress is being made.
I am leaving China for #APEC2017 in Vietnam. @FLOTUS Melania is staying behind to see the zoo and of course the Great WALL of China before going to Alaska to greet our AMAZING troops.
I don’t blame China I blame the incompetence of past Admins for allowing China to take advantage of the U.S. on trade leading up to a point where the U.S. is losing $100's of billions. How can you blame China for taking advantage of people that had no clue? I would've done same!
In the coming months and years ahead I look forward to building an even STRONGER relationship between the United States and China. 🇺🇸🇨🇳 https://t.co/mK3SB7t3EV
Looking forward to a full day of meetings with President Xi and our delegations tomorrow. THANK YOU for the beautiful welcome China! @FLOTUS Melania and I will never forget it! https://t.co/sQoUWIGAiQ
Leaving South Korea now heading to China. Looking very much forward to meeting and being with President Xi!
Getting ready to make a major speech to the National Assembly here in South Korea then will be headed to China where I very much look forward to meeting with President Xi who is just off his great political victory.
Just took off for ceremony @ Pearl Harbor. Will then be heading to Japan SKorea China Vietnam & the Philippines. Will never let you down!
Melania and I look forward to being with President Xi & Madame Peng Liyuan in China in two weeks for what will hopefully be a historic trip! https://t.co/uFMonzza7N
Spoke to President Xi of China to congratulate him on his extraordinary elevation. Also discussed NoKo & trade two very important subjects!
China has a business tax rate of 15%. We should do everything possible to match them in order to win with our economy. Jobs and wages!
..North Korea is a rogue nation which has become a great threat and embarrassment to China which is trying to help but with little success.
The United Nations Security Council just voted 15-0 to sanction North Korea. China and Russia voted with us. Very big financial impact!
...they do NOTHING for us with North Korea just talk. We will no longer allow this to continue. China could easily solve this problem!
I am very disappointed in China. Our foolish past leaders have allowed them to make hundreds of billions of dollars a year in trade yet...
Leaving Hamburg for Washington D.C. and the WH. Just left China’s President Xi where we had an excellent meeting on trade & North Korea.
Trade between China and North Korea grew almost 40% in the first quarter. So much for China working with us - but we had to give it a try!
....and Japan will put up with this much longer. Perhaps China will put a heavy move on North Korea and end this nonsense once and for all!
While I greatly appreciate the efforts of President Xi & China to help with North Korea it has not worked out. At least I know China tried!
North Korea has shown great disrespect for their neighbor China by shooting off yet another ballistic missile...but China is trying hard!
China just agreed that the U.S. will be allowed to sell beef and other major products into China once again. This is REAL news!
North Korea disrespected the wishes of China & its highly respected President when it launched though unsuccessfully a missile today. Bad!
China is very much the economic lifeline to North Korea so while nothing is easy if they want to solve the North Korean problem they will
Why would I call China a currency manipulator when they are working with us on the North Korean problem? We will see what happens!
I have great confidence that China will properly deal with North Korea. If they are unable to do so the U.S. with its allies will! U.S.A.
Had a very good call last night with the President of China concerning the menace of North Korea.
North Korea is looking for trouble. If China decides to help that would be great. If not we will solve the problem without them! U.S.A.
I explained to the President of China that a trade deal with the U.S. will be far better for them if they solve the North Korean problem!
It was a great honor to have President Xi Jinping and Madame Peng Liyuan of China as our guests in the United States. Tremendous...
The meeting next week with China will be a very difficult one in that we can no longer have massive trade deficits...
North Korea is behaving very badly. They have been "playing" the United States for years. China has done little to help!
The failing @nytimes does major FAKE NEWS China story saying "Mr.Xi has not spoken to Mr. Trump since Nov.14." We spoke at length yesterday!
China has been taking out massive amounts of money & wealth from the U.S. in totally one-sided trade but won't help with North Korea. Nice!
We should tell China that we don't want the drone they stole back.- let them keep it!
China steals United States Navy research drone in international waters - rips it out of water and takes it to China in unprecedented act.
their country (the U.S. doesn't tax them) or to build a massive military complex in the middle of the South China Sea? I don't think so!
Did China ask us if it was OK to devalue their currency (making it hard for our companies to compete) heavily tax our products going into..
I have recieved and taken calls from many foreign leaders despite what the failing @nytimes said. Russia U.K. China Saudi Arabia Japan
China wouldn't provide a red carpet stairway from Air Force One and then Philippines President calls Obama "the son of a whore." Terrible!
The @USCHAMBER must fight harder for the American worker. China and many others are taking advantage of U.S. with our terrible trade pacts
Hillary Clinton surged the trade deficit with China 40% asSecretary of State costing Americans millions of jobs.
Crooked Hillary has zero imagination and even less stamina. ISIS China Russia and all would love for her to be president. 4 more years!
Crooked Hillary Clinton put out an ad where I am misquoted on women. Can't believe she would misrepresent the facts! My hit was on China
The pathetic new hit ad against me misrepresents the final line. "You can tell them to go BLANK themselves" - was about China NOT WOMEN!
If Crooked Hillary Clinton can't close the deal on Crazy Bernie how is she going to take on China Russia ISIS and all of the others?
Crooked Hillary just can't close the deal with Bernie. It will be the same way with ISIS and China on trade and Mexico at the border. Bad!
"@iLoveiDevices: @EdwinRo47796972 @happyjack225 @FoxNews @krauthammer Minimizing dependency on China is crucial.Only Trump talks about that
.@KarlRove is a biased dope who wrote falsely about me re China and TPP. This moron wasted $430 million on political campaigns and lost 100%
.@WSJ Editorial Board should review my debate statement re China and T.P.P. and apologize. China not part but will get their way in later.
Today's @WSJ Editorial is WRONG again. I know that China is not in the new T.P.P. trade deal but would come in latter through a back door.
I never said that China was in the bad TPP trade deal but that China would come in the back door at a later date. @CNN @FoxBusiness
Black Lives Matter protesters totally disrupt Hillary Clinton event. She looked lost. This is not what we need with ISIS CHINA RUSSIA etc.
How can Jeb Bush expect to deal with China Russia + Iran if he gets caught doing a “plant” during my speech yesterday in NH?
The arrogant young woman who questioned me in such a nasty fashion at No Labels yesterday was a Jeb staffer! HOW CAN HE BEAT RUSSIA & CHINA?
