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File metadata and controls

1056 lines (870 loc) · 34.7 KB

The reader is assumed to understand the Workflow Description Language (WDL), and have some experience using the DNAnexus platform.

dxWDL takes a pipeline written in WDL, and statically compiles it to an equivalent workflow on the DNAnexus platform.

Getting started

Prerequisites: DNAnexus platform account, dx-toolkit, java 8+, python 2.7 or 3.5+.

Make sure you've installed the dx-toolkit CLI, and initialized it with dx login. Download the latest dxWDL compiler jar file from the releases page.

Compiling Workflow

To compile a workflow:

$ java -jar dxWDL-xxx.jar compile /path/to/foo.wdl -project project-xxxx

This compiles foo.wdl to platform workflow foo in dx's current project and folder. The generated workflow can then be run as usual using dx run. For example, if the workflow takes string argument X, then: dx run foo -i0.X="hello world"

Compilation can be controled with several parameters.

Option Description
archive Archive older versions of applets and workflows
defaults A file with default parameter settings. The syntax is Cromwell style.
destination Set the output folder on the platform
extras JSON formatted file with additional options
force Overwrite existing applets/workflows if they have changed
inputs A cromwell style inputs file
imports Directory to search for imported WDL files
locked Create a locked-down workflow
reorg Move workflow intermediate results into a separate subdirectory
verbose Print detailed progress information
leaveWorkflowsOpen Keep compiled workflow in open state

The -inputs option allows specifying a Cromwell JSON format inputs file. An equivalent DNAx format inputs file is generated from it. For example, workflow files has input file

  "files.f": "dx://file-F5gkKkQ0ZvgjG3g16xyFf7b1",
  "files.f1": "dx://file-F5gkQ3Q0ZvgzxKZ28JX5YZjy",
  "files.f2": "dx://file-F5gkPXQ0Zvgp2y4Q8GJFYZ8G"

The command

java -jar dxWDL-0.44.jar compile test/files.wdl -project project-xxxx -inputs test/files_input.json

generates a test/files_input.dx.json file that looks like this:

  "f": {
    "$dnanexus_link": "file-F5gkKkQ0ZvgjG3g16xyFf7b1"
  "f1": {
    "$dnanexus_link": "file-F5gkQ3Q0ZvgzxKZ28JX5YZjy"
  "f2": {
    "$dnanexus_link": "file-F5gkPXQ0Zvgp2y4Q8GJFYZ8G"

The workflow can then be run with the command:

$ dx run files -f test/files_input.dx.json

The -defaults option is similar to -inputs. It takes a JSON file with key-value pairs, and compiles them as defaults into the workflow. If the files.wdl worklow is compiled with -defaults instead of -inputs

$ java -jar dxWDL-0.44.jar compile test/files.wdl -project project-xxxx -defaults test/files_input.json

It can be run without parameters, for an equivalent execution.

$ dx run files

The extras command line option allows, for example, the Cromwell feature of setting the default runtime attributes of a task.

If this is file extraOptions.json:

    "default_runtime_attributes" : {
      "docker" : ""

Then adding it to the compilation command line will add the atac-seq docker image to all tasks by default.

$ java -jar dxWDL-0.44.jar compile test/files.wdl -project project-xxxx -defaults test/files_input.json -extras extraOptions.json

Describe WDL workflow to obtain execution tree

You can describe a dnanexus workflow that was compiled by dxWDL to get an execution tree presentating the workfow.w. The execution tree will include information on the executables in the workflow (applets and subworkflows). By default, the execution tree is return as JSON. You can supply a --pretty flag to return a pretty print.

