Provisioning Deis is currently an adventure; usually a treacherous adventure. We've fielded many provisioning related problems on our #deis irc channel, many of which amounted to small missteps in the manual process.
We as the Deis maintainers have been frustrated with the provisioning process during our normal development workflows and especially during release testing time. See: #4318 (thanks @krancour for starting this public discussion!) and #2882. We've been dreaming of a future where provisioning and deploying Deis to any cloud provider is a trivial and an elegant experience.
- Make the provisioning process less painful, more seamless, and faster for all users
- Provide a way to manage and update long-living Deis clusters
- Allow anyone to run our full suite of tests on any cluster
- Create a common user experience for provisioning Deis regardless of what provider is used
- Avoid implementing yet another desired state infrastructure tool (Terraform)
- Construct a buffer between users and the details of Deis' installation process and internal architecture
- Bridge the gap between basic and advanced deployments of Deis
- Enable users to service multiple Deis clusters simultaneously
In order to achieve our dream of a more elegant Deis provisioning process for us
as maintainers and everyone as users, we'd like to build a new tool specific to
Deis called: rigger
Why the name?
A rigger is a person who specializes in the lifting and moving of extremely large or heavy objects. They understand the ins and outs of static and dynamic loads and their expertise is of paramount importance to ensure that the components of a project are delivered safely and expediently into the exact positions. Consider the complexities involved for a rigger when replacing a 38 ton thruster on the DCV Balder. Therefore, naming this tool "rigger" makes sense: it's your highly experienced aide in lifting your Deis platform into position.
is your interface to deploying Deis on a variety of cloud providers.
- ask questions from the user up front instead of requiring full attention during the whole provisioning processes
- abstract the details of cloud providers and Deis provisioning quirks by default but allow you to coordinate details if you have specific demands
- show you how it created the infrastructure (an audit log and package of important components of the provisioning process will be provided to users)
- be held within a separate git repository from the core Deis project.
- this will enable us to release updates to the provisioning process outside
of the core Deis release cycle. Our plan is to keep a strict interface
and the cloud providers already written in Deis' contrib directory. If we do have a need to break this interface, we can build in the smarts about which interfacerigger
should use per version of Deis.
- this will enable us to release updates to the provisioning process outside
of the core Deis release cycle. Our plan is to keep a strict interface
So what will this look like for you?
For a contributor, hacking on Deis becomes:
rigger configure # asked a set of questions
rigger checkout # checks out Deis repo <hack on Deis>
rigger provision # provisions Deis cluster from checked out repository
For a tester, testing Deis becomes:
rigger configure # asked a set of questions (including what version you'd like to test)
rigger provision
rigger test # can choose what type of test to run or run manual tests at this point
For an operator, provisioning Deis becomes:
rigger configure
rigger provision
rigger test
rigger save
<time passes>
rigger configure --file <package that was saved>
rigger upgrade --to <version>
<time passes>
rigger configure --file <package that was saved>
rigger provision # could be modifications to change infrastructure below Deis
The command will ask the absolute minimum amount of questions needed to provision a Deis cluster. Such as:
- What version of Deis? [latest Deis release]
- What cloud provider would you like to use? [Digital Ocean]
- What type of cluster are you looking to create? [development]
- What are your cloud provider credentials? [suggestion]
If no file is passed in, rigger
- ask necessary questions to fill in a complete
config file - consider the file to be the "current" environment (used for future
If a file is passed in, rigger
- validate the file
- ask any questions to fill in missing information in the file
- consider the file to be the "current" environment (used for future
a configuration file
This file is used as the source of truth for any future rigger
operation. It
could also be sourced into a shell environment to allow more advanced users
to easily dive into the inner workings of a Deis cluster (config file could
export DEISCTL_UNITS="/Users/username/.rerun-deis/490572dde4/units"
export DEIS_ROOT="/Users/username/go/src/"
export DEIS_TEST_AUTH_KEY="/Users/username/.ssh/deis-test"
export DEIS_TEST_ID="490572dde4"
export DEIS_TEST_ROOT="/Users/username/.rerun-deis/490572dde4"
export DEIS_TEST_SSH_KEY="/Users/username/.ssh/deis-test"
export DEIS_VARS_FILE="/Users/username/.rerun-deis/490572dde4/vars"
export DEV_REGISTRY=""
export GOPATH="/Users/username/go"
export IMAGE_PREFIX="username/"
export ORIGINAL_PATH="/Users/username/.rbenv/bin:/Users/username/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
export PATH="/Users/username/go/bin:/Users/username/.rbenv/bin:/Users/username/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
export PROVIDER="aws"
export DEIS_VERSION="1.9.1"
Ability to clone, just update, or leave the target alone
DEIS_ROOT contains the version of Deis that you'd like to use (determined in the configure stage)
Use config file contents to:
- load provider logic from deis.git (see expected provider interface)
- create a cluster of machines via cloud provider
- install and start Deis
Could also use this on an existing cluster to increase/decrease/configure infrastructure
- a working Deis cluster!