"@americanhowl: While @realDonaldTrump rallies #NoIranDeal tomorrow @JebBush will call China to ask for donations http://t.co/dCoGJYF6fU"
Depression- be careful of China! https://t.co/6BGk0ZjKwT
Markets are crashing - all caused by poor planning and allowing China and Asia to dictate the agenda. This could get very messy! Vote Trump.
As I have long stated we are so tied in with China and Asia that their markets are now taking the U.S. market down. Get smart U.S.A.
"@DavidHerjavec @realDonaldTrump completely right on China...just watch the news #GoTrump"
"@Foshay504: @greta DonaldTrump-Love him! It's time to run America like a business. We've given all our wealth to China n Mexico!! No more!
Who would you rather have negotiating for the U.S. against Putin Iran China etc. Donald Trump or Hillary? Is there even a little doubt?
"@AndyBran: @JoeNBC Mr. Trump nailed it! Wow: After Doubts Economists Find China Kills U.S. Factory Jobs - http://t.co/bzYPJ5bWSo”"
China just hacked our federal government & stole gov. workers’ information. Why do our leaders let China get away with this?! No respect.
"@jsilva74366572: @nicksibrodi vote for Trump unless u want to keep getting fucked by isis china lobbyists and everyone else"
"@2014_vince: @njm4250 That means he can get the better of china..china control bush.obama.....Trump usescontrols china.never loses"
"@champforrest: @megynkelly Bringing jobs back from China & Asia is a winning issue. He'll capture the Reagan Democrats. Hope he runs."
"@iamgavinjame To make America great again we must #THINKBIG & understand that it's #TimeToGetTough on China! @realDonaldTrump will do that!
TPP does not stop Japan’s currency manipulation & China has a backdoor to join. It must be stopped. We need to protect the American worker!
Our debt finances China’s military. It's time to get tough – we hold all the cards. Let’s Make America Great Again! https://t.co/u25yI5T7E8
"@cerrabella: @realDonaldTrump China to build military base in Africa next to critical choke oil transport- zerohedge http://t.co/DWbXc80gzv
"@jrondatampier: If Obama isnt able to solve Baltimore´s issue no chance to solve China´s & OPEC´s abuses. The World asks for leadership!
The best social program by far is a JOB! Our jobs are being taken away from us by China and many other countries - incompetent leader.
.@PennyPritzker Really important to cover currency manipulation in trade agreements - that's where China and others are beating us. Best!
How do you take care of our people if you don't make anything? We don't make anything. We are rapidly losing our manufacturing to China etc.
"@rightjj: @realDonaldTrump: I've to say that you're making sense in a lot of things especially on China! Nobody else dares to raise it!"
"@lorry_bennetti: @realDonaldTrump China has been laughing at the W🌏RLD for a long time & will continue to do so!"
China has a backdoor into the Trans-Pacific Partnership. This deal does not address currency manipulation. China is laughing at us.
"@stephenfhayes: Trump: "I have made a fortune against China.I know all of the killers on Wall Street." Trump v China? "China has no chance!
"@Josh_Millard16: I'm loving everything DonaldTrump has been saying about the Iranian Nuclear deal China Mexico and the border.Please run
My @WMUR9 Commitment 2016 Conversation with @JoshMcElveen discussing leadership China healthcare & veterans http://t.co/85z3kFCDwt
"@raymeem: @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump I see Donald is the only guy who makes sense on economic reality.He sees naïveté of America vs China
"@Teeroyd: @realDonaldTrump you told America what needs to happen with china trade jobs ect..so you need to run - 2016!
"@JackWitty: I don't want a party as My President I want a decisiveconfident Leader. @realDonaldTrump will "fire" China. Give US a spark"
"@redvetttes: @realDonaldTrump @itsRyanHilton if he tells China where to go He has my vote"
As China and the rest of the World continue to rip off the U.S. economically they laugh at us and our president over the riots in Ferguson!
Obama’s China ‘climate’ deal binds America with language of ‘will’ curb emissions now while China only ‘intends’ to curb in 2030. Bad deal!
My @greta int. discussing $25000 gift to USMC Tahmooressi Obama’s trip to China & the 2014 election results http://t.co/qOhrBhgvxW
Remember we don't get any oil from Iraq China gets whatever ISIS hasn't already taken. So why isn't China sending the troops? Too smart!
Chinese oil trader just bought “record number” of Mideast crude http://t.co/ocwvpfElji China gains while we fight ISIS. What are we doing?
"@InTheElections: @realDonaldTrump China wouldn't be laughing at President Trump." So true!
#TrumpVlog China is laughing at U.S. http://t.co/gWiy6t8eyS
Wow China exports rise 15% in September. They are laughing at USA!
China is ripping wealth out Africa and yet as usual refuses to put anything back to help with Ebola. "Let the stupid Americans do it!" SAD
Right now 4000 U.S. troops are stupidly heading to West Africa to help fight Ebola.No help from China Russia or wealthy African oil nations
In a little reported event China has just overtaken the United States as the NUMBER ONE World economic power! Great going Washington!
China has just overtaken us as the world’s largest economy. We are busy wasting $'s while China builds airports & skyscrapers.
Obama is looking like an incompetent fool in the handling of the war against.ISIS! Why isn't China and Russia helping - they gain so much!
China's the leading exporter of Iraqi oil yet they won’t lift a finger against ISIS. Why should we do the heavy lifting for China’s gain?
China is going to complete 59 new theme parks by 2020 over $23B in expansion. That would take over 100 years in our country.
China continues to be on the move both technologically and militarily. Obama is sitting by and watching.
The same "brilliant" negotiators that gave up five Taliban leaders for one traitor are now making trade deals with China & others.No chance
By the end of this year China will be the number one economic power on earth and the U.S. will owe 20 trillion dollars much of it to China!
US trade deficit hit $64B+ in April 2 yr record high http://t.co/e5RuDJxexp We must do better. China is ripping us. Bring the jobs home!
Remember China is not a friend of the United States!
A classic - China just signs massive oil and gas deal with Russia giving Russia plenty of ammo to continue laughing in U.S. face.
China will now pass our economy this year way ahead of projections. Pres. Obama – China’s greatest asset!