To obtain execution tree from a dxWDL compiled workflow:

  1. JSON - example
java -jar dxWDL-v1.46.5.jar describe <workflow_id> 
  1. prettyPrint - example
java -jar dxWDL-v1.46.5.jar describe <workflow_id> -pretty 



A task declaration has a runtime section where memory, cpu, and disk space can be specified. Based on these attributes, an instance type is chosen by the compiler. If you wish to choose an instance type from the native list, this can be done by specifying the dx_instance_type key instead. For example:

runtime {
   dx_instance_type: "mem1_ssd2_x4"

If you want an instance that has a GPU chipset, set the gpu attribute to true. For example:

runtime {
   memory: "4 GB"
   cpu : 4
   gpu : true


Normally, a file used in a task is downloaded to the instance, and then used locally (locallized). If the file only needs to be examined once in sequential order, then this can be optimized by streaming instead. The Unix cat, wc, and head commands are of this nature. To specify that a file is to be streamed, mark it as such in the parameter_meta section. For example:

task head {
    File in_file
    Int num_lines

    parameter_meta {
        in_file : "stream"
    command {
        head -n ${num_lines} ${in_file}
    output {
        String result = read_string(stdout())

File streaming is an optimization, and there are limiting rules to its correct usage. The file must be accessed only once, in sequential order, from the beginning. It need not be read to the end. If the task does not keep this contract, it could fail in unexpected ways.

Some tasks have empty command sections. For example, the fileSize task (below) calculates the size of a file, but does not need to download it. In such cases, the input files are downloaded lazily, only if their data is accessed.

task fileSize {
    File in_file

    command {}
    output {
        Float num_bytes = size(in_file)

Task and workflow inputs

WDL assumes that a task declaration can be overriden by the caller, if it is unassigned, or assigned to a constant.

task manipulate {
  Int x
  Int y = 6
  Int z = y + x

In the manipulate task x and y are compiled to applet inputs, where y has a default value (6). This allows the applet caller to override them. Declaration z is not considered an input, because it is assigned to an expression.

In a workflow, similarly to a task, a declaration is considered an input if it is unassigned or or assigned to a constant. For example, workflow foo has three inputs: ref_genome, min_coverage, and config. Variable max_coverage is not compiled into an input because it is assigned to an expression. Note that config is an input, even though it is located in the middle of the workflow.

workflow foo {
    File ref_genome
    Float min_coverage = 0.8
    Float max_coverage = min_coverage + 0.1

    call GetVersion
    scatter (i in [1,2,3]) {
        call RandCheck { input: ref=ref_genome, seed=i }

    String config = "test"

WDL allows leaving required call inputs unassigned, and specifying them from the input file. For example, workflow math calls task add, but does not specify argument b. It can then be specified from the input file as follows: { "math.add.b" : 3}.

task add {
    Int a
    Int b
    output {
        Int result = a + b

workflow math {
    call add { input: a = 3 }
    output {

Currently, dxWDL does not support this feature. However, there is a suggestion for limited support.

Task metadata

A WDL task has two sections where metadata can be specified:

  • meta: Provides overall metadata about the task
  • parameter_meta: Provides metadata for each of the input parameters

Both of these sections allow arbitrary keys and values; unrecognized keys must be ignored by the workflow engine. dxWDL recognized specific keys in each section that are used when generating the native DNAnexus applets. The purpose of these keys is to provide the same information that can be specified in the dxapp.json file.

meta section

The following keys are recognized:

  • title: A short title for the applet. If not specified, the task name is used as the title.
  • summary: A short description of the applet. If not specified, the first line of the description is used (up to 50 characters or the first period, whichever comes first).
  • description: A longer description of the applet.
  • developer_notes: Notes specifically for developers of the task.
  • types: An array of DNAnexus types.
  • tags: An array of strings that will be added as tags on the generated applet.
  • properties: A hash of key-value pairs that will be added as properties on the generated applet. Both keys and values must be strings.
  • details: An object with an arbitrary set of details about the applet. The following keys are specifically recognized and used by the platform:
    • advancedInputs
    • citations
    • contactEmail
    • contactOrg
    • contactUrl
    • exampleProject
    • repoUrl
    • upstreamLicenses
    • upstreamUrl
    • upstreamVersion
    • whatsNew: The task's change log. There are two different formats that are accepted:
      • A (possibly Markdown-formatted) string
      • An array of versions, where each version is a hash with two keys: version, a version string, and changes, an array of change description strings. This object will be formatted into a Markdown string upon compilation.