- configuration file updates...
The cluster provisioning process will produce information necessary to interact with the Deis cluster in future operations, such as DEISCTL_TUNNEL:
export DEISCTL_UNITS="/Users/username/.rerun-deis/490572dde4/units"
export DEIS_PROFILE="test-490572dde4"
export DEIS_ROOT="/Users/username/go/src/"
export DEIS_TEST_AUTH_KEY="/Users/username/.ssh/deis-test"
export DEIS_TEST_ID="490572dde4"
export DEIS_TEST_ROOT="/Users/username/.rerun-deis/490572dde4"
export DEIS_TEST_SSH_KEY="/Users/username/.ssh/deis-test"
export DEIS_VARS_FILE="/Users/username/.rerun-deis/490572dde4/vars"
export DEV_REGISTRY=""
export ELB_DNS_NAME=""
export ELB_NAME="deis-test-DeisWebE-1WG53EPRDVT11"
export GOPATH="/Users/username/go"
export IMAGE_PREFIX="sgoings/"
export ORIGINAL_PATH="/Users/username/.rbenv/shims:/Users/username/.rbenv/bin:/Users/username/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
export PATH="/Users/username/.rerun-deis/490572dde4/bin:/Users/username/go/bin:/Users/username/.rbenv/shims:/Users/username/.rbenv/bin:/Users/username/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
export PROVIDER="aws"
export STACK_NAME="deis-test-490572dde4"
export STACK_TAG="test-490572dde4"
export DEIS_VERSION="1.9.1"```
type of test to run
- full
- smoke
- specific component
- app deploy + test (deploy some apps that we can keep an eye on during the upgrade process)
- app test (make sure previously deployed apps are responding correctly)
- app test + destroy (make sure previously deployed apps are responding correctly, and then remove them)
Summary of tests run and their results
completely destroyed cluster that was referred to in the configuration file
deisctl and deis clients (including appropriate units files) installed in a directory available to the user which could be added to the user's PATH
package containing all relevant configuration, manipulation, and information of what's been done to a certain environment... such as:
- audit log
- Terraform state files
- complete userdata files
- parameters passed into various scripts
config file- deis test results
--to <version>
supply the version that you want to upgrade your Deis cluster to
--upgrade-style [graceful, inplace]
graceful: (no application downtime) use the new (as of 1.9.0) Deis upgrade
inplace: (more downtime) use the documented way of tearing down the whole
cluster and reinstalling Deis
Verification that the upgrade is worth it (an upgrade from 1.9.0 -> 1.9.0 doesn't make sense)
Your old cluster, but with the version of Deis you specified!
Below are our requirements for building a set of scripts that rigger
to exist. Each operation (installation of deps, creating a cluster) will just
call the appropriate shell script. How you implement the logic of creating a
cluster is left up to the developer (as long as the dependencies are installed
via the Install Dependencies script)!
- make a web service on top of
that people could use to provision a Deis cluster