I have simply added 'swing' functionality to the sequencer demo provided. Also now works as a universal app instead of just iPad. The rest of the README is the same as provided in the original sequencer demo. Original available at: https://github.com/arielelkin/Sequencer/
Example use of the sequencer plugin for The Amazing Audio Engine.
Clone this repository, add pod 'TheAmazingAudioEngine'
to your pod file or manually add The Amazing Audio Engine.
In this example we will play a sound every quarter note:
//Add an audio file to your Xcode project and get its `NSURL` :
NSURL *woodblockSoundURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"woodblock" withExtension:@"caf"];
//Next, specify when the sound should play in relation to the whole sequence,
//by adding instances of AESequencerBeat to your AESequencerChannelSequence.
//The onset property of an AESequencerBeat should be between 0 and 1.
AESequencerChannelSequence *woodblockSoundSequence = [AESequencerChannelSequence new];
[woodblockSoundSequence addBeat:[AESequencerBeat beatWithOnset:0]];
[woodblockSoundSequence addBeat:[AESequencerBeat beatWithOnset:0.25]];
[woodblockSoundSequence addBeat:[AESequencerBeat beatWithOnset:0.50]];
[woodblockSoundSequence addBeat:[AESequencerBeat beatWithOnset:0.75]];
//Then, create a AESequencerChannel that will play the sequence:
woodBlockSoundChannel = [AESequencerChannel sequencerChannelWithAudioFileAt:woodblockSoundURL
//Add the channel to the `AEAudioController`:
[audioController addChannels:@[woodBlockSoundChannel]];
//Tell it to start playing:
woodBlockSoundChannel.sequenceIsPlaying = true;
Happy sequencing!