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File metadata and controls

50 lines (35 loc) · 2.93 KB


databend metasrv jepsen test unit.


step 1: build metasrv java client

Go to metasrv-java-client directory run gradle build to build metasrv java client jar, copy metasrv-java-client/build/libs/metasrv-java-client-1.0.jar into resources.

step 2: download databend package

Assume that you want to test Version v0.8.77 of databend metasrv, first need to download the databend release package and copy it to docker/packages:

wget -P docker/packages

Replace v0.8.77 to any version you want to test.

Note: Now can use prepare script to do step 1 and step 2, like ./prepare --version v0.8.79

step 3: start docker test containers

run cd docker; ./bin/up, it will start two types of container:

  • node container: which will run the meta service, by default there will be 3 node container, if need to change the node count, modify the bin/up script.node container will be named by prefix jepsen_n, like jepsen_n1.
  • console container: which will run the jepsen test script, console container will be named by jepsen_control.

After start the containers, run docker ps will see 4 containers:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                      COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                                                                  NAMES
1754a0157421   jepsen_control             "/bin/sh -c /"    41 seconds ago   Up 40 seconds>22/tcp, :::49157->22/tcp,>8080/tcp, :::49156->8080/tcp   jepsen-control
7eb1ad9c5630   jepsen_n2                  "/usr/local/bin/boot…"   9 hours ago      Up 40 seconds>22/tcp, :::49154->22/tcp                                                jepsen-n2
72090d630981   jepsen_n1                  "/usr/local/bin/boot…"   9 hours ago      Up 40 seconds>22/tcp, :::49153->22/tcp                                                jepsen-n1
940141d56e42   jepsen_n3                  "/usr/local/bin/boot…"   9 hours ago      Up 40 seconds>22/tcp, :::49155->22/tcp                                                jepsen-n3

step 4: run jepsen test in control container

Run ./bin/console in docker directory, it will enter the control container, and use the cmd like below to test metasrv:

./scripts/start-test --node-count 1 --version v0.8.79
  • --node-count: Test Node count(Default 3), note that node count CAN NOT bigger the node container count.
  • --time-limt: Test time limit(Default 5), in Seconds.
  • --concurrency: Concurrency test client count(Default 5).
  • --version: the package version download in step 2.

Note that the more nodes,time-limit and concurrency, the more test result, it will make the checker hard to analyse. In now time, the default arguments is enough.