Isn't it ironic that China is going all in nuclear for energy while at the same time making wind turbines for others. @alexsalmond
China is closing a massive oil deal w/ Russia taking advantage of the Ukraine conflict http://t.co/tItkQ0PmZH Smart unlike our leaders.
Once the tragic mistake of going into Iraq was made we should have at least taken the oil (or at least some of it). Now Iran & China get it
For China of all nations to search the massive Indian Ocean and pick up the ping from the black box of flight 370 sounds a bit far fetched
If you’ve looked over the yearsI’ve been right on virtually every issue from Iraq (not going in but if so taking the oil) to jobs to China
We're spending a fortune looking for the lost plane with mostly Chinese passengers and that's OK-but how much are Russia & China spending?
China has just intervened to lower the yuan- in other words they will continue to screw the U.S.!
"@cstevechristyjr: @realDonaldTrump the Country needs a business man in charge that is not afraid to call out China. DT for P!" True!
Hope & Change! China now controls a record number of our debt http://t.co/qErjUHyUlH
We should be focusing on beautiful clean air & not on wasteful & very expensive GLOBAL WARMING bullshit! China & others are hurting our air
The problem w/ the concept of "global warming" is that the U.S. is spending a fortune on "fixing it" while China & others do nothing!
If we could force Russia China and other competitors to use ObamaCare we would be able to instantly destroy their great economic success!
China just called. They want to lend Obama another $1B for the ObamaCare web site.
Iraq is being ravaged by Al Qaeda. Country in utter chaos & all oil is going to Iran & China http://t.co/z5feKpJfUr Terrible mistake!
Wow China's growth accelerated 7.8% in third quarter. If the U.S. had half that number we would be the talk of the World - need leadership
Many countries including allies already see China as world superpower http://t.co/vIM7i2QDAH We have greatest military yet no respect
The new reality China and Japan are warning us not to default http://t.co/LRVaKB6ZiG Reckless government spending has made us weak.
China Russia and Iran are laughing at us. We have weak leaders who are threatening our national security. Dangerous times.
I am not angry at Russia (or China) because their leaders are far smarter than ours. We need real leadership and fastbefore it is too late
China OPEC and Russia laugh at us. But now thanks to Obama so does Syria. Very sad!
China is already preparing to benefit economically from this mess. They will pick up the pieces and make yet another fortune-& laugh at us!
I will be doing Greta Van Susteren @gretawire tonight at 10 PM on Fox News talking about China & Mitt's failed campaign team.
My @SteveDeaceShow int. on China the economy and my upcoming keynote at @theFAMiLYLEADER Leadership Summit http://t.co/wdwwBE83wz
"@lazyj70: @realDonaldTrump @Maathewdavis beating China and I'd just like to see someone that's in it for the good of the USA. Great!
"@Maathewdavis: @realDonaldTrump if Mr. Trump runs for president America will get back to beating china! Go trump!!"
The new reality – China’s demand for oil now controls the market http://t.co/lqKTTsyCoQ And OPEC gets away with ripping us off at $105!
"@3valuedlogic: @realDonaldTrump the Wall Street Journal believes that China will over take the US in built assets by next year. Question.
ginrnnr2 "@realDonaldTrump ...is China economy in a "bubble"?" Only if we want it to be!
China is taking the oil from Iraq after we spent 1.5 trillion dollars and thousands of lives for their "freedom". Our leaders are so stupid!
China is building 50 brand new airports while our country continues to rott! Very sad.
In @oreillyfactor’s No Spin Zone re: ObamaCare causing unemployment negotiating with China & my $5M court win http://t.co/2ZWlIKVGia
Ready to get mad?! We are sending foreign aid to China our greatest threat http://t.co/ljj6DcWb3Z We are financing our enemy.
"@SScottlilly80: @realDonaldTrump Run for president we need someone to stand up china and Russia. They laugh at us now." They do laugh!
Snowden has given serious information to China and Russia-anyone who thinks otherwise is a dope! He is a traitor who fled-he knew the crime!
"@TeaPartyHub: Infuriating that our government buys our flags from China! Such disrespect! http://t.co/JJ4bjbjZ0J @WashingtonDCTea
China loved Obama’s climate change speech yesterday. They laughed! It hastens their takeover of us as the leading world economy.
"@Michelle823: @realDonaldTrump made in China! No way! Lead the manufacturing back to USA !" I am working hard to do so!
Our debt is about to top $17T. ObamaCare and China (& others) are killing American business.
We are being embarrassed by Russia and China on Snowden (and much more) yet Obama is talking about global warming on Tuesday.
Snowden is doing great damage to our relations with other countries and U.S.prestige. China is laughing at us as he continues illegal action
Snowden is sitting in China and taunting the U.S. He is mocking us as a Country. Great time to place a tax on China trade if not turned over
My @piersmorgan interview on Snowden the traitor national security and China hacking us http://t.co/lNzWBUUvQl
Lightweight @DannyZuker is too stupid to see that China (and others) is destroying the U.S. economically and our leaders are helpless! SAD.
I've been warning about China since as early as the 80’s. No one wanted to listen. Now our country is in real trouble. #TimetoGetTough
"@tabloidhack: 2016 platform? China must be stopped from treating the U.S. like a chump says @realDonaldTrump. http://t.co/FTqgBwpTDG"
China is openly sailing warships in our waters & arming countries in our hemisphere including Mexico http://t.co/XJToExBsJH Ally?
.@foxandfriends int. on gov. collecting data whistle blower hiding in China & no bikinis in Miss World pageant http://t.co/OwjdB1pS5F
Via @Newsmax_Media by Courtney Coren: "Trump: China Gets Iraq Oil; US Gets Nothing" http://t.co/0xxSwuNaZq
Pres. Obama is meeting with China’s Pres. this week http://t.co/EVgjZXfHKD He will get zero deliverables. China laughs at us.
China has done great under Obama. Increased private US holdings by 500%. Hacks our military & R&D. Robs us blind daily.#timetogettough
My @TeamCavuto interview re: 2016 the need for leadership in our country Syria & China hacking our military http://t.co/QXBuM8hR9n
Military has announced that China has successfully hacked our advanced weapon designs. China is our enemy.Should we offset this on our debt?
Just as I predicted Iraq is deteriorating into utter chaos http://t.co/oKSSMU20i6 The war was a waste. China is taking all the oil.
