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Project file properties

Rolf Bjarne Kvinge edited this page Jul 23, 2021 · 25 revisions

Properties and item groups in project files



Additional arguments to mtouch.

Applicable to iOS, tvOS, watchOS projects.

.NET: some arguments are still applicable, some are not.


The architecture(s) to build for.

Applicable to iOS, tvOS, watchOS projects.

.NET: N/A, uses RuntimeIdentifier instead.


The architecture(s) to build for.

Applicable to macOS projects.

.NET: N/A, uses RuntimeIdentifier instead.

HttpClientHandler and MtouchHttpClientHandler

Selects which HttpClientHandler will be the default.

  • MtouchHttpClientHandler: applicable to iOS, tvOS and watchOS projects.
  • HttpClientHandler: applicable to macOS projects.

Different platforms have different valid values:

  • iOS: "HttpClientHandler", "NSUrlSessionHandler" or "CFNetworkHandler"
  • tvOS: "HttpClientHandler" or "NSUrlSessionHandler"
  • watchOS: only "NSUrlSessionHandler"
  • macOS: "HttpClientHandler" or "NSUrlSessionHandler"

.NET: N/A, use UseNativeHttpHandler to select which HttpClientHandler implementation to use.


If code signing is enabled.

Applicable only to macOS and Mac Catalyst apps (for other platforms we automatically determine if signing is required or not).

.NET: the same.


If the .pkg that was created (if CreatePackage was enabled) should be signed.

Applicable only to macOS and Mac Catalyst projects.

.NET: the same


If a package (.pkg) should be created for the app bundle at the end of the build.

Applicable only to macOS and Mac Catalyst projects.

.NET: the same


Specifies the code signing key to use.

Applicable only to macOS and Mac Catalyst apps, but it's recommended to use CodesignKey instead.

.NET: use CodesignKey instead


Specifies the code signing key to use.

Applicable to all platforms.

.NET: the same


Specifies the provisioning profile to use when signing the app bundle.

Applicable to all platforms.

.NET: the same.


The path to the entitlements file that specifies the entitlements the app requires.

Typically "Entitlements.plist"

Applicable to all platforms.

.NET: the same.


Extra arguments passed to the 'codesign' tool

Applicable to all platforms.

.NET: the same.


Specifies the code signing key to sign the package when creating .pkg for a macOS and Mac Catalyst project.

Applicable only to macOS and Mac Catalyst apps.

.NET: the same.


Specifies any extra arguments to pass to the 'productbuild' tool when creating .pkg for a macOS and Mac Catalyst project.

Applicable only to macOS and Mac Catalyst apps.

.NET: the same.


Applicable only to macOS and Mac Catalyst apps.

.NET: the same.

Item Groups


Additional xml files to the managed linker.

Applicable to all platforms.

.NET: the same

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