Python library and GUI for efficient processing and visualization of time series.
The python library provides tools for:
- Import and export from/to various pre-defined time series file formats
- Signal processing
- Inferring statistical distributions
- Cycle counting using the Rainflow algorithm
It was originally created to handle time series files exported from SIMO and RIFLEX. Now it also handles SIMA hdf5 (.h5) files, Matlab (version < 7.3) .mat files, CSV files and more.
QATS also features a GUI which offers efficient and low threshold processing and visualization of time series. It is perfect for inspecting, comparing and reporting:
- time series
- power spectral density distributions
- peak and extreme distributions
- cycle distributions
Run the below command in a Python environment to install the latest QATS release:
pip install qats
To upgrade from a previous version, the command is:
pip install --upgrade qats
You may now import qats in your own scripts:
from qats import TsDB, TimeSeries
... or use the GUI to inspect time series. Note that as of version 4.2.0 you are quite free to choose which Qt binding you would like to use for the GUI: PyQt5 or Pyside2, or even PyQt4 / Pyside.
Install the chosen binding (here PyQt5 as an example):
pip install pyqt5
... and launch the GUI:
qats app
To create a start menu link, which you can even pin to the taskbar to ease access to the QATS GUI, run the following command:
qats config --link-app
Take a look at the resources listed below to learn more.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Install Python version 3.6 or later from either or
At the desired location, run:
git clone
To get the development environment running:
... create an isolated Python environment and activate it,
python -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
... install the dev dependencies in requirements.txt,
pip install -r requirements.txt
.. and install the package in development mode.
python develop
You should now be able to import the package in the Python console,
import qats
... and use the command line interface (CLI).
qats -h
The automated tests are run using Tox.
The test automation is configured in the file tox.ini
Build tarball and wheel distributions by:
python sdist bdist_wheel
The distribution file names adhere to the PEP 0427
convention {distribution}-{version}(-{build tag})?-{python tag}-{abi tag}-{platform tag}.whl
The html documentation is build using Sphinx
sphinx-build -b html docs\source docs\_build
Packaging, unit testing and deployment to PyPi is automated using Travis-CI.
We apply the "major.minor.micro" versioning scheme defined in PEP 440.
We cut a new version by applying a Git tag like 3.0.1
at the desired commit and then
setuptools_scm takes care of the rest. For the versions
available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.