From e5107dff3335f81523f9b04a47eb27e46804e902 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Benjamin Wohlwend <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2021 10:55:51 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/5] catch and log exceptions in the interval timer function

Instead of letting the thread die, we log the exception with
a stack trace to ease debugging.
 elasticapm/utils/  | 17 ++++++++++++-----
 tests/utils/ | 14 ++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/elasticapm/utils/ b/elasticapm/utils/
index a36b91fda..b5d6983b8 100644
--- a/elasticapm/utils/
+++ b/elasticapm/utils/
@@ -30,10 +30,13 @@
 from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
 import os
 import threading
 from timeit import default_timer
+logger = logging.getLogger("elasticapm.utils.threading")
 class IntervalTimer(threading.Thread):
@@ -77,11 +80,15 @@ def run(self):
                 # we've been cancelled, time to go home
             start = default_timer()
-            rval = self._function(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
-            if self._evaluate_function_interval and isinstance(rval, (int, float)):
-                interval_override = rval
-            else:
-                interval_override = None
+            try:
+                rval = self._function(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
+                if self._evaluate_function_interval and isinstance(rval, (int, float)):
+                    interval_override = rval
+                else:
+                    interval_override = None
+            except Exception:
+                logger.error("Exception in interval timer function", exc_info=True)
             execution_time = default_timer() - start
     def cancel(self):
diff --git a/tests/utils/ b/tests/utils/
index dc80ce5bd..451bccf6f 100644
--- a/tests/utils/
+++ b/tests/utils/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 import mock
 from elasticapm.utils.threading import IntervalTimer
+from tests.utils import assert_any_record_contains
 def test_interval_timer():
@@ -75,3 +76,16 @@ def test_interval_timer_interval_override_non_number():
     assert not timer.is_alive()
+def test_interval_timer_exception(caplog):
+    def my_func():
+        return 1 / 0
+    with caplog.at_level("ERROR", "elasticapm.utils.threading"):
+        timer = IntervalTimer(function=my_func, interval=0.1)
+        timer.start()
+        time.sleep(0.25)
+        assert timer.is_alive()
+    timer.cancel()
+    assert_any_record_contains(caplog.records, "Exception in interval timer function")

From 3bc05d530f5b1629ec369ea2c6f49679e40d9373 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Benjamin Wohlwend <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2021 14:11:37 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/5] implement histogram metrics and a prometheus histogram

The spec for histograms has been merged in
 .../contrib/django/middleware/     |   2 +-
 elasticapm/metrics/            | 135 +++++++++++++-----
 elasticapm/metrics/sets/         |  43 +++++-
 tests/metrics/                   |  20 +++
 tests/metrics/             |  31 ++++
 5 files changed, 188 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

diff --git a/elasticapm/contrib/django/middleware/ b/elasticapm/contrib/django/middleware/
index e270caa8d..55a2b8b3d 100644
--- a/elasticapm/contrib/django/middleware/
+++ b/elasticapm/contrib/django/middleware/
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class ElasticAPMClientMiddlewareMixin(object):
     def client(self):
-            app = apps.get_app_config("elasticapm.contrib.django")
+            app = apps.get_app_config("elasticapm")
             return app.client
         except LookupError:
             return get_client()
diff --git a/elasticapm/metrics/ b/elasticapm/metrics/
index 393d4c8be..eff12f9d3 100644
--- a/elasticapm/metrics/
+++ b/elasticapm/metrics/
@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ def __init__(self, registry):
         self._counters = {}
         self._gauges = {}
         self._timers = {}
+        self._histograms = {}
         self._registry = registry
         self._label_limit_logged = False
@@ -155,7 +156,10 @@ def timer(self, name, reset_on_collect=False, unit=None, **labels):
         return self._metric(self._timers, Timer, name, reset_on_collect, labels, unit)
-    def _metric(self, container, metric_class, name, reset_on_collect, labels, unit=None):
+    def histogram(self, name, reset_on_collect=False, unit=None, buckets=None, **labels):