Dangerous. While Obama is cutting down our military China has announced plans to build more aircraft carriers http://t.co/JJnSRYhU9w
Our enemy China is illegally buying oil from our enemy Iran http://t.co/HCndC36H2Z China loves it!
The Chinese must still be laughing at Kerry’s trip to China. He got nothing gave them everything and promised even more.
China will extract much from Secretary Kerry and the U:S. in order for them to help us with the North Korea problem-don't let this happen!
"@CoolCanuckChick: @realDonaldTrump I thought China was good with the U.S.?" Only if you want no country left!
Ridiculous that they gave the 14 year old golfer from China a one stroke penalty for slow play at The Masters(see I can stick up for China)
"@HogmanjemJack: @realDonaldTrump After Obama bailed out GM for $80 Billion 7 out of 10 GM cars made in China!"
@bakerjb19 China will only rule if we let them--or are stupid.
China controls North Korea. So now besides cyber hacking us all day they are using the Norks to taunt us. China is a major threat.
It’s Tuesday how much has China stolen from us today through cyber espionage?
The new reality. ‘China Daily’ is sold in street newspaper vending machines across DC. Why not? They own the place.
China is pushing North Korea!
"@trackdonny: @realDonaldTrump . Thanks for spreading the truth about China and all Donald trump. You rock brother. Donny stjohn Sag. Actor"
North Korea can't survive or even eat without the help of China. China could solve this problem with one phone call-they love taunting us!
The purpose of China’s massive military buildup on the Nork’s border is to intimidate us. China attacked us during the Korean War.
We should look to China where big time pollution takes place as they manufacture inefficient and costly wind turbines for Scotland!
I think it was terrible that Tim Cook of Apple apologized to China. What the hell is he apologizing for? Steve Jobs wouldn’t.
The Yuan hit another record high against the Dollar. China is laughing at our expense.
China has control over North Korea!
Sacrificing our nation’s bravest for ungrateful Iraqis = great for China. China is taking majority of the oil http://t.co/U94jvw9pGT
No I'm saying that the World is paying the price for China's pollution while they make a fortune with their dirty factories! Very sad.
Major article in New York Times today discusses the cost of environmental damage in China and how it is RAPIDLY GROWNG! Rest of World pays.
China is the biggest environmental polluter in the World by far. They do nothing to clean up their factories and laugh at our stupidity!
We have tremendous economic power over China if our leaders knew how to use it which they don't! China's economy would collapse without us.
North Korea is reliant on China. China could solve this problem easily if they wanted to but they have no respect for our leaders.
Terrible economic numbers released today. US GDP only grew 0.4% during Oct-Dec 2012 quarter http://t.co/i8pTLtCMf3 Great news for China.
After decades of our leaders allowing China to steal our jobs & R&D the Chinese will ‘overtake America’ in 2016 ...
...Re: China--I told you that a long time ago. http://t.co/s2j9iRNfMA
China’s top academics are working w/ PLA in cyber-espionage of our state secrets & R&D http://t.co/T82A4yCPAP They are laughing at us!
Obama has now become the weakest POTUS against China yuan just hit record high against dollar http://t.co/sEbQQycPmf Very sad!
Surprise – China has spies throughout NASA stealing our R&D http://t.co/e3MjOud1mU When will we ever make them pay for espionage?
China has announced it is “fully prepared” for a currency war http://t.co/e9ZE2OrLqn Outrageous - they have no fear of our leaders.
As China is built on corporate espionage currency manipulation & cheap labor its economy is a ticking time bomb http://t.co/YEPSWFPm6l
There was a major diplomatic breakthrough yesterday w/the White House Iran & China. All celebrated Chuck Hagel being voted in as SOD.
The United States better address China's exchange rate before they steal our country and it is too late! China is laughing at us.
China is buying gas fields in Texas http://t.co/G6tW5gSKti & stealing our corporate secrets...
My @foxandfriends re: the sequestration failure of leadership in DC China playing us & taking over in 2016 http://t.co/afsPIhiTrj
China is not our friend. They are not our ally. They want to overtake us and if we don’t get smart and tough soon they will.
Now China is helping Iran smuggle nuclear parts http://t.co/H6nGFh8l . China is not an ally but our country's greatest threat & rival.
China keeps manipulating its currency at our financial expense. Why do our leaders continually let China run all over us?
Just as I predicted immigration reform will increase the cost of ObamaCare over $300B http://t.co/CmDQ20a2 More money borrowed from China.
China is buying our shale and gas fields http://t.co/T4bu11CK & Obama still won’t approve Keystone http://t.co/Rr94yvAV Pathetic!
China is about to acquire 82800 net acres of a Texas shale oil and gas field http://t.co/T4bu11CK What are we doing!
Obama's speech in Las Vegas yesterday cost the taxpayer $520 per word and over $1.6M http://t.co/W7OVfZvz More money borrowed from China.
The new reality. China’s economy ‘underpins’ global demand http://t.co/1nAj93O8 Our leaders just watched as China took full control.
...Terrible for the economy and a job killer. China is laughing at us!
In 2010 alone our trade deficit with China cost over 566000 jobs http://t.co/u9gb8nY9 This is unsustainable for the American worker.
China watched Obama’s press conference yesterday salivating. We will be borrowing trillions more from them.
We were led to believe that Jeep would manufacture in U.S. and sell to China—like China does to us.
Unlike U.S. China taxes things made in the U.S. and sold in China. China demands plants we don’t. Stupid!
From Bloomberg: “Chrysler’s Jeep expects China production agreement soon.” I told you so.
Hagel has been endorsed by China http://t.co/8zmnZgLr & Iran http://t.co/ZHdfNN5k for SOD. Welcome to Obama's second term!
Trade with China has killed over 29% of US manufacturing jobs in the US http://t.co/qae9jpzZ China is robbing us blind!
China is robbing us blind in trade deficits and stealing our jobs yet our leaders are claiming 'progress' http://t.co/2r9DHxHo SAD!
We can’t even stop the Norks from blasting a missile. China is laughing at us. It is really sad.
China is buying so many of our companies-- it’s really getting bad.
The government is borrowing 46 cents on every dollar it spends http://t.co/joS4tjDA Dangerous for us but great news for China.
The Chinese are smart. They bought up over $7B in US housing last year http://t.co/tt9BZwxR U.S. is busy making China even richer.
China is about to acquire a unit of AIG which we bailed out for $5.5B http://t.co/0xBsByf6 China is making great deals on our backs.
