The examples available in the SDx GitHub repository can be compiled by using either the provided Makefiles or the SDx GUI. Documentation on how to Makefile compilation is included in the README file of each example. This document outlines the steps to run an example application in the SDx GUI.
To use an example in the GUI, it must be downloaded as an example template, then a new project must be created using the example template. The steps to do this are described below.
- Open the SDx GUI by running the following command in the terminal window:
Select SDx Example Store... from the Xilinx menu. This will open a dialog where you can download example templates.
In the dialog, select an example, and click the Install button for the example.
After downloading the example, the example list will show the example as Installed.
Note: After installing the example, it will be available as a project template when creating a new SDx project.
- Close the dialog.
In the SDx GUI, Create a new project for the example design. This will open the New Project Wizard.
In the Templates page, select the example that you previously downloaded.
Note: some examples require specific hardware or runtime support, and will only be available for matching platforms and runtimes in the New Project Wizard.
Finish the wizard. The project will be created with the sources and project settings required to build and run the example.
Build and run the application.