Note: This tutorial was written targeting DeZog v1.2.7 and CSpect V2.12.23
This tutorial assumes the following:
- Visual Studio Code has been installed
- You have downloaded CSpect - available here.
- You are using sjasmplus as your assembler - available here.
Download the CSpect plugin files from the following location:
There are two files that must be downloaded:
- DeZogPlugin.dll
- DeZogPlugin.dll.config
Note: It is likely your browser will complain about downloading a dll - override the warning and download as usual.
Open the location where you downloaded the files (typically you Downloads folder) and right-click the DeZogPlugin.dll to show the context menu and select Properties.
In the Properties dialog, find the Security section at the bottom of the dialog and select the Unblock checkbox, then click OK.
Repeat the previous two steps for the DeZogPlugin.dll.config file.
Copy the DeZogPlugin.dll and DeZogPlugin.dll.config files to the same location as the CSpect.exe.
Download the DeZog extension dezog-1.2.7.vsix from the following location:
Open Visual Studio Code and view the command palette ( F1 or Ctrl+Shift+P) and enter Extensions: Install from VSIX....
The Install from VSIX dialog will open - navigate to the downloaded dezog-1.2.7.vsix file, select it, and click Install.
Note: You may be prompted to reload Visual Studio Code - do so.
You have now installed the required components. The next step is to configure a project to use DeZog.
Note: A number of these configuration options depend on how you have laid out your project and the sub-folders. In this tutorial I will describe my environment and how that influences the options.
The configuration of my environment is inspired by the blog post Creating a Z80 Assembly Development Environment on Windows on the Spectrum Next web site.
My project layout is as follows:
- MyCoolApp
- .vscode - contains my tasks.json and launch.json file
- project
- bin - contains CSpect.exe and all the associated files such as ay8912.dll etc., hdfmonkey.exe, sjasmplus.exe as well as the DeZogPlugin.dll and DeZogPlugin.dll.config files.
- data - binary data files I include in my app
- etc - nothing at all :)
- src - all of the asm files and the lst file created during compilation.
- sdcard - contains the cspect-next-2gb.img SD card image and the enNextZX.rom and enNxtmmc.rom ROM files used with CSpect.
In order to configure Visual Studio Code to launch DeZog when you want to debug, you need to add a launch configuration to a launch.json file.
In the Visual Studio Code explorer pane, locate the .vscode folder in the root of your workspace.
Note: If it doesn't exist, just add the .vscode folder yourself.
If the launch.json file exists, open it, otherwise add a new file to the .vscode folder and name it launch.json.
The DeZog Author has documented the configuration to be added here. However, the entry I am using is shown below:
{ "configurations": [ { "type": "dezog", "request": "launch", "name": "DeZog", "remoteType": "cspect", "listFiles": [ { "path": "${workspaceRoot}\\project\\src\\Project.lst", "asm": "sjasmplus", "mainFile": "${workspaceRoot}\\project\\src\\Project.asm" }, ], "startAutomatically": false, "history": { "reverseDebugInstructionCount": 10000 }, "commandsAfterLaunch": [ //"-sprites", //"-patterns" ], "disassemblerArgs": { "esxdosRst": true }, "rootFolder": "${workspaceFolder}", "topOfStack": "stack_top", "load": "project.nex", "smallValuesMaximum": 513, "tmpDir": ".tmp" } ] }
Most descriptions taken from the Author's documentation - I note where I made a change:
type: Specifies the dezog extension.
name: The (human readable) name of DeZog as it appears in vscode.
remoteType: Specifies the CSpect emulator <== Changed
listFiles: Note I have specified the full path to the Project.lst and Project.asm files using
macro and also note the use of\\
to escape the backslashes. <== Changed -
startAutomatically: If true the program is started directly after loading. If false the program stops after launch. (Default=true).
reverseDebugInstructionCount: The number of lines you can step back during reverse debug. Use 0 to disable.
commandsAfterLaunch: Here you can enter commands that are executed right after the launch and connection of the debugger. These commands are the same as you can enter in the debug console. E.g. you can use "-sprites" to show all sprites in case of a ZX Next program. See Debug Console.
disassemblerArgs: Arguments that can be passed to the internal disassembler. At the moment the only option is "esxdosRst". If enabled the disassembler will disassemble "RST 8; defb N" correctly.
rootFolder: Typically = workspaceFolder. All other file paths are relative to this path.