The following keys are also recognized but currently unused, as they only apply to DNAnexus Apps (not Applets):

  • categories: A list of DNAnexus categories
  • open_source: Whether the generated app should be open-source
  • version: The app version

Calling existing applets

Sometimes, it is desirable to call an existing dx:applet from a WDL workflow. For example, when porting a native workflow, we can leave the applets as is, without rewriting them in WDL. The dxni subcommand, short for Dx Native Interface, is dedicated to this use case. It searchs a platform folder and generates a WDL wrapper task for each applet. For example, the command:

$ java -jar dxWDL.jar dxni --project project-xxxx --folder /A/B/C --output dx_extern.wdl

will find native applets in the /A/B/C folder, generate tasks for them, and write to local file dx_extern.wdl. If an applet has the dxapp.json signature:

  "name": concat,
  "inputSpec": [
      "name": "a",
      "class": "string"
      "name": "b",
      "class": "string"
  "outputSpec": [
      "name": "result",
      "class": "string"

The WDL definition file will be:

task concat {
  String a
  String b
  command {}
  output {
    String c = ""
  meta {
    type: "native"
    id: "applet-xxxx"

The meta section includes the applet-id, which will be called at runtime. A WDL file can call the concat task as follows:

import "dx_extern.wdl" as lib

workflow w {
  call lib.concat as concat {
    input: a="double", b="espresso"
  output {

Calling apps

To call apps instead of applets, use

$ java -jar dxWDL.jar dxni -apps -o my_apps.wdl

The compiler will search for all the apps you can call, and create WDL tasks for them.

parameter_meta section

The WDL Spec defines a parameter_meta section that may contain key value pairs to assoicate metadata with input and output variables. Currently, the following keywords are supported:

  • stream, indicates whether or not an input file should be streamed. See here for more details
  • Direct mappings to inputSpec and outputSpec keywords in dxapp.json:
    • help - description is also accepted as an alias for help; if the parameter definition is a string rather than a hash, the string is used as help.
    • group - parameter grouping (used in the DNAnexus web UI).
    • label - human-readable label for the parameter (used in the DNAnexus web UI).
    • patterns - accepted filename patterns (applies to File-type parameters only).
    • choices - allowed parameter values; currently, this is limited to primitive (String, Int, Float, Boolean) and File types parameters (and Arrays of these types), i.e. it is not allowed for Map or Struct parameters.
    • suggestions - suggested parameter values; currently has the same limitations as choices.
    • dx_type - maps to the type field in dxapp.json; can be either a String value or a boolean "expression" (see example below). Applies to File-type parameters only.
    • default - a default value for the parameter. This is ignored if the parameter's default value is defined in the inputs section.

Although the WDL spec indicates that the parameter_meta section should apply to both input and output variables, WOM currently only maps the parameter_meta section to the input parameters.

Runtime hints

There are several parameters affecting the runtime environment that can be specified in the dxapp.json file:

  • executionPolicy: Specifies when to try to automatically restart failed jobs, and how many times
  • timeoutPolicy: Specifies the maximum amount of time the job can run
  • access: Specifies which resources the applet can access
  • ignoreReuse: Specifies whether to allow the outputs of the applet to be reused

These attributes can be specified in the runtime section of the WDL task, but their representation there is slightly different than in dxapp.json. Also note that the runtime section is different than the metadata section when it comes to attribute values - specifically, object values must be prefixed by the object keyword, and map values must have their keys in quotes.