Treasury has refused to name China a currency manipulator even though the yuan “remains significantly undervalued” http://t.co/rHHCXhEQ
China just landed a jet on an aircraft carrier stolen from a U.S. design. http://t.co/JuDr49kV We should offset the thievery from our debt..
Want to know why China is growing? They can build the world’s tallest building in 90 days http://t.co/DMjMeKQR Red tape would kill it here.
Direct foreign investments continue to flow into China at over $100B a year http://t.co/jtmBTMgw That's money that could be spent here.
Now China is trying to take over a U.S. airbase http://t.co/VxZiX4kr This is only the beginning. They only understand toughness!
China is heavily investing in building its own jet engine http://t.co/QTYCvpUc They will end up stealing the design from us as usual.
China's submarines will soon be carrying nukes http://t.co/oX6JYnqE They will be sent to patrol our coasts Obama won't do anything.
China's Communist Party has now publicly praised Obama's reelection. They have never had it so good. Will own America soon.
Now that the election is over watch Chrysler ship @Jeep production to China--my prediction.
Now Chinese state run companies are taking over our coal market http://t.co/0FN95eO0 China wants to deplete our resources here at home.
China is worried. The polls are trending for @MittRomney. They won’t be able to steal from us anymore.
Don't believe Chrysler (if Obama wins)--see how fast @Jeep production will be moved to China--and I'll be watching!
We can't destroy the competitiveness of our factories in order to prepare for nonexistent global warming. China is thrilled with us!
We should not allow @Chrysler to move @Jeep jobs to China after they said they wouldn't--stay tuned!
.@Chrysler disputes my statement--but watch Chrysler move @Jeep jobs to China after the election.
Obama is a terrible negotiator. He bails out Chrysler and now Chrysler wants to send all Jeep manufacturing to China--and will!
Why is Obama’s auto bailout now creating jobs in China? He is ruining American industry.
Let's continue to destroy the competitiveness of our factories & manufacturing so we can fight mythical global warming. China is so happy!
China’s stock market rose yesterday after 4 consecutive days of losses http://t.co/LfATjhuf Their market gains the day we are hit by storm
Yesterday Barack Obama said he wants "wind turbines manufactured here in China" http://t.co/Fe2gkSlg I don't think this was a gaffe.
China is primed to continue to rob us and steal our jobs through their exports http://t.co/eShZeqgZ We need @MittRomney to rein them in.
China will never go to war with us because if they won they would only take over property they already own!
Obama planted that @nytimes story on Iran so it will be discussed in tonight's debate. He wants Libya and China off the table.
The last time I visited China I couldn't believe all the construction. You can go up with a project in a week--no red tape.
You talk tough Mr. President but have done nothing about China killing our jobs and economy.
Why has Obama let China and others take our jobs?
"Romney Ryan Slam Obama Administration on China Currency Manipulation" http://t.co/K6xUXSwa via @ABC
Once again Obama fails to classify China as a currency manipulator. He just helped China steal even more jobs and money from us.
It's Thursday and only 26 days until the election. How many illegal donations from China and Saudi Arabia did Obama collect today?
Even with lower profit projections American firms are still throwing money into China http://t.co/xRJlsxqB Obama is killing investment.
I would do same thing if I were China. They want Obama. http://t.co/sal9WpKV
Have you heard? China just told Obama to jump. Obama asked how high.
China's Financial Institutions are expanding overseas.http://t.co/WOfGLvNL They will own everything if we don't stop them now.
China has done very well under Obama. Now they just released their first aircraft carrier.
China is filling the vacuum left by Obama at the UN on the world stage.
"Trump: US Must Get Tougher Because China Is 'Eating Our Lunch'" http://t.co/T0qG07JY via Moneynews @Newsmax_Media
Despite all of China's cheating they are not doing that well--we can beat them--our country has great potential!
Obama's Def. Sec. just said US Asia focus 'not aimed to contain China' http://t.co/VyM7u9dw China is hoping that Obama is re-elected.
China has been unfairly subsidizing the export of cars & auto parts. I've been saying this for 3 years...
Obama killed over 100k jobs by not approving Keystone XL pipeline and Canada is now selling the oil to China--very dumb!
China is now attacking Japan's economy for leverage http://t.co/KFAhowS7 Soon they will try the same with us. #TimeToGetTough
After being ripped off for years Obama finally figured out that China is taking advantage of us. He's finally listening to me.
RT @MittRomney: For nearly 4 years Barack Obama has refused to crack down on China's cheating & American workers have paid the price.
Libya is selling its oil to China--I notice the Chinese Ambassador is very safe.
China is an international pariah. They are now harassing Japan over its purchase of 3 uninhabited islands http://t.co/sPBPxwYY
China is now deploying drones across ocean routes used for trade http://t.co/IBtQRcic They stole the technology from us.
.@BarackObama's assault on coal and gas and oil will send energy and manufacturing jobs to China." --@MittRomney
It's Thursday and again I ask--how much money is China stealing from us?
China's media is attacking @MittRomney while endorsing @BarackObama http://t.co/mV75eJFy Of course. Mitt knows it's Time To Get Tough.
It's Wednesday how much money is China stealing from us today?
China must be worried that @MittRomney will win this November. They have never had such a pushover like @BarackObama.
Ask China if their rapidly expanding (with our money) Navy or Armed Forces are going "green" -- They would laugh in your face!
My @FoxNews @TeamCavuto interview discussing the @RNC Convention businesses making products in China and unemployment http://t.co/JhuoyBU8
.@FinancialTimes writes that "@BarackObama should pray that China overtakes US" http://t.co/kAeMtnLg Don't worry he is making it happen.
.@BarackObama sent over 100000 jobs and Canadian oil to China all because he would not approve Keystone XL.
It's Wednesday. I wonder how much money @BarackObama borrowed from China today?
Glad to hear that @JimTalent has put some strong anti-China referendums in the @GOP convention platform.
We have to get tough with China before they destroy us.
US government's foreign indebtedness has grown over 72% under @BarackObama. He is bleeding us dry to China.
The US government's foreign debt is at a record $5.29T http://t.co/URVNZ1Kj China is laughing all the way to the bank.
.@MittRomney & @PaulRyanVP get what needs to be done to reign in China. @BarackObama gets kicked around by the Chinese.
