- 2025/02/22: Added
data [n|all]
and only export the last round by default - @dblock. - 2025/02/04: Added
that shows all admins - @dblock. - 2025/02/03: Fix: remove disabled users from admins - @dblock.
- 2025/02/03: Background data export - @dblock.
- 2025/02/03: Fix: S'Up runs on time a week after being delayed - @dblock.
- 2024/10/31: Fix: subscribe and change cc for teams with special characters in name - @dblock.
- 2024/10/27: Replaced gcal link by a button - @dblock.
- 2024/10/27: Added collections of missed and matched users to rounds API - @dblock.
- 2024/10/27: Added captain's username to S'Up API - @dblock.
- 2024/10/27: Added round stats to API - @dblock.
- 2024/10/12: Upgraded to Ruby 3.3.5 - @dblock.
- 2024/07/27: Only send reminders after S'Up time of day - @dblock.
- 2024/05/03: Fix incorrect list of admins listed in
errors - @dblock. - 2023/12/01: Added promote/demote @mention - @dblock.
- 2023/06/19: Fix #131, odd user added to more than 1 sup - @dblock.
- 2023/02/18: Added
set sync now
for admins to manually sync users - @dblock. - 2023/02/18: Fix #118, link to TimeZone values - @dblock.
- 2023/01/21: Upgraded to Ruby 2.7.7 - @dblock.
- 10/1/2022: Display and set time zone in
set time
- @dblock. - 10/1/2022: Migrated to new Google Identity Services library for gcal - @dblock.
- 1/2/2021: Will sync user when opting in/out before an initial sync - @dblock.
- 1/2/2021: Added a "We Haven't Met Yet" option to meeting response - @dblock.
- 6/26/2020: Toggle opt in state for new users with
set opt in
- @dblock. - 6/14/2020: Added
to show next sup - @dblock. - 6/13/2020: Added
set odd
to toggle odd user behavior - @dblock. - 6/13/2020: Add odd remaining user to an existing S'Up - @dblock.
- 6/13/2020: Generate an additional S'Up if number of users not divisible by size - @dblock.
- 6/13/2020: Show opt in and missed numbers in rounds - @dblock.
- 4/11/2020: Added unsubscribe - @dblock.
- 7/2/2018: Added stats per round - @dblock.
- 9/25/2017: Configure followup day - @ashkan18.
- 9/4/2017: Added optional API token - @dblock.
- 8/27/2017: Skip users on vacation - @dblock.
- 8/25/2017: Add Google calendar integration - @dblock.
- 8/24/2017: Customize sup messages - @dblock.
- 8/16/2017: Initial public release, Artsy hackathon 2017 - @dblock.