  • dx_restart: Either an integer value indicating the number of times to automatically restart regardless of the failure reason, or an object value with the following keys:
    • max: Maximum number of restarts
    • default: Default number of restarts for any error type
    • errors: Mapping of error types to number of restarts
  • dx_timeout: Either a string value that specifies days, hours, and/or minutes in the format "1D6H30M" or an object with at least one of the keys days, hours, minutes.
  • dx_access: An object with any of the keys:
    • network: An array of domains to which the app has access, or "*" for all domains
    • project: The maximum level of access the applet has to the host project - a string with any DNAnexus access level
    • allProjects: The maximum level of access the applet has to all projects
    • developer: Boolean - whether the applet is a developer, i.e. can create new applets
    • projectCreation: Boolean - whether the applet can create new projects
  • dx_ignore_reuse: Boolean - whether to allow the outputs of the applet to be reused
  • dx_instance_type: String - DNAnexus instance type which the applet will use.

Example tasks with DNAnexus-specific metadata and runtime

Example 1: grep for pattern in file

version 1.0

task cgrep {
    input {
        String pattern
        File in_file
        Int? max_results
    Int actual_max_results = select_first([max_results, 3])

    meta {
        title: "Search in File"
        tags: ["search", "grep"]
        details: {
          whatsNew: [
            { version: "1.1", changes: ["Added max_results", "Switched to WDL v1.0"]},
            { version: "1.0", changes: ["Initial release"]}

    parameter_meta {
        in_file: {
          help: "The input file to be searched",
          group: "Basic",
          patterns: ["*.txt", "*.tsv"],
          dx_type: { and: [ "fastq", { or: ["Read1", "Read2"] } ] },
          stream: true
        pattern: {
          help: "The pattern to use to search in_file",
          group: "Advanced"
        max_results: {
          help: "Maximum number of results to return",
          choices: [1, 2, 3],
          default: 3

    command <<<
        grep -m~{actual_max_results} '~{pattern}' ~{in_file} | wc -l
        cp ~{in_file} out_file

    output {
        Int count = read_int(stdout())
        File out_file = "out_file"

    runtime {
      docker: "ubuntu:latest"
      dx_instance_type: "mem1_ssd1_v2_x8"
      dx_ignore_reuse: true
      dx_restart: object {
          default: 1,
          max: 5,
          errors: {
              "UnresponsiveWorker": 2,
              "ExecutionError": 2,
      dx_timeout: "12H30M"
      dx_access: object {
          network: ["*"],
          developer: true

Example 2: alignment with BWA-MEM

version 1.0

task bwa_mem {
  input {
    String sample_name
    File fastq1_gz
    File fastq2_gz
    File genome_index_tgz
    Int min_seed_length = 19
    String? read_group
    String docker_image = "broadinstitute/baseimg"
    Int cpu = 4
    Int memory_gb = 8
    Int? disk_gb

  String genome_index_basename = basename(genome_index_tgz, ".tar.gz")
  String actual_read_group = select_first([
  Int actual_disk_gb = select_first([
    ceil(2 * (size(genome_index_tgz, "G") + size(fastq1_gz, "G") + size(fastq2_gz, "G")))

  command <<<
  set -eux
  tar xzvf ~{genome_index_tgz}
  bwa mem \
    -M \
    -t ~{cpu} \
    -R "~{actual_read_group}" \
    -k ~{min_seed_length} \
    ~{genome_index_basename}.fa \
    ~{fastq1_gz} ~{fastq2_gz} | \
    samtools view -Sb > ~{sample_name}.bam

  output {
    File bam = "${sample_name}.bam"

  runtime {
    docker: docker_image
    cpu: "${cpu}"
    memory: "${memory_gb} GB"
    disks: "local-disk ${actual_disk_gb} SSD"
    dx_timeout: "1D"
    dx_restart: {
      "max": 3

  meta {
    title: "BWA-MEM"
    description: "Align paired-end reads using BWA MEM"
    details: {
      upstreamLicenses: "GPLv3"

