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116 lines (72 loc) · 2.88 KB

File metadata and controls

116 lines (72 loc) · 2.88 KB Documentation


This script fetches a URL, optionally resolves a hostname, and provides detailed information about the request and response, including headers, statistics, and an MD5 checksum of the response body. It also supports connection debugging and custom headers from a YAML file.


  • Python 3.x
  • requests library
  • PyYAML library
  • tabulate library

Install the required libraries using pip:

pip install requests pyyaml tabulate


python [options] URL [hostname]

Positional Arguments

  • URL: The URL to fetch.
  • hostname (optional): The hostname to resolve. This allows forcing the connection through the named proxy

Optional Arguments

  • --connection_debug: Enable connection debug mode.
  • --stdout: Output the response body to stdout.
  • --header_file: Path to the YAML file with header array.


python --connection_debug --stdout --header_file headers.yaml


enhanced_tabulate(data, headers=None, width=80)

Formats data into a table using the tabulate library.

  • data: The data to be formatted.
  • headers: Optional headers for the table.
  • width: Maximum column width.


Resolves the IP address of a given hostname.

  • hostname: The hostname to resolve.


Loads headers from a YAML file.

  • header_file: Path to the YAML file.


Sets up logging to capture debug information.

fetch_url(url, headers)

Fetches the URL with the specified headers.

  • url: The URL to fetch.
  • headers: The headers to include in the request.

print_request_statistics(response, ip_address)

Prints statistics about the HTTP request.

  • response: The HTTP response object.
  • ip_address: The resolved IP address of the hostname.

Script Flow

  1. Argument Parsing: Parses command-line arguments using argparse.
  2. Header Loading: Loads headers from a YAML file if provided.
  3. Logging Setup: Sets up logging if connection debugging is enabled.
  4. Hostname Resolution: Resolves the hostname and optional proxy hostname.
  5. URL Fetching: Fetches the URL with the specified headers.
  6. Output: Prints the response body, request headers, response headers, and request statistics. If connection debugging is enabled, prints the connection log and MD5 checksum of the response body.

Example YAML Header File (headers.yaml)

  X-Unicorn-Magic: SparkleDust
  X-Random-Header: 42
  X-Meaningless-Value: FlibberFlabber
  X-Confusion-Level: Maximum
  X-Nonexistent-Feature: QuantumFlux
  X-Just-For-Fun: BananaBread
  X-Absurdity: Over9000


  • Ensure the YAML file is correctly formatted.
  • The script disables SSL verification (verify=False). Use with caution in production environments.