+        return self._metric(self._histograms, Histogram, name, reset_on_collect, labels, unit, buckets=buckets)
+    def _metric(self, container, metric_class, name, reset_on_collect, labels, unit=None, **kwargs):
         Returns an existing or creates and returns a metric
         :param container: the container for the metric
@@ -172,7 +176,10 @@ def _metric(self, container, metric_class, name, reset_on_collect, labels, unit=
             if key not in container:
                 if any(pattern.match(name) for pattern in self._registry.ignore_patterns):
                     metric = noop_metric
-                elif len(self._gauges) + len(self._counters) + len(self._timers) >= DISTINCT_LABEL_LIMIT:
+                elif (
+                    len(self._gauges) + len(self._counters) + len(self._timers) + len(self._histograms)
+                    >= DISTINCT_LABEL_LIMIT
+                ):
                     if not self._label_limit_logged:
                         self._label_limit_logged = True
@@ -181,7 +188,7 @@ def _metric(self, container, metric_class, name, reset_on_collect, labels, unit=
                     metric = noop_metric
-                    metric = metric_class(name, reset_on_collect=reset_on_collect, unit=unit)
+                    metric = metric_class(name, reset_on_collect=reset_on_collect, unit=unit, **kwargs)
                 container[key] = metric
             return container[key]
@@ -202,33 +209,42 @@ def collect(self):
         samples = defaultdict(dict)
         if self._counters:
             # iterate over a copy of the dict to avoid threading issues, see #717
-            for (name, labels), c in compat.iteritems(self._counters.copy()):
-                if c is not noop_metric:
-                    val = c.val
-                    if val or not c.reset_on_collect:
-                        samples[labels].update({name: {"value": val}})
-                    if c.reset_on_collect:
-                        c.reset()
+            for (name, labels), counter in compat.iteritems(self._counters.copy()):
+                if counter is not noop_metric:
+                    val = counter.val
+                    if val or not counter.reset_on_collect:
+                        samples[labels].update({name: {"value": val, "type": "counter"}})
+                    if counter.reset_on_collect:
+                        counter.reset()
         if self._gauges:
-            for (name, labels), g in compat.iteritems(self._gauges.copy()):
-                if g is not noop_metric:
-                    val = g.val
-                    if val or not g.reset_on_collect:
-                        samples[labels].update({name: {"value": val}})
-                    if g.reset_on_collect:
-                        g.reset()
+            for (name, labels), gauge in compat.iteritems(self._gauges.copy()):
+                if gauge is not noop_metric:
+                    val = gauge.val
+                    if val or not gauge.reset_on_collect:
+                        samples[labels].update({name: {"value": val, "type": "gauge"}})
+                    if gauge.reset_on_collect:
+                        gauge.reset()
         if self._timers:
-            for (name, labels), t in compat.iteritems(self._timers.copy()):
-                if t is not noop_metric:
-                    val, count = t.val
-                    if val or not t.reset_on_collect:
+            for (name, labels), timer in compat.iteritems(self._timers.copy()):
+                if timer is not noop_metric:
+                    val, count = timer.val
+                    if val or not timer.reset_on_collect:
                         sum_name = ".sum"
-                        if t._unit:
-                            sum_name += "." + t._unit
+                        if timer._unit:
+                            sum_name += "." + timer._unit
                         samples[labels].update({name + sum_name: {"value": val}})
                         samples[labels].update({name + ".count": {"value": count}})
-                    if t.reset_on_collect:
-                        t.reset()
+                    if timer.reset_on_collect:
+                        timer.reset()
+        if self._histograms:
+            for (name, labels), histo in compat.iteritems(self._histograms.copy()):
+                if histo is not noop_metric:
+                    counts = histo.val
+                    if counts or not histo.reset_on_collect:
+                        samples[labels].update({name: {"counts": counts, "values": histo.buckets, "type": "histogram"}})
