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Project file properties

Rolf Bjarne Kvinge edited this page Jul 23, 2021 · 25 revisions

Properties and item groups in project files



Additional arguments to mtouch.

Applicable to iOS, tvOS, watchOS projects.

.NET: some arguments are still applicable, some are not.


The architecture(s) to build for.

Applicable to iOS, tvOS, watchOS projects.

.NET: N/A, uses RuntimeIdentifier instead.


The architecture(s) to build for.

Applicable to macOS projects.

.NET: N/A, uses RuntimeIdentifier instead.

HttpClientHandler and MtouchHttpClientHandler

Selects which HttpClientHandler will be the default.

  • MtouchHttpClientHandler: applicable to iOS, tvOS and watchOS projects.
  • HttpClientHandler: applicable to macOS projects.

Different platforms have different valid values:

  • iOS: "HttpClientHandler", "NSUrlSessionHandler" or "CFNetworkHandler"
  • tvOS: "HttpClientHandler" or "NSUrlSessionHandler"
  • watchOS: only "NSUrlSessionHandler"
  • macOS: "HttpClientHandler" or "NSUrlSessionHandler"

.NET: N/A, use UseNativeHttpHandler to select which HttpClientHandler implementation to use.

EnableSGenConc and MtouchEnableSGenConc

Enables the concurrent mode for the SGen garbage collector.

  • iOS, tvOS, watchOS: historically used MtouchEnableSGenConc, but it's recommended to use EnableSGenConc.
  • macOS: uses EnableSGenConc.

Applicable to all platforms.

.NET: the same.


If an Xcode archive should be created at the end of the build.

Applicable to all platforms.

.NET: the same.


If code signing is enabled.

Applicable only to macOS and Mac Catalyst apps (for other platforms we automatically determine if signing is required or not).

.NET: the same.


If the .pkg that was created (if CreatePackage was enabled) should be signed.

Applicable only to macOS and Mac Catalyst projects.

.NET: the same


If a package (.pkg) should be created for the app bundle at the end of the build.

Applicable only to macOS and Mac Catalyst projects.

.NET: the same


Specifies the code signing key to use.

Applicable only to macOS and Mac Catalyst apps, but it's recommended to use CodesignKey instead.

.NET: use CodesignKey instead


Specifies the code signing key to use.

Applicable to all platforms.

.NET: the same


Specifies the provisioning profile to use when signing the app bundle.

Applicable to all platforms.

.NET: the same.


The path to the entitlements file that specifies the entitlements the app requires.

Typically "Entitlements.plist"

Applicable to all platforms.

.NET: the same.


Extra arguments passed to the 'codesign' tool

Applicable to all platforms.

.NET: the same.


Specifies the code signing key to sign the package when creating .pkg for a macOS and Mac Catalyst project.

Applicable only to macOS and Mac Catalyst apps.

.NET: the same.


Specifies any extra arguments to pass to the 'productbuild' tool when creating .pkg for a macOS and Mac Catalyst project.

Applicable only to macOS and Mac Catalyst apps.

.NET: the same.


Applicable only to macOS and Mac Catalyst apps.

.NET: the same.

Item Groups


Additional xml files to the managed linker.

Applicable to all platforms.

.NET: the same

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