  parameter_meta {
    sample_name: {
      label: "Sample Name",
      help: "Name of the sample; used to prefix output files"
    fastq1_gz: {
      label: "FASTQ 1 (gzipped)",
      description: "Gzipped fastq file of first paired-end reads",
      stream: true
    fastq2_gz: {
      label: "FASTQ 2 (gzipped)",
      description: "Gzipped fastq file of second paired-end reads",
      stream: true
    genome_index_tgz: {
      label: "Genome Index (.tgz)",
      description: "Tarball of the reference genome and BWA index",
      stream: true
    min_seed_length: {
      label: "Minimum Seed Length",
      help: "Matches shorter than INT will be missed.",
      group: "Advanced",
      default: 19
    read_group: {
      label: "Read Group",
      help: "(Optional) the read group to add to aligned reads",
      group: "Advanced" 
    docker_image: {
      label: "Docker Image",
      help: "Name of the docker image to use",
      group: "Resources",
      default: "broadinstitute/baseimg"
    cpu: {
      label: "CPUs",
      help: "Minimum number of CPUs to use",
      group: "Resources",
      default: 4
    memory_gb: {
      label: "Memory (GB)",
      help: "Minimum amount of memory required",
      group: "Resources",
      default: 8
    disk_gb: {
      label: "Disk Space (GB)",
      help: "Minimum amount of disk space required (in GB); by default this is calculated from the inputs",
      group: "Resources"

* Note the comma seperating the members of the objects within meta and paramter_meta

Setting DNAnexus-specific attributes in extras.json

When writing a dnanexus applet the user can specify options through the dxapp.json file. The dxWDL equivalent is the extras file, specified with the extras command line option. The extras file has a default_task_dx_attributes section where runtime specification, timeout policies, and access control can be set.

  "default_task_dx_attributes" : {
    "runSpec": {
        "executionPolicy": {
          "restartOn": {
            "*": 3
        "timeoutPolicy": {
          "*": {
            "hours": 12
        "access" : {
          "project": "CONTRIBUTE",
          "allProjects": "VIEW",
          "network": [
          "developer": true

In order to override the defaults for specific tasks, you can add the per_task_dx_attributes section. For example

  "per_task_dx_attributes" : {
    "Add": {
      "runSpec": {
        "timeoutPolicy": {
          "*": {
            "minutes": 30
    "Inc" : {
      "runSpec": {
        "timeoutPolicy": {
          "*": {
            "minutes": 30
        "access" : {
          "project": "UPLOAD"

will override the default timeout for tasks Add and Inc. It will also provide UPLOAD instead of VIEW project access to Inc.

You are also able add citations or licenses information using for each task at the per_task_dx_attributes section. For example

  "per_task_dx_attributes" : {
    "Add": {
      "runSpec": {
        "timeoutPolicy": {
          "*": {
             "minutes": 30
      "details": {
        "upstreamProjects": [
            "name": "GATK4",
            "repoUrl": "",
            "version": "GATK-",
            "license": "BSD-3-Clause",
            "licenseUrl": "",
            "author": "Broad Institute"

Note that details specified in per_task_dx_attributes override those that are set in the task's meta section.

Job reuse

By default, job results are reused. This is an optimization whereby when a job is run a second time, the results from the previous execution are returned, skipping job execution entirely. Sometimes, it is desirable to disable this behavior. To do so use:

  "ignoreReuse" : true

Delay workspace destruction

By default, temporary workspaces hold the results of executed workflows and applets. Normally, these are garbage collected by the system. If you wish to leave them around longer for debugging purposes, please use:

  "delayWorkspaceDestruction" : true

This will be passed down through the entire workflow, sub-workflows, and tasks. Workspaces will remain intact for 72 hours. This is a runtime flag, so you will need to run the toplevel workflow with that flag:

dx run YOUR_WORKFLOW --delay-workspace-destruction

Workflow metadata

Similar to tasks, workflows can also have meta AND parameter_meta sections that contain arbitrary workflow-level metadata. dxWDL recognizes the following meta attributes and uses them when generating the native DNAnexus workflow:

  • title: A short title for the workflow. If not specified, the task name is used as the title.
  • summary: A short description of the workflow. If not specified, the first line of the description is used (up to 50 characters or the first period, whichever comes first).
  • description: A longer description of the workflow.
  • types: An array of DNAnexus types.
  • tags: An array of strings that will be added as tags on the generated applet.
  • properties: A hash of key-value pairs that will be added as properties on the generated applet. Both keys and values must be strings.
  • details: A hash of workflow details. The only key that is specifically recogized is whatsNew, and the formatting is handled for workflows the same way as it is for tasks.

The workflow parameter_meta section supports the same attributes as the task parameter_meta section.

Handling intermediate workflow outputs

A workflow may create a large number of files, taking up significant disk space, and incurring storage costs. Some of the files are workflow outputs, but many of them may be intermediate results that are not needed once the workflow completes. By default, all outputs are stored in one platform folder. With the --reorg flag, the intermediate results are moved into a subfolder named "intermediate". This is achieved by adding a stage to the workflow that reorganizes the output folder, it uses CONTRIBUTE access to reach into the parent project, create a subfolder, and move files into it.

Use your own applet

You may want to use a different applet than the one provided with --reorg. To do that, write a native applet, and call it at the end your workflow.

Writing your own applet for reorganization purposes is tricky. If you are not careful, it may misplace or outright delete files. The applet:

  1. requires CONTRIBUTE project access, so it can move files and folders around.
  2. has to be idempotent, so that if the instance it runs on crashes, it can safely restart.
  3. has to be careful about inputs that are also outputs. Normally, these should not be moved.
  4. should use bulk object operations, so as not to overload the API server.

Adding config-file based reorg applet at compilation time

In addition to using --reorg flag to add the reorg stage, you may also add a custom reorganization applet that takes an optional input by declaring a "custom-reorg" object in the JSON file used as parameter with -extras

The "custom-reorg" object has two properties in extra.json: # app_id: reorg applet id # conf: auxiliary configuration

The optional input file can be used as a configuration file for the reorganization process.

For example:

  "custom-reorg" : {
    "app_id" : "applet-12345678910",
    "conf" : "dx://file-xxxxxxxx"

# if you do not wish to include an additional config file, please set the "conf" to `null`
  "custom-reorg" : {
    "app_id" : "applet-12345678910",
    "conf" : null

The config-file based reorg applet needs to have the following specs as inputs.

reorg_conf___ and reorg_status___:

  "inputSpec": [
      "name": "reorg_conf___",
      "label": "Auxiliary config input used for reorganisation.",
      "help": "",
      "class": "file",
      "patterns": ["*"],
      "optional": true
      "name": "reorg_status___",
      "label": "A string from output stage that act as a signal to indicate the workflow has completed.",
      "help": "",
      "class": "string",
      "optional": true

When compiling a workflow with a custom-reorg applet declared with -extras JSON, a string variable reorg_status___ with the value of completed will be included in the output stage.

The reorg_status___ is used to act as a dependency to signal that the workflow has completed.

For an example use case of a configuration based custom reorg applet, please refer to

Top-level calls compiled as stages

If a workflow is compiled in unlocked mode, top level calls with no subexpressions are compiled directly to dx:workflow stages. For example, in workflow foo call add is compiled to a dx:stage. concat has a subexpression, and check is not a top level call; they will be compiled to dx:applets.

workflow foo {
    String username
    Boolean flag

    call add
    call concat {input: x="hello", y="_" + username }

    if (flag) {
        call check {input:  factor = 1 }

task add {
    Int a
    Int b
    command {}
    output { Int result = a + b }

task concat {
   String s1
   String s2
   command {}
   output { String result = s1 + s2 }

task check {
   Int factor = 3

When a call is compiled to a stage, missing arguments are transformed into stage inputs. The add stage will have compulsory integer inputs a and b.

For an in depth discussion, please see Missing Call Arguments.


As of release 0.80, we moved to using docker, instead of dx-docker. dx-docker is deprecated, although you can still use it with the --useDxDocker command line flag.

Setting a default docker image for all tasks

Sometimes, you want to use a default docker image for tasks. The extras commad line flag can help achieve this. It takes a JSON file as an argument. For example, if taskAttrs.json is this file:

    "default_runtime_attributes" : {
      "docker" : ""

Then adding it to the compilation command line will add the atac-seq docker image to all tasks by default.

$ java -jar dxWDL-0.44.jar compile files.wdl -project project-xxxx -defaults files_input.json -extras taskAttrs.json

Private registries

If your images are stored in a private registry, add its information to the extras file, so that tasks will be able to pull images from it. For example:

  "docker_registry" : {
      "registry" : "",
       "username" : "perkins",
       "credentials" : "dx://CornSequencing:/B/creds.txt"

will setup the registry, with user perkins. The credentials are stored in a platform file, so they can be replaced without recompiling. Care is taken so that the credentials never appear in the applet logs. Compiling a workflow with this configuration sets it to use native docker, and all applets are given the allProjects: VIEW permission. This allows them to access the credentials file, even if it is stored on a different project.

Storing a docker image as a file

Normally, docker images are public, and stored in publicly available web sites. This enables reproducibility across different tools and environments. However, if you have a docker image that you wish to store on the platform, you can do docker save, followed by uploading the tar ball to platform file file-xxxx. Then, specify the docker attribute in the runtime section as dx://file-xxxx. Paths or file ids can be used, for example:

runtime {
   docker: "dx://GenomeSequenceProject:/A/B/myOrgTools"

runtime {
   docker: "dx://file-xxxx"

runtime {
   docker: "dx://project-xxxx:file-yyyy"

Proxy configurations

Some organizations place a proxy between internal machines and external hosts. This is done for security, auditing, and caching purposes. In this case, the compiler cannot contact the dnanexus API servers, unless is routes its requests through the proxy. Do achieve this, set the environment variable HTTP_PROXY (or HTTPS_PROXY) to point to the proxy. For example, if you perform the following on the command line shell:

$ export HTTP_PROXY =
$ java -jar dxWDL.jar compile ...

the compiler will send all requests through the machine on port 8080.

If an a proxy with NTLM authentication is used, the following configuration is required:

$ export HTTP_PROXY_METHOD=ntlm
$ export HTTP_PROXY = https://john_smith:[email protected]:8080
$ java -jar dxWDL.jar compile ...

Debugging an applet

If you build an applet on the platform with dxWDL, and want to inspect it, use: dx get --omit-resources <applet path>. This will refrain from downloading the large resource files that go into the applet.

Getting WDL sources

Compiled workflows and tasks include the original WDL source code in the details field. For example, examine workflow foo that was compiled from foo.wdl. The platform object foo includes a details field that contains the WDL source, in compressed, uuencoded form. To extract it you can do:

dx describe /builds/1.02/applets/hello --json --details | jq '.details | .womSourceCode' | sed 's/"//g' | base64 --decode | gunzip


Any significant WDL workflow is compiled into multiple DNAx applets and workflows. Naively, any modification to the WDL source would necessitate recompilation of all the constituent objects, which is expensive. To optimize this use case, all generated platform objects are checksumed. If a dx:object has not changed, it is not recompiled, and the existing version can be used. The checksum covers the WDL source code, the DNAx runtime specification, and any other attributes. There are two exceptions: the project name, and the folder. This allows moving WDL workflows in the folder hierarchy without recompilation.