+                    if histo.reset_on_collect:
+                        histo.reset()
         if samples:
             for labels, sample in compat.iteritems(samples):
                 result = {"samples": sample, "timestamp": timestamp}
@@ -263,8 +279,16 @@ def before_yield(self, data):
         return data
-class Counter(object):
-    __slots__ = ("name", "_lock", "_initial_value", "_val", "reset_on_collect")
+class BaseMetric(object):
+    __slots__ = ("name", "reset_on_collect")
+    def __init__(self, name, reset_on_collect=False, **kwargs):
+ = name
+        self.reset_on_collect = reset_on_collect
+class Counter(BaseMetric):
+    __slots__ = BaseMetric.__slots__ + ("_lock", "_initial_value", "_val")
     def __init__(self, name, initial_value=0, reset_on_collect=False, unit=None):
@@ -273,10 +297,9 @@ def __init__(self, name, initial_value=0, reset_on_collect=False, unit=None):
         :param initial_value: initial value of the counter, defaults to 0
         :param unit: unit of the observed counter. Unused for counters
- = name
         self._lock = threading.Lock()
         self._val = self._initial_value = initial_value
-        self.reset_on_collect = reset_on_collect
+        super(Counter, self).__init__(name, reset_on_collect=reset_on_collect)
     def inc(self, delta=1):
@@ -318,8 +341,8 @@ def val(self, value):
             self._val = value
-class Gauge(object):
-    __slots__ = ("name", "_val", "reset_on_collect")
+class Gauge(BaseMetric):
+    __slots__ = BaseMetric.__slots__ + ("_val",)
     def __init__(self, name, reset_on_collect=False, unit=None):
@@ -327,9 +350,8 @@ def __init__(self, name, reset_on_collect=False, unit=None):
         :param name: label of the gauge
         :param unit of the observed gauge. Unused for gauges
- = name
         self._val = None
-        self.reset_on_collect = reset_on_collect
+        super(Gauge, self).__init__(name, reset_on_collect=reset_on_collect)
     def val(self):
@@ -343,16 +365,15 @@ def reset(self):
         self._val = 0
-class Timer(object):
-    __slots__ = ("name", "_val", "_count", "_lock", "_unit", "reset_on_collect")
+class Timer(BaseMetric):
+    __slots__ = BaseMetric.__slots__ + ("_val", "_count", "_lock", "_unit")
     def __init__(self, name=None, reset_on_collect=False, unit=None):
- = name
         self._val = 0
         self._count = 0
         self._unit = unit
         self._lock = threading.Lock()
-        self.reset_on_collect = reset_on_collect
+        super(Timer, self).__init__(name, reset_on_collect=reset_on_collect)
     def update(self, duration, count=1):
         with self._lock:
@@ -375,6 +396,46 @@ def val(self, value):
             self._val, self._count = value
+class Histogram(BaseMetric):
+    DEFAULT_BUCKETS = (0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, float("inf"))
+    __slots__ = BaseMetric.__slots__ + ("_lock", "_buckets", "_counts", "_lock", "_unit")
+    def __init__(self, name=None, reset_on_collect=False, unit=None, buckets=None):
+        self._lock = threading.Lock()
+        self._buckets = buckets or Histogram.DEFAULT_BUCKETS
+        if self._buckets[-1] < float("inf"):
+            self._buckets.append(float("inf"))
+        self._counts = [0] * len(self._buckets)
+        self._unit = unit
+        super(Histogram, self).__init__(name, reset_on_collect=reset_on_collect)
+    def update(self, value, count=1):
+        pos = 0
+        while value > self._buckets[pos]:
+            pos += 1
+        with self._lock:
+            self._counts[pos] += count
+    @property
+    def val(self):
+        with self._lock:
+            return self._counts
+    @val.setter
+    def val(self, value):
+        with self._lock:
+            self._counts = value
+    @property
+    def buckets(self):
+        return self._buckets
+    def reset(self):
+        with self._lock:
+            self._counts = [0] * len(self._buckets)
 class NoopMetric(object):
     A no-op metric that implements the "interface" of both Counter and Gauge.
diff --git a/elasticapm/metrics/sets/ b/elasticapm/metrics/sets/
index 894de159c..2dffce812 100644
--- a/elasticapm/metrics/sets/
+++ b/elasticapm/metrics/sets/
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ def before_collect(self):
             metric_type = self.METRIC_MAP.get(metric.type, None)
             if not metric_type:
-            metric_type(self,, metric.samples)
+            metric_type(self,, metric.samples, metric.unit)
-    def _prom_counter_handler(self, name, samples):
+    def _prom_counter_handler(self, name, samples, unit):