topOfStack: This is an important parameter to make the callstack display convenient to use. Please add here the label of the top of the stack. Without this information DeZog does not know where the stack ends and may show useless/misleading/wrong information. In order to use this correctly first you need a label that indicates the top of your stack. Here is an example how this may look like:
Your assembler file:
stack_bottom: defs STACK_SIZE*2, 0 stack_top:
In your launch.json:
"topOfStack": "stack_top"
Note: topOfStack: instead of a label you can also use a fixed number.
load: The .nex, .sna file to load. <== Changed
smallValuesMaximum: DeZog format numbers (labels, constants) basically in 2 ways depending on their size: 'small values' and 'big values'. Small values are typically constants like the maximum number of something you defined in your asm file. Big values are typically addresses. Here you can give the boundary between these 2 groups. bigValues usually also show their contents, i.e. the value at the address along the address itself. Usually 512 is a good boundary value.
tmpDir: A temporary directory used for files created during the debugging. At the moment this is only used to create the file for the disassembly if the PC reaches areas without any associated assembler listing.
Once the launch.json has been configured, you are nearly ready to debug!
- My main assembly file is Project.asm.
- The listing file Project.lst is generated in the same src folder as the Project.asm file.
- I output project.nex and to the root of my workspace.
In order to start debugging a session, I found the following:
Your app must be compiled and generate a listing - I have a Visual Studio Task configured that uses the following sjasmplus command-line:
"command": "${workspaceRoot}\\project\\bin\\sjasmplus ${file} --zxnext=cspect --msg=all --fullpath --lst",
Note: I use the Z80 Macro-Assembler extension which provides syntax highlighting and problem matchers for sjasmplus and other assemblers - the--fullpath
switch causes any compilation errors to include the full path to the source file, enabling the vscode problem list to show the errors and navigate directly to the file/line when clicked.Note: I have switched to use the ASM Code Lens extension and have added an explicit problem matcher to the Compile Assembly task below.
The output of the compilation (I use the nex format) must be copied to the SD Card Image:
"command": "${workspaceRoot}\\project\\bin\\hdfmonkey put ${workspaceRoot}\\sdcard\\cspect-next-2gb.img project.nex",
Note: This step is optional - I like to have the nex file deployed to the image so I can run it with the CSpect emulator configured as close to a real Next as possible.
CSpect must be already running so that DeZog can connect to it. I use the
break; nop; nop
pattern as the first line of my assembly code and then launch CSpect with the following command:"command": "${workspaceRoot}\\project\\bin\\CSpect.exe -w4 -r -s14 -tv -esc -brk -basickeys -zxnext -nextrom -map=${workspaceRoot}\\ -mmc=${workspaceRoot}\\sdcard\\cspect-next-2gb.img project.nex",
Note: It is not essential to specify the nex file in the command-line - some have encountered locking issues.
Press F5 to launch the DeZog debugger and connect to CSpect.
In my projects I have 3 tasks:
- Compile Assembly - mapped to the Ctrl+Shift+B shortcut, this compiles the currently focused file with sjasmplus
- Update SDCard - copies the output (project.nex) to the SD Card image.
- Launch CSpect - runs Compile Assembly and Update SDCard then launches CSpect in break mode
Here is my tasks.json in case anyone is interested:
// See
// for the documentation about the tasks.json format
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"label": "Compile Assembly",
"type": "shell",
"command": "${workspaceRoot}\\project\\bin\\sjasmplus ${file} --zxnext=cspect --msg=all --fullpath --lst",
"group": {
"kind": "build",
"isDefault": true
"presentation": {
"reveal": "always",
"problemMatcher": {
"fileLocation": "autoDetect",
"pattern": {
"regexp": "^(.*)\\(([0-9]+)\\): (error|warning):\\s+(.*)$",
"file": 1,
"line": 2,
"severity": 3,
"message": 4
"label": "Update SDCard",
"type": "shell",
"command": "${workspaceRoot}\\project\\bin\\hdfmonkey put ${workspaceRoot}\\sdcard\\cspect-next-2gb.img project.nex",
"presentation": {
"reveal": "always",
"label": "Launch CSpect",
"type": "shell",
"command": "${workspaceRoot}\\project\\bin\\CSpect.exe -w4 -r -s14 -tv -esc -brk -basickeys -zxnext -nextrom -map=${workspaceRoot}\\ -mmc=${workspaceRoot}\\sdcard\\cspect-next-2gb.img project.nex",
"dependsOrder": "sequence",
"dependsOn": [
"Compile Assembly",
"Update SDCard"
Additionally, I add a ctrl+shift+c shortcut that runs the Launch CSpect task.
- vscode vsix file:
- CSpect plugin:
- Usage documentation: