- Switch to x.y.z versioning scheme
- Refactor campaign-related code (#384)
- Fixed hevm-related memory leak (#423)
- Fixed array mutation memory leak (#442)
- Benchmark mode to run without tests (#420, #409)
- Migrated to GitHub actions (#414, #402)
- Corpus mutation handling fixes (#395, #403)
- Improved JSON output and reworked UI handling to better handle interactive and non-interactive mode (#405)
- Use safe mutation parameters to favor purely random generation (#393)
- Show address in hex using "0x" (#386)
- Enable addresses shrinking (#385)
- Fixed coverage counting when a contract is deployed multiple times (#410)
- Prioritization to mutate each list of transactions from the corpus (#376, #395)
- Improved array generation using generic mutations (#357)
- Multiple coverage tracking according to the result of a transaction (#369)
- Allow to control corpus mutation constans using a configuration file (#373)
- HEVM updated to af84e2ee0a0654fdaa91186384233cf1731ee7ce
- Filtering functions either blacklisting or whitelisting functions to call during a fuzzing campaign (#341)
- Support to collect, save and load a corpus of transactions in JSON (#352, #353)
- Basic mutations based on collected corpus (#370)
- Use of
as Github action to verify new PR (#366)
- Gaining knowledge of contract-created contract addresses (#295)
- Improved
error handling when missing (#335) - Support testing from arbitrary blockchain state via etheno (#333)
- Some shrinking improvements (#336)
- UI improvements (#339)
- UI updates are now threaded separately from fuzzing campaign (#345)
rework to unifyEchidna.RPC
(#346)- Adjustment of testsuite parameters (#347)
- Multi-ABI support by fuzzing all known ABIs (#344)
- Fix indefinite
blocking (#350) - AddressArrayExample (#348)
JSON conversions (#352)- Smaller docker container, multi-stage build (#349)
- Gas worst case estimation (#355)
- Warn on unused config keys (#301)
kept up to date via CI checks (#301)- Improved shrinking (#310)
- Solidity ABIv2 support (#284, #303, #317)
- Early termination on property falure (#323)
- Timeouts (#320)
- HEVM updated to 2cc059b49cae613025b925f0273b906e25484b68
- Dictionary control (#312, #321)
- Gas price fuzzing (#307)
- Coverage bug fixed (#300)
- Contract creation bug fixed (#293)
- New startup message (#290)
- Add
flag (#285) - Support time/block delays (#282)
- Support
arguments (#280) - Detect assertion failure (#276)
- Use return values as constants (#262)
- Reproducible testing with seeds (#254)
- Initial stable release