Great speech on China by @PaulRyanVP yesterday where he explains why China is treating @BarackObama like a "Doormat" http://t.co/rAkOAwVp
My interview with Don Imus on @77WABCradio discussing my @RNC convention surprise & @MittRomney's China policy http://t.co/kWK49NuX
Today @BarackObama will borrow 40 cents on every dollar he spends from China. Just another day at the office.
China is cooking up conspiracy theories that the Olympics are rigged. http://t.co/0ah0hBJt They don't understand why they can't cheat.
Just letting China know in advance that the USA will win the medal count in the Olympics. Even with your cheating you can't beat us.
These are facts: In 2001 the US opened its markets to China & since then more than 2 million Americans can't (cont) http://t.co/coEWpKGc
No surprise that China was caught cheating in the Olympics. That's the Chinese M.O. - Lie Cheat & Steal in all international dealings.
People are finally beginning to hit China and OPEC. They never give me credit for being the first--by far--but that's okay!
Now the world is looking to China for an economic 'lift' http://t.co/55zpQJB2 @BarackObama has ruined our economic hegemony.
Now China 'calls in' US diplomats to lecture them on their illegal escapades. http://t.co/LWhbf4ml The new reality. @BarackObama is weak.
China's Olympic training program is abusive http://t.co/aZ2ihCnv It is modern day slavery & shameful. Their (cont) http://t.co/yMfSHjqr
US interest payments on the debt have already passed $375B this year http://t.co/hCpQuryC China is laughing at us---as usual.
The U.S. manufacturing sector has suffered its greatest order losses under @BarackObama. He has stood idle while China steals our jobs.
.@BarackObama blocked Keystone. Now China is preparing a massive $1.5B oil deal with Canada. http://t.co/zH0CBxEn A terrible deal for US!
US Gov't is on the hook for more than a third of the world's entire debt & we wonder why China & OPEC are laughing all the way to the bank!
China's domestic economic and political problems prove how pathetic our leadership is in allowing China to rip us off http://t.co/waPwJGxo
My @SquawkCNBC interview discussing housing prices the GDP numbers China spreading its wealth and my stock picks. http://t.co/isphPEQQ
Bay Bridge in San Fransisco built in China keeps getting worse. Cost overruns are out of control --- China is having a field day with us!
America's Olympic uniforms are manufactured in China. Burn the uniforms!#U.S.OlympicCommittee
China court: Apple pays $60M to settle iPad case. China is getting away with murder. http://t.co/L4FVnlof
WRONG: A China court ordered @apple to pay $60M to a Chinese company that registered iPad before @apple http://t.co/4sYZMQHh
Who's the outsourcer? @BarackObama's campaign is using a travel company with outsourced jobs in China and India. http://t.co/rW8CaIsc
Scary--now China's Development Bank is looking to buy U.S. homes and developments http://t.co/Y50nOI5R They will own our country soon.
On Friday @VPBiden said that China has better cities and airports than the US. Well what has @BarackObama done about it the last 3 years?!
The U.S. needs to protect our intelligence assets especially in China. If the Chinese want to spy on us then we need to return the favor.
China's currency manipulation is one of our nation's greatest sovereign threats. The yuan has appreciated 40% against our dollar since 2005.
Thanks to @BarackObama rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline China has become Canada's biggest oil consumer. China is laughing at us!
Sad.@BarackObama has already exempted major oil importers on Iranian sanctions and is negotiating a waiver with China.http://nyti.ms/KAOnVq
China has copied our military's F-22 Raptor design http://t.co/Oqi65Leb We should offset their theft from our debt.
China's new AND ADVANCED currency manipulation is killing the U.S. Help!
China's best friend @BarackObama wants to cut the US fleet down to 230 ships the lowest level since WWI.http://bit.ly/Mvg74D
Now that China's own economy is slowing http://t.co/w0QJcGBg watch how they start doing even bigger numbers in (cont) http://t.co/fhAL7I49
Bay Bridge in California made in China for $1.8 billion. $300 million in cost overruns. Are we stupid?
China and Saudi Arabia recently struck a deal which is "the largest expansion by any oil company in the world" (cont) http://t.co/OSVJxn1A
Now Chinese agents are smuggling our military weapons through rogue US soldiers http://t.co/kr5OVY5Q China loves to cheat!
China is now given preference to buy US debt by going directly to Treasury. I don't believe @BarackObama knows that he selling us out.
Now China is threatening our allies who share defense pacts with us the latest is the Philippines http://t.co/zOZKQvPY Very aggressive
Very resource rich Canada our neighbor is looking to China for its growth. Just another sad commentary on the U.S. http://t.co/8DUw3buf
Welcome to the new reality. @BarackObama is now letting China buy US banks http://t.co/i1C02ub2 The US government is selling us out.
My @gretawire interview discussing the economy unemployment numbers China Charles BarkleyFrance and the election http://t.co/t8vXrOYz
We must keep the pressure on @BarackObama's administration to make sure Chen comes to the US. It would be a tragedy to abandon him in China.
Now @BarackObama is praising China's "cooperation" in negotiations over Chen Guangcheng http://t.co/1BZtYueX This is a sad episode for us.
WRONG!@BarackObama capitulated to China by releasing Chen Guangcheng out of the US Embassy http://t.co/UjH2fKV0 China really has our number
Orders for U.S. factory goods in March record biggest decline in 3 years http://t.co/YtC2mTRE China is eroding the US manufacturing sector.
"China's leadership is sneaky and underhanded they significantly underreport their actual defense budget and (cont) http://t.co/XyzZFCP0
"Right now we are running a massive $300 billion trade deficit with China. That means every year. China is (cont) http://t.co/vcvETg5z
Demand by China continues to raise the price of oil http://t.co/QOF0Vzoa We must become energy independent through our vast resources.
@JonHuntsman just trashed the GOP and stood up for China on Sunday http://t.co/DA3dhBYd I am surprised he didn't say it in Mandarin.
Our ally Canada is 'frustrated' by @BarackObama's radical anti-gas policies http://t.co/zyMZkpM9 BHO is forcing Canada to send gas to China.
While @BarackObama watches China is trying to have the yuan overtake our dollar as the international (cont) http://t.co/kN0XJq96
Now @BarackObama's Vice-Chief of Joint Staff is defending China while they cheat http://t.co/wxE0caDF Wrong course of action.