         # Counters can be converted 1:1 from Prometheus to our
         # format. Each pair of samples represents a distinct labelset for a
         # given name. The pair consists of the value, and a "created" timestamp.
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def _prom_counter_handler(self, name, samples):
                 self._registry.client.config.prometheus_metrics_prefix + name, **total_sample.labels
             ).val = total_sample.value
-    def _prom_gauge_handler(self, name, samples):
+    def _prom_gauge_handler(self, name, samples, unit):
         # Counters can be converted 1:1 from Prometheus to our
         # format. Each sample represents a distinct labelset for a
         # given name
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ def _prom_gauge_handler(self, name, samples):
                 self._registry.client.config.prometheus_metrics_prefix + name, **sample.labels
             ).val = sample.value
-    def _prom_summary_handler(self, name, samples):
+    def _prom_summary_handler(self, name, samples, unit):
         # Prometheus Summaries are analogous to our Timers, having
         # a count and a sum. A prometheus summary is represented by
         # three values. The list of samples for a given name can be
@@ -79,7 +79,40 @@ def _prom_summary_handler(self, name, samples):
-    METRIC_MAP = {"counter": _prom_counter_handler, "gauge": _prom_gauge_handler, "summary": _prom_summary_handler}
+    def _prom_histogram_handler(self, name, samples, unit):
+        # Prometheus histograms are structured as a series of counts
+        # with an "le" label. The count of each label signifies all
+        # observations with a lower-or-equal value with respect to
+        # the "le" label value.
+        # After the le-samples, 3 more samples follow, with an overall
+        # count, overall sum, and creation timestamp.
+        sample_pos = 0
+        prev_val = 0
+        counts = []
+        values = []
+        name = self._registry.client.config.prometheus_metrics_prefix + name
+        while sample_pos < len(samples):
+            sample = samples[sample_pos]
+            if "le" in sample.labels:
+                values.append(float(sample.labels["le"]))
+                counts.append(sample.value - prev_val)
+                prev_val = sample.value
+                sample_pos += 1
+            else:
+                # we reached the end of one set of buckets/values, this is the "count" sample
+                self.histogram(name, unit=unit, buckets=values, **sample.labels).val = counts
+                prev_val = 0
+                counts = []
+                values = []
+                sample_pos += 3  # skip sum/created samples
+    METRIC_MAP = {
+        "counter": _prom_counter_handler,
+        "gauge": _prom_gauge_handler,
+        "summary": _prom_summary_handler,
+        "histogram": _prom_histogram_handler,
+    }
 def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None):
diff --git a/tests/metrics/ b/tests/metrics/
index 36e4b3223..00ee3d19a 100644
--- a/tests/metrics/
+++ b/tests/metrics/
@@ -86,6 +86,26 @@ def test_metrics_counter(elasticapm_client):
     assert data["samples"]["x"]["value"] == 0
+def test_metrics_histogram(elasticapm_client):
+    metricset = MetricsSet(MetricsRegistry(elasticapm_client))
+    hist = metricset.histogram("x", buckets=[1, 10, 100])
+    assert len(hist.buckets) == 4
+    assert hist.buckets[3] == float("inf")
+    hist.update(0.3)
+    hist.update(1)
+    hist.update(5)
+    hist.update(20)
+    hist.update(100)
+    hist.update(1000)
+    data = list(metricset.collect())
+    assert len(data) == 1
+    d = data[0]
+    assert d["samples"]["x"]["counts"] == [2, 1, 2, 1]
+    assert d["samples"]["x"]["values"] == [1, 10, 100, float("inf")]
 def test_metrics_labels(elasticapm_client):
     metricset = MetricsSet(MetricsRegistry(elasticapm_client))
     metricset.counter("x", mylabel="a").inc()
diff --git a/tests/metrics/ b/tests/metrics/
index 756465e21..67a2912b2 100644
--- a/tests/metrics/
+++ b/tests/metrics/
@@ -104,3 +104,34 @@ def test_summary(elasticapm_client):
     assert data[2]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.summary_with_labels.count"]["value"] == 1.0
     assert data[2]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.summary_with_labels.sum"]["value"] == 11.0
     assert data[2]["tags"] == {"alabel": "bar", "anotherlabel": "bazzinga"}
+def test_histogram(elasticapm_client):
+    metricset = PrometheusMetrics(MetricsRegistry(elasticapm_client))
+    histo = prometheus_client.Histogram("test", "test histogram", buckets=[1, 10, 100, float("inf")])
+    histo_with_labels = prometheus_client.Histogram(
+        "testwithlabel", "test histogram with labels", ["alabel", "anotherlabel"], buckets=[1, 10, 100, float("inf")]
+    )
+    histo.observe(0.5)
+    histo.observe(0.6)
+    histo.observe(1.5)
+    histo.observe(26)
+    histo.observe(42)
+    histo.observe(12)
+    histo.observe(105)
+    histo_with_labels.labels(alabel="foo", anotherlabel="baz").observe(1)
+    histo_with_labels.labels(alabel="foo", anotherlabel="baz").observe(10)
+    histo_with_labels.labels(alabel="foo", anotherlabel="baz").observe(100)
+    histo_with_labels.labels(alabel="foo", anotherlabel="bazzinga").observe(1000)
+    data = list(metricset.collect())
+    assert len(data) == 3
+    assert data[0]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.test"]["values"] == [1, 10, 100, float("inf")]
+    assert data[0]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.test"]["counts"] == [2, 1, 3, 1]
+    assert data[1]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.testwithlabel"]["values"] == [1, 10, 100, float("inf")]
+    assert data[1]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.testwithlabel"]["counts"] == [1, 1, 1, 0]
+    assert data[1]["tags"] == {"alabel": "foo", "anotherlabel": "baz"}
+    assert data[2]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.testwithlabel"]["values"] == [1, 10, 100, float("inf")]
+    assert data[2]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.testwithlabel"]["counts"] == [0, 0, 0, 1]
+    assert data[2]["tags"] == {"alabel": "foo", "anotherlabel": "bazzinga"}

From 7626a9606c4898a63e02a3da6b01ccb96b7e77ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Benjamin Wohlwend <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2021 17:12:11 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/5] trying to debug failure that only happens on CI...

 tests/metrics/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/tests/metrics/ b/tests/metrics/
index 67a2912b2..5f8b9a5c6 100644
--- a/tests/metrics/
+++ b/tests/metrics/
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ def test_histogram(elasticapm_client):
     histo_with_labels.labels(alabel="foo", anotherlabel="baz").observe(100)
     histo_with_labels.labels(alabel="foo", anotherlabel="bazzinga").observe(1000)
     data = list(metricset.collect())
-    assert len(data) == 3
+    assert len(data) == 3, data
     assert data[0]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.test"]["values"] == [1, 10, 100, float("inf")]
     assert data[0]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.test"]["counts"] == [2, 1, 3, 1]

From 99ffc0d6339179809fe49a0ecb126c1f52bfe5b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Benjamin Wohlwend <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2021 13:15:56 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 4/5] adapt prometheus histograms to use centroids instead of
 upper limit buckets

 elasticapm/metrics/    |  4 +---
 elasticapm/metrics/sets/ | 27 ++++++++++++++++++---------
 tests/metrics/     |  6 +++---
 3 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/elasticapm/metrics/ b/elasticapm/metrics/
index eff12f9d3..2847d9a1c 100644
--- a/elasticapm/metrics/
+++ b/elasticapm/metrics/
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ def collect(self):
                 if counter is not noop_metric:
                     val = counter.val
                     if val or not counter.reset_on_collect:
-                        samples[labels].update({name: {"value": val, "type": "counter"}})
+                        samples[labels].update({name: {"value": val}})
                     if counter.reset_on_collect:
         if self._gauges:
@@ -404,8 +404,6 @@ class Histogram(BaseMetric):
     def __init__(self, name=None, reset_on_collect=False, unit=None, buckets=None):
         self._lock = threading.Lock()
         self._buckets = buckets or Histogram.DEFAULT_BUCKETS
-        if self._buckets[-1] < float("inf"):
-            self._buckets.append(float("inf"))
         self._counts = [0] * len(self._buckets)
         self._unit = unit
         super(Histogram, self).__init__(name, reset_on_collect=reset_on_collect)
diff --git a/elasticapm/metrics/sets/ b/elasticapm/metrics/sets/
index 2dffce812..a75abb127 100644
--- a/elasticapm/metrics/sets/
+++ b/elasticapm/metrics/sets/
@@ -87,24 +87,33 @@ def _prom_histogram_handler(self, name, samples, unit):