China attempted to sell embargoed computers to Iran http://t.co/yuMqsrT6 China loves these deals!
Thousands of US warplanes ships and missiles contain fake electronic components from China leaving them open (cont) http://t.co/ws4PiIkK
It's @BarackObama--who wants to raise all our taxes--who applauds China for cutting their taxes! (cont) http://t.co/bHDdxYF3
His @BarackObama's budget: interest payments to China will exceed US defense spending by 2019 http://t.co/2jMs1W3E @BarackObama's America!
"Here's the solution on China: get tough. Slap a 25 percent tax on China's products if they don't set a real (cont) http://t.co/SxHglAUV
"China is our enemy. It's time we start acting like it and if we do our job correctly China will gain a whole (cont) http://t.co/ptk8Of5W
@MittRomney studying ways to increase pressure on China over their currency manipulation and unfair subsidy practices http://t.co/34Wzc9Xo
I wonder if @BarackObama has promised Iran and China that he can be more flexible after his last election?
"America's relationship with China is at a crossroads. We only have a short window of time to make the tough (cont) http://t.co/7Jzf2WqI
"With China beating us like a punching bag daily OPEC vacuuming our wallets clean and jobs nowhere in sight (cont) http://t.co/hp7PCHOK
"We have to get tough on China. For every one American child there are four Chinese. China is out to steal our (cont) http://t.co/9xnHKcRC
China talks about the so-called "carbon footprint" and then behind our leaders backs they laugh. They could (cont) http://t.co/hJD3n70H
"Getting China to stop playing its currency charades can begin whenever we elect a president ready to take (cont) http://t.co/FrP19xiK
"The military threat from China is gigantic--and it's no surprise that the Communist Chinese government lies (cont) http://t.co/n6AbRrUY
"While China screws us with every turn of its currency is the biggest commercial espionage threat we face (cont) http://t.co/l7pTVJkb
China is raising its defense budget by 11% http://t.co/ILol5FY1 @BarackObama wants to cut ours by over $1Trillion. Wrong policy.
China is getting minerals from Afghanistan http://t.co/uNxQYQWi We are getting our troops killed by the Afghani govt't. Time to get out.
"@BarackObama seems to have no regard for how China is conducting massive industrial espionage against the (cont) http://t.co/y19ODDn1
"For a country like China being able to steal our military designs represents hundreds of billions in savings (cont) http://t.co/Psjx5zeU
"If China didn't play games with its currency and we played on a level economic playing field we could easily (cont) http://t.co/wN3COpsj
"America's relationship with China is at a crossroads. We only have a short window of time to make the tough (cont) http://t.co/wCiAsVsc
"Right now we have a president and a Treasury secretary who shrug while China tears away hundreds of thousands (cont) http://t.co/gQv6f7cP
Our ally Canada wants to send their oil down south to us. @BarackObama is forcing Canada to send it west to China.
He @MittRomney wrote a great piece on China http://t.co/RodFLIiT @JonHuntsman criticized him (cont) http://t.co/QQUXLqCk
Yesterday China VP Xi stressed "the benefits of trade with China" to Congress http://t.co/DnjmzKZv We need FAIR TRADE with China!
He @MittRomney gets the China problem why don't the others?
Canada's PM was in China last week brokering a deal to sell the oil @BarackObama rejected in Keystone. http://t.co/pMzy2rB3 Unbelievable!
Wrong Policy: @BarackObama wants to cut defense spending by $487B while China is building their navy in the Pacific. http://t.co/x6ssYloS
"China is our enemy. It's time we start acting like it...and if we do our job corectly China will gain a whole (cont) http://t.co/k6a5CJha
"So I speak badly of China but I speak the truth and what do the consumers in China want? They want Trump." (cont) http://t.co/sOna1B4I
"We need a president who is smart and tough enough to recognize the national security threat China poses in the (cont) http://t.co/H7JrXUOe
So wrong! @BarackObama is hosting China's VP Xi Jinping today at the Pentagon with a full honor ceremony with music and cannons...
A day after @BarackObama released a trillion dollar budget deficit he is hosting China's future leader VP XiJinping. America's new reality.
"Look when it comes to China America better stop messing around. China sees us as a naive gullible foolish (cont) http://t.co/mZM4FL64
@MittRomney will give a great speech at CPAC today. He understands the threat from China.
Jon Huntsman called to see me. I said no he gave away our country to China! @JonHuntsman
"Getting China to stop playing its currency charades can begin whenever we elect a president ready to take (cont) http://t.co/NzxThJyH
Why is @MittRomney the only guy who talks about getting tough with China and their currency manipulation?
I endorsed @MittRomney not because I agree with him on every issue but because he will get tough with China.
As China is building an air and naval force @BarackObama is cutting ours. http://t.co/fdsq6oc5 He is weakening our national security.
"So I speak badly of China but I speak the truth and what do the consumers in China want? They want Trump." (cont) http://t.co/AyZ18mvL
"The military threat from China is gigantic and it's no surprise that the Communist Chinese government lies (cont) http://t.co/2ezHBDnn
My @gretawire interview discussing @IvankaTrump wanting me to run for POTUS @BarackObama’s SOTU and his China policy http://t.co/mt92sPxx
"I have great respect for the people that represent China. What I don't respect is the way that we negotiate and (cont) http://t.co/193US9wf
China has hacked another US government body. http://t.co/OGSjTB3zWhen will we learn?
Canada will now sell its oil to China because @BarackObama rejected Keystone. At least China knows a good deal when they see it.
“China presents three big threats to the United States in its outrageous currency manipulation its systematic (cont) http://t.co/6hW0AcJE
@BarackObama won’t approve the Keystone Pipeline so Canada is now looking to sell their oil to China (cont) http://t.co/C777DdcO
The US is always getting ripped off! China gets cheap oil from Iran and Iraq as US pays for Hormuz Patrols to (cont) http://t.co/J0QeWXy3
"Getting China to stop playing its currency charades can begin whenever we elect a president ready to take decisive action." #TimeToGetTough
China is driving the price of gold up in order to ease pressure against Iranian sanctions. http://t.co/3ZzYo1VP
"Under President @BarackObama China has experienced unusually fast gains and America unusually fast losses." #TimeToGetTough
When will the US government finally classify China as a currency manipulator? China is robbing us blind and @BarackObama defends them.