         # After the le-samples, 3 more samples follow, with an overall
         # count, overall sum, and creation timestamp.
         sample_pos = 0
-        prev_val = 0
-        counts = []
-        values = []
         name = self._registry.client.config.prometheus_metrics_prefix + name
+        hist_samples = []
         while sample_pos < len(samples):
             sample = samples[sample_pos]
             if "le" in sample.labels:
-                values.append(float(sample.labels["le"]))
-                counts.append(sample.value - prev_val)
-                prev_val = sample.value
+                hist_samples.append((float(sample.labels["le"]), sample))
                 sample_pos += 1
                 # we reached the end of one set of buckets/values, this is the "count" sample
-                self.histogram(name, unit=unit, buckets=values, **sample.labels).val = counts
-                prev_val = 0
                 counts = []
                 values = []
+                prev_sample = None
+                prev_le = 0
+                for i, (le, hist_sample) in enumerate(hist_samples):
+                    if i == 0:
+                        val = le if le < 0 else le / 2.0
+                    elif le == float("+Inf"):
+                        val = prev_le
+                    else:
+                        val = prev_le + (le - prev_le) / 2.0
+                    values.append(val)
+                    counts.append(int(hist_sample.value - (prev_sample.value if prev_sample else 0)))
+                    prev_le = le
+                    prev_sample = hist_sample
+                self.histogram(name, unit=unit, buckets=values, **sample.labels).val = counts
+                hist_samples = []
                 sample_pos += 3  # skip sum/created samples
     METRIC_MAP = {
diff --git a/tests/metrics/ b/tests/metrics/
index 5f8b9a5c6..7ac00cbf2 100644
--- a/tests/metrics/
+++ b/tests/metrics/
@@ -125,13 +125,13 @@ def test_histogram(elasticapm_client):
     histo_with_labels.labels(alabel="foo", anotherlabel="bazzinga").observe(1000)
     data = list(metricset.collect())
     assert len(data) == 3, data
-    assert data[0]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.test"]["values"] == [1, 10, 100, float("inf")]
+    assert data[0]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.test"]["values"] == [0.5, 5.5, 55.0, 100.0]
     assert data[0]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.test"]["counts"] == [2, 1, 3, 1]
-    assert data[1]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.testwithlabel"]["values"] == [1, 10, 100, float("inf")]
+    assert data[1]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.testwithlabel"]["values"] == [0.5, 5.5, 55.0, 100.0]
     assert data[1]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.testwithlabel"]["counts"] == [1, 1, 1, 0]
     assert data[1]["tags"] == {"alabel": "foo", "anotherlabel": "baz"}
-    assert data[2]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.testwithlabel"]["values"] == [1, 10, 100, float("inf")]
+    assert data[2]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.testwithlabel"]["values"] == [0.5, 5.5, 55.0, 100.0]
     assert data[2]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.testwithlabel"]["counts"] == [0, 0, 0, 1]
     assert data[2]["tags"] == {"alabel": "foo", "anotherlabel": "bazzinga"}

From ff607b156477dd9c3e0ab4c61d685e79cd3be26a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Benjamin Wohlwend <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2021 11:54:49 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 5/5] move midpoint calculation into base metrics

 elasticapm/metrics/    | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++-
 elasticapm/metrics/sets/ | 27 ++++++++--------------
 tests/metrics/           |  3 +--
 tests/metrics/     | 32 ++++++++++++++++-----------
 4 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diff --git a/elasticapm/metrics/ b/elasticapm/metrics/
index 2847d9a1c..c3320bd8a 100644
--- a/elasticapm/metrics/
+++ b/elasticapm/metrics/
@@ -241,7 +241,30 @@ def collect(self):
                 if histo is not noop_metric:
                     counts = histo.val
                     if counts or not histo.reset_on_collect:
-                        samples[labels].update({name: {"counts": counts, "values": histo.buckets, "type": "histogram"}})
+                        # For the bucket values, we follow the approach described by Prometheus's
+                        # histogram_quantile function
+                        # (
+                        # to achieve consistent percentile aggregation results:
+                        #
+                        # "The histogram_quantile() function interpolates quantile values by assuming a linear
+                        # distribution within a bucket. (...) If a quantile is located in the highest bucket,
+                        # the upper bound of the second highest bucket is returned. A lower limit of the lowest
+                        # bucket is assumed to be 0 if the upper bound of that bucket is greater than 0. In that
+                        # case, the usual linear interpolation is applied within that bucket. Otherwise, the upper
+                        # bound of the lowest bucket is returned for quantiles located in the lowest bucket."
+                        bucket_midpoints = []
+                        for i, bucket_le in enumerate(histo.buckets):
+                            if i == 0:
+                                if bucket_le > 0:
+                                    bucket_le /= 2.0
+                            elif i == len(histo.buckets) - 1:
+                                bucket_le = histo.buckets[i - 1]
+                            else:
+                                bucket_le = histo.buckets[i - 1] + (bucket_le - histo.buckets[i - 1]) / 2.0
+                            bucket_midpoints.append(bucket_le)
+                        samples[labels].update(
+                            {name: {"counts": counts, "values": bucket_midpoints, "type": "histogram"}}
+                        )
                     if histo.reset_on_collect:
@@ -404,6 +427,8 @@ class Histogram(BaseMetric):
     def __init__(self, name=None, reset_on_collect=False, unit=None, buckets=None):
         self._lock = threading.Lock()
         self._buckets = buckets or Histogram.DEFAULT_BUCKETS
+        if self._buckets[-1] != float("inf"):
+            self._buckets.append(float("inf"))
         self._counts = [0] * len(self._buckets)
         self._unit = unit
         super(Histogram, self).__init__(name, reset_on_collect=reset_on_collect)
diff --git a/elasticapm/metrics/sets/ b/elasticapm/metrics/sets/
index a75abb127..2dffce812 100644
--- a/elasticapm/metrics/sets/
+++ b/elasticapm/metrics/sets/
@@ -87,33 +87,24 @@ def _prom_histogram_handler(self, name, samples, unit):
         # After the le-samples, 3 more samples follow, with an overall
         # count, overall sum, and creation timestamp.
         sample_pos = 0
+        prev_val = 0
+        counts = []
+        values = []
         name = self._registry.client.config.prometheus_metrics_prefix + name
-        hist_samples = []
         while sample_pos < len(samples):
             sample = samples[sample_pos]
             if "le" in sample.labels:
-                hist_samples.append((float(sample.labels["le"]), sample))
+                values.append(float(sample.labels["le"]))
+                counts.append(sample.value - prev_val)
+                prev_val = sample.value
                 sample_pos += 1
                 # we reached the end of one set of buckets/values, this is the "count" sample
+                self.histogram(name, unit=unit, buckets=values, **sample.labels).val = counts
+                prev_val = 0
                 counts = []
                 values = []
-                prev_sample = None
-                prev_le = 0
-                for i, (le, hist_sample) in enumerate(hist_samples):
-                    if i == 0:
-                        val = le if le < 0 else le / 2.0
-                    elif le == float("+Inf"):
-                        val = prev_le
-                    else:
-                        val = prev_le + (le - prev_le) / 2.0
-                    values.append(val)
-                    counts.append(int(hist_sample.value - (prev_sample.value if prev_sample else 0)))
-                    prev_le = le
-                    prev_sample = hist_sample
-                self.histogram(name, unit=unit, buckets=values, **sample.labels).val = counts
-                hist_samples = []
                 sample_pos += 3  # skip sum/created samples
     METRIC_MAP = {
diff --git a/tests/metrics/ b/tests/metrics/
index 00ee3d19a..36c925bec 100644
--- a/tests/metrics/
+++ b/tests/metrics/
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ def test_metrics_histogram(elasticapm_client):
     metricset = MetricsSet(MetricsRegistry(elasticapm_client))
     hist = metricset.histogram("x", buckets=[1, 10, 100])
     assert len(hist.buckets) == 4
-    assert hist.buckets[3] == float("inf")
@@ -103,7 +102,7 @@ def test_metrics_histogram(elasticapm_client):
     assert len(data) == 1
     d = data[0]
     assert d["samples"]["x"]["counts"] == [2, 1, 2, 1]
-    assert d["samples"]["x"]["values"] == [1, 10, 100, float("inf")]
+    assert d["samples"]["x"]["values"] == [0.5, 5.5, 55.0, 100]
 def test_metrics_labels(elasticapm_client):
diff --git a/tests/metrics/ b/tests/metrics/
index 7ac00cbf2..0308c2cf9 100644
--- a/tests/metrics/
+++ b/tests/metrics/
@@ -45,7 +45,14 @@
-def test_counter(elasticapm_client):
+def prometheus():
+    # reset registry
+    prometheus_client.REGISTRY._collector_to_names = {}
+    prometheus_client.REGISTRY._names_to_collectors = {}
+def test_counter(elasticapm_client, prometheus):
     metricset = PrometheusMetrics(MetricsRegistry(elasticapm_client))
     counter = prometheus_client.Counter("a_bare_counter", "Bare counter")
     counter_with_labels = prometheus_client.Counter(
@@ -64,7 +71,7 @@ def test_counter(elasticapm_client):
     assert data[2]["tags"] == {"alabel": "bar", "anotherlabel": "bazzinga"}
-def test_gauge(elasticapm_client):
+def test_gauge(elasticapm_client, prometheus):
     metricset = PrometheusMetrics(MetricsRegistry(elasticapm_client))
     gauge = prometheus_client.Gauge("a_bare_gauge", "Bare gauge")
     gauge_with_labels = prometheus_client.Gauge("gauge_with_labels", "Gauge with labels", ["alabel", "anotherlabel"])
@@ -81,7 +88,7 @@ def test_gauge(elasticapm_client):
     assert data[2]["tags"] == {"alabel": "bar", "anotherlabel": "bazzinga"}
-def test_summary(elasticapm_client):
+def test_summary(elasticapm_client, prometheus):
     metricset = PrometheusMetrics(MetricsRegistry(elasticapm_client))
     summary = prometheus_client.Summary("a_bare_summary", "Bare summary")
     summary_with_labels = prometheus_client.Summary(
@@ -106,11 +113,11 @@ def test_summary(elasticapm_client):
     assert data[2]["tags"] == {"alabel": "bar", "anotherlabel": "bazzinga"}
-def test_histogram(elasticapm_client):
+def test_histogram(elasticapm_client, prometheus):
     metricset = PrometheusMetrics(MetricsRegistry(elasticapm_client))
-    histo = prometheus_client.Histogram("test", "test histogram", buckets=[1, 10, 100, float("inf")])
+    histo = prometheus_client.Histogram("histo", "test histogram", buckets=[1, 10, 100, float("inf")])
     histo_with_labels = prometheus_client.Histogram(
-        "testwithlabel", "test histogram with labels", ["alabel", "anotherlabel"], buckets=[1, 10, 100, float("inf")]
+        "histowithlabel", "test histogram with labels", ["alabel", "anotherlabel"], buckets=[1, 10, 100, float("inf")]
@@ -124,14 +131,13 @@ def test_histogram(elasticapm_client):
     histo_with_labels.labels(alabel="foo", anotherlabel="baz").observe(100)
     histo_with_labels.labels(alabel="foo", anotherlabel="bazzinga").observe(1000)
     data = list(metricset.collect())
-    assert len(data) == 3, data
-    assert data[0]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.test"]["values"] == [0.5, 5.5, 55.0, 100.0]
-    assert data[0]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.test"]["counts"] == [2, 1, 3, 1]
+    assert data[0]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.histo"]["values"] == [0.5, 5.5, 55.0, 100.0]
+    assert data[0]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.histo"]["counts"] == [2, 1, 3, 1]
-    assert data[1]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.testwithlabel"]["values"] == [0.5, 5.5, 55.0, 100.0]
-    assert data[1]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.testwithlabel"]["counts"] == [1, 1, 1, 0]
+    assert data[1]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.histowithlabel"]["values"] == [0.5, 5.5, 55.0, 100.0]
+    assert data[1]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.histowithlabel"]["counts"] == [1, 1, 1, 0]
     assert data[1]["tags"] == {"alabel": "foo", "anotherlabel": "baz"}
-    assert data[2]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.testwithlabel"]["values"] == [0.5, 5.5, 55.0, 100.0]
-    assert data[2]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.testwithlabel"]["counts"] == [0, 0, 0, 1]
+    assert data[2]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.histowithlabel"]["values"] == [0.5, 5.5, 55.0, 100.0]
+    assert data[2]["samples"]["prometheus.metrics.histowithlabel"]["counts"] == [0, 0, 0, 1]
     assert data[2]["tags"] == {"alabel": "foo", "anotherlabel": "bazzinga"}