China has 5 oil projects in Iraq and we didn't get anything from the Iraqis except asked to leave. Iraq is going (cont) http://t.co/KhujI5YC
China is expanding its military bases abroad. We must expand our naval fleet. Now is no time for defense cuts. (cont) http://t.co/SSvY2HNh
China hacked the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and now has the information of all 3 million members. China keeps (cont) http://t.co/v4rOQ4jk
China taxing imports from the US --22%-- why aren't we taxing China?
China just put a tariff on US cars and trucks--22%--China is laughing at our inept leaders. @BarackObama
A total lightweight: @JonHuntsman continues to give the worst responses on China in the debates. I can see why (cont) http://t.co/YwKcaMf0
#trumpvlog China is laughing.... http://t.co/9ghflFLP
The Mullahs laughed when @BarackObama "asked" Iran to return our drone--they will show it to China first.
#TimeToGetTough presents bold solutions on taxes national security the debt dealing with OPEC and China and defeating @BarackObama.
#TimeToGetTough: Making America #1 Again--my new book--available today. The book both China and OPEC do NOT want you to read.
When it comes to China @BarackObama practices "pretty please" diplomacy. He begs and pleads and bows---and it… (cont) http://t.co/Iyjm0IGl
We are building China's wealth by buying all their products even though we make better products in America.
When it comes to China @BarackObama practices "pretty please" diplomacy. He begs and pleads and bows--and it'… (cont) http://t.co/qTKkP44z
China is so brazen that they now give us economic advice--they tell us what to do---much like a strong stockh… (cont) http://t.co/wIr68Cn4
America's trade deficit with China is one of our greatest national security threats. Time for Fair Trade. We must produce our own products.
Washington will continue to run record deficits into the election. We are borrowing at a rate of $1.40 from China. Truly unsustainable.
American sanctions alone cannot stop Iran's nuclear drive--and @BarackObama cannot get China and Russia to agree on new Iranian sanctions.
Why are we giving China foreign aid? Couldn't the Super Committee have agreed to at least cut that outlay? #TimeToGetTough
As of September 30th we have a record trade deficit with China of over $217Billion. They are ripping us off. #TimeToGetTough
China's economy is now projected to overtake the US as the world's largest economy by 2027 http://t.co/c5sI2qTe #TimeToGetTough
Why is @BarackObama delaying the sale of F-16 aircraft to Taiwan? Wrong message to send to China. #TimeToGetTough
China is complaining about 2500 marines being placed in Australia. Meanwhile they are building bases across Latin America. #TimeToGetTough
@BarackObama delayed the Keystone pipeline decision until 2013. Now Canada is looking to export more oil to China. http://t.co/E5XMnUHQ
China is advocating on behalf of Iran's nuclear program -- the Chinese oppose both sanctions and any militar… (cont) http://t.co/QX8AASwG
China 'scorns' US cyber espionage charges--China does not respect us http://t.co/HwMz5NEa and feels Obama is a "dummy"
Another company that the DOE has given money to just filed for bankruptcy. This is how the money we borrow at 40% from China is wasted.
When will Washington stand up to China. China is manipulating its currency and stealing our jobs. Washington should move on legislation.
Why does the federal government send foreign aid to China? Unbelievable! Washington is financing America's de… (cont) http://t.co/iyypweMt
Why do we continue to sit idly by while China steals our national security and corporate secrets? China is an enemy not a friend.
Both @BarackObama and China have embraced OWS. All want the decline of America. Time for the protesters to go home.
Now China is publicly supporting the OWS protests http://t.co/CEkR8i40. It's time for the protesters to go home.
@BarackObama is holding Taiwan's request for 66 advanced F-16's. Wrong message to send to China.
@Johnboehner: Stop "The China Curse" --- Pass the China Currency Bill!
China's military buildup is a major threat to the Free World. We must remain resolute and maintain our national defense at all costs.
Stop "The China Curse" -- Pass the Chinese Currency Bill!
My @FoxNews interview on @gretawire discussing "The China Curse" http://t.co/F2ezH1Jb
China is threatening Washington over the currency bill. We should pass it immediately.
China does not negotiate from a position of strength we simply negotiate against ourselves. We have all the advantages but don't execute.
China is stealing our jobs. We need to demand China stop manipulating its currency and end its rampant corporate espionage.
Our deficit spending is China’s gain. @BarackObama is bankrupting our country.
China is neither an ally or a friend--they want to beat us and own our country.
Our next President must stop China's Rip-off of America.
If China had a tenth of the natural resources we do then they would already be energy independent. Instead we continue to buy oil from OPEC.
My interview yesterday with @TeamCavuto where I discuss Dick Cheney and China http://t.co/gKUTyeM
China is happy to learn that @BarackObama plans to borrow another $300 Billion. @BarackObama is their favorite client.
China's business interests reach far and wide---even domestically within our borders. We need to reassess our relationship.
China's corporate espionage is a continued threat to the American economy. With the right leadership it can be stopped.
Just as I predicted @Joe_Biden was a complete disaster in China. He condoned the Chinese one-child policy an… (cont) http://t.co/M3TnJw5
@BarackObama is sure a master delegator. He has sent @Joe_Biden to China. The Chinese are laughing at us. We MUST do better.
@BarackObama’s new job plan will certainly do the following – 1. Not create any jobs. 2. Borrow more money from China.
China owes us money.... http://t.co/fuL8XAv #trumpvlog
China is a threat to America. They are not our friend.
Mike Huckebee a great guy said the President should appoint me Treasury Secretary. China and OPEC would not be happy.
China demanded that we raise our debt ceiling and then their rating agency downgraded us. Our leaders are hope… (cont) http://deck.ly/~x0TDx
Wake Up America -- China is eating our lunch.
@KarlRove's @CrossroadsGPS new ad criticizes Obama for his excessive spending and debt borrowing from China. Didn't Bush do the same thing?
China has so much of our debt that they can't put us in default w/o killing themselves---US needs our toughest negotiator---and fast!
"China is our enemy--they want to destroy us" -- Redstate Interview
So China is ordering us to raise the Debt Limit...How low have we as a nation sunk?
Every dollar @BarackObama spends costs $1.40 with interest borrowed from China on our children and grandchildren's backs. CUT-CAP-BALANCE!
THe people at shouldtrumprun.com have got it right! How are our factories supposed to compete